# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # BSD 2-Clause License # # Apprise - Push Notification Library. # Copyright (c) 2024, Chris Caron # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Great Resources: # - Dev/Legacy API: # https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref # - Legacy API (v1) -> OAuth # - https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/migrate-v1 import os import sys from unittest import mock import pytest import requests import json from apprise import Apprise from apprise.plugins.fcm import NotifyFCM from helpers import AppriseURLTester try: from apprise.plugins.fcm.oauth import GoogleOAuth from apprise.plugins.fcm.common import FCM_MODES from apprise.plugins.fcm.priority import ( FCMPriorityManager, FCM_PRIORITIES) from apprise.plugins.fcm.color import FCMColorManager from cryptography.exceptions import UnsupportedAlgorithm except ImportError: # No problem; there is no cryptography support pass # Disable logging for a cleaner testing output import logging logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) # Test files for KeyFile Directory PRIVATE_KEYFILE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'var', 'fcm') FCM_KEYFILE = os.path.join(PRIVATE_KEYFILE_DIR, 'service_account.json') # Our Testing URLs apprise_url_tests = ( ('fcm://', { # We failed to identify any valid authentication 'instance': TypeError, }), ('fcm://:@/', { # We failed to identify any valid authentication 'instance': TypeError, }), ('fcm://project@%20%20/', { # invalid apikey 'instance': TypeError, }), ('fcm://apikey/', { # no project id specified so we operate in legacy mode 'instance': NotifyFCM, # but there are no targets specified so we return False 'notify_response': False, }), ('fcm://apikey/device', { # Valid device 'instance': NotifyFCM, 'privacy_url': 'fcm://a...y/device', }), ('fcm://apikey/#topic', { # Valid topic 'instance': NotifyFCM, 'privacy_url': 'fcm://a...y/%23topic', }), ('fcm://apikey/device?mode=invalid', { # Valid device, invalid mode 'instance': TypeError, }), ('fcm://apikey/#topic1/device/%20/', { # Valid topic, valid device, and invalid entry 'instance': NotifyFCM, }), ('fcm://apikey?to=#topic1,device', { # Test to= 'instance': NotifyFCM, }), ('fcm://?apikey=abc123&to=device', { # Test apikey= to= 'instance': NotifyFCM, }), ('fcm://?apikey=abc123&to=device&image=yes', { # Test image boolean 'instance': NotifyFCM, }), ('fcm://?apikey=abc123&to=device&color=no', { # Disable colors 'instance': NotifyFCM, }), ('fcm://?apikey=abc123&to=device&color=aabbcc', { # custom colors 'instance': NotifyFCM, }), ('fcm://?apikey=abc123&to=device' '&image_url=http://example.com/interesting.jpg', { # Test image_url 'instance': NotifyFCM}), ('fcm://?apikey=abc123&to=device' '&image_url=http://example.com/interesting.jpg&image=no', { # Test image_url but set to no 'instance': NotifyFCM}), ('fcm://?apikey=abc123&to=device&+key=value&+key2=value2', { # Test apikey= to= and data arguments 'instance': NotifyFCM, }), ('fcm://%20?to=device&keyfile=/invalid/path', { # invalid Project ID 'instance': TypeError, }), ('fcm://project_id?to=device&keyfile=/invalid/path', { # Test to= and auto-detection of OAuth mode 'instance': NotifyFCM, # we'll fail to send our notification as a result 'response': False, }), ('fcm://?to=device&project=project_id&keyfile=/invalid/path', { # Test project= & to= and auto detection of OAuth mode 'instance': NotifyFCM, # we'll fail to send our notification as a result 'response': False, }), ('fcm://project_id?to=device&mode=oauth2', { # no keyfile was specified 'instance': TypeError, }), ('fcm://project_id?to=device&mode=oauth2&keyfile=/invalid/path', { # Same test as above except we explicitly set our oauth2 mode # Test to= and auto-detection of OAuth mode 'instance': NotifyFCM, # we'll fail to send our notification as a result 'response': False, }), ('fcm://apikey/#topic1/device/?mode=legacy', { 'instance': NotifyFCM, # throw a bizarre code forcing us to fail to look it up 'response': False, 'requests_response_code': 999, }), ('fcm://apikey/#topic1/device/?mode=legacy', { 'instance': NotifyFCM, # Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag # is set and tests that we gracefully handle them 'test_requests_exceptions': True, }), ('fcm://project/#topic1/device/?mode=oauth2&keyfile=file://{}'.format( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'var', 'fcm', 'service_account.json')), { 'instance': NotifyFCM, # throw a bizarre code forcing us to fail to look it up 'response': False, 'requests_response_code': 999, }), ('fcm://projectid/#topic1/device/?mode=oauth2&keyfile=file://{}'.format( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'var', 'fcm', 'service_account.json')), { 'instance': NotifyFCM, # Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when # this flag is set and tests that we gracefully handle them 'test_requests_exceptions': True, }), ) @pytest.fixture def mock_post(mocker): """ Prepare a good OAuth mock response. """ mock_thing = mocker.patch("requests.post") response = mock.Mock() response.content = json.dumps({ "access_token": "ya29.c.abcd", "expires_in": 3599, "token_type": "Bearer", }) response.status_code = requests.codes.ok mock_thing.return_value = response return mock_thing @pytest.fixture def mock_post_legacy(mocker): """ Prepare a good legacy mock response. """ mock_thing = mocker.patch("requests.post") response = mock.Mock() response.status_code = requests.codes.ok mock_thing.return_value = response return mock_thing @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_urls(): """ NotifyFCM() Apprise URLs """ # Run our general tests AppriseURLTester(tests=apprise_url_tests).run_all() @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_legacy_default(mock_post_legacy): """ NotifyFCM() Legacy/APIKey default checks. """ # A valid Legacy URL obj = Apprise.instantiate( 'fcm://abc123/device/' '?+key=value&+key2=value2' '&image_url=https://example.com/interesting.png') # Send our notification assert obj.notify("test") is True # Test our call count assert mock_post_legacy.call_count == 1 assert mock_post_legacy.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send' payload = mock_post_legacy.mock_calls[0][2] data = json.loads(payload['data']) assert 'data' in data assert isinstance(data, dict) assert 'key' in data['data'] assert data['data']['key'] == 'value' assert 'key2' in data['data'] assert data['data']['key2'] == 'value2' assert 'notification' in data assert isinstance(data['notification'], dict) assert 'notification' in data['notification'] assert isinstance(data['notification']['notification'], dict) assert 'image' in data['notification']['notification'] assert data['notification']['notification']['image'] == \ 'https://example.com/interesting.png' @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_legacy_priorities(mock_post_legacy): """ NotifyFCM() Legacy/APIKey priorities checks. """ obj = Apprise.instantiate( 'fcm://abc123/device/?priority=low') assert mock_post_legacy.call_count == 0 # Send our notification assert obj.notify(title="title", body="body") is True # Test our call count assert mock_post_legacy.call_count == 1 assert mock_post_legacy.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send' payload = mock_post_legacy.mock_calls[0][2] data = json.loads(payload['data']) assert 'data' not in data assert 'notification' in data assert isinstance(data['notification'], dict) assert 'notification' in data['notification'] assert isinstance(data['notification']['notification'], dict) assert 'image' not in data['notification']['notification'] assert 'priority' in data # legacy can only switch between high/low assert data['priority'] == "normal" @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_legacy_no_colors(mock_post_legacy): """ NotifyFCM() Legacy/APIKey `color=no` checks. """ obj = Apprise.instantiate( 'fcm://abc123/device/?color=no') assert mock_post_legacy.call_count == 0 # Send our notification assert obj.notify(title="title", body="body") is True # Test our call count assert mock_post_legacy.call_count == 1 assert mock_post_legacy.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send' payload = mock_post_legacy.mock_calls[0][2] data = json.loads(payload['data']) assert 'data' not in data assert 'notification' in data assert isinstance(data['notification'], dict) assert 'notification' in data['notification'] assert isinstance(data['notification']['notification'], dict) assert 'image' not in data['notification']['notification'] assert 'color' not in data['notification']['notification'] @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_legacy_colors(mock_post_legacy): """ NotifyFCM() Legacy/APIKey colors checks. """ obj = Apprise.instantiate( 'fcm://abc123/device/?color=AA001b') assert mock_post_legacy.call_count == 0 # Send our notification assert obj.notify(title="title", body="body") is True # Test our call count assert mock_post_legacy.call_count == 1 assert mock_post_legacy.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send' payload = mock_post_legacy.mock_calls[0][2] data = json.loads(payload['data']) assert 'data' not in data assert 'notification' in data assert isinstance(data['notification'], dict) assert 'notification' in data['notification'] assert isinstance(data['notification']['notification'], dict) assert 'image' not in data['notification']['notification'] assert 'color' in data['notification']['notification'] assert data['notification']['notification']['color'] == '#aa001b' @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_oauth_default(mock_post): """ NotifyFCM() general OAuth checks - success. Test using a valid Project ID and key file. """ obj = Apprise.instantiate( f'fcm://mock-project-id/device/#topic/?keyfile={FCM_KEYFILE}') # send our notification assert obj.notify("test") is True # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 3 assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' assert mock_post.call_args_list[1][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/mock-project-id/messages:send' assert mock_post.call_args_list[2][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/mock-project-id/messages:send' @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_oauth_invalid_project_id(mock_post): """ NotifyFCM() OAuth checks, with invalid project id. """ # Test having a valid keyfile, but not a valid project id match. obj = Apprise.instantiate( f'fcm://invalid_project_id/device/?keyfile={FCM_KEYFILE}') # we'll fail as a result assert obj.notify("test") is False # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_oauth_keyfile_error(mock_post): """ NotifyFCM() OAuth checks, while unable to read key file. """ # Now we test using a valid Project ID but we can't open our file obj = Apprise.instantiate( f'fcm://mock-project-id/device/?keyfile={FCM_KEYFILE}') with mock.patch('builtins.open', side_effect=OSError): # we'll fail as a result assert obj.notify("test") is False # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_oauth_data_parameters(mock_post): """ NotifyFCM() OAuth checks, success. Test using a valid Project ID and data parameters. """ obj = Apprise.instantiate( f'fcm://mock-project-id/device/#topic/?keyfile={FCM_KEYFILE}' '&+key=value&+key2=value2' '&image_url=https://example.com/interesting.png') assert mock_post.call_count == 0 # send our notification assert obj.notify("test") is True # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 3 assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' assert mock_post.call_args_list[1][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/mock-project-id/messages:send' payload = mock_post.mock_calls[1][2] data = json.loads(payload['data']) assert 'message' in data assert isinstance(data['message'], dict) assert 'data' in data['message'] assert isinstance(data['message']['data'], dict) assert 'key' in data['message']['data'] assert data['message']['data']['key'] == 'value' assert 'key2' in data['message']['data'] assert data['message']['data']['key2'] == 'value2' assert 'notification' in data['message'] assert isinstance(data['message']['notification'], dict) assert 'image' in data['message']['notification'] assert data['message']['notification']['image'] == \ 'https://example.com/interesting.png' assert mock_post.call_args_list[2][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/mock-project-id/messages:send' payload = mock_post.mock_calls[2][2] data = json.loads(payload['data']) assert 'message' in data assert isinstance(data['message'], dict) assert 'data' in data['message'] assert isinstance(data['message']['data'], dict) assert 'key' in data['message']['data'] assert data['message']['data']['key'] == 'value' assert 'key2' in data['message']['data'] assert data['message']['data']['key2'] == 'value2' assert 'notification' in data['message'] assert isinstance(data['message']['notification'], dict) assert 'image' in data['message']['notification'] assert data['message']['notification']['image'] == \ 'https://example.com/interesting.png' @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_oauth_priorities(mock_post): """ Verify priorities work as intended. """ obj = Apprise.instantiate( f'fcm://mock-project-id/device/?keyfile={FCM_KEYFILE}' '&priority=high') assert mock_post.call_count == 0 # Send our notification assert obj.notify(title="title", body="body") is True # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 2 assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' assert mock_post.call_args_list[1][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/mock-project-id/messages:send' payload = mock_post.mock_calls[1][2] data = json.loads(payload['data']) assert 'message' in data assert isinstance(data['message'], dict) assert 'data' not in data['message'] assert 'notification' in data['message'] assert isinstance(data['message']['notification'], dict) assert 'image' not in data['message']['notification'] assert data['message']['apns']['headers']['apns-priority'] == "10" assert data['message']['webpush']['headers']['Urgency'] == "high" assert data['message']['android']['priority'] == "HIGH" @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_oauth_no_colors(mock_post): """ Verify `color=no` work as intended. """ obj = Apprise.instantiate( f'fcm://mock-project-id/device/?keyfile={FCM_KEYFILE}' '&color=no') assert mock_post.call_count == 0 # Send our notification assert obj.notify(title="title", body="body") is True # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 2 assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' assert mock_post.call_args_list[1][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/mock-project-id/messages:send' payload = mock_post.mock_calls[1][2] data = json.loads(payload['data']) assert 'message' in data assert isinstance(data['message'], dict) assert 'data' not in data['message'] assert 'notification' in data['message'] assert isinstance(data['message']['notification'], dict) assert 'color' not in data['message']['notification'] @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_oauth_colors(mock_post): """ Verify colors work as intended. """ obj = Apprise.instantiate( f'fcm://mock-project-id/device/?keyfile={FCM_KEYFILE}' '&color=#12AAbb') assert mock_post.call_count == 0 # Send our notification assert obj.notify(title="title", body="body") is True # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 2 assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' assert mock_post.call_args_list[1][0][0] == \ 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/mock-project-id/messages:send' payload = mock_post.mock_calls[1][2] data = json.loads(payload['data']) assert 'message' in data assert isinstance(data['message'], dict) assert 'data' not in data['message'] assert 'notification' in data['message'] assert isinstance(data['message']['notification'], dict) assert 'color' in data['message']['android']['notification'] assert data['message']['android']['notification']['color'] == '#12aabb' @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_keyfile_parse_default(mock_post): """ NotifyFCM() KeyFile Tests """ oauth = GoogleOAuth() # We can not get an Access Token without content loaded assert oauth.access_token is None # Load our content assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is True assert oauth.access_token is not None # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 1 assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' mock_post.reset_mock() # a second call uses cache since our token hasn't expired yet assert oauth.access_token is not None assert mock_post.call_count == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_keyfile_parse_no_expiry(mock_post): """ Test case without `expires_in` entry. """ mock_post.return_value.content = json.dumps({ "access_token": "ya29.c.abcd", "token_type": "Bearer", }) oauth = GoogleOAuth() assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is True assert oauth.access_token is not None # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 1 assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_keyfile_parse_user_agent(mock_post): """ Test case with `user-agent` override. """ oauth = GoogleOAuth(user_agent="test-agent-override") assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is True assert oauth.access_token is not None assert mock_post.call_count == 1 assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_keyfile_parse_keyfile_failures(mock_post: mock.Mock): """ Test some errors that can get thrown when trying to handle the `service_account.json` file. """ # Now we test a case where we can't access the file we've been pointed to: oauth = GoogleOAuth() with mock.patch('builtins.open', side_effect=OSError): # We will fail to retrieve our Access Token assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is False assert oauth.access_token is None oauth = GoogleOAuth() with mock.patch('json.loads', side_effect=([], )): # We will fail to retrieve our Access Token since we did not parse # a dictionary assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is False assert oauth.access_token is None # Case where we can't load the PEM key: oauth = GoogleOAuth() with mock.patch( 'cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization' '.load_pem_private_key', side_effect=ValueError("")): assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is False assert oauth.access_token is None # Case where we can't load the PEM key: oauth = GoogleOAuth() with mock.patch( 'cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization' '.load_pem_private_key', side_effect=TypeError("")): assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is False assert oauth.access_token is None # Case where we can't load the PEM key: oauth = GoogleOAuth() with mock.patch( 'cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization' '.load_pem_private_key', side_effect=UnsupportedAlgorithm("")): # Note: This test should be te assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is False assert oauth.access_token is None # Verify that not a single call to the web escaped the test harness. assert mock_post.mock_calls == [] @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_keyfile_parse_token_failures(mock_post): """ Test some web errors that can occur when speaking upstream with Google to get our token generated. """ mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error oauth = GoogleOAuth() assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is True # We'll fail due to an bad web response assert oauth.access_token is None # Return our status code to how it was mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok # No access token bad_response_1 = mock.Mock() bad_response_1.content = json.dumps({ "expires_in": 3599, "token_type": "Bearer", }) # Invalid JSON bad_response_2 = mock.Mock() bad_response_2.content = '{' mock_post.return_value = None # Throw an exception on the first call to requests.post() for side_effect in ( requests.RequestException(), bad_response_1, bad_response_2): mock_post.side_effect = side_effect # Test all of our bad side effects oauth = GoogleOAuth() assert oauth.load(FCM_KEYFILE) is True # We'll fail due to an bad web response assert oauth.access_token is None @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_bad_keyfile_parse(): """ NotifyFCM() KeyFile Bad Service Account Type Tests """ path = os.path.join(PRIVATE_KEYFILE_DIR, 'service_account-bad-type.json') oauth = GoogleOAuth() assert oauth.load(path) is False @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_keyfile_missing_entries_parse(tmpdir): """ NotifyFCM() KeyFile Missing Entries Test """ # Prepare a base keyfile reference to use path = os.path.join(PRIVATE_KEYFILE_DIR, 'service_account.json') with open(path, mode="r", encoding='utf-8') as fp: content = json.loads(fp.read()) path = tmpdir.join('fcm_keyfile.json') # Test that we fail to load if the following keys are missing: for entry in ( 'client_email', 'private_key_id', 'private_key', 'type', 'project_id'): # Ensure the key actually exists in our file assert entry in content # Create a copy of our content content_copy = content.copy() # Remove our entry we expect to validate against del content_copy[entry] assert entry not in content_copy path.write(json.dumps(content_copy)) oauth = GoogleOAuth() assert oauth.load(str(path)) is False # Now write ourselves a bad JSON file path.write('{') oauth = GoogleOAuth() assert oauth.load(str(path)) is False @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_priority_manager(): """ NotifyFCM() FCMPriorityManager() Testing """ for mode in FCM_MODES: for priority in FCM_PRIORITIES: instance = FCMPriorityManager(mode, priority) assert isinstance(instance.payload(), dict) # Verify it's not empty assert bool(instance) assert instance.payload() assert str(instance) == priority # We do not have to set a priority instance = FCMPriorityManager(mode) assert isinstance(instance.payload(), dict) # Dictionary is empty though assert not bool(instance) assert not instance.payload() assert str(instance) == '' with pytest.raises(TypeError): instance = FCMPriorityManager(mode, 'invalid') with pytest.raises(TypeError): instance = FCMPriorityManager('invald', 'high') # mode validation is done at the higher NotifyFCM() level so # it is not tested here (not required) @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") def test_plugin_fcm_color_manager(): """ NotifyFCM() FCMColorManager() Testing """ # No colors instance = FCMColorManager('no') assert bool(instance) is False assert instance.get() is None # We'll return that we are not defined assert str(instance) == 'no' # Asset colors instance = FCMColorManager('yes') assert isinstance(instance.get(), str) # Output: #rrggbb assert len(instance.get()) == 7 # Starts with has symbol assert instance.get()[0] == '#' # We'll return that we are defined but using default configuration assert str(instance) == 'yes' # We will be `true` because we can acquire a color based on what was # passed in assert bool(instance) # Custom color instance = FCMColorManager('#A2B3A4') assert isinstance(instance.get(), str) assert instance.get() == '#a2b3a4' assert bool(instance) # str() response does not include hashtag assert str(instance) == 'a2b3a4' # Custom color (no hashtag) instance = FCMColorManager('A2B3A4') assert isinstance(instance.get(), str) # Hashtag is always part of output assert instance.get() == '#a2b3a4' assert bool(instance) # str() response does not include hashtag assert str(instance) == 'a2b3a4' # Custom color (no hashtag) but only using 3 letter rgb values instance = FCMColorManager('AC4') assert isinstance(instance.get(), str) # Hashtag is always part of output assert instance.get() == '#aacc44' assert bool(instance) # str() response does not include hashtag assert str(instance) == 'aacc44' @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' in sys.modules, reason="Requires that cryptography NOT be installed") def test_plugin_fcm_cryptography_import_error(): """ NotifyFCM Cryptography loading failure """ # Prepare a base keyfile reference to use path = os.path.join(PRIVATE_KEYFILE_DIR, 'service_account.json') # Attempt to instantiate our object obj = Apprise.instantiate( 'fcm://mock-project-id/device/#topic/?keyfile={}'.format(str(path))) # It's not possible because our cryptography depedancy is missing assert obj is None @pytest.mark.skipif( 'cryptography' not in sys.modules, reason="Requires cryptography") @mock.patch('requests.post') def test_plugin_fcm_edge_cases(mock_post): """ NotifyFCM() Edge Cases """ # Prepare a good response response = mock.Mock() response.status_code = requests.codes.ok mock_post.return_value = response # this tests an edge case where verify if the data_kwargs is a dictionary # or not. Below, we don't even define it, so it will be None (causing # the check to go). We'll still correctly instantiate a plugin: obj = NotifyFCM("project", "api:123", targets='device') assert obj is not None