mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 14:41:16 +01:00
Clean and parse author name from directory, sort by author last name, scan for covers
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,3 +66,7 @@
.icon-text {
font-size: 1.1rem;
#ab-page-wrapper {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right bottom, #2e2e2e, #303030, #313131, #333333, #353535, #343434, #323232, #313131, #2c2c2c, #282828, #232323, #1f1f1f);
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
<div id="toolbar" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full z-20 flex items-center px-8">
<p class="font-book">{{ numShowing }} Audiobooks</p>
<div class="flex-grow" />
<controls-filter-select v-model="settings.filterBy" class="w-40 h-7.5" @change="updateFilter" />
<controls-filter-select v-model="settings.filterBy" class="w-48 h-7.5" @change="updateFilter" />
<span class="px-4 text-sm">by</span>
<controls-order-select v-model="settings.orderBy" :descending.sync="settings.orderDesc" class="w-40 h-7.5" @change="updateOrder" />
<controls-order-select v-model="settings.orderBy" :descending.sync="settings.orderDesc" class="w-48 h-7.5" @change="updateOrder" />
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<nuxt-link :to="`/audiobook/${audiobookId}`" :style="{ height: height + 32 + 'px', width: width + 32 + 'px' }" class="cursor-pointer p-4">
<div class="rounded-sm h-full overflow-hidden relative bookCard" @mouseover="isHovering = true" @mouseleave="isHovering = false">
<div class="w-full relative" :style="{ height: width * 1.6 + 'px' }">
<cards-book-cover :audiobook="audiobook" />
<cards-book-cover :audiobook="audiobook" :author-override="authorFormat" />
<div v-show="isHovering" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full bg-black bg-opacity-40">
<div class="h-full flex items-center justify-center">
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
<span class="material-icons" style="font-size: 16px">edit</span>
<div class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 h-1 bg-yellow-400 shadow-sm" :style="{ width: width * userProgressPercent + 'px' }"></div>
<ui-tooltip v-if="showError" :text="errorText" class="absolute top-4 left-0">
@ -62,6 +61,25 @@ export default {
author() {
return this.book.author
authorFL() {
return this.book.authorFL || this.author
authorLF() {
return this.book.authorLF || this.author
authorFormat() {
if (!this.orderBy || !this.orderBy.startsWith('book.author')) return null
return this.orderBy === 'book.authorLF' ? this.authorLF : this.authorFL
volumeNumber() {
return this.book.volumeNumber || null
orderBy() {
return this.$store.getters['user/getUserSetting']('orderBy')
filterBy() {
return this.$store.getters['user/getUserSetting']('filterBy')
userProgressPercent() {
return this.userProgress ? this.userProgress.progress || 0 : 0
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
<p class="text-center font-book text-error" :style="{ fontSize: titleFontSize + 'rem' }">Invalid Cover</p>
<div v-if="!hasCover" class="absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ padding: placeholderCoverPadding + 'rem' }">
<p class="text-center font-book" style="color: rgb(247 223 187)" :style="{ fontSize: titleFontSize + 'rem' }">{{ titleCleaned }}</p>
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ export default {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
authorOverride: String,
width: {
type: Number,
default: 120
@ -36,6 +38,11 @@ export default {
imageFailed: false
watch: {
cover() {
this.imageFailed = false
computed: {
book() {
return this.audiobook.book || {}
@ -50,6 +57,7 @@ export default {
return this.title
author() {
if (this.authorOverride) return this.authorOverride
return this.book.author || 'Unknown'
authorCleaned() {
@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ export default {
if (!_sel) return ''
return _sel.text
authors() {
return this.$store.getters['audiobooks/getUniqueAuthors']
genres() {
return this.$store.state.audiobooks.genres
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<template v-for="item in items">
<li :key="item.value" class="text-gray-50 select-none relative py-2 pr-9 cursor-pointer hover:bg-black-400" :class="item.value === selected ? 'bg-primary bg-opacity-50' : ''" role="option" @click="clickedOption(item.value)">
<div class="flex items-center">
<span class="font-normal ml-3 block truncate">{{ item.text }}</span>
<span class="font-normal ml-3 block truncate text-xs">{{ item.text }}</span>
<span v-if="item.value === selected" class="text-yellow-400 absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-4">
<span class="material-icons text-xl">{{ descending ? 'expand_more' : 'expand_less' }}</span>
@ -37,8 +37,12 @@ export default {
value: 'book.title'
text: 'Author',
value: 'book.author'
text: 'Author (First Last)',
value: 'book.authorFL'
text: 'Author (Last, First)',
value: 'book.authorLF'
text: 'Added At',
@ -73,7 +77,8 @@ export default {
selectedText() {
var _sel = this.items.find((i) => i.value === this.selected)
var _selected = this.selected === 'book.author' ? 'book.authorFL' : this.selected
var _sel = this.items.find((i) => i.value === _selected)
if (!_sel) return ''
return _sel.text
@ -21,9 +21,14 @@
<!-- <ui-text-input-with-label v-model="details.series" label="Series" class="mt-2" /> -->
<ui-input-dropdown v-model="details.series" label="Series" class="mt-2" :items="series" />
<div class="flex mt-2 -mx-1">
<div class="w-3/4 px-1">
<ui-input-dropdown v-model="details.series" label="Series" :items="series" />
<div class="flex-grow px-1">
<ui-text-input-with-label v-model="details.volumeNumber" label="Volume #" />
<ui-textarea-with-label v-model="details.description" :rows="3" label="Description" class="mt-2" />
@ -61,6 +66,7 @@ export default {
description: null,
author: null,
series: null,
volumeNumber: null,
publishYear: null,
genres: []
@ -132,6 +138,7 @@ export default {
this.details.author = this.book.author
this.details.genres = this.book.genres || []
this.details.series = this.book.series
this.details.volumeNumber = this.book.volumeNumber
this.details.publishYear = this.book.publishYear
this.newTags = this.audiobook.tags || []
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
<p class="px-1 text-sm font-semibold">{{ label }}</p>
<div ref="wrapper" class="relative">
<form @submit.prevent="submitForm">
<div ref="inputWrapper" style="min-height: 40px" class="flex-wrap relative w-full shadow-sm flex items-center bg-primary border border-gray-600 rounded-md px-2 py-1 cursor-text">
<div ref="inputWrapper" class="flex-wrap relative w-full shadow-sm flex items-center bg-primary border border-gray-600 rounded px-2 py-2">
<input ref="input" v-model="textInput" class="h-full w-full bg-primary focus:outline-none px-1" @keydown="keydownInput" @focus="inputFocus" @blur="inputBlur" />
<ul ref="menu" v-show="isFocused && items.length && (itemsToShow.length || currentSearch)" class="absolute z-50 mt-0 w-full bg-bg border border-black-200 shadow-lg max-h-56 rounded-md py-1 text-base ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 overflow-auto focus:outline-none sm:text-sm" role="listbox" aria-labelledby="listbox-label">
<ul ref="menu" v-show="isFocused && items.length && (itemsToShow.length || currentSearch)" class="absolute z-50 mt-0 w-full bg-bg border border-black-200 shadow-lg max-h-56 rounded py-1 text-base ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 overflow-auto focus:outline-none sm:text-sm" role="listbox" aria-labelledby="listbox-label">
<template v-for="item in itemsToShow">
<li :key="item" class="text-gray-50 select-none relative py-2 pr-3 cursor-pointer hover:bg-black-400" role="option" @click="clickedOption($event, item)" @mouseup.stop.prevent @mousedown.prevent>
<div class="flex items-center">
@ -4,7 +4,12 @@
<div ref="wrapper" class="relative">
<form @submit.prevent="submitForm">
<div ref="inputWrapper" style="min-height: 40px" class="flex-wrap relative w-full shadow-sm flex items-center bg-primary border border-gray-600 rounded-md px-2 py-1 cursor-text" @click.stop.prevent="clickWrapper" @mouseup.stop.prevent @mousedown.prevent>
<div v-for="item in selected" :key="item" class="rounded-full px-2 py-1 ma-0.5 text-xs bg-bg flex flex-nowrap whitespace-nowrap items-center">{{ $snakeToNormal(item) }}</div>
<div v-for="item in selected" :key="item" class="rounded-full px-2 py-1 ma-0.5 text-xs bg-bg flex flex-nowrap whitespace-nowrap items-center relative">
<div class="w-full h-full rounded-full absolute top-0 left-0 opacity-0 hover:opacity-100 px-1 bg-bg bg-opacity-75 flex items-center justify-end cursor-pointer">
<span class="material-icons text-white hover:text-error" style="font-size: 1.1rem" @click.stop="removeItem(item)">close</span>
{{ $snakeToNormal(item) }}
<input ref="input" v-model="textInput" style="min-width: 40px; width: 40px" class="h-full bg-primary focus:outline-none px-1" @keydown="keydownInput" @focus="inputFocus" @blur="inputBlur" />
@ -156,6 +161,13 @@ export default {
removeItem(item) {
var remaining = this.selected.filter((i) => i !== item)
this.$emit('input', remaining)
this.$nextTick(() => {
insertNewItem(item) {
var kebabItem = this.$normalToSnake(item)
@ -1,25 +1,47 @@
<div v-show="isScanning" class="fixed bottom-0 left-0 right-0 mx-auto z-20 max-w-lg">
<div v-show="isScanning" class="fixed bottom-4 left-0 right-0 mx-auto z-20 max-w-lg">
<div class="w-full my-1 rounded-lg drop-shadow-lg px-4 py-2 flex items-center justify-center text-center transition-all border border-white border-opacity-40 shadow-md bg-warning">
<p class="text-lg font-sans" v-html="text" />
<div v-show="!hasCanceled" class="absolute right-0 top-3 bottom-0 px-2">
<ui-btn color="red-600" small :padding-x="1" @click="cancelScan">Cancel</ui-btn>
export default {
data() {
return {}
return {
hasCanceled: false
watch: {
isScanning(newVal) {
if (newVal) {
this.hasCanceled = false
computed: {
text() {
return `Scanning... <span class="font-mono">${this.scanNum}</span> of <span class="font-mono">${this.scanTotal}</span> <strong class='font-mono px-2'>${this.scanPercent}</strong>`
var scanText = this.isScanningFiles ? 'Scanning...' : 'Scanning Covers...'
return `${scanText} <span class="font-mono">${this.scanNum}</span> of <span class="font-mono">${this.scanTotal}</span> <strong class='font-mono px-2'>${this.scanPercent}</strong>`
isScanning() {
return this.isScanningFiles || this.isScanningCovers
isScanningFiles() {
return this.$store.state.isScanning
isScanningCovers() {
return this.$store.state.isScanningCovers
scanProgressKey() {
return this.isScanningFiles ? 'scanProgress' : 'coverScanProgress'
scanProgress() {
return this.$store.state.scanProgress
return this.$store.state[this.scanProgressKey]
scanPercent() {
return this.scanProgress ? this.scanProgress.progress + '%' : '0%'
@ -31,7 +53,12 @@ export default {
return this.scanProgress ? this.scanProgress.total : 0
methods: {},
methods: {
cancelScan() {
this.hasCanceled = true
mounted() {}
@ -83,21 +83,37 @@ export default {
this.$store.commit('audiobooks/remove', audiobook)
scanComplete(results) {
if (!results) results = {}
this.$store.commit('setIsScanning', false)
var scanResultMsgs = []
if (results.added) scanResultMsgs.push(`${results.added} added`)
if (results.updated) scanResultMsgs.push(`${results.updated} updated`)
if (results.removed) scanResultMsgs.push(`${results.removed} removed`)
if (!scanResultMsgs.length) this.$toast.success('Scan Finished\nEverything was up to date')
else this.$toast.success('Scan Finished\n' + scanResultMsgs.join('\n'))
scanComplete({ scanType, results }) {
if (scanType === 'covers') {
this.$store.commit('setIsScanningCovers', false)
if (results) {
this.$toast.success(`Scan Finished\nUpdated ${results.found} covers`)
} else {
this.$store.commit('setIsScanning', false)
if (results) {
var scanResultMsgs = []
if (results.added) scanResultMsgs.push(`${results.added} added`)
if (results.updated) scanResultMsgs.push(`${results.updated} updated`)
if (results.removed) scanResultMsgs.push(`${results.removed} removed`)
if (!scanResultMsgs.length) this.$toast.success('Scan Finished\nEverything was up to date')
else this.$toast.success('Scan Finished\n' + scanResultMsgs.join('\n'))
scanStart() {
this.$store.commit('setIsScanning', true)
scanStart(scanType) {
if (scanType === 'covers') {
this.$store.commit('setIsScanningCovers', true)
} else {
this.$store.commit('setIsScanning', true)
scanProgress(progress) {
this.$store.commit('setScanProgress', progress)
scanProgress({ scanType, progress }) {
if (scanType === 'covers') {
this.$store.commit('setCoverScanProgress', progress)
} else {
this.$store.commit('setScanProgress', progress)
userUpdated(user) {
if (this.$store.state.user.user.id === user.id) {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "audiobookshelf-client",
"version": "0.9.72-beta",
"version": "0.9.73-beta",
"description": "Audiobook manager and player",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="bg-bg page overflow-hidden relative" :class="streamAudiobook ? 'streaming' : ''">
<div id="ab-page-wrapper" class="bg-bg page overflow-hidden relative" :class="streamAudiobook ? 'streaming' : ''">
<div v-show="saving" class="absolute z-20 w-full h-full flex items-center justify-center">
<ui-loading-indicator />
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="bg-bg page overflow-hidden" :class="streamAudiobook ? 'streaming' : ''">
<div id="ab-page-wrapper" class="bg-bg page overflow-hidden" :class="streamAudiobook ? 'streaming' : ''">
<div class="w-full h-full overflow-y-auto p-8">
<div class="flex max-w-6xl mx-auto">
<div class="w-52" style="min-width: 208px">
@ -10,7 +10,11 @@
<div class="flex-grow px-10">
<div class="flex">
<h1 class="text-2xl">{{ title }}</h1>
<div class="mb-2">
<h1 class="text-2xl font-book leading-7">{{ title }}</h1>
<h3 v-if="series" class="font-book text-gray-300 text-lg leading-7">{{ seriesText }}</h3>
<p class="text-sm text-gray-100 leading-7">by {{ author }}</p>
<div class="flex-grow" />
<p class="text-gray-300 text-sm my-1">
@ -133,6 +137,17 @@ export default {
author() {
return this.book.author || 'Unknown'
series() {
return this.book.series || null
volumeNumber() {
return this.book.volumeNumber || null
seriesText() {
if (!this.series) return ''
if (!this.volumeNumber) return this.series
return `${this.series} #${this.volumeNumber}`
durationPretty() {
return this.audiobook.durationPretty
@ -26,10 +26,15 @@
<div class="h-0.5 bg-primary bg-opacity-50 w-full" />
<div class="flex items-center py-4 mb-8">
<p class="text-2xl">Scanner</p>
<div class="flex-grow" />
<ui-btn color="success" @click="scan">Scan</ui-btn>
<div class="py-4 mb-8">
<div class="flex items-start py-2">
<p class="text-2xl">Scanner</p>
<div class="flex-grow" />
<div class="w-40 flex flex-col">
<ui-btn color="success" class="mb-4" :loading="isScanning" :disabled="isScanningCovers" @click="scan">Scan</ui-btn>
<ui-btn color="primary" small :padding-x="2" :loading="isScanningCovers" :disabled="isScanning" @click="scanCovers">Scan for Covers</ui-btn>
<div class="h-0.5 bg-primary bg-opacity-50 w-full" />
@ -68,6 +73,12 @@ export default {
computed: {
streamAudiobook() {
return this.$store.state.streamAudiobook
isScanning() {
return this.$store.state.isScanning
isScanningCovers() {
return this.$store.state.isScanningCovers
methods: {
@ -79,6 +90,9 @@ export default {
scan() {
scanCovers() {
clickAddUser() {
this.$toast.info('Under Construction: User management coming soon.')
@ -109,6 +109,21 @@ Vue.prototype.$codeToString = (code) => {
return finalform
function cleanString(str, availableChars) {
var _str = str.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "")
var cleaned = ''
for (let i = 0; i < _str.length; i++) {
cleaned += availableChars.indexOf(str[i]) < 0 ? '' : str[i]
return cleaned
export const cleanFilterString = (str) => {
var _str = str.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '_')
_str = cleanString(_str, "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
return _str
function loadImageBlob(uri) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const img = document.createElement('img')
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { sort } from '@/assets/fastSort'
import { cleanFilterString } from '@/plugins/init.client'
const STANDARD_GENRES = ['adventure', 'autobiography', 'biography', 'childrens', 'comedy', 'crime', 'dystopian', 'fantasy', 'fiction', 'health', 'history', 'horror', 'mystery', 'new_adult', 'nonfiction', 'philosophy', 'politics', 'religion', 'romance', 'sci-fi', 'self-help', 'short_story', 'technology', 'thriller', 'true_crime', 'western', 'young_adult']
@ -16,13 +17,14 @@ export const getters = {
var settings = rootState.user.settings || {}
var filterBy = settings.filterBy || ''
var searchGroups = ['genres', 'tags', 'series']
var searchGroups = ['genres', 'tags', 'series', 'authors']
var group = searchGroups.find(_group => filterBy.startsWith(_group + '.'))
if (group) {
var filter = filterBy.replace(`${group}.`, '')
if (group === 'genres') filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.book && ab.book.genres.includes(filter))
else if (group === 'tags') filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.tags.includes(filter))
else if (group === 'series') filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.book && ab.book.series === filter)
else if (group === 'authors') filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.book && ab.book.author === filter)
return filtered
@ -35,6 +37,10 @@ export const getters = {
// Supports dot notation strings i.e. "book.title"
return settings.orderBy.split('.').reduce((a, b) => a[b], ab)
getUniqueAuthors: (state) => {
var _authors = state.audiobooks.filter(ab => !!(ab.book && ab.book.author)).map(ab => ab.book.author)
return [...new Set(_authors)]
@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ export const state = () => ({
selectedAudiobook: null,
playOnLoad: false,
isScanning: false,
isScanningCovers: false,
scanProgress: null,
coverScanProgress: null,
developerMode: false
@ -41,9 +43,16 @@ export const mutations = {
setIsScanning(state, isScanning) {
state.isScanning = isScanning
setScanProgress(state, progress) {
if (progress > 0) state.isScanning = true
state.scanProgress = progress
setScanProgress(state, scanProgress) {
if (scanProgress && scanProgress.progress > 0) state.isScanning = true
state.scanProgress = scanProgress
setIsScanningCovers(state, isScanningCovers) {
state.isScanningCovers = isScanningCovers
setCoverScanProgress(state, coverScanProgress) {
if (coverScanProgress && coverScanProgress.progress > 0) state.isScanningCovers = true
state.coverScanProgress = coverScanProgress
setDeveloperMode(state, val) {
state.developerMode = val
@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ module.exports = {
colors: {
bg: '#373838',
primary: '#262626',
primary: '#232323',
accent: '#1ad691',
error: '#FF5252',
info: '#2196F3',
success: '#4CAF50',
successDark: '#3b8a3e',
warning: '#FB8C00',
'black-50': '#bbbbbb',
'black-100': '#666666',
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "audiobookshelf",
"version": "0.9.72-beta",
"version": "0.9.73-beta",
"description": "Self-hosted audiobook server for managing and playing audiobooks.",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ class Audiobook {
return this.book ? this.book.author : 'Unknown'
get authorLF() {
return this.book ? this.book.authorLF : null
get genres() {
return this.book ? this.book.genres || [] : []
@ -136,9 +140,9 @@ class Audiobook {
toJSONExpanded() {
return {
id: this.id,
title: this.title,
author: this.author,
cover: this.cover,
// title: this.title,
// author: this.author,
// cover: this.cover,
path: this.path,
fullPath: this.fullPath,
addedAt: this.addedAt,
@ -306,6 +310,10 @@ class Audiobook {
return hasUpdates
syncAuthorNames(audiobookData) {
return this.book.syncAuthorNames(audiobookData.authorFL, audiobookData.authorLF)
isSearchMatch(search) {
return this.book.isSearchMatch(search.toLowerCase().trim())
@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ class Book {
this.olid = null
this.title = null
this.author = null
this.authorFL = null
this.authorLF = null
this.series = null
this.volumeNumber = null
this.publishYear = null
this.publisher = null
this.description = null
@ -24,7 +27,10 @@ class Book {
this.olid = book.olid
this.title = book.title
this.author = book.author
this.authorFL = book.authorFL || null
this.authorLF = book.authorLF || null
this.series = book.series
this.volumeNumber = book.volumeNumber || null
this.publishYear = book.publishYear
this.publisher = book.publisher
this.description = book.description
@ -37,7 +43,10 @@ class Book {
olid: this.olid,
title: this.title,
author: this.author,
authorFL: this.authorFL,
authorLF: this.authorLF,
series: this.series,
volumeNumber: this.volumeNumber,
publishYear: this.publishYear,
publisher: this.publisher,
description: this.description,
@ -50,7 +59,10 @@ class Book {
this.olid = data.olid || null
this.title = data.title || null
this.author = data.author || null
this.authorLF = data.authorLF || null
this.authorFL = data.authorFL || null
this.series = data.series || null
this.volumeNumber = data.volumeNumber || null
this.publishYear = data.publishYear || null
this.description = data.description || null
this.cover = data.cover || null
@ -83,7 +95,20 @@ class Book {
hasUpdates = true
return true
return hasUpdates
syncAuthorNames(authorFL, authorLF) {
var hasUpdates = false
if (authorFL !== this.authorFL) {
this.authorFL = authorFL
hasUpdates = true
if (authorLF !== this.authorLF) {
this.authorLF = authorLF
hasUpdates = true
return hasUpdates
isSearchMatch(search) {
@ -26,7 +26,17 @@ class BookFinder {
return title
replaceAccentedChars(str) {
try {
return str.normalize('NFD').replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "")
} catch (error) {
Logger.error('[BookFinder] str normalize error', error)
return str
cleanTitleForCompares(title) {
if (!title) return ''
// Remove subtitle if there (i.e. "Cool Book: Coolest Ever" becomes "Cool Book")
var stripped = this.stripSubtitle(title)
@ -35,16 +45,34 @@ class BookFinder {
// Remove single quotes (i.e. "Ender's Game" becomes "Enders Game")
cleaned = cleaned.replace(/'/g, '')
cleaned = this.replaceAccentedChars(cleaned)
return cleaned.toLowerCase()
cleanAuthorForCompares(author) {
if (!author) return ''
var cleaned = this.replaceAccentedChars(author)
return cleaned.toLowerCase()
filterSearchResults(books, title, author, maxTitleDistance, maxAuthorDistance) {
var searchTitle = this.cleanTitleForCompares(title)
var searchAuthor = this.cleanAuthorForCompares(author)
return books.map(b => {
b.cleanedTitle = this.cleanTitleForCompares(b.title)
b.titleDistance = levenshteinDistance(b.cleanedTitle, title)
if (author) {
b.authorDistance = levenshteinDistance(b.author || '', author)
if (!b.author) {
b.authorDistance = author.length
} else {
b.cleanedAuthor = this.cleanAuthorForCompares(b.author)
var cleanedAuthorDistance = levenshteinDistance(b.cleanedAuthor, searchAuthor)
var authorDistance = levenshteinDistance(b.author || '', author)
// Use best distance
if (cleanedAuthorDistance > authorDistance) b.authorDistance = authorDistance
else b.authorDistance = cleanedAuthorDistance
b.totalDistance = b.titleDistance + (b.authorDistance || 0)
b.totalPossibleDistance = b.title.length
@ -142,7 +170,8 @@ class BookFinder {
async findCovers(provider, title, author, options = {}) {
var searchResults = await this.search(provider, title, author, options)
console.log('Find Covers search results', searchResults)
Logger.info(`[BookFinder] FindCovers search results: ${searchResults.length}`)
var covers = []
searchResults.forEach((result) => {
if (result.covers && result.covers.length) {
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ class Scanner {
this.db = db
this.emitter = emitter
this.cancelScan = false
this.bookFinder = new BookFinder()
@ -34,6 +36,11 @@ class Scanner {
const scanStart = Date.now()
var audiobookDataFound = await getAllAudiobookFiles(this.AudiobookPath)
if (this.cancelScan) {
this.cancelScan = false
return null
var scanResults = {
removed: 0,
updated: 0,
@ -54,6 +61,10 @@ class Scanner {
this.emitter('audiobook_removed', this.audiobooks[i].toJSONMinified())
if (this.cancelScan) {
this.cancelScan = false
return null
for (let i = 0; i < audiobookDataFound.length; i++) {
@ -109,6 +120,11 @@ class Scanner {
hasUpdates = true
if (audiobookData.author && existingAudiobook.syncAuthorNames(audiobookData)) {
Logger.info(`[Scanner] "${existingAudiobook.title}" author names updated, "${existingAudiobook.authorLF}"`)
hasUpdates = true
if (hasUpdates) {
Logger.info(`[Scanner] "${existingAudiobook.title}" was updated - saving`)
existingAudiobook.lastUpdate = Date.now()
@ -138,10 +154,17 @@ class Scanner {
var progress = Math.round(100 * (i + 1) / audiobookDataFound.length)
this.emitter('scan_progress', {
total: audiobookDataFound.length,
done: i + 1,
scanType: 'files',
progress: {
total: audiobookDataFound.length,
done: i + 1,
if (this.cancelScan) {
this.cancelScan = false
const scanElapsed = Math.floor((Date.now() - scanStart) / 1000)
Logger.info(`[Scanned] Finished | ${scanResults.added} added | ${scanResults.updated} updated | ${scanResults.removed} removed | elapsed: ${secondsToTimestamp(scanElapsed)}`)
@ -161,6 +184,47 @@ class Scanner {
return scanResult
async scanCovers() {
var audiobooksNeedingCover = this.audiobooks.filter(ab => !ab.cover && ab.author)
var found = 0
var notFound = 0
for (let i = 0; i < audiobooksNeedingCover.length; i++) {
var audiobook = audiobooksNeedingCover[i]
var options = {
titleDistance: 2,
authorDistance: 2
var results = await this.bookFinder.findCovers('openlibrary', audiobook.title, audiobook.author, options)
if (results.length) {
Logger.info(`[Scanner] Found best cover for "${audiobook.title}"`)
audiobook.book.cover = results[0]
await this.db.updateAudiobook(audiobook)
} else {
var progress = Math.round(100 * (i + 1) / audiobooksNeedingCover.length)
this.emitter('scan_progress', {
scanType: 'covers',
progress: {
total: audiobooksNeedingCover.length,
done: i + 1,
if (this.cancelScan) {
this.cancelScan = false
return {
async find(req, res) {
var method = req.params.method
var query = req.query
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ class Server {
this.clients = {}
this.isScanning = false
this.isScanningCovers = false
this.isInitialized = false
@ -64,13 +65,28 @@ class Server {
Logger.info('[Server] Starting Scan')
this.isScanning = true
this.isInitialized = true
this.emitter('scan_start', 'files')
var results = await this.scanner.scan()
this.isScanning = false
this.emitter('scan_complete', results)
this.emitter('scan_complete', { scanType: 'files', results })
Logger.info('[Server] Scan complete')
async scanCovers() {
Logger.info('[Server] Start cover scan')
this.isScanningCovers = true
this.emitter('scan_start', 'covers')
var results = await this.scanner.scanCovers()
this.isScanningCovers = false
this.emitter('scan_complete', { scanType: 'covers', results })
Logger.info('[Server] Cover scan complete')
cancelScan() {
if (!this.isScanningCovers && !this.isScanning) return
this.scanner.cancelScan = true
async init() {
Logger.info('[Server] Init')
await this.streamManager.removeOrphanStreams()
@ -149,6 +165,8 @@ class Server {
socket.on('auth', (token) => this.authenticateSocket(socket, token))
socket.on('scan', this.scan.bind(this))
socket.on('scan_covers', this.scanCovers.bind(this))
socket.on('cancel_scan', this.cancelScan.bind(this))
socket.on('open_stream', (audiobookId) => this.streamManager.openStreamSocketRequest(socket, audiobookId))
socket.on('close_stream', () => this.streamManager.closeStreamRequest(socket))
socket.on('stream_update', (payload) => this.streamManager.streamUpdate(socket, payload))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
const parseFullName = require('./parseFullName')
function parseName(name) {
var parts = parseFullName(name)
var firstName = parts.first
if (firstName && parts.middle) firstName += ' ' + parts.middle
return {
first_name: firstName,
last_name: parts.last
// Check if this name segment is of the format "Last, First" or "First Last"
// return true is "Last, First"
function checkIsALastName(name) {
if (!name.includes(' ')) return true // No spaces must be a Last name
var parsed = parseFullName(name)
if (!parsed.first) return true // had spaces but not a first name i.e. "von Mises", must be last name only
return false
module.exports = (author) => {
if (!author) return null
var splitByComma = author.split(', ')
var authors = []
// 1 author FIRST LAST
if (splitByComma.length === 1) {
} else {
var firstChunkIsALastName = checkIsALastName(splitByComma[0])
var isEvenNum = splitByComma.length % 2 === 0
if (!isEvenNum && firstChunkIsALastName) {
// console.error('Multi-author LAST,FIRST entry has a straggler (could be roman numerals or a suffix), ignore it', splitByComma[splitByComma.length - 1])
splitByComma = splitByComma.slice(0, splitByComma.length - 1)
if (firstChunkIsALastName) {
var numAuthors = splitByComma.length / 2
for (let i = 0; i < numAuthors; i++) {
var last = splitByComma.shift()
var first = splitByComma.shift()
first_name: first,
last_name: last
} else {
splitByComma.forEach((segment) => {
var firstLast = authors.length ? authors.map(a => a.first_name ? `${a.first_name} ${a.last_name}` : a.last_name).join(', ') : ''
var lastFirst = authors.length ? authors.map(a => a.first_name ? `${a.last_name}, ${a.first_name}` : a.last_name).join(', ') : ''
return {
authorFL: firstLast,
authorLF: lastFirst,
authorsParsed: authors
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
// https://github.com/RateGravity/parse-full-name/blob/master/index.js
module.exports = (nameToParse, partToReturn, fixCase, stopOnError, useLongLists) => {
var i, j, k, l, m, n, part, comma, titleList, suffixList, prefixList, regex,
partToCheck, partFound, partsFoundCount, firstComma, remainingCommas,
nameParts = [], nameCommas = [null], partsFound = [],
conjunctionList = ['&', 'and', 'et', 'e', 'of', 'the', 'und', 'y'],
parsedName = {
title: '', first: '', middle: '', last: '', nick: '', suffix: '', error: []
// Validate inputs, or set to defaults
partToReturn = partToReturn && ['title', 'first', 'middle', 'last', 'nick',
'suffix', 'error'].indexOf(partToReturn.toLowerCase()) > -1 ?
partToReturn.toLowerCase() : 'all';
// 'all' = return object with all parts, others return single part
if (fixCase === false) fixCase = 0;
if (fixCase === true) fixCase = 1;
fixCase = fixCase !== 'undefined' && (fixCase === 0 || fixCase === 1) ?
fixCase : -1; // -1 = fix case only if input is all upper or lowercase
if (stopOnError === true) stopOnError = 1;
stopOnError = stopOnError && stopOnError === 1 ? 1 : 0;
// false = output warnings on parse error, but don't stop
if (useLongLists === true) useLongLists = 1;
useLongLists = useLongLists && useLongLists === 1 ? 1 : 0; // 0 = short lists
// If stopOnError = 1, throw error, otherwise return error messages in array
function handleError(errorMessage) {
if (stopOnError) {
throw 'Error: ' + errorMessage;
} else {
parsedName.error.push('Error: ' + errorMessage);
// If fixCase = 1, fix case of parsedName parts before returning
function fixParsedNameCase(fixedCaseName, fixCaseNow) {
var forceCaseList = ['e', 'y', 'av', 'af', 'da', 'dal', 'de', 'del', 'der', 'di',
'la', 'le', 'van', 'der', 'den', 'vel', 'von', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'J.D.', 'LL.M.',
'M.D.', 'D.O.', 'D.C.', 'Ph.D.'];
var forceCaseListIndex;
var namePartLabels = [];
var namePartWords;
if (fixCaseNow) {
namePartLabels = Object.keys(parsedName)
.filter(function (v) { return v !== 'error'; });
for (i = 0, l = namePartLabels.length; i < l; i++) {
if (fixedCaseName[namePartLabels[i]]) {
namePartWords = (fixedCaseName[namePartLabels[i]] + '').split(' ');
for (j = 0, m = namePartWords.length; j < m; j++) {
forceCaseListIndex = forceCaseList
.map(function (v) { return v.toLowerCase(); })
if (forceCaseListIndex > -1) { // Set case of words in forceCaseList
namePartWords[j] = forceCaseList[forceCaseListIndex];
} else if (namePartWords[j].length === 1) { // Uppercase initials
namePartWords[j] = namePartWords[j].toUpperCase();
} else if (
namePartWords[j].length > 2 &&
namePartWords[j].slice(0, 1) ===
namePartWords[j].slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() &&
namePartWords[j].slice(1, 2) ===
namePartWords[j].slice(1, 2).toLowerCase() &&
namePartWords[j].slice(2) ===
) { // Detect McCASE and convert to McCase
namePartWords[j] = namePartWords[j].slice(0, 3) +
} else if (
namePartLabels[j] === 'suffix' &&
nameParts[j].slice(-1) !== '.' &&
) { // Convert suffix abbreviations to UPPER CASE
if (namePartWords[j] === namePartWords[j].toLowerCase()) {
namePartWords[j] = namePartWords[j].toUpperCase();
} else { // Convert to Title Case
namePartWords[j] = namePartWords[j].slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() +
fixedCaseName[namePartLabels[i]] = namePartWords.join(' ');
return fixedCaseName;
// If no input name, or input name is not a string, abort
if (!nameToParse || typeof nameToParse !== 'string') {
handleError('No input');
parsedName = fixParsedNameCase(parsedName, fixCase);
return partToReturn === 'all' ? parsedName : parsedName[partToReturn];
} else {
nameToParse = nameToParse.trim();
// Auto-detect fixCase: fix if nameToParse is all upper or all lowercase
if (fixCase === -1) {
fixCase = (
nameToParse === nameToParse.toUpperCase() ||
nameToParse === nameToParse.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 0
// Initilize lists of prefixs, suffixs, and titles to detect
// Note: These list entries must be all lowercase
if (useLongLists) {
suffixList = ['esq', 'esquire', 'jr', 'jnr', 'sr', 'snr', '2', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv',
'v', 'clu', 'chfc', 'cfp', 'md', 'phd', 'j.d.', 'll.m.', 'm.d.', 'd.o.', 'd.c.',
'p.c.', 'ph.d.'];
prefixList = ['a', 'ab', 'antune', 'ap', 'abu', 'al', 'alm', 'alt', 'bab', 'bäck',
'bar', 'bath', 'bat', 'beau', 'beck', 'ben', 'berg', 'bet', 'bin', 'bint', 'birch',
'björk', 'björn', 'bjur', 'da', 'dahl', 'dal', 'de', 'degli', 'dele', 'del',
'della', 'der', 'di', 'dos', 'du', 'e', 'ek', 'el', 'escob', 'esch', 'fleisch',
'fitz', 'fors', 'gott', 'griff', 'haj', 'haug', 'holm', 'ibn', 'kauf', 'kil',
'koop', 'kvarn', 'la', 'le', 'lind', 'lönn', 'lund', 'mac', 'mhic', 'mic', 'mir',
'na', 'naka', 'neder', 'nic', 'ni', 'nin', 'nord', 'norr', 'ny', 'o', 'ua', 'ui\'',
'öfver', 'ost', 'över', 'öz', 'papa', 'pour', 'quarn', 'skog', 'skoog', 'sten',
'stor', 'ström', 'söder', 'ter', 'ter', 'tre', 'türk', 'van', 'väst', 'väster',
'vest', 'von'];
titleList = ['mr', 'mrs', 'ms', 'miss', 'dr', 'herr', 'monsieur', 'hr', 'frau',
'a v m', 'admiraal', 'admiral', 'air cdre', 'air commodore', 'air marshal',
'air vice marshal', 'alderman', 'alhaji', 'ambassador', 'baron', 'barones',
'brig', 'brig gen', 'brig general', 'brigadier', 'brigadier general',
'brother', 'canon', 'capt', 'captain', 'cardinal', 'cdr', 'chief', 'cik', 'cmdr',
'coach', 'col', 'col dr', 'colonel', 'commandant', 'commander', 'commissioner',
'commodore', 'comte', 'comtessa', 'congressman', 'conseiller', 'consul',
'conte', 'contessa', 'corporal', 'councillor', 'count', 'countess',
'crown prince', 'crown princess', 'dame', 'datin', 'dato', 'datuk',
'datuk seri', 'deacon', 'deaconess', 'dean', 'dhr', 'dipl ing', 'doctor',
'dott', 'dott sa', 'dr', 'dr ing', 'dra', 'drs', 'embajador', 'embajadora', 'en',
'encik', 'eng', 'eur ing', 'exma sra', 'exmo sr', 'f o', 'father',
'first lieutient', 'first officer', 'flt lieut', 'flying officer', 'fr',
'frau', 'fraulein', 'fru', 'gen', 'generaal', 'general', 'governor', 'graaf',
'gravin', 'group captain', 'grp capt', 'h e dr', 'h h', 'h m', 'h r h', 'hajah',
'haji', 'hajim', 'her highness', 'her majesty', 'herr', 'high chief',
'his highness', 'his holiness', 'his majesty', 'hon', 'hr', 'hra', 'ing', 'ir',
'jonkheer', 'judge', 'justice', 'khun ying', 'kolonel', 'lady', 'lcda', 'lic',
'lieut', 'lieut cdr', 'lieut col', 'lieut gen', 'lord', 'm', 'm l', 'm r',
'madame', 'mademoiselle', 'maj gen', 'major', 'master', 'mevrouw', 'miss',
'mlle', 'mme', 'monsieur', 'monsignor', 'mr', 'mrs', 'ms', 'mstr', 'nti', 'pastor',
'president', 'prince', 'princess', 'princesse', 'prinses', 'prof', 'prof dr',
'prof sir', 'professor', 'puan', 'puan sri', 'rabbi', 'rear admiral', 'rev',
'rev canon', 'rev dr', 'rev mother', 'reverend', 'rva', 'senator', 'sergeant',
'sheikh', 'sheikha', 'sig', 'sig na', 'sig ra', 'sir', 'sister', 'sqn ldr', 'sr',
'sr d', 'sra', 'srta', 'sultan', 'tan sri', 'tan sri dato', 'tengku', 'teuku',
'than puying', 'the hon dr', 'the hon justice', 'the hon miss', 'the hon mr',
'the hon mrs', 'the hon ms', 'the hon sir', 'the very rev', 'toh puan', 'tun',
'vice admiral', 'viscount', 'viscountess', 'wg cdr', 'ind', 'misc', 'mx'];
} else {
suffixList = ['esq', 'esquire', 'jr', 'jnr', 'sr', 'snr', '2', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv',
'md', 'phd', 'j.d.', 'll.m.', 'm.d.', 'd.o.', 'd.c.', 'p.c.', 'ph.d.'];
prefixList = ['ab', 'bar', 'bin', 'da', 'dal', 'de', 'de la', 'del', 'della', 'der',
'di', 'du', 'ibn', 'l\'', 'la', 'le', 'san', 'st', 'st.', 'ste', 'ter', 'van',
'van de', 'van der', 'van den', 'vel', 'ver', 'vere', 'von'];
titleList = ['dr', 'miss', 'mr', 'mrs', 'ms', 'prof', 'sir', 'frau', 'herr', 'hr',
'monsieur', 'captain', 'doctor', 'judge', 'officer', 'professor', 'ind', 'misc',
// Nickname: remove and store parts with surrounding punctuation as nicknames
regex = /\s(?:[‘’']([^‘’']+)[‘’']|[“”"]([^“”"]+)[“”"]|\[([^\]]+)\]|\(([^\)]+)\)),?\s/g;
partFound = (' ' + nameToParse + ' ').match(regex);
if (partFound) partsFound = partsFound.concat(partFound);
partsFoundCount = partsFound.length;
if (partsFoundCount === 1) {
parsedName.nick = partsFound[0].slice(2).slice(0, -2);
if (parsedName.nick.slice(-1) === ',') {
parsedName.nick = parsedName.nick.slice(0, -1);
nameToParse = (' ' + nameToParse + ' ').replace(partsFound[0], ' ').trim();
partsFound = [];
} else if (partsFoundCount > 1) {
handleError(partsFoundCount + ' nicknames found');
for (i = 0; i < partsFoundCount; i++) {
nameToParse = (' ' + nameToParse + ' ')
.replace(partsFound[i], ' ').trim();
partsFound[i] = partsFound[i].slice(2).slice(0, -2);
if (partsFound[i].slice(-1) === ',') {
partsFound[i] = partsFound[i].slice(0, -1);
parsedName.nick = partsFound.join(', ');
partsFound = [];
if (!nameToParse.trim().length) {
parsedName = fixParsedNameCase(parsedName, fixCase);
return partToReturn === 'all' ? parsedName : parsedName[partToReturn];
// Split remaining nameToParse into parts, remove and store preceding commas
for (i = 0, n = nameToParse.split(' '), l = n.length; i < l; i++) {
part = n[i];
comma = null;
if (part.slice(-1) === ',') {
comma = ',';
part = part.slice(0, -1);
// Suffix: remove and store matching parts as suffixes
for (l = nameParts.length, i = l - 1; i > 0; i--) {
partToCheck = (nameParts[i].slice(-1) === '.' ?
nameParts[i].slice(0, -1).toLowerCase() : nameParts[i].toLowerCase());
if (
suffixList.indexOf(partToCheck) > -1 ||
suffixList.indexOf(partToCheck + '.') > -1
) {
partsFound = nameParts.splice(i, 1).concat(partsFound);
if (nameCommas[i] === ',') { // Keep comma, either before or after
nameCommas.splice(i + 1, 1);
} else {
nameCommas.splice(i, 1);
partsFoundCount = partsFound.length;
if (partsFoundCount === 1) {
parsedName.suffix = partsFound[0];
partsFound = [];
} else if (partsFoundCount > 1) {
handleError(partsFoundCount + ' suffixes found');
parsedName.suffix = partsFound.join(', ');
partsFound = [];
if (!nameParts.length) {
parsedName = fixParsedNameCase(parsedName, fixCase);
return partToReturn === 'all' ? parsedName : parsedName[partToReturn];
// Title: remove and store matching parts as titles
for (l = nameParts.length, i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
partToCheck = (nameParts[i].slice(-1) === '.' ?
nameParts[i].slice(0, -1).toLowerCase() : nameParts[i].toLowerCase());
if (
titleList.indexOf(partToCheck) > -1 ||
titleList.indexOf(partToCheck + '.') > -1
) {
partsFound = nameParts.splice(i, 1).concat(partsFound);
if (nameCommas[i] === ',') { // Keep comma, either before or after
nameCommas.splice(i + 1, 1);
} else {
nameCommas.splice(i, 1);
partsFoundCount = partsFound.length;
if (partsFoundCount === 1) {
parsedName.title = partsFound[0];
partsFound = [];
} else if (partsFoundCount > 1) {
handleError(partsFoundCount + ' titles found');
parsedName.title = partsFound.join(', ');
partsFound = [];
if (!nameParts.length) {
parsedName = fixParsedNameCase(parsedName, fixCase);
return partToReturn === 'all' ? parsedName : parsedName[partToReturn];
// Join name prefixes to following names
if (nameParts.length > 1) {
for (i = nameParts.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
if (prefixList.indexOf(nameParts[i].toLowerCase()) > -1) {
nameParts[i] = nameParts[i] + ' ' + nameParts[i + 1];
nameParts.splice(i + 1, 1);
nameCommas.splice(i + 1, 1);
// Join conjunctions to surrounding names
if (nameParts.length > 2) {
for (i = nameParts.length - 3; i >= 0; i--) {
if (conjunctionList.indexOf(nameParts[i + 1].toLowerCase()) > -1) {
nameParts[i] = nameParts[i] + ' ' + nameParts[i + 1] + ' ' + nameParts[i + 2];
nameParts.splice(i + 1, 2);
nameCommas.splice(i + 1, 2);
// Suffix: remove and store items after extra commas as suffixes
firstComma = nameCommas.indexOf(',');
remainingCommas = nameCommas.filter(function (v) { return v !== null; }).length;
if (firstComma > 1 || remainingCommas > 1) {
for (i = nameParts.length - 1; i >= 2; i--) {
if (nameCommas[i] === ',') {
partsFound = nameParts.splice(i, 1).concat(partsFound);
nameCommas.splice(i, 1);
} else {
if (partsFound.length) {
if (parsedName.suffix) {
partsFound = [parsedName.suffix].concat(partsFound);
parsedName.suffix = partsFound.join(', ');
partsFound = [];
// Last name: remove and store last name
if (remainingCommas > 0) {
if (remainingCommas > 1) {
handleError((remainingCommas - 1) + ' extra commas found');
// Remove and store all parts before first comma as last name
if (nameCommas.indexOf(',')) {
parsedName.last = nameParts.splice(0, nameCommas.indexOf(',')).join(' ');
nameCommas.splice(0, nameCommas.indexOf(','));
} else {
// Remove and store last part as last name
parsedName.last = nameParts.pop();
if (!nameParts.length) {
parsedName = fixParsedNameCase(parsedName, fixCase);
return partToReturn === 'all' ? parsedName : parsedName[partToReturn];
// First name: remove and store first part as first name
parsedName.first = nameParts.shift();
if (!nameParts.length) {
parsedName = fixParsedNameCase(parsedName, fixCase);
return partToReturn === 'all' ? parsedName : parsedName[partToReturn];
// Middle name: store all remaining parts as middle name
if (nameParts.length > 2) {
handleError(nameParts.length + ' middle names');
parsedName.middle = nameParts.join(' ');
parsedName = fixParsedNameCase(parsedName, fixCase);
return partToReturn === 'all' ? parsedName : parsedName[partToReturn];
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
const Path = require('path')
const dir = require('node-dir')
const Logger = require('../Logger')
const parseAuthors = require('./parseAuthors')
const { cleanString } = require('./index')
const AUDIOBOOK_PARTS_FORMATS = ['m4b', 'mp3']
@ -74,6 +75,14 @@ async function getAllAudiobookFiles(abRootPath) {
parts: [],
otherFiles: []
if (author) {
var parsedAuthors = parseAuthors(author)
if (parsedAuthors) {
var { authorLF, authorFL } = parsedAuthors
audiobooks[path].authorLF = authorLF || null
audiobooks[path].authorFL = authorFL || null
var filetype = getFileType(pathformat.ext)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user