const fs = require('fs-extra') const Path = require('path') // Utils const Logger = require('./Logger') const { version } = require('../package.json') const audioFileScanner = require('./utils/audioFileScanner') const { groupFilesIntoAudiobookPaths, getAudiobookFileData, scanRootDir } = require('./utils/scandir') const { comparePaths, getIno, getId } = require('./utils/index') const { secondsToTimestamp } = require('./utils/fileUtils') const { ScanResult, CoverDestination } = require('./utils/constants') const BookFinder = require('./BookFinder') const Audiobook = require('./objects/Audiobook') class Scanner { constructor(AUDIOBOOK_PATH, METADATA_PATH, db, coverController, emitter) { this.AudiobookPath = AUDIOBOOK_PATH this.MetadataPath = METADATA_PATH this.BookMetadataPath = Path.posix.join(this.MetadataPath.replace(/\\/g, '/'), 'books') this.db = db this.coverController = coverController this.emitter = emitter this.cancelScan = false this.cancelLibraryScan = {} this.librariesScanning = [] this.bookFinder = new BookFinder() } get audiobooks() { return this.db.audiobooks } getCoverDirectory(audiobook) { if (this.db.serverSettings.coverDestination === CoverDestination.AUDIOBOOK) { return { fullPath: audiobook.fullPath, relPath: '/s/book/' + } } else { return { fullPath: Path.posix.join(this.BookMetadataPath,, relPath: Path.posix.join('/metadata', 'books', } } } async setAudioFileInos(audiobookDataAudioFiles, audiobookAudioFiles) { for (let i = 0; i < audiobookDataAudioFiles.length; i++) { var abdFile = audiobookDataAudioFiles[i] var matchingFile = audiobookAudioFiles.find(af => comparePaths(af.path, abdFile.path)) if (matchingFile) { if (!matchingFile.ino) { matchingFile.ino = await getIno(matchingFile.fullPath) } abdFile.ino = matchingFile.ino } else { abdFile.ino = await getIno(abdFile.fullPath) if (!abdFile.ino) { Logger.error('[Scanner] Invalid abdFile ino - ignoring abd audio file', abdFile.path) } } } return audiobookDataAudioFiles.filter(abdFile => !!abdFile.ino) } // Only updates audio files with matching paths syncAudiobookInodeValues(audiobook, { audioFiles, otherFiles }) { var filesUpdated = 0 // Sync audio files & audio tracks with updated inodes audiobook._audioFiles.forEach((audioFile) => { var matchingAudioFile = audioFiles.find(af => af.ino !== audioFile.ino && af.path === audioFile.path) if (matchingAudioFile) { // Audio Track should always have the same ino as the equivalent audio file (not all audio files have a track) var audioTrack = audiobook.tracks.find(t => t.ino === audioFile.ino) if (audioTrack) { Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Found audio file & track with mismatched inode "${audioFile.filename}" - updating it`) audioTrack.ino = matchingAudioFile.ino filesUpdated++ } else { Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Found audio file with mismatched inode "${audioFile.filename}" - updating it`) } audioFile.ino = matchingAudioFile.ino filesUpdated++ } }) // Sync other files with updated inodes audiobook._otherFiles.forEach((otherFile) => { var matchingOtherFile = otherFiles.find(of => of.ino !== otherFile.ino && of.path === otherFile.path) if (matchingOtherFile) { Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Found other file with mismatched inode "${otherFile.filename}" - updating it`) otherFile.ino = matchingOtherFile.ino filesUpdated++ } }) return filesUpdated } async searchForCover(audiobook) { var options = { titleDistance: 2, authorDistance: 2 } var results = await this.bookFinder.findCovers('openlibrary', audiobook.title, audiobook.authorFL, options) if (results.length) { Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Found best cover for "${audiobook.title}"`) // If the first cover result fails, attempt to download the second for (let i = 0; i < results.length && i < 2; i++) { // Downloads and updates the book cover var result = await this.coverController.downloadCoverFromUrl(audiobook, results[i]) if (result.error) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Failed to download cover from url "${results[i]}" | Attempt ${i + 1}`, result.error) } else { return true } } } return false } async scanExistingAudiobook(existingAudiobook, audiobookData, hasUpdatedIno, hasUpdatedLibraryOrFolder, forceAudioFileScan) { // Always sync files and inode values var filesInodeUpdated = this.syncAudiobookInodeValues(existingAudiobook, audiobookData) if (hasUpdatedIno || filesInodeUpdated > 0) {`[Scanner] Updating inode value for "${existingAudiobook.title}" - ${filesInodeUpdated} files updated`) hasUpdatedIno = true } // TEMP: Check if is older audiobook and needs force rescan if (!forceAudioFileScan && (!existingAudiobook.scanVersion || existingAudiobook.checkHasOldCoverPath())) {`[Scanner] Force rescan for "${existingAudiobook.title}" | Last scan v${existingAudiobook.scanVersion} | Old Cover Path ${!!existingAudiobook.checkHasOldCoverPath()}`) forceAudioFileScan = true } // inode is required audiobookData.audioFiles = audiobookData.audioFiles.filter(af => af.ino) // No valid ebook and audio files found, mark as incomplete var ebookFiles = audiobookData.otherFiles.filter(f => f.filetype === 'ebook') if (!audiobookData.audioFiles.length && !ebookFiles.length) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] "${existingAudiobook.title}" no valid book files found - marking as incomplete`) existingAudiobook.setLastScan(version) existingAudiobook.isIncomplete = true await this.db.updateAudiobook(existingAudiobook) this.emitter('audiobook_updated', existingAudiobook.toJSONMinified()) return ScanResult.UPDATED } else if (existingAudiobook.isIncomplete) { // Was incomplete but now is not`[Scanner] "${existingAudiobook.title}" was incomplete but now has book files`) existingAudiobook.isIncomplete = false } // Check for audio files that were removed var abdAudioFileInos = => af.ino) var removedAudioFiles = existingAudiobook.audioFiles.filter(file => !abdAudioFileInos.includes(file.ino)) if (removedAudioFiles.length) {`[Scanner] ${removedAudioFiles.length} audio files removed for audiobook "${existingAudiobook.title}"`) removedAudioFiles.forEach((af) => existingAudiobook.removeAudioFile(af)) } // Check for mismatched audio tracks - tracks with no matching audio file var removedAudioTracks = existingAudiobook.tracks.filter(track => !abdAudioFileInos.includes(track.ino)) if (removedAudioTracks.length) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] ${removedAudioTracks.length} tracks removed no matching audio file for audiobook "${existingAudiobook.title}"`) removedAudioTracks.forEach((at) => existingAudiobook.removeAudioTrack(at)) } // Check for new audio files and sync existing audio files var newAudioFiles = [] var hasUpdatedAudioFiles = false audiobookData.audioFiles.forEach((file) => { var existingAudioFile = existingAudiobook.getAudioFileByIno(file.ino) if (existingAudioFile) { // Audio file exists, sync path (path may have been renamed) if (existingAudiobook.syncAudioFile(existingAudioFile, file)) { hasUpdatedAudioFiles = true } } else { // New audio file, triple check for matching file path var audioFileWithMatchingPath = existingAudiobook.getAudioFileByPath(file.fullPath) if (audioFileWithMatchingPath) { Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Audio file with path already exists with different inode, New: "${file.filename}" (${file.ino}) | Existing: ${audioFileWithMatchingPath.filename} (${audioFileWithMatchingPath.ino})`) } else { newAudioFiles.push(file) } } }) // Sync other files (all files that are not audio files) - Updates cover path var hasOtherFileUpdates = false var otherFilesUpdated = await existingAudiobook.syncOtherFiles(audiobookData.otherFiles, this.MetadataPath, forceAudioFileScan) if (otherFilesUpdated) { hasOtherFileUpdates = true } // Rescan audio file metadata if (forceAudioFileScan) {`[Scanner] Rescanning ${existingAudiobook.audioFiles.length} audio files for "${existingAudiobook.title}"`) var numAudioFilesUpdated = await audioFileScanner.rescanAudioFiles(existingAudiobook) // Set book details from metadata pulled from audio files var bookMetadataUpdated = existingAudiobook.setDetailsFromFileMetadata() if (bookMetadataUpdated) { Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Book Metadata Updated for "${existingAudiobook.title}"`) hasUpdatedAudioFiles = true } if (numAudioFilesUpdated > 0) {`[Scanner] Rescan complete, ${numAudioFilesUpdated} audio files were updated for "${existingAudiobook.title}"`) hasUpdatedAudioFiles = true // Use embedded cover art if audiobook has no cover if (existingAudiobook.hasEmbeddedCoverArt && !existingAudiobook.cover) { var outputCoverDirs = this.getCoverDirectory(existingAudiobook) var relativeDir = await existingAudiobook.saveEmbeddedCoverArt(outputCoverDirs.fullPath, outputCoverDirs.relPath) if (relativeDir) { Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Saved embedded cover art "${relativeDir}"`) } } } else {`[Scanner] Rescan complete, audio files were up to date for "${existingAudiobook.title}"`) } } // Scan and add new audio files found and set tracks if (newAudioFiles.length) {`[Scanner] ${newAudioFiles.length} new audio files were found for audiobook "${existingAudiobook.title}"`) await audioFileScanner.scanAudioFiles(existingAudiobook, newAudioFiles) } // After scanning audio files, some may no longer be valid // so make sure the directory still has valid book files if (!existingAudiobook.tracks.length && !ebookFiles.length) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] "${existingAudiobook.title}" no valid book files found after update - marking as incomplete`) existingAudiobook.setLastScan(version) existingAudiobook.isIncomplete = true await this.db.updateAudiobook(existingAudiobook) this.emitter('audiobook_updated', existingAudiobook.toJSONMinified()) return ScanResult.UPDATED } var hasUpdates = hasOtherFileUpdates || hasUpdatedIno || hasUpdatedLibraryOrFolder || removedAudioFiles.length || removedAudioTracks.length || newAudioFiles.length || hasUpdatedAudioFiles // Check that audio tracks are in sequential order with no gaps if (existingAudiobook.checkUpdateMissingParts()) {`[Scanner] "${existingAudiobook.title}" missing parts updated`) hasUpdates = true } // Syncs path and fullPath if (existingAudiobook.syncPaths(audiobookData)) { hasUpdates = true } // If audiobook was missing before, it is now found if (existingAudiobook.isMissing) { existingAudiobook.isMissing = false hasUpdates = true`[Scanner] "${existingAudiobook.title}" was missing but now it is found`) } if (hasUpdates || version !== existingAudiobook.scanVersion) { existingAudiobook.setChapters() existingAudiobook.setLastScan(version) await this.db.updateAudiobook(existingAudiobook)`[Scanner] "${existingAudiobook.title}" was updated`) this.emitter('audiobook_updated', existingAudiobook.toJSONMinified()) return ScanResult.UPDATED } return ScanResult.UPTODATE } async scanNewAudiobook(audiobookData) { var ebookFiles = => f.filetype === 'ebook') if (!audiobookData.audioFiles.length && !ebookFiles.length) { Logger.error('[Scanner] No valid audio files and ebooks for Audiobook', audiobookData.path) return null } var audiobook = new Audiobook() audiobook.setData(audiobookData) // Scan audio files and set tracks, pulls metadata await audioFileScanner.scanAudioFiles(audiobook, audiobookData.audioFiles) if (!audiobook.tracks.length && !audiobook.ebooks.length) { Logger.warn('[Scanner] Invalid audiobook, no valid audio tracks and ebook files', audiobook.title) return null } // Look for desc.txt and reader.txt and update await audiobook.saveDataFromTextFiles() // Extract embedded cover art if cover is not already in directory if (audiobook.hasEmbeddedCoverArt && !audiobook.cover) { var outputCoverDirs = this.getCoverDirectory(audiobook) var relativeDir = await audiobook.saveEmbeddedCoverArt(outputCoverDirs.fullPath, outputCoverDirs.relPath) if (relativeDir) { Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Saved embedded cover art "${relativeDir}"`) } } // Set book details from metadata pulled from audio files audiobook.setDetailsFromFileMetadata() // Check for gaps in track numbers audiobook.checkUpdateMissingParts() // Set chapters from audio files audiobook.setChapters() audiobook.setLastScan(version)`[Scanner] Audiobook "${audiobook.title}" Scanned (${audiobook.sizePretty}) [${audiobook.durationPretty}]`) await this.db.insertEntity('audiobook', audiobook) this.emitter('audiobook_added', audiobook.toJSONMinified()) return audiobook } async scanAudiobookData(audiobookData, forceAudioFileScan = false) { var scannerFindCovers = this.db.serverSettings.scannerFindCovers var libraryId = audiobookData.libraryId var folderId = audiobookData.folderId var hasUpdatedLibraryOrFolder = false var existingAudiobook = this.audiobooks.find(ab => ab.ino === audiobookData.ino) // Make sure existing audiobook has the same library & folder id if (existingAudiobook && (existingAudiobook.libraryId !== libraryId || existingAudiobook.folderId !== folderId)) { var existingAudiobookLibrary = this.db.libraries.find(lib => === existingAudiobook.libraryId) if (!existingAudiobookLibrary) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Audiobook "${existingAudiobook.title}" found in different library that no longer exists ${existingAudiobook.libraryId}`) } else if (existingAudiobook.libraryId !== libraryId) { Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Audiobook "${existingAudiobook.title}" found in different library "${}"`) } else { Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Audiobook "${existingAudiobook.title}" found in different folder "${existingAudiobook.folderId}" of library "${}"`) } existingAudiobook.libraryId = libraryId existingAudiobook.folderId = folderId hasUpdatedLibraryOrFolder = true`[Scanner] Updated Audiobook "${existingAudiobook.title}" library and folder to "${libraryId}" "${folderId}"`) } // inode value may change when using shared drives, update inode if matching path is found // Note: inode will not change on rename var hasUpdatedIno = false if (!existingAudiobook) { // check an audiobook exists with matching path, then update inodes existingAudiobook = this.audiobooks.find(a => a.path === audiobookData.path) if (existingAudiobook) { var oldIno = existingAudiobook.ino existingAudiobook.ino = audiobookData.ino Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Scan Audiobook Data: Updated inode from "${oldIno}" to "${existingAudiobook.ino}"`) hasUpdatedIno = true if (existingAudiobook.libraryId !== libraryId || existingAudiobook.folderId !== folderId) { Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Audiobook found by path is in a different library or folder, ${existingAudiobook.libraryId}/${existingAudiobook.folderId} should be ${libraryId}/${folderId}`) existingAudiobook.libraryId = libraryId existingAudiobook.folderId = folderId hasUpdatedLibraryOrFolder = true`[Scanner] Updated Audiobook "${existingAudiobook.title}" library and folder to "${libraryId}" "${folderId}"`) } } } var scanResult = null var finalAudiobook = null if (existingAudiobook) { finalAudiobook = existingAudiobook scanResult = await this.scanExistingAudiobook(existingAudiobook, audiobookData, hasUpdatedIno, hasUpdatedLibraryOrFolder, forceAudioFileScan) if (scanResult === ScanResult.REMOVED || scanResult === ScanResult.NOTHING) { finalAudiobook = null } } else { finalAudiobook = await this.scanNewAudiobook(audiobookData) scanResult = finalAudiobook ? ScanResult.ADDED : ScanResult.NOTHING if (finalAudiobook === ScanResult.NOTHING) { finalAudiobook = null scanResult = ScanResult.NOTHING } else { scanResult = ScanResult.ADDED } } // Scan for cover if enabled and has no cover if (finalAudiobook && scannerFindCovers && !finalAudiobook.cover) { if ( { var updatedCover = await this.searchForCover(finalAudiobook) if (updatedCover && scanResult === ScanResult.UPTODATE) { scanResult = ScanResult.UPDATED } await this.db.updateAudiobook(finalAudiobook) this.emitter('audiobook_updated', finalAudiobook.toJSONMinified()) } else { Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Audiobook "${finalAudiobook.title}" cover already scanned - not re-scanning`) } } return scanResult } async scan(libraryId, forceAudioFileScan = false) { if (this.librariesScanning.includes(libraryId)) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Already scanning ${libraryId}`) return } var library = this.db.libraries.find(lib => === libraryId) if (!library) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Library not found for scan ${libraryId}`) return } else if (!library.folders.length) { Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Library has no folders to scan "${}"`) return } var scanPayload = { id: libraryId, name:, scanType: 'library', folders: library.folders.length } this.emitter('scan_start', scanPayload)`[Scanner] Starting scan of library "${}" with ${library.folders.length} folders`) library.lastScan = await this.db.updateEntity('library', library) this.librariesScanning.push(scanPayload) var audiobooksInLibrary = this.db.audiobooks.filter(ab => ab.libraryId === libraryId) // TODO: This temporary fix from pre-release should be removed soon, "checkUpdateInos" if (audiobooksInLibrary.length) { for (let i = 0; i < audiobooksInLibrary.length; i++) { var ab = audiobooksInLibrary[i] // Update ino if inos are not set var shouldUpdateIno = ab.hasMissingIno if (shouldUpdateIno) { var filesWithMissingIno = ab.getFilesWithMissingIno() Logger.debug(`\nUpdating inos for "${ab.title}"`) Logger.debug(`In Scan, Files with missing inode`, filesWithMissingIno) var hasUpdates = await ab.checkUpdateInos() if (hasUpdates) { await this.db.updateAudiobook(ab) } } } } const scanStart = var audiobookDataFound = [] for (let i = 0; i < library.folders.length; i++) { var folder = library.folders[i] var abDataFoundInFolder = await scanRootDir(folder, this.db.serverSettings) Logger.debug(`[Scanner] ${abDataFoundInFolder.length} ab data found in folder "${folder.fullPath}"`) audiobookDataFound = audiobookDataFound.concat(abDataFoundInFolder) } // Remove audiobooks with no inode audiobookDataFound = audiobookDataFound.filter(abd => abd.ino) if (this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryId]) {`[Scanner] Canceling scan ${libraryId}`) delete this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryId] this.librariesScanning = this.librariesScanning.filter(l => !== libraryId) this.emitter('scan_complete', { id: libraryId, name:, scanType: 'library', results: null }) return null } var scanResults = { removed: 0, updated: 0, added: 0, missing: 0 } // Check for removed audiobooks for (let i = 0; i < audiobooksInLibrary.length; i++) { var audiobook = audiobooksInLibrary[i] var dataFound = audiobookDataFound.find(abd => abd.ino === audiobook.ino || comparePaths(abd.path, audiobook.path)) if (!dataFound) {`[Scanner] Audiobook "${audiobook.title}" is missing`) audiobook.isMissing = true audiobook.lastUpdate = scanResults.missing++ await this.db.updateAudiobook(audiobook) this.emitter('audiobook_updated', audiobook.toJSONMinified()) } if (this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryId]) {`[Scanner] Canceling scan ${libraryId}`) delete this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryId] this.librariesScanning = this.librariesScanning.filter(l => !== libraryId) this.emitter('scan_complete', { id: libraryId, name:, scanType: 'library', results: scanResults }) return } } // Check for new and updated audiobooks for (let i = 0; i < audiobookDataFound.length; i++) { var result = await this.scanAudiobookData(audiobookDataFound[i], forceAudioFileScan) if (result === ScanResult.ADDED) scanResults.added++ if (result === ScanResult.REMOVED) scanResults.removed++ if (result === ScanResult.UPDATED) scanResults.updated++ var progress = Math.round(100 * (i + 1) / audiobookDataFound.length) this.emitter('scan_progress', { id: libraryId, name:, scanType: 'library', progress: { total: audiobookDataFound.length, done: i + 1, progress } }) if (this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryId]) {`[Scanner] Canceling scan ${libraryId}`) delete this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryId] break } } const scanElapsed = Math.floor(( - scanStart) / 1000)`[Scanned] Finished | ${scanResults.added} added | ${scanResults.updated} updated | ${scanResults.removed} removed | ${scanResults.missing} missing | elapsed: ${secondsToTimestamp(scanElapsed)}`) this.librariesScanning = this.librariesScanning.filter(l => !== libraryId) this.emitter('scan_complete', { id: libraryId, name:, scanType: 'library', results: scanResults }) } async scanAudiobookById(audiobookId) { const audiobook = this.db.audiobooks.find(ab => === audiobookId) if (!audiobook) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Scan audiobook by id not found ${audiobookId}`) return ScanResult.NOTHING } const library = this.db.libraries.find(lib => === audiobook.libraryId) if (!library) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Scan audiobook by id library not found "${audiobook.libraryId}"`) return ScanResult.NOTHING } const folder = library.folders.find(f => === audiobook.folderId) if (!folder) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Scan audiobook by id folder not found "${audiobook.folderId}" in library "${}"`) return ScanResult.NOTHING } if (!folder.libraryId) { Logger.fatal(`[Scanner] Folder does not have a library id set...`, folder) return ScanResult.NOTHING }`[Scanner] Scanning Audiobook "${audiobook.title}"`) return this.scanAudiobook(folder, audiobook.fullPath, true) } async scanAudiobook(folder, audiobookFullPath, forceAudioFileScan = false) { Logger.debug('[Scanner] scanAudiobook', audiobookFullPath) var audiobookData = await getAudiobookFileData(folder, audiobookFullPath, this.db.serverSettings) if (!audiobookData) { return ScanResult.NOTHING } return this.scanAudiobookData(audiobookData, forceAudioFileScan) } async scanFolderUpdates(libraryId, folderId, fileUpdateBookGroup) { var library = this.db.libraries.find(lib => === libraryId) if (!library) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Library "${libraryId}" not found for scan library updates`) return null } var folder = library.folders.find(f => === folderId) if (!folder) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Folder "${folderId}" not found in library "${}" for scan library updates`) return null } Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Scanning file update groups in folder "${}" of library "${}"`) var bookGroupingResults = {} for (const bookDir in fileUpdateBookGroup) { var fullPath = Path.posix.join(folder.fullPath.replace(/\\/g, '/'), bookDir) // Check if book dir group is already an audiobook or in a subdir of an audiobook var existingAudiobook = this.db.audiobooks.find(ab => fullPath.startsWith(ab.fullPath)) if (existingAudiobook) { // Is the audiobook exactly - check if was deleted if (existingAudiobook.fullPath === fullPath) { var exists = await fs.pathExists(fullPath) if (!exists) {`[Scanner] Scanning file update group and audiobook was deleted "${existingAudiobook.title}" - marking as missing`) existingAudiobook.isMissing = true existingAudiobook.lastUpdate = await this.db.updateAudiobook(existingAudiobook) this.emitter('audiobook_updated', existingAudiobook.toJSONMinified()) bookGroupingResults[bookDir] = ScanResult.REMOVED continue; } } // Scan audiobook for updates Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Folder update for relative path "${bookDir}" is in audiobook "${existingAudiobook.title}" - scan for updates`) bookGroupingResults[bookDir] = await this.scanAudiobook(folder, existingAudiobook.fullPath) continue; } // Check if an audiobook is a subdirectory of this dir var childAudiobook = this.db.audiobooks.find(ab => ab.fullPath.startsWith(fullPath)) if (childAudiobook) { Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Files were modified in a parent directory of an audiobook "${childAudiobook.title}" - ignoring`) bookGroupingResults[bookDir] = ScanResult.NOTHING continue; } Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Folder update group must be a new book "${bookDir}" in library "${}"`) bookGroupingResults[bookDir] = await this.scanAudiobook(folder, fullPath) } return bookGroupingResults } // Array of file update objects that may have been renamed, removed or added async filesChanged(fileUpdates) { if (!fileUpdates.length) return null // Group files by folder var folderGroups = {} fileUpdates.forEach((file) => { if (folderGroups[file.folderId]) { folderGroups[file.folderId].fileUpdates.push(file) } else { folderGroups[file.folderId] = { libraryId: file.libraryId, folderId: file.folderId, fileUpdates: [file] } } }) const libraryScanResults = {} // Group files by book for (const folderId in folderGroups) { var libraryId = folderGroups[folderId].libraryId var library = this.db.libraries.find(lib => === libraryId) if (!library) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Library not found in files changed ${libraryId}`) continue; } var folder = library.getFolderById(folderId) if (!folder) { Logger.error(`[Scanner] Folder is not in library in files changed "${folderId}", Library "${}"`) Logger.debug(`Looking at folders in library "${}" for folderid ${folderId}`) library.folders.forEach((fold) => { Logger.debug(`Folder "${}" "${fold.fullPath}"`) }) continue; } var relFilePaths = folderGroups[folderId] => fileUpdate.relPath) var fileUpdateBookGroup = groupFilesIntoAudiobookPaths(relFilePaths, true) var folderScanResults = await this.scanFolderUpdates(libraryId, folderId, fileUpdateBookGroup) libraryScanResults[libraryId] = folderScanResults } Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Finished scanning file changes, results:`, libraryScanResults) return libraryScanResults } async saveMetadata(audiobookId) { if (audiobookId) { var audiobook = this.db.audiobooks.find(ab => === audiobookId) if (!audiobook) { return { error: 'Audiobook not found' } } var savedPath = await audiobook.writeNfoFile() return { audiobookId, audiobookTitle: audiobook.title, savedPath } } else { var response = { success: 0, failed: 0 } for (let i = 0; i < this.db.audiobooks.length; i++) { var audiobook = this.db.audiobooks[i] var savedPath = await audiobook.writeNfoFile() if (savedPath) {`[Scanner] Saved metadata nfo ${savedPath}`) response.success++ } else { response.failed++ } } return response } } async find(req, res) { var method = req.params.method var query = req.query var result = null if (method === 'isbn') { result = await this.bookFinder.findByISBN(query) } else if (method === 'search') { result = await, query.title, || null) } res.json(result) } async findCovers(req, res) { var query = req.query var options = { fallbackTitleOnly: !!query.fallbackTitleOnly } var result = await this.bookFinder.findCovers(query.provider, query.title, || null, options) res.json(result) } async fixDuplicateIds() { var ids = {} var audiobooksUpdated = 0 for (let i = 0; i < this.db.audiobooks.length; i++) { var ab = this.db.audiobooks[i] if (ids[]) { var abCopy = new Audiobook(ab.toJSON()) = getId('ab') if ( { =, } Logger.warn('Found duplicate ID - updating from',, 'to', await this.db.removeEntity('audiobook', await this.db.insertEntity('audiobook', abCopy) audiobooksUpdated++ } else { ids[] = true } } if (audiobooksUpdated) {`[Scanner] Updated ${audiobooksUpdated} audiobook IDs`) } } } module.exports = Scanner