# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron <lead2gold@gmail.com> # All rights reserved. # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import six import io import mock from apprise import NotifyFormat from apprise.Apprise import Apprise from apprise.AppriseConfig import AppriseConfig from apprise.AppriseAsset import AppriseAsset from apprise.config.ConfigBase import ConfigBase from apprise.plugins.NotifyBase import NotifyBase from apprise.config import SCHEMA_MAP as CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP from apprise.plugins import SCHEMA_MAP as NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP from apprise.config import __load_matrix from apprise.config.ConfigFile import ConfigFile # Disable logging for a cleaner testing output import logging logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) def test_apprise_config(tmpdir): """ API: AppriseConfig basic testing """ # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig() # There are no servers loaded assert len(ac) == 0 # Object can be directly checked as a boolean; response is False # when there are no entries loaded assert not ac # lets try anyway assert len(ac.servers()) == 0 t = tmpdir.mkdir("simple-formatting").join("apprise") t.write(""" # A comment line over top of a URL mailto://usera:pass@gmail.com # A line with mulitiple tag assignments to it taga,tagb=gnome:// # Event if there is accidental leading spaces, this configuation # is accepting of htat and will not exclude them tagc=kde:// # A very poorly structured url sns://:@/ # Just 1 token provided causes exception sns://T1JJ3T3L2/ """) # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t)) # One configuration file should have been found assert len(ac) == 1 # Object can be directly checked as a boolean; response is True # when there is at least one entry assert ac # We should be able to read our 3 servers from that assert len(ac.servers()) == 3 # Get our URL back assert isinstance(ac[0].url(), six.string_types) # Test cases where our URL is invalid t = tmpdir.mkdir("strange-lines").join("apprise") t.write(""" # basicly this consists of defined tags and no url tag= """) # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset()) # One configuration file should have been found assert len(ac) == 1 # No urls were set assert len(ac.servers()) == 0 # Create a ConfigBase object cb = ConfigBase() # Test adding of all entries assert ac.add(configs=cb, asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='test') is True # Test adding of all entries assert ac.add( configs=['file://?', ], asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='test') is False # Test the adding of garbage assert ac.add(configs=object()) is False # Try again but enforce our format ac = AppriseConfig(paths='file://{}?format=text'.format(str(t))) # One configuration file should have been found assert len(ac) == 1 # No urls were set assert len(ac.servers()) == 0 # # Test Internatialization and the handling of unicode characters # istr = """ # Iñtërnâtiônàlization Testing windows://""" if six.PY2: # decode string into unicode istr = istr.decode('utf-8') # Write our content to our file t = tmpdir.mkdir("internationalization").join("apprise") with io.open(str(t), 'wb') as f: f.write(istr.encode('latin-1')) # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t)) # One configuration file should have been found assert len(ac) == 1 # This will fail because our default encoding is utf-8; however the file # we opened was not; it was latin-1 and could not be parsed. assert len(ac.servers()) == 0 # Test iterator count = 0 for entry in ac: count += 1 assert len(ac) == count # We can fix this though; set our encoding to latin-1 ac = AppriseConfig(paths='file://{}?encoding=latin-1'.format(str(t))) # One configuration file should have been found assert len(ac) == 1 # Our URL should be found assert len(ac.servers()) == 1 # Get our URL back assert isinstance(ac[0].url(), six.string_types) # pop an entry from our list assert isinstance(ac.pop(0), ConfigBase) is True # Determine we have no more configuration entries loaded assert len(ac) == 0 # # Test buffer handling (and overflow) t = tmpdir.mkdir("buffer-handling").join("apprise") buf = "gnome://" t.write(buf) # Reset our config object ac.clear() # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t)) # update our length to be the size of our actual file ac[0].max_buffer_size = len(buf) # One configuration file should have been found assert len(ac) == 1 assert len(ac.servers()) == 1 # update our buffer size to be slightly smaller then what we allow ac[0].max_buffer_size = len(buf) - 1 # Content is automatically cached; so even though we adjusted the buffer # above, our results have been cached so we get a 1 response. assert len(ac.servers()) == 1 # Now do the same check but force a flushed cache assert len(ac.servers(cache=False)) == 0 def test_apprise_multi_config_entries(tmpdir): """ API: AppriseConfig basic multi-adding functionality """ # temporary file to work with t = tmpdir.mkdir("apprise-multi-add").join("apprise") buf = """ good://hostname """ t.write(buf) # temporary empty file to work with te = tmpdir.join("apprise-multi-add", "apprise-empty") te.write("") # Define our good:// url class GoodNotification(NotifyBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GoodNotification, self).__init__( notify_format=NotifyFormat.HTML, **kwargs) def notify(self, **kwargs): # Pretend everything is okay return True def url(self): # support url() return '' # Store our good notification in our schema map NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['good'] = GoodNotification # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig() # There are no servers loaded assert len(ac) == 0 # Support adding of muilt strings and objects: assert ac.add(configs=(str(t), str(t))) is True assert ac.add(configs=( ConfigFile(path=str(te)), ConfigFile(path=str(t)))) is True # don't support the adding of invalid content assert ac.add(configs=(object(), object())) is False assert ac.add(configs=object()) is False # Try to pop an element out of range try: ac.server_pop(len(ac.servers())) # We should have thrown an exception here assert False except IndexError: # We expect to be here assert True # Pop our elements while len(ac.servers()) > 0: assert isinstance( ac.server_pop(len(ac.servers()) - 1), NotifyBase) is True def test_apprise_config_tagging(tmpdir): """ API: AppriseConfig tagging """ # temporary file to work with t = tmpdir.mkdir("tagging").join("apprise") buf = "gnome://" t.write(buf) # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig() # Add an item associated with tag a assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='a') is True # Add an item associated with tag b assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='b') is True # Add an item associated with tag a or b assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='a,b') is True # Now filter: a: assert len(ac.servers(tag='a')) == 2 # Now filter: a or b: assert len(ac.servers(tag='a,b')) == 3 # Now filter: a and b assert len(ac.servers(tag=[('a', 'b')])) == 1 # all matches everything assert len(ac.servers(tag='all')) == 3 def test_apprise_instantiate(): """ API: AppriseConfig.instantiate() """ assert AppriseConfig.instantiate( 'file://?', suppress_exceptions=True) is None assert AppriseConfig.instantiate( 'invalid://?', suppress_exceptions=True) is None class BadConfig(ConfigBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(BadConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs) # We fail whenever we're initialized raise TypeError() # Store our bad configuration in our schema map CONFIG_SCHEMA_MAP['bad'] = BadConfig try: AppriseConfig.instantiate( 'bad://path', suppress_exceptions=False) # We should never make it to this line assert False except TypeError: # Exception caught as expected assert True # Same call but exceptions suppressed assert AppriseConfig.instantiate( 'bad://path', suppress_exceptions=True) is None def test_apprise_config_with_apprise_obj(tmpdir): """ API: ConfigBase.parse_inaccessible_text_file """ # temporary file to work with t = tmpdir.mkdir("apprise-obj").join("apprise") buf = """ good://hostname localhost=good://localhost """ t.write(buf) # Define our good:// url class GoodNotification(NotifyBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(GoodNotification, self).__init__( notify_format=NotifyFormat.HTML, **kwargs) def notify(self, **kwargs): # Pretend everything is okay return True def url(self): # support url() return '' # Store our good notification in our schema map NOTIFY_SCHEMA_MAP['good'] = GoodNotification # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig(cache=False) # Nothing loaded yet assert len(ac) == 0 # Add an item associated with tag a assert ac.add(configs=str(t), asset=AppriseAsset(), tag='a') is True # One configuration file assert len(ac) == 1 # 2 services found in it assert len(ac.servers()) == 2 # Pop one of them (at index 0) ac.server_pop(0) # Verify that it no longer listed assert len(ac.servers()) == 1 # Test our ability to add Config objects to our apprise object a = Apprise() # Add our configuration object assert a.add(servers=ac) is True # Detect our 1 entry (originally there were 2 but we deleted one) assert len(a) == 1 # Notify our service assert a.notify(body='apprise configuration power!') is True # Add our configuration object assert a.add( servers=[AppriseConfig(str(t)), AppriseConfig(str(t))]) is True # Detect our 5 loaded entries now; 1 from first config, and another # 2x2 based on adding our list above assert len(a) == 5 # We can't add garbage assert a.add(servers=object()) is False assert a.add(servers=[object(), object()]) is False # Our length is unchanged assert len(a) == 5 # reference index 0 of our list ref = a[0] assert isinstance(ref, NotifyBase) is True # Our length is unchanged assert len(a) == 5 # pop the index ref_popped = a.pop(0) # Verify our response assert isinstance(ref_popped, NotifyBase) is True # Our length drops by 1 assert len(a) == 4 # Content popped is the same as one referenced by index # earlier assert ref == ref_popped # pop an index out of range try: a.pop(len(a)) # We'll thrown an IndexError and not make it this far assert False except IndexError: # As expected assert True # Our length remains unchanged assert len(a) == 4 # Reference content out of range try: a[len(a)] # We'll thrown an IndexError and not make it this far assert False except IndexError: # As expected assert True # reference index at the end of our list ref = a[len(a) - 1] # Verify our response assert isinstance(ref, NotifyBase) is True # Our length stays the same assert len(a) == 4 # We can pop from the back of the list without a problem too ref_popped = a.pop(len(a) - 1) # Verify our response assert isinstance(ref_popped, NotifyBase) is True # Content popped is the same as one referenced by index # earlier assert ref == ref_popped # Our length drops by 1 assert len(a) == 3 # Now we'll test adding another element to the list so that it mixes up # our response object. # Below we add 3 different types, a ConfigBase, NotifyBase, and URL assert a.add( servers=[ ConfigFile(path=(str(t))), 'good://another.host', GoodNotification(**{'host': 'nuxref.com'})]) is True # Our length increases by 4 (2 entries in the config file, + 2 others) assert len(a) == 7 # reference index at the end of our list ref = a[len(a) - 1] # Verify our response assert isinstance(ref, NotifyBase) is True # We can pop from the back of the list without a problem too ref_popped = a.pop(len(a) - 1) # Verify our response assert isinstance(ref_popped, NotifyBase) is True # Content popped is the same as one referenced by index # earlier assert ref == ref_popped # Our length drops by 1 assert len(a) == 6 # pop our list while len(a) > 0: assert isinstance(a.pop(len(a) - 1), NotifyBase) is True def test_apprise_config_matrix_load(): """ API: AppriseConfig() matrix initialization """ import apprise class ConfigDummy(ConfigBase): """ A dummy wrapper for testing the different options in the load_matrix function """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'dummy' # protocol as tuple protocol = ('uh', 'oh') # secure protocol as tuple secure_protocol = ('no', 'yes') class ConfigDummy2(ConfigBase): """ A dummy wrapper for testing the different options in the load_matrix function """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'dummy2' # secure protocol as tuple secure_protocol = ('true', 'false') class ConfigDummy3(ConfigBase): """ A dummy wrapper for testing the different options in the load_matrix function """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'dummy3' # secure protocol as string secure_protocol = 'true' class ConfigDummy4(ConfigBase): """ A dummy wrapper for testing the different options in the load_matrix function """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'dummy4' # protocol as string protocol = 'true' # Generate ourselfs a fake entry apprise.config.ConfigDummy = ConfigDummy apprise.config.ConfigDummy2 = ConfigDummy2 apprise.config.ConfigDummy3 = ConfigDummy3 apprise.config.ConfigDummy4 = ConfigDummy4 __load_matrix() # Call it again so we detect our entries already loaded __load_matrix() @mock.patch('os.path.getsize') def test_config_base_parse_inaccessible_text_file(mock_getsize, tmpdir): """ API: ConfigBase.parse_inaccessible_text_file """ # temporary file to work with t = tmpdir.mkdir("inaccessible").join("apprise") buf = "gnome://" t.write(buf) # Set getsize return value mock_getsize.return_value = None mock_getsize.side_effect = OSError # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t)) # The following internally throws an exception but still counts # as a loaded configuration file assert len(ac) == 1 # Thus no notifications are loaded assert len(ac.servers()) == 0 def test_config_base_parse_yaml_file01(tmpdir): """ API: ConfigBase.parse_yaml_file (#1) """ t = tmpdir.mkdir("empty-file").join("apprise.yml") t.write("") # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t)) # The number of configuration files that exist assert len(ac) == 1 # no notifications are loaded assert len(ac.servers()) == 0 def test_config_base_parse_yaml_file02(tmpdir): """ API: ConfigBase.parse_yaml_file (#2) """ t = tmpdir.mkdir("matching-tags").join("apprise.yml") t.write("""urls: - pover://nsisxnvnqixq39t0cw54pxieyvtdd9@2jevtmstfg5a7hfxndiybasttxxfku: - tag: test1 - pover://rg8ta87qngcrkc6t4qbykxktou0uug@tqs3i88xlufexwl8t4asglt4zp5wfn: - tag: test2 - pover://jcqgnlyq2oetea4qg3iunahj8d5ijm@evalvutkhc8ipmz2lcgc70wtsm0qpb: - tag: test3""") # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t)) # The number of configuration files that exist assert len(ac) == 1 # no notifications are loaded assert len(ac.servers()) == 3 # Test our ability to add Config objects to our apprise object a = Apprise() # Add our configuration object assert a.add(servers=ac) is True # Detect our 3 entry as they should have loaded successfully assert len(a) == 3 # No match assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('no-match')) == 0 # Match everything assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('all')) == 3 # Match test1 entry assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('test1')) == 1 # Match test2 entry assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('test2')) == 1 # Match test3 entry assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('test3')) == 1 # Match test1 or test3 entry assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('test1, test3')) == 2 def test_config_base_parse_yaml_file03(tmpdir): """ API: ConfigBase.parse_yaml_file (#3) """ t = tmpdir.mkdir("bad-first-entry").join("apprise.yml") # The first entry is -tag and not <dash><space>tag # The element is therefore not picked up; This causes us to display # some warning messages to the screen complaining of this typo yet # still allowing us to load the URL since it is valid t.write("""urls: - pover://nsisxnvnqixq39t0cw54pxieyvtdd9@2jevtmstfg5a7hfxndiybasttxxfku: -tag: test1 - pover://rg8ta87qngcrkc6t4qbykxktou0uug@tqs3i88xlufexwl8t4asglt4zp5wfn: - tag: test2 - pover://jcqgnlyq2oetea4qg3iunahj8d5ijm@evalvutkhc8ipmz2lcgc70wtsm0qpb: - tag: test3""") # Create ourselves a config object ac = AppriseConfig(paths=str(t)) # The number of configuration files that exist assert len(ac) == 1 # no notifications lines processed is 3 assert len(ac.servers()) == 3 # Test our ability to add Config objects to our apprise object a = Apprise() # Add our configuration object assert a.add(servers=ac) is True # Detect our 3 entry as they should have loaded successfully assert len(a) == 3 # No match assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('no-match')) == 0 # Match everything assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('all')) == 3 # No match for bad entry assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('test1')) == 0 # Match test2 entry assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('test2')) == 1 # Match test3 entry assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('test3')) == 1 # Match test1 or test3 entry; (only matches test3) assert sum(1 for _ in a.find('test1, test3')) == 1