mirror of https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf.git synced 2025-03-04 18:11:11 +01:00

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const Logger = require('../Logger')
const { reqSupportsWebp } = require('../utils/index')
const { ScanResult } = require('../utils/constants')
class LibraryItemController {
constructor() { }
// Example expand with authors: api/items/:id?expanded=1&include=authors
findOne(req, res) {
const includeEntities = (req.query.include || '').split(',')
if (req.query.expanded == 1) {
var item = req.libraryItem.toJSONExpanded()
if (item.mediaType == 'book') {
if (includeEntities.includes('authors')) {
item.media.metadata.authors = item.media.metadata.authors.map(au => {
var author = this.db.authors.find(_au => _au.id === au.id)
if (!author) return null
return {
}).filter(au => au)
} else if (includeEntities.includes('downloads')) {
var downloadsInQueue = this.podcastManager.getEpisodeDownloadsInQueue(req.libraryItem.id)
item.episodesDownloading = downloadsInQueue.map(d => d.toJSONForClient())
return res.json(item)
async update(req, res) {
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
// Item has cover and update is removing cover so purge it from cache
if (libraryItem.media.coverPath && req.body.media && (req.body.media.coverPath === '' || req.body.media.coverPath === null)) {
await this.cacheManager.purgeCoverCache(libraryItem.id)
var hasUpdates = libraryItem.update(req.body)
if (hasUpdates) {
// Turn on podcast auto download cron if not already on
if (libraryItem.mediaType == 'podcast' && req.body.media.autoDownloadEpisodes && !this.podcastManager.episodeScheduleTask) {
Logger.debug(`[LibraryItemController] Updated now saving`)
await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
this.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
async delete(req, res) {
await this.handleDeleteLibraryItem(req.libraryItem)
// PATCH: will create new authors & series if in payload
async updateMedia(req, res) {
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
var mediaPayload = req.body
// Item has cover and update is removing cover so purge it from cache
if (libraryItem.media.coverPath && (mediaPayload.coverPath === '' || mediaPayload.coverPath === null)) {
await this.cacheManager.purgeCoverCache(libraryItem.id)
2022-04-14 01:13:39 +02:00
if (libraryItem.isBook) {
await this.createAuthorsAndSeriesForItemUpdate(mediaPayload)
var hasUpdates = libraryItem.media.update(mediaPayload)
if (hasUpdates) {
Logger.debug(`[LibraryItemController] Updated library item media ${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}`)
await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
this.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
2022-03-14 14:12:28 +01:00
updated: hasUpdates,
// POST: api/items/:id/cover
async uploadCover(req, res) {
2022-03-14 14:12:28 +01:00
if (!req.user.canUpload) {
Logger.warn('User attempted to upload a cover without permission', req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
var result = null
if (req.body && req.body.url) {
Logger.debug(`[LibraryItemController] Requesting download cover from url "${req.body.url}"`)
result = await this.coverManager.downloadCoverFromUrl(libraryItem, req.body.url)
} else if (req.files && req.files.cover) {
Logger.debug(`[LibraryItemController] Handling uploaded cover`)
result = await this.coverManager.uploadCover(libraryItem, req.files.cover)
} else {
return res.status(400).send('Invalid request no file or url')
if (result && result.error) {
return res.status(400).send(result.error)
} else if (!result || !result.cover) {
return res.status(500).send('Unknown error occurred')
await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
this.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
success: true,
cover: result.cover
// PATCH: api/items/:id/cover
async updateCover(req, res) {
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
if (!req.body.cover) {
return res.status(400).error('Invalid request no cover path')
var validationResult = await this.coverManager.validateCoverPath(req.body.cover, libraryItem)
if (validationResult.error) {
return res.status(500).send(validationResult.error)
if (validationResult.updated) {
await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
this.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
success: true,
cover: validationResult.cover
// DELETE: api/items/:id/cover
async removeCover(req, res) {
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
if (libraryItem.media.coverPath) {
await this.cacheManager.purgeCoverCache(libraryItem.id)
await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
this.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
// GET api/items/:id/cover
async getCover(req, res) {
let { query: { width, height, format }, libraryItem } = req
const options = {
format: format || (reqSupportsWebp(req) ? 'webp' : 'jpeg'),
height: height ? parseInt(height) : null,
width: width ? parseInt(width) : null
return this.cacheManager.handleCoverCache(res, libraryItem, options)
// GET: api/items/:id/stream
openStream(req, res) {
// this.streamManager.openStreamApiRequest(res, req.user, req.libraryItem)
// POST: api/items/:id/play
startPlaybackSession(req, res) {
if (!req.libraryItem.media.numTracks) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItemController] startPlaybackSession cannot playback ${req.libraryItem.id}`)
return res.sendStatus(404)
const options = req.body || {}
this.playbackSessionManager.startSessionRequest(req.user, req.libraryItem, null, options, res)
// POST: api/items/:id/play/:episodeId
startEpisodePlaybackSession(req, res) {
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
if (!libraryItem.media.numTracks) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItemController] startPlaybackSession cannot playback ${libraryItem.id}`)
return res.sendStatus(404)
var episodeId = req.params.episodeId
if (!libraryItem.media.episodes.find(ep => ep.id === episodeId)) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItemController] startPlaybackSession episode ${episodeId} not found for item ${libraryItem.id}`)
return res.sendStatus(404)
const options = req.body || {}
this.playbackSessionManager.startSessionRequest(req.user, libraryItem, episodeId, options, res)
// PATCH: api/items/:id/tracks
async updateTracks(req, res) {
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
var orderedFileData = req.body.orderedFileData
if (!libraryItem.media.updateAudioTracks) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItemController] updateTracks invalid media type ${libraryItem.id}`)
return res.sendStatus(500)
await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
this.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
// PATCH: api/items/:id/episodes
async updateEpisodes(req, res) { // For updating podcast episode order
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
var orderedFileData = req.body.episodes
if (!libraryItem.media.setEpisodeOrder) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItemController] updateEpisodes invalid media type ${libraryItem.id}`)
return res.sendStatus(500)
await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
this.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
// DELETE: api/items/:id/episode/:episodeId
async removeEpisode(req, res) {
var episodeId = req.params.episodeId
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
if (libraryItem.mediaType !== 'podcast') {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItemController] removeEpisode invalid media type ${libraryItem.id}`)
return res.sendStatus(500)
if (!libraryItem.media.episodes.find(ep => ep.id === episodeId)) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItemController] removeEpisode episode ${episodeId} not found for item ${libraryItem.id}`)
return res.sendStatus(404)
await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
this.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
// POST api/items/:id/match
async match(req, res) {
var libraryItem = req.libraryItem
var options = req.body || {}
var matchResult = await this.scanner.quickMatchLibraryItem(libraryItem, options)
// POST: api/items/batch/delete
async batchDelete(req, res) {
if (!req.user.canDelete) {
Logger.warn(`[LibraryItemController] User attempted to delete without permission`, req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
var { libraryItemIds } = req.body
if (!libraryItemIds || !libraryItemIds.length) {
return res.sendStatus(500)
var itemsToDelete = this.db.libraryItems.filter(li => libraryItemIds.includes(li.id))
if (!itemsToDelete.length) {
return res.sendStatus(404)
for (let i = 0; i < itemsToDelete.length; i++) {
Logger.info(`[LibraryItemController] Deleting Library Item "${itemsToDelete[i].media.metadata.title}"`)
await this.handleDeleteLibraryItem(itemsToDelete[i])
// POST: api/items/batch/update
async batchUpdate(req, res) {
var updatePayloads = req.body
if (!updatePayloads || !updatePayloads.length) {
return res.sendStatus(500)
var itemsUpdated = 0
for (let i = 0; i < updatePayloads.length; i++) {
var mediaPayload = updatePayloads[i].mediaPayload
var libraryItem = this.db.libraryItems.find(_li => _li.id === updatePayloads[i].id)
if (!libraryItem) return null
await this.createAuthorsAndSeriesForItemUpdate(mediaPayload)
var hasUpdates = libraryItem.media.update(mediaPayload)
if (hasUpdates) {
Logger.debug(`[LibraryItemController] Updated library item media ${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}`)
await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
this.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
success: true,
updates: itemsUpdated
// POST: api/items/batch/get
async batchGet(req, res) {
var libraryItemIds = req.body.libraryItemIds || []
if (!libraryItemIds.length) {
return res.status(403).send('Invalid payload')
var libraryItems = this.db.libraryItems.filter(li => libraryItemIds.includes(li.id)).map((li) => li.toJSONExpanded())
// DELETE: api/items/all
async deleteAll(req, res) {
if (!req.user.isRoot) {
Logger.warn('User other than root attempted to delete all library items', req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
Logger.info('Removing all Library Items')
var success = await this.db.recreateLibraryItemsDb()
if (success) res.sendStatus(200)
else res.sendStatus(500)
// GET: api/items/:id/scan (Root)
async scan(req, res) {
if (!req.user.isRoot) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItemController] Non-root user attempted to scan library item`, req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
var result = await this.scanner.scanLibraryItemById(req.libraryItem.id)
result: Object.keys(ScanResult).find(key => ScanResult[key] == result)
middleware(req, res, next) {
var item = this.db.libraryItems.find(li => li.id === req.params.id)
if (!item || !item.media) return res.sendStatus(404)
// Check user can access this library
if (!req.user.checkCanAccessLibrary(item.libraryId)) {
return res.sendStatus(403)
2022-03-20 12:29:08 +01:00
// Check user can access this library item
if (!req.user.checkCanAccessLibraryItemWithTags(item.media.tags)) {
return res.sendStatus(403)
if (req.path.includes('/play')) {
// allow POST requests using /play and /play/:episodeId
} else if (req.method == 'DELETE' && !req.user.canDelete) {
Logger.warn(`[LibraryItemController] User attempted to delete without permission`, req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
} else if ((req.method == 'PATCH' || req.method == 'POST') && !req.user.canUpdate) {
Logger.warn('[LibraryItemController] User attempted to update without permission', req.user.username)
return res.sendStatus(403)
req.libraryItem = item
module.exports = new LibraryItemController()