# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2020 Chris Caron # All rights reserved. # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import os from unittest import mock import pytest import requests from json import dumps from apprise import Apprise from apprise import AppriseAttachment from apprise.plugins.NotifyPushBullet import NotifyPushBullet from helpers import AppriseURLTester # Disable logging for a cleaner testing output import logging logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) # Attachment Directory TEST_VAR_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'var') # Our Testing URLs apprise_url_tests = ( ('pbul://', { 'instance': TypeError, }), ('pbul://:@/', { 'instance': TypeError, }), # APIkey ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, 'check_attachments': False, }), # APIkey; but support attachment response ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # Test what happens if a batch send fails to return a messageCount 'requests_response_text': { 'file_name': 'cat.jpeg', 'file_type': 'image/jpeg', 'file_url': 'http://file_url', 'upload_url': 'http://upload_url', }, }), # APIkey; attachment testing that isn't an image type ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # Test what happens if a batch send fails to return a messageCount 'requests_response_text': { 'file_name': 'test.pdf', 'file_type': 'application/pdf', 'file_url': 'http://file_url', 'upload_url': 'http://upload_url', }, }), # APIkey; attachment testing were expected entry in payload is missing ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # Test what happens if a batch send fails to return a messageCount 'requests_response_text': { 'file_name': 'test.pdf', 'file_type': 'application/pdf', 'file_url': 'http://file_url', # upload_url missing }, # Our Notification calls associated with attachments will fail: 'attach_response': False, }), # API Key + channel ('pbul://%s/#channel/' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, 'check_attachments': False, }), # API Key + channel (via to= ('pbul://%s/?to=#channel' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, 'check_attachments': False, }), # API Key + 2 channels ('pbul://%s/#channel1/#channel2' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # Our expected url(privacy=True) startswith() response: 'privacy_url': 'pbul://a...a/', 'check_attachments': False, }), # API Key + device ('pbul://%s/device/' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, 'check_attachments': False, }), # API Key + 2 devices ('pbul://%s/device1/device2/' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, 'check_attachments': False, }), # API Key + email ('pbul://%s/user@example.com/' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, 'check_attachments': False, }), # API Key + 2 emails ('pbul://%s/user@example.com/abc@def.com/' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, 'check_attachments': False, }), # API Key + Combo ('pbul://%s/device/#channel/user@example.com/' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, 'check_attachments': False, }), # , ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # force a failure 'response': False, 'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error, 'check_attachments': False, }), ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up 'response': False, 'requests_response_code': 999, 'check_attachments': False, }), ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag # is set and tests that we gracfully handle them 'test_requests_exceptions': True, 'check_attachments': False, }), ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # force a failure 'response': False, 'requests_response_code': requests.codes.internal_server_error, 'check_attachments': False, }), ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # throw a bizzare code forcing us to fail to look it up 'response': False, 'requests_response_code': 999, 'check_attachments': False, }), ('pbul://%s' % ('a' * 32), { 'instance': NotifyPushBullet, # Throws a series of connection and transfer exceptions when this flag # is set and tests that we gracfully handle them 'test_requests_exceptions': True, 'check_attachments': False, }), ) def test_plugin_pushbullet_urls(): """ NotifyPushBullet() Apprise URLs """ # Run our general tests AppriseURLTester(tests=apprise_url_tests).run_all() @mock.patch('requests.post') def test_plugin_pushbullet_attachments(mock_post): """ NotifyPushBullet() Attachment Checks """ # Initialize some generic (but valid) tokens access_token = 't' * 32 # Prepare Mock return object response = mock.Mock() response.content = dumps({ "file_name": "cat.jpg", "file_type": "image/jpeg", "file_url": "https://dl.pushb.com/abc/cat.jpg", "upload_url": "https://upload.pushbullet.com/abcd123", }) response.status_code = requests.codes.ok mock_post.return_value = response # prepare our attachment attach = AppriseAttachment(os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'apprise-test.gif')) # Test our markdown obj = Apprise.instantiate( 'pbul://{}/?format=markdown'.format(access_token)) # Send a good attachment assert obj.notify(body="test", attach=attach) is True # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 4 # Image Prep assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/upload-request' assert mock_post.call_args_list[1][0][0] == \ 'https://upload.pushbullet.com/abcd123' # Message assert mock_post.call_args_list[2][0][0] == \ 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes' # Image Send assert mock_post.call_args_list[3][0][0] == \ 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes' # Reset our mock object mock_post.reset_mock() # Add another attachment so we drop into the area of the PushBullet code # that sends remaining attachments (if more detected) attach.add(os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'apprise-test.gif')) # Send our attachments assert obj.notify(body="test", attach=attach) is True # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 7 # Image Prep assert mock_post.call_args_list[0][0][0] == \ 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/upload-request' assert mock_post.call_args_list[1][0][0] == \ 'https://upload.pushbullet.com/abcd123' assert mock_post.call_args_list[2][0][0] == \ 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/upload-request' assert mock_post.call_args_list[3][0][0] == \ 'https://upload.pushbullet.com/abcd123' # Message assert mock_post.call_args_list[4][0][0] == \ 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes' # Image Send assert mock_post.call_args_list[5][0][0] == \ 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes' assert mock_post.call_args_list[6][0][0] == \ 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes' # Reset our mock object mock_post.reset_mock() # An invalid attachment will cause a failure path = os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, '/invalid/path/to/an/invalid/file.jpg') attach = AppriseAttachment(path) assert obj.notify(body="test", attach=attach) is False # Test our call count assert mock_post.call_count == 0 # prepare our attachment attach = AppriseAttachment(os.path.join(TEST_VAR_DIR, 'apprise-test.gif')) # Prepare a bad response bad_response = mock.Mock() bad_response.content = dumps({ "file_name": "cat.jpg", "file_type": "image/jpeg", "file_url": "https://dl.pushb.com/abc/cat.jpg", "upload_url": "https://upload.pushbullet.com/abcd123", }) bad_response.status_code = requests.codes.internal_server_error # Prepare a bad response bad_json_response = mock.Mock() bad_json_response.content = '}' bad_json_response.status_code = requests.codes.ok # Throw an exception on the first call to requests.post() mock_post.return_value = None for side_effect in (requests.RequestException(), OSError(), bad_response): mock_post.side_effect = side_effect # We'll fail now because of our error handling assert obj.send(body="test", attach=attach) is False # Throw an exception on the second call to requests.post() for side_effect in (requests.RequestException(), OSError(), bad_response): mock_post.side_effect = [response, side_effect] # We'll fail now because of our error handling assert obj.send(body="test", attach=attach) is False # Throw an exception on the third call to requests.post() for side_effect in (requests.RequestException(), OSError(), bad_response): mock_post.side_effect = [response, response, side_effect] # We'll fail now because of our error handling assert obj.send(body="test", attach=attach) is False # Throw an exception on the forth call to requests.post() for side_effect in (requests.RequestException(), OSError(), bad_response): mock_post.side_effect = [response, response, response, side_effect] # We'll fail now because of our error handling assert obj.send(body="test", attach=attach) is False # Test case where we don't get a valid response back mock_post.side_effect = bad_json_response # We'll fail because of an invalid json object assert obj.send(body="test", attach=attach) is False @mock.patch('requests.get') @mock.patch('requests.post') def test_plugin_pushbullet_edge_cases(mock_post, mock_get): """ NotifyPushBullet() Edge Cases """ # Initialize some generic (but valid) tokens accesstoken = 'a' * 32 # Support strings recipients = '#chan1,#chan2,device,user@example.com,,,' # Prepare Mock mock_get.return_value = requests.Request() mock_post.return_value = requests.Request() mock_post.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok mock_get.return_value.status_code = requests.codes.ok # Invalid Access Token with pytest.raises(TypeError): NotifyPushBullet(accesstoken=None) with pytest.raises(TypeError): NotifyPushBullet(accesstoken=" ") obj = NotifyPushBullet( accesstoken=accesstoken, targets=recipients) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyPushBullet) is True assert len(obj.targets) == 4 obj = NotifyPushBullet(accesstoken=accesstoken) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyPushBullet) is True # Default is to send to all devices, so there will be a # recipient here assert len(obj.targets) == 1 obj = NotifyPushBullet(accesstoken=accesstoken, targets=set()) assert isinstance(obj, NotifyPushBullet) is True # Default is to send to all devices, so there will be a # recipient here assert len(obj.targets) == 1