# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron # All rights reserved. # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import os import sys import mock import six import pytest import apprise # Disable logging for a cleaner testing output import logging logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) try: # Python v3.4+ from importlib import reload except ImportError: try: # Python v3.0-v3.3 from imp import reload except ImportError: # Python v2.7 pass try: from gntp import errors TEST_GROWL_EXCEPTIONS = ( errors.NetworkError( 0, 'gntp.ParseError() not handled'), errors.AuthError( 0, 'gntp.AuthError() not handled'), errors.ParseError( 0, 'gntp.ParseError() not handled'), errors.UnsupportedError( 0, 'gntp.UnsupportedError() not handled'), ) except ImportError: # no problem; these tests will be skipped at this point TEST_GROWL_EXCEPTIONS = tuple() @pytest.mark.skipif('gntp' not in sys.modules, reason="requires gntp") def test_growl_plugin_import_error(tmpdir): """ API: NotifyGrowl Plugin() Import Error """ # This is a really confusing test case; it can probably be done better, # but this was all I could come up with. Effectively Apprise is will # still work flawlessly without the gntp dependancy. Since # gntp is actually required to be installed to run these unit tests # we need to do some hacky tricks into fooling our test cases that the # package isn't available. # So we create a temporary directory called gntp (simulating the # library itself) and writing an __init__.py in it that does nothing # but throw an ImportError exception (simulating that the library # isn't found). suite = tmpdir.mkdir("gntp") suite.join("__init__.py").write('') module_name = 'gntp' suite.join("{}.py".format(module_name)).write('raise ImportError()') # The second part of the test is to update our PYTHON_PATH to look # into this new directory first (before looking where the actual # valid paths are). This will allow us to override 'JUST' the sleekxmpp # path. # Update our path to point to our new test suite sys.path.insert(0, str(suite)) # We need to remove the gntp modules that have already been loaded # in memory otherwise they'll just be used instead. Python is smart and # won't go try and reload everything again if it doesn't have to. for name in list(sys.modules.keys()): if name.startswith('{}.'.format(module_name)): del sys.modules[name] del sys.modules[module_name] # The following libraries need to be reloaded to prevent # TypeError: super(type, obj): obj must be an instance or subtype of type # This is better explained in this StackOverflow post: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31363311/\ # any-way-to-manually-fix-operation-of-\ # super-after-ipython-reload-avoiding-ty # reload(sys.modules['apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl']) reload(sys.modules['apprise.plugins']) reload(sys.modules['apprise.Apprise']) reload(sys.modules['apprise']) # This tests that Apprise still works without gntp. obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate('growl://growl.server') # Growl objects can still be instantiated however assert obj is not None # Notifications won't work because gntp did not load assert obj.notify( title='test', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is False # Tidy-up / restore things to how they were # Remove our garbage library os.unlink(str(suite.join("{}.py".format(module_name)))) # Remove our custom entry into the path sys.path.remove(str(suite)) # Reload the libraries we care about reload(sys.modules['apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl']) reload(sys.modules['apprise.plugins']) reload(sys.modules['apprise.Apprise']) reload(sys.modules['apprise']) @pytest.mark.skipif('gntp' not in sys.modules, reason="requires gntp") @mock.patch('gntp.notifier.GrowlNotifier') def test_growl_exception_handling(mock_gntp): """ API: NotifyGrowl Exception Handling """ from gntp import errors TEST_GROWL_EXCEPTIONS = ( errors.NetworkError( 0, 'gntp.ParseError() not handled'), errors.AuthError( 0, 'gntp.AuthError() not handled'), errors.ParseError( 0, 'gntp.ParseError() not handled'), errors.UnsupportedError( 0, 'gntp.UnsupportedError() not handled'), ) mock_notifier = mock.Mock() mock_gntp.return_value = mock_notifier mock_notifier.notify.return_value = True # First we test the growl.register() function for exception in TEST_GROWL_EXCEPTIONS: mock_notifier.register.side_effect = exception # instantiate our object obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'growl://growl.server.hostname', suppress_exceptions=False) # Verify Growl object was instantiated assert obj is not None # We will fail to send the notification because our registration # would have failed assert obj.notify( title='test', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is False # Now we test the growl.notify() function mock_notifier.register.side_effect = None for exception in TEST_GROWL_EXCEPTIONS: mock_notifier.notify.side_effect = exception # instantiate our object obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate( 'growl://growl.server.hostname', suppress_exceptions=False) # Verify Growl object was instantiated assert obj is not None # We will fail to send the notification because of the underlining # notify() call throws an exception assert obj.notify( title='test', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) is False @pytest.mark.skipif( 'gntp' not in sys.modules, reason="requires gntp") @mock.patch('gntp.notifier.GrowlNotifier') def test_growl_plugin(mock_gntp): """ API: NotifyGrowl Plugin() """ urls = ( ################################## # NotifyGrowl ################################## ('growl://', { 'instance': None, }), ('growl://:@/', { 'instance': None }), ('growl://pass@growl.server', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://ignored:pass@growl.server', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://growl.server', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, # don't include an image by default 'include_image': False, }), ('growl://growl.server?version=1', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), # Test sticky flag ('growl://growl.server?sticky=yes', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://growl.server?sticky=no', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), # Force a failure ('growl://growl.server?version=1', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, 'growl_response': None, }), ('growl://growl.server?version=2', { # don't include an image by default 'include_image': False, 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://growl.server?version=2', { # don't include an image by default 'include_image': False, 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, 'growl_response': None, }), # Priorities ('growl://pass@growl.server?priority=low', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://pass@growl.server?priority=moderate', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://pass@growl.server?priority=normal', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://pass@growl.server?priority=high', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://pass@growl.server?priority=emergency', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), # Invalid Priorities ('growl://pass@growl.server?priority=invalid', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://pass@growl.server?priority=', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), # invalid version ('growl://growl.server?version=', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://growl.server?version=crap', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), # Ports ('growl://growl.changeport:2000', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://growl.garbageport:garbage', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ('growl://growl.colon:', { 'instance': apprise.plugins.NotifyGrowl, }), ) # iterate over our dictionary and test it out for (url, meta) in urls: # Our expected instance instance = meta.get('instance', None) # Our expected exception exception = meta.get('exception', None) # Our expected server objects self = meta.get('self', None) # Our expected Query response (True, False, or exception type) response = meta.get('response', True) # Allow us to force the server response code to be something other then # the defaults growl_response = meta.get( 'growl_response', True if response else False) mock_notifier = mock.Mock() mock_gntp.return_value = mock_notifier mock_notifier.notify.side_effect = None # Store our response mock_notifier.notify.return_value = growl_response try: obj = apprise.Apprise.instantiate(url, suppress_exceptions=False) assert exception is None if obj is None: # We're done continue if instance is None: # Expected None but didn't get it assert False assert isinstance(obj, instance) is True if isinstance(obj, apprise.plugins.NotifyBase): # We loaded okay; now lets make sure we can reverse this url assert isinstance(obj.url(), six.string_types) is True # Test our privacy=True flag assert isinstance( obj.url(privacy=True), six.string_types) is True # Instantiate the exact same object again using the URL from # the one that was already created properly obj_cmp = apprise.Apprise.instantiate(obj.url()) # Our object should be the same instance as what we had # originally expected above. if not isinstance(obj_cmp, apprise.plugins.NotifyBase): # Assert messages are hard to trace back with the way # these tests work. Just printing before throwing our # assertion failure makes things easier to debug later on print('TEST FAIL: {} regenerated as {}'.format( url, obj.url())) assert False if self: # Iterate over our expected entries inside of our object for key, val in self.items(): # Test that our object has the desired key assert hasattr(key, obj) assert getattr(key, obj) == val try: # check that we're as expected assert obj.notify( title='test', body='body', notify_type=apprise.NotifyType.INFO) == response except Exception as e: # Check that we were expecting this exception to happen assert isinstance(e, response) except AssertionError: # Don't mess with these entries print('%s AssertionError' % url) raise except Exception as e: # Handle our exception print('%s / %s' % (url, str(e))) assert exception is not None assert isinstance(e, exception)