# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron <lead2gold@gmail.com> # All rights reserved. # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import sys import pytest from os.path import getsize from os.path import join from os.path import dirname from apprise.AppriseAttachment import AppriseAttachment from apprise.AppriseAsset import AppriseAsset from apprise.attachment.AttachBase import AttachBase from apprise.attachment import SCHEMA_MAP as ATTACH_SCHEMA_MAP from apprise.attachment import __load_matrix from apprise.common import ContentLocation # Disable logging for a cleaner testing output import logging logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) TEST_VAR_DIR = join(dirname(__file__), 'var') def test_apprise_attachment(): """ API: AppriseAttachment basic testing """ # Create ourselves an attachment object aa = AppriseAttachment() # There are no attachents loaded assert len(aa) == 0 # Object can be directly checked as a boolean; response is False # when there are no entries loaded assert not aa # An attachment object using a custom Apprise Asset object # Set a cache expiry of 5 minutes (300 seconds) aa = AppriseAttachment(asset=AppriseAsset(), cache=300) # still no attachments added assert len(aa) == 0 # Add a file by it's path path = join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'apprise-test.gif') assert aa.add(path) # There is now 1 attachment assert len(aa) == 1 # our attachment took on our cache value assert aa[0].cache == 300 # we can test the object as a boolean and get a value of True now assert aa # Add another entry already in it's AttachBase format response = AppriseAttachment.instantiate(path, cache=True) assert isinstance(response, AttachBase) assert aa.add(response, asset=AppriseAsset()) # There is now 2 attachments assert len(aa) == 2 # Cache is initialized to True assert aa[1].cache is True # Reset our object aa = AppriseAttachment() # We can add by lists as well in a variety of formats attachments = ( path, 'file://{}?name=newfilename.gif?cache=120'.format(path), AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'file://{}?name=anotherfilename.gif'.format(path), cache=100), ) # Add them assert aa.add(attachments, cache=False) # There is now 3 attachments assert len(aa) == 3 # Take on our fixed cache value of False. # The last entry will have our set value of 100 assert aa[0].cache is False # Even though we set a value of 120, we take on the value of False because # it was forced on the instantiate call assert aa[1].cache is False assert aa[2].cache == 100 # We can pop the last element off of the list as well attachment = aa.pop() assert isinstance(attachment, AttachBase) # we can test of the attachment is valid using a boolean check: assert attachment assert len(aa) == 2 assert attachment.path == path assert attachment.name == 'anotherfilename.gif' assert attachment.mimetype == 'image/gif' # elements can also be directly indexed assert isinstance(aa[0], AttachBase) assert isinstance(aa[1], AttachBase) with pytest.raises(IndexError): aa[2] # We can iterate over attachments too: for count, a in enumerate(aa): assert isinstance(a, AttachBase) # we'll never iterate more then the number of entries in our object assert count < len(aa) # Get the file-size of our image expected_size = getsize(path) * len(aa) # verify that's what we get as a result assert aa.size() == expected_size # Attachments can also be loaded during the instantiation of the # AppriseAttachment object aa = AppriseAttachment(attachments) # There is now 3 attachments assert len(aa) == 3 # Reset our object aa.clear() assert len(aa) == 0 assert not aa assert aa.add(AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'file://{}?name=andanother.png&cache=Yes'.format(path))) assert aa.add(AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'file://{}?name=andanother.png&cache=No'.format(path))) AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'file://{}?name=andanother.png&cache=600'.format(path)) assert aa.add(AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'file://{}?name=andanother.png&cache=600'.format(path))) assert len(aa) == 3 assert aa[0].cache is True assert aa[1].cache is False assert aa[2].cache == 600 # Negative cache are not allowed assert not aa.add(AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'file://{}?name=andanother.png&cache=-600'.format(path))) # Invalid cache value assert not aa.add(AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'file://{}?name=andanother.png'.format(path), cache='invalid')) # No length change assert len(aa) == 3 # Reset our object aa.clear() # Garbage in produces garbage out assert aa.add(None) is False assert aa.add(object()) is False assert aa.add(42) is False # length remains unchanged assert len(aa) == 0 # We can add by lists as well in a variety of formats attachments = ( None, object(), 42, 'garbage://', ) # Add our attachments assert aa.add(attachments) is False # length remains unchanged assert len(aa) == 0 # if instantiating attachments from the class, it will throw a TypeError # if attachments couldn't be loaded with pytest.raises(TypeError): AppriseAttachment('garbage://') # Load our other attachment types aa = AppriseAttachment(location=ContentLocation.LOCAL) # Hosted type won't allow us to import files aa = AppriseAttachment(location=ContentLocation.HOSTED) assert len(aa) == 0 # Add our attachments defined a the head of this function aa.add(attachments) # Our length is still zero because we can't import files in # a hosted environment assert len(aa) == 0 # Inaccessible type prevents the adding of new stuff aa = AppriseAttachment(location=ContentLocation.INACCESSIBLE) assert len(aa) == 0 # Add our attachments defined a the head of this function aa.add(attachments) # Our length is still zero assert len(aa) == 0 with pytest.raises(TypeError): # Invalid location specified AppriseAttachment(location="invalid") # test cases when file simply doesn't exist aa = AppriseAttachment('file://non-existant-file.png') # Our length is still 1 assert len(aa) == 1 # Our object will still return a True assert aa # However our indexed entry will not assert not aa[0] # length will return 0 assert len(aa[0]) == 0 # Total length will also return 0 assert aa.size() == 0 def test_apprise_attachment_instantiate(): """ API: AppriseAttachment.instantiate() """ assert AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'file://?', suppress_exceptions=True) is None assert AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'invalid://?', suppress_exceptions=True) is None class BadAttachType(AttachBase): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(BadAttachType, self).__init__(**kwargs) # We fail whenever we're initialized raise TypeError() # Store our bad attachment type in our schema map ATTACH_SCHEMA_MAP['bad'] = BadAttachType with pytest.raises(TypeError): AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'bad://path', suppress_exceptions=False) # Same call but exceptions suppressed assert AppriseAttachment.instantiate( 'bad://path', suppress_exceptions=True) is None def test_apprise_attachment_matrix_load(): """ API: AppriseAttachment() matrix initialization """ import apprise class AttachmentDummy(AttachBase): """ A dummy wrapper for testing the different options in the load_matrix function """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'dummy' # protocol as tuple protocol = ('uh', 'oh') # secure protocol as tuple secure_protocol = ('no', 'yes') class AttachmentDummy2(AttachBase): """ A dummy wrapper for testing the different options in the load_matrix function """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'dummy2' # secure protocol as tuple secure_protocol = ('true', 'false') class AttachmentDummy3(AttachBase): """ A dummy wrapper for testing the different options in the load_matrix function """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'dummy3' # secure protocol as string secure_protocol = 'true' class AttachmentDummy4(AttachBase): """ A dummy wrapper for testing the different options in the load_matrix function """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'dummy4' # protocol as string protocol = 'true' # Generate ourselves a fake entry apprise.attachment.AttachmentDummy = AttachmentDummy apprise.attachment.AttachmentDummy2 = AttachmentDummy2 apprise.attachment.AttachmentDummy3 = AttachmentDummy3 apprise.attachment.AttachmentDummy4 = AttachmentDummy4 __load_matrix() # Call it again so we detect our entries already loaded __load_matrix() def test_attachment_matrix_dynamic_importing(tmpdir): """ API: Apprise() Attachment Matrix Importing """ # Make our new path valid suite = tmpdir.mkdir("apprise_attach_test_suite") suite.join("__init__.py").write('') module_name = 'badattach' # Update our path to point to our new test suite sys.path.insert(0, str(suite)) # Create a base area to work within base = suite.mkdir(module_name) base.join("__init__.py").write('') # Test no app_id base.join('AttachBadFile1.py').write( """ class AttachBadFile1(object): pass""") # No class of the same name base.join('AttachBadFile2.py').write( """ class BadClassName(object): pass""") # Exception thrown base.join('AttachBadFile3.py').write("""raise ImportError()""") # Utilizes a schema:// already occupied (as string) base.join('AttachGoober.py').write( """ from apprise import AttachBase class AttachGoober(AttachBase): # This class tests the fact we have a new class name, but we're # trying to over-ride items previously used # The default simple (insecure) protocol protocol = 'http' # The default secure protocol secure_protocol = 'https'""") # Utilizes a schema:// already occupied (as tuple) base.join('AttachBugger.py').write(""" from apprise import AttachBase class AttachBugger(AttachBase): # This class tests the fact we have a new class name, but we're # trying to over-ride items previously used # The default simple (insecure) protocol protocol = ('http', 'bugger-test' ) # The default secure protocol secure_protocol = ('https', 'bugger-tests')""") __load_matrix(path=str(base), name=module_name)