/auth/openid: Restructure

- Distingush more explictly between mobile and web flow and simplify logic
- Allow state parameter to be passed in mobile flow
- Additional checks for correct parameters
- Remove unused id_token code
- Enforce S256 and don't allow plain PKCE
This commit is contained in:
Denis Arnst 2024-01-25 11:13:34 +01:00
parent 87ebf4722b
commit f12ac685e8

View File

@ -266,92 +266,69 @@ class Auth {
// openid strategy login route (this redirects to the configured openid login provider)
router.get('/auth/openid', (req, res, next) => {
// Get the OIDC client from the strategy
// We need to call the client manually, because the strategy does not support forwarding the code challenge
// for API or mobile clients
const oidcStrategy = passport._strategy('openid-client')
const client = oidcStrategy._client
const sessionKey = oidcStrategy._key
try {
// helper function from openid-client
function pick(object, ...paths) {
const obj = {}
for (const path of paths) {
if (object[path] !== undefined) {
obj[path] = object[path]
return obj
const protocol = req.secure || req.get('x-forwarded-proto') === 'https' ? 'https' : 'http'
const hostUrl = new URL(`${protocol}://${req.get('host')}`)
const isMobileFlow = req.query.response_type === 'code' || req.query.redirect_uri || req.query.code_challenge
// Only allow code flow (for mobile clients)
if (req.query.response_type && req.query.response_type !== 'code') {
Logger.debug(`[Auth] OIDC Invalid response_type=${req.query.response_type}`)
return res.status(400).send('Invalid response_type, only code supported')
// Get the OIDC client from the strategy
// We need to call the client manually, because the strategy does not support forwarding the code challenge
// for API or mobile clients
const oidcStrategy = passport._strategy('openid-client')
const protocol = (req.secure || req.get('x-forwarded-proto') === 'https') ? 'https' : 'http'
// Generate a state on web flow or if no state supplied
const state = (!isMobileFlow || !req.query.state) ? OpenIDClient.generators.random() : req.query.state
let mobile_redirect_uri = null
// The client wishes a different redirect_uri
// We will allow if it is in the whitelist, by saving it into this.openIdAuthSession and setting the redirect uri to /auth/openid/mobile-redirect
// where we will handle the redirect to it
if (req.query.redirect_uri) {
// Check if the redirect_uri is in the whitelist
if (Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMobileRedirectURIs.includes(req.query.redirect_uri) ||
(Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMobileRedirectURIs.length === 1 && Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMobileRedirectURIs[0] === '*')) {
oidcStrategy._params.redirect_uri = new URL(`${protocol}://${req.get('host')}/auth/openid/mobile-redirect`).toString()
mobile_redirect_uri = req.query.redirect_uri
} else {
Logger.debug(`[Auth] Invalid redirect_uri=${req.query.redirect_uri} - not in whitelist`)
// Redirect URL for the SSO provider
let redirectUri
if (isMobileFlow) {
// Mobile required redirect uri
// If it is in the whitelist, we will save into this.openIdAuthSession and set the redirect uri to /auth/openid/mobile-redirect
// where we will handle the redirect to it
if (!req.query.redirect_uri || !isValidRedirectUri(req.query.redirect_uri)) {
Logger.debug(`[Auth] Invalid redirect_uri=${req.query.redirect_uri}`)
return res.status(400).send('Invalid redirect_uri')
// We cannot save the supplied redirect_uri in the session, because it the mobile client uses browser instead of the API
// for the request to mobile-redirect and as such the session is not shared
this.openIdAuthSession.set(state, { mobile_redirect_uri: req.query.redirect_uri })
redirectUri = new URL('/auth/openid/mobile-redirect', hostUrl).toString()
} else {
oidcStrategy._params.redirect_uri = new URL(`${protocol}://${req.get('host')}/auth/openid/callback`).toString()
redirectUri = new URL('/auth/openid/callback', hostUrl).toString()
Logger.debug(`[Auth] Oidc redirect_uri=${oidcStrategy._params.redirect_uri}`)
const client = oidcStrategy._client
const sessionKey = oidcStrategy._key
let code_challenge
let code_challenge_method
// If code_challenge is provided, expect that code_verifier will be handled by the client (mobile app)
// The web frontend of ABS does not need to do a PKCE itself, because it never handles the "code" of the oauth flow
// and as such will not send a code challenge, we will generate then one
if (req.query.code_challenge) {
code_challenge = req.query.code_challenge
code_challenge_method = req.query.code_challenge_method || 'S256'
if (!['S256', 'plain'].includes(code_challenge_method)) {
return res.status(400).send('Invalid code_challenge_method')
if (req.query.state) {
Logger.debug(`[Auth] Invalid state - not allowed on web openid flow`)
return res.status(400).send('Invalid state, not allowed on web flow')
} else {
// If no code_challenge is provided, assume a web application flow and generate one
const code_verifier = OpenIDClient.generators.codeVerifier()
code_challenge = OpenIDClient.generators.codeChallenge(code_verifier)
code_challenge_method = 'S256'
// Store the code_verifier in the session for later use in the token exchange
req.session[sessionKey] = { ...req.session[sessionKey], code_verifier }
oidcStrategy._params.redirect_uri = redirectUri
Logger.debug(`[Auth] OIDC redirect_uri=${redirectUri}`)
let { code_challenge, code_challenge_method, code_verifier } = generatePkce(req, isMobileFlow)
const params = {
state: OpenIDClient.generators.random(),
// Other params by the passport strategy
// other passport strategy params and redirect_uri
if (!params.nonce && params.response_type.includes('id_token')) {
params.nonce = OpenIDClient.generators.random()
req.session[sessionKey] = {
...pick(params, 'nonce', 'state', 'max_age', 'response_type'),
...pick(params, 'state', 'max_age', 'response_type'),
code_verifier: code_verifier, // not null if web flow
mobile: req.query.redirect_uri, // Used in the abs callback later, set mobile if redirect_uri is filled out
sso_redirect_uri: oidcStrategy._params.redirect_uri // Save the redirect_uri (for the SSO Provider) for the callback
// We cannot save redirect_uri in the session, because it the mobile client uses browser instead of the API
// for the request to mobile-redirect and as such the session is not shared
this.openIdAuthSession.set(params.state, { mobile_redirect_uri: mobile_redirect_uri })
// Now get the URL to direct to
const authorizationUrl = client.authorizationUrl({
scope: 'openid profile email',
@ -360,15 +337,49 @@ class Auth {
// params (isRest, callback) to a cookie that will be send to the client
this.paramsToCookies(req, res, mobile_redirect_uri ? 'openid-mobile' : 'openid')
this.paramsToCookies(req, res, isMobileFlow ? 'openid-mobile' : 'openid')
// Redirect the user agent (browser) to the authorization URL
} catch (error) {
Logger.error(`[Auth] Error in /auth/openid route: ${error}`)
res.status(500).send('Internal Server Error')
function generatePkce(req, isMobileFlow) {
if (isMobileFlow) {
if (!req.query.code_challenge) {
throw new Error('code_challenge required for mobile flow (PKCE)')
if (req.query.code_challenge_method && req.query.code_challenge_method !== 'S256') {
throw new Error('Only S256 code_challenge_method method supported')
return {
code_challenge: req.query.code_challenge,
code_challenge_method: req.query.code_challenge_method || 'S256'
} else {
const code_verifier = OpenIDClient.generators.codeVerifier()
const code_challenge = OpenIDClient.generators.codeChallenge(code_verifier)
return { code_challenge, code_challenge_method: 'S256', code_verifier }
function isValidRedirectUri(uri) {
// Check if the redirect_uri is in the whitelist
return Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMobileRedirectURIs.includes(uri) ||
(Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMobileRedirectURIs.length === 1 && Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMobileRedirectURIs[0] === '*')
// helper function from openid-client
function pick(object, ...paths) {
const obj = {}
for (const path of paths) {
if (object[path] !== undefined) {
obj[path] = object[path]
return obj
// This will be the oauth2 callback route for mobile clients
@ -544,10 +555,13 @@ class Auth {
postLogoutRedirectUri = `${protocol}://${host}/login`
// else for openid-mobile we keep postLogoutRedirectUri on null
// nice would be to redirect to the app, but for example Authentik does not implement
// nice would be to redirect to the app here, but for example Authentik does not implement
// the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter at all and for other providers
// we would also need again to implement (and even before get to know somehow for 3rd party apps)
// the correct app link like audiobookshelf://login (and maybe also provide a redirect like mobile-redirect)
// the correct app link like audiobookshelf://login (and maybe also provide a redirect like mobile-redirect).
// Instead because its null (and this way the parameter will be omitted completly), the client/app can simply append something like
// &post_logout_redirect_uri=audiobookshelf://login to the received logout url by itself which is the simplest solution
// (The URL needs to be whitelisted in the config of the SSO/ID provider)
const logoutUrl = client.endSessionUrl({
id_token_hint: req.cookies.openid_id_token,