const Path = require('path') const fs = require('fs-extra') const Logger = require('../Logger') const { recurseFiles, getFileTimestampsWithIno } = require('./fileUtils') const globals = require('./globals') const LibraryFile = require('../objects/files/LibraryFile') const { response } = require('express') function isMediaFile(mediaType, ext) { // if (!path) return false // var ext = Path.extname(path) if (!ext) return false var extclean = ext.slice(1).toLowerCase() if (mediaType === 'podcast') return globals.SupportedAudioTypes.includes(extclean) return globals.SupportedAudioTypes.includes(extclean) || globals.SupportedEbookTypes.includes(extclean) } // TODO: Function needs to be re-done // Input: array of relative file paths // Output: map of files grouped into potential item dirs function groupFilesIntoLibraryItemPaths(paths) { // Step 1: Clean path, Remove leading "/", Filter out files in root dir var pathsFiltered = => { return path.startsWith('/') ? path.slice(1) : path }).filter(path => Path.parse(path).dir) // Step 2: Sort by least number of directories pathsFiltered.sort((a, b) => { var pathsA = Path.dirname(a).split('/').length var pathsB = Path.dirname(b).split('/').length return pathsA - pathsB }) // Step 3: Group files in dirs var itemGroup = {} pathsFiltered.forEach((path) => { var dirparts = Path.dirname(path).split('/') var numparts = dirparts.length var _path = '' // Iterate over directories in path for (let i = 0; i < numparts; i++) { var dirpart = dirparts.shift() _path = Path.posix.join(_path, dirpart) if (itemGroup[_path]) { // Directory already has files, add file var relpath = Path.posix.join(dirparts.join('/'), Path.basename(path)) itemGroup[_path].push(relpath) return } else if (!dirparts.length) { // This is the last directory, create group itemGroup[_path] = [Path.basename(path)] return } else if (dirparts.length === 1 && /^cd\d{1,3}$/i.test(dirparts[0])) { // Next directory is the last and is a CD dir, create group itemGroup[_path] = [Path.posix.join(dirparts[0], Path.basename(path))] return } } }) return itemGroup } module.exports.groupFilesIntoLibraryItemPaths = groupFilesIntoLibraryItemPaths // Input: array of relative file items (see recurseFiles) // Output: map of files grouped into potential libarary item dirs function groupFileItemsIntoLibraryItemDirs(mediaType, fileItems) { // Step 1: Filter out non-media files in root dir (with depth of 0) var itemsFiltered = fileItems.filter(i => { return i.deep > 0 || isMediaFile(mediaType, i.extension) }) // Step 2: Seperate media files and other files // - Directories without a media file will not be included var mediaFileItems = [] var otherFileItems = [] itemsFiltered.forEach(item => { if (isMediaFile(mediaType, item.extension)) mediaFileItems.push(item) else otherFileItems.push(item) }) // Step 3: Group audio files in library items var libraryItemGroup = {} mediaFileItems.forEach((item) => { var dirparts = item.reldirpath.split('/').filter(p => !!p) var numparts = dirparts.length var _path = '' if (!dirparts.length) { // Media file in root libraryItemGroup[] = } else { // Iterate over directories in path for (let i = 0; i < numparts; i++) { var dirpart = dirparts.shift() _path = Path.posix.join(_path, dirpart) if (libraryItemGroup[_path]) { // Directory already has files, add file var relpath = Path.posix.join(dirparts.join('/'), libraryItemGroup[_path].push(relpath) return } else if (!dirparts.length) { // This is the last directory, create group libraryItemGroup[_path] = [] return } else if (dirparts.length === 1 && /^cd\d{1,3}$/i.test(dirparts[0])) { // Next directory is the last and is a CD dir, create group libraryItemGroup[_path] = [Path.posix.join(dirparts[0],] return } } } }) // Step 4: Add other files into library item groups otherFileItems.forEach((item) => { var dirparts = item.reldirpath.split('/') var numparts = dirparts.length var _path = '' // Iterate over directories in path for (let i = 0; i < numparts; i++) { var dirpart = dirparts.shift() _path = Path.posix.join(_path, dirpart) if (libraryItemGroup[_path]) { // Directory is audiobook group var relpath = Path.posix.join(dirparts.join('/'), libraryItemGroup[_path].push(relpath) return } } }) return libraryItemGroup } function cleanFileObjects(libraryItemPath, files) { return Promise.all( (file) => { var filePath = Path.posix.join(libraryItemPath, file) var newLibraryFile = new LibraryFile() await newLibraryFile.setDataFromPath(filePath, file) return newLibraryFile })) } // Scan folder async function scanFolder(libraryMediaType, folder, serverSettings = {}) { var folderPath = folder.fullPath.replace(/\\/g, '/') var pathExists = await fs.pathExists(folderPath) if (!pathExists) { Logger.error(`[scandir] Invalid folder path does not exist "${folderPath}"`) return [] } var fileItems = await recurseFiles(folderPath) var basePath = folderPath const isOpenAudibleFolder = fileItems.find(fi => fi.deep === 0 && === 'books.json') if (isOpenAudibleFolder) {`[scandir] Detected Open Audible Folder, looking in books folder`) basePath = Path.posix.join(folderPath, 'books') fileItems = await recurseFiles(basePath) Logger.debug(`[scandir] ${fileItems.length} files found in books folder`) } var libraryItemGrouping = groupFileItemsIntoLibraryItemDirs(libraryMediaType, fileItems) if (!Object.keys(libraryItemGrouping).length) { Logger.error(`Root path has no media folders: ${folderPath}`) return [] } var isFile = false // item is not in a folder var items = [] for (const libraryItemPath in libraryItemGrouping) { var libraryItemData = null var fileObjs = [] if (libraryItemPath === libraryItemGrouping[libraryItemPath]) { // Media file in root only get title libraryItemData = { mediaMetadata: { title: Path.basename(libraryItemPath, Path.extname(libraryItemPath)) }, path: Path.posix.join(basePath, libraryItemPath), relPath: libraryItemPath } fileObjs = await cleanFileObjects(basePath, [libraryItemPath]) isFile = true } else { libraryItemData = getDataFromMediaDir(libraryMediaType, folderPath, libraryItemPath, serverSettings) fileObjs = await cleanFileObjects(libraryItemData.path, libraryItemGrouping[libraryItemPath]) } var libraryItemFolderStats = await getFileTimestampsWithIno(libraryItemData.path) items.push({ folderId:, libraryId: folder.libraryId, ino: libraryItemFolderStats.ino, mtimeMs: libraryItemFolderStats.mtimeMs || 0, ctimeMs: libraryItemFolderStats.ctimeMs || 0, birthtimeMs: libraryItemFolderStats.birthtimeMs || 0, path: libraryItemData.path, relPath: libraryItemData.relPath, isFile, media: { metadata: libraryItemData.mediaMetadata || null }, libraryFiles: fileObjs }) } return items } module.exports.scanFolder = scanFolder // Input relative filepath, output all details that can be parsed function getBookDataFromDir(folderPath, relPath, parseSubtitle = false) { relPath = relPath.replace(/\\/g, '/') var splitDir = relPath.split('/') // Audio files will always be in the directory named for the title var [title, narrators] = getTitleAndNarrator(splitDir.pop()) var series = null var author = null // If there are at least 2 more directories, next furthest will be the series if (splitDir.length > 1) series = splitDir.pop() if (splitDir.length > 0) author = splitDir.pop() // There could be many more directories, but only the top 3 are used for naming /author/series/title/ // If in a series directory check for volume number match /* ACCEPTS Book 2 - Title Here - Subtitle Here Title Here - Subtitle Here - Vol 12 Title Here - volume 9 - Subtitle Here Vol. 3 Title Here - Subtitle Here 1980 - Book 2-Title Here Title Here-Volume 999-Subtitle Here 2 - Book Title 100 - Book Title 0.5 - Book Title */ var volumeNumber = null if (series) { // Added 1.7.1: If title starts with a # that is 3 digits or less (or w/ 2 decimal), then use as volume number var volumeMatch = title.match(/^(\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,2})?) - ./) if (volumeMatch && volumeMatch.length > 1) { volumeNumber = volumeMatch[1] title = title.replace(`${volumeNumber} - `, '') } else { // Match volumes with decimal (OLD: /(-? ?)\b((?:Book|Vol.?|Volume) (\d{1,3}))\b( ?-?)/i) var volumeMatch = title.match(/(-? ?)\b((?:Book|Vol.?|Volume) (\d{0,3}(?:\.\d{1,2})?))\b( ?-?)/i) if (volumeMatch && volumeMatch.length > 3 && volumeMatch[2] && volumeMatch[3]) { volumeNumber = volumeMatch[3] var replaceChunk = volumeMatch[2] // "1980 - Book 2-Title Here" // Group 1 would be "- " // Group 3 would be "-" // Only remove the first group if (volumeMatch[1]) { replaceChunk = volumeMatch[1] + replaceChunk } else if (volumeMatch[4]) { replaceChunk += volumeMatch[4] } title = title.replace(replaceChunk, '').trim() } } } var publishedYear = null // If Title is of format 1999 OR (1999) - Title, then use 1999 as publish year var publishYearMatch = title.match(/^(\(?[0-9]{4}\)?) - (.+)/) if (publishYearMatch && publishYearMatch.length > 2 && publishYearMatch[1]) { // Strip parentheses if (publishYearMatch[1].startsWith('(') && publishYearMatch[1].endsWith(')')) { publishYearMatch[1] = publishYearMatch[1].slice(1, -1) } if (!isNaN(publishYearMatch[1])) { publishedYear = publishYearMatch[1] title = publishYearMatch[2] } } // Subtitle can be parsed from the title if user enabled // Subtitle is everything after " - " var subtitle = null if (parseSubtitle && title.includes(' - ')) { var splitOnSubtitle = title.split(' - ') title = splitOnSubtitle.shift() subtitle = splitOnSubtitle.join(' - ') } return { mediaMetadata: { author, title, subtitle, series, sequence: volumeNumber, publishedYear, }, relPath: relPath, // relative audiobook path i.e. /Author Name/Book Name/.. path: Path.posix.join(folderPath, relPath) // i.e. /audiobook/Author Name/Book Name/.. } } function getTitleAndNarrator(folder) { let pattern = /^(?