const Path = require('path') const Sequelize = require('sequelize') const express = require('express') const http = require('http') const util = require('util') const fs = require('./libs/fsExtra') const fileUpload = require('./libs/expressFileupload') const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser') const { version } = require('../package.json') // Utils const fileUtils = require('./utils/fileUtils') const Logger = require('./Logger') const Auth = require('./Auth') const Watcher = require('./Watcher') const Database = require('./Database') const SocketAuthority = require('./SocketAuthority') const ApiRouter = require('./routers/ApiRouter') const HlsRouter = require('./routers/HlsRouter') const PublicRouter = require('./routers/PublicRouter') const LogManager = require('./managers/LogManager') const NotificationManager = require('./managers/NotificationManager') const EmailManager = require('./managers/EmailManager') const AbMergeManager = require('./managers/AbMergeManager') const CacheManager = require('./managers/CacheManager') const BackupManager = require('./managers/BackupManager') const PlaybackSessionManager = require('./managers/PlaybackSessionManager') const PodcastManager = require('./managers/PodcastManager') const AudioMetadataMangaer = require('./managers/AudioMetadataManager') const RssFeedManager = require('./managers/RssFeedManager') const CronManager = require('./managers/CronManager') const ApiCacheManager = require('./managers/ApiCacheManager') const BinaryManager = require('./managers/BinaryManager') const ShareManager = require('./managers/ShareManager') const LibraryScanner = require('./scanner/LibraryScanner') //Import the main Passport and Express-Session library const passport = require('passport') const expressSession = require('express-session') class Server { constructor(SOURCE, PORT, HOST, CONFIG_PATH, METADATA_PATH, ROUTER_BASE_PATH) { this.Port = PORT this.Host = HOST global.Source = SOURCE global.isWin = process.platform === 'win32' global.ConfigPath = fileUtils.filePathToPOSIX(Path.normalize(CONFIG_PATH)) global.MetadataPath = fileUtils.filePathToPOSIX(Path.normalize(METADATA_PATH)) global.RouterBasePath = ROUTER_BASE_PATH global.XAccel = process.env.USE_X_ACCEL global.AllowCors = process.env.ALLOW_CORS === '1' global.DisableSsrfRequestFilter = process.env.DISABLE_SSRF_REQUEST_FILTER === '1' if (!fs.pathExistsSync(global.ConfigPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(global.ConfigPath) } if (!fs.pathExistsSync(global.MetadataPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(global.MetadataPath) } this.watcher = new Watcher() this.auth = new Auth() // Managers this.notificationManager = new NotificationManager() this.emailManager = new EmailManager() this.backupManager = new BackupManager() this.abMergeManager = new AbMergeManager() this.playbackSessionManager = new PlaybackSessionManager() this.podcastManager = new PodcastManager(this.watcher, this.notificationManager) this.audioMetadataManager = new AudioMetadataMangaer() this.rssFeedManager = new RssFeedManager() this.cronManager = new CronManager(this.podcastManager) this.apiCacheManager = new ApiCacheManager() this.binaryManager = new BinaryManager() // Routers this.apiRouter = new ApiRouter(this) this.hlsRouter = new HlsRouter(this.auth, this.playbackSessionManager) this.publicRouter = new PublicRouter(this.playbackSessionManager) Logger.logManager = new LogManager() this.server = null = null } authMiddleware(req, res, next) { // ask passportjs if the current request is authenticated this.auth.isAuthenticated(req, res, next) } cancelLibraryScan(libraryId) { LibraryScanner.setCancelLibraryScan(libraryId) } /** * Initialize database, backups, logs, rss feeds, cron jobs & watcher * Cleanup stale/invalid data */ async init() {'[Server] Init v' + version) await this.playbackSessionManager.removeOrphanStreams() await Database.init(false) await Logger.logManager.init() // Create token secret if does not exist (Added v2.1.0) if (!Database.serverSettings.tokenSecret) { await this.auth.initTokenSecret() } await this.cleanUserData() // Remove invalid user item progress await CacheManager.ensureCachePaths() await ShareManager.init() await this.backupManager.init() await this.rssFeedManager.init() const libraries = await Database.libraryModel.getAllOldLibraries() await this.cronManager.init(libraries) this.apiCacheManager.init() // Download ffmpeg & ffprobe if not found (Currently only in use for Windows installs) if (global.isWin || Logger.isDev) { await this.binaryManager.init() } if (Database.serverSettings.scannerDisableWatcher) {`[Server] Watcher is disabled`) this.watcher.disabled = true } else { this.watcher.initWatcher(libraries) } } /** * Listen for SIGINT and uncaught exceptions */ initProcessEventListeners() { let sigintAlreadyReceived = false process.on('SIGINT', async () => { if (!sigintAlreadyReceived) { sigintAlreadyReceived = true'SIGINT (Ctrl+C) received. Shutting down...') await this.stop()'Server stopped. Exiting.') } else {'SIGINT (Ctrl+C) received again. Exiting immediately.') } process.exit(0) }) /** * @see */ process.on('uncaughtExceptionMonitor', async (error, origin) => { await Logger.fatal(`[Server] Uncaught exception origin: ${origin}, error:`, util.format('%O', error)) }) /** * @see */ process.on('unhandledRejection', async (reason, promise) => { await Logger.fatal(`[Server] Unhandled rejection: ${reason}, promise:`, util.format('%O', promise)) process.exit(1) }) } async start() {'=== Starting Server ===') this.initProcessEventListeners() await this.init() const app = express() /** * @temporary * This is necessary for the ebook & cover API endpoint in the mobile apps * The mobile app ereader is using fetch api in Capacitor that is currently difficult to switch to native requests * so we have to allow cors for specific origins to the /api/items/:id/ebook endpoint * The cover image is fetched with XMLHttpRequest in the mobile apps to load into a canvas and extract colors * @see * * Running in development allows cors to allow testing the mobile apps in the browser * or env variable ALLOW_CORS = '1' */ app.use((req, res, next) => { if (Logger.isDev || req.path.match(/\/api\/items\/([a-z0-9-]{36})\/(ebook|cover)(\/[0-9]+)?/)) { const allowedOrigins = ['capacitor://localhost', 'http://localhost'] if (global.AllowCors || Logger.isDev || allowedOrigins.some((o) => o === req.get('origin'))) { res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.get('origin')) res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS') res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', '*') res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', true) if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') { return res.sendStatus(200) } } } next() }) // parse cookies in requests app.use(cookieParser()) // enable express-session app.use( expressSession({ secret: global.ServerSettings.tokenSecret, resave: false, saveUninitialized: false, cookie: { // also send the cookie if were are not on https (not every use has https) secure: false } }) ) // init passport.js app.use(passport.initialize()) // register passport in express-session app.use(passport.session()) // config passport.js await this.auth.initPassportJs() const router = express.Router() app.use(global.RouterBasePath, router) app.disable('x-powered-by') this.server = http.createServer(app) router.use( fileUpload({ defCharset: 'utf8', defParamCharset: 'utf8', useTempFiles: true, tempFileDir: Path.join(global.MetadataPath, 'tmp') }) ) router.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true, limit: '5mb' })) router.use(express.json({ limit: '5mb' })) // Static path to generated nuxt const distPath = Path.join(global.appRoot, '/client/dist') router.use(express.static(distPath)) // Static folder router.use(express.static(Path.join(global.appRoot, 'static'))) router.use('/api', this.authMiddleware.bind(this), this.apiRouter.router) router.use('/hls', this.authMiddleware.bind(this), this.hlsRouter.router) router.use('/public', this.publicRouter.router) // RSS Feed temp route router.get('/feed/:slug', (req, res) => {`[Server] Requesting rss feed ${req.params.slug}`) this.rssFeedManager.getFeed(req, res) }) router.get('/feed/:slug/cover*', (req, res) => { this.rssFeedManager.getFeedCover(req, res) }) router.get('/feed/:slug/item/:episodeId/*', (req, res) => { Logger.debug(`[Server] Requesting rss feed episode ${req.params.slug}/${req.params.episodeId}`) this.rssFeedManager.getFeedItem(req, res) }) // Auth routes await this.auth.initAuthRoutes(router) // Client dynamic routes const dyanimicRoutes = [ '/item/:id', '/author/:id', '/audiobook/:id/chapters', '/audiobook/:id/edit', '/audiobook/:id/manage', '/library/:library', '/library/:library/search', '/library/:library/bookshelf/:id?', '/library/:library/authors', '/library/:library/narrators', '/library/:library/series/:id?', '/library/:library/podcast/search', '/library/:library/podcast/latest', '/library/:library/podcast/download-queue', '/config/users/:id', '/config/users/:id/sessions', '/config/item-metadata-utils/:id', '/collection/:id', '/playlist/:id', '/share/:slug' ] dyanimicRoutes.forEach((route) => router.get(route, (req, res) => res.sendFile(Path.join(distPath, 'index.html'))))'/init', (req, res) => { if (Database.hasRootUser) { Logger.error(`[Server] attempt to init server when server already has a root user`) return res.sendStatus(500) } this.initializeServer(req, res) }) router.get('/status', (req, res) => { // status check for client to see if server has been initialized // server has been initialized if a root user exists const payload = { app: 'audiobookshelf', serverVersion: version, isInit: Database.hasRootUser, language: Database.serverSettings.language, authMethods: Database.serverSettings.authActiveAuthMethods, authFormData: Database.serverSettings.authFormData } if (!payload.isInit) { payload.ConfigPath = global.ConfigPath payload.MetadataPath = global.MetadataPath } res.json(payload) }) router.get('/ping', (req, res) => {'Received ping') res.json({ success: true }) }) app.get('/healthcheck', (req, res) => res.sendStatus(200)) this.server.listen(this.Port, this.Host, () => { if (this.Host)`Listening on http://${this.Host}:${this.Port}`) else`Listening on port :${this.Port}`) }) // Start listening for socket connections SocketAuthority.initialize(this) } async initializeServer(req, res) {`[Server] Initializing new server`) const newRoot = req.body.newRoot const rootUsername = newRoot.username || 'root' const rootPash = newRoot.password ? await this.auth.hashPass(newRoot.password) : '' if (!rootPash) Logger.warn(`[Server] Creating root user with no password`) await Database.createRootUser(rootUsername, rootPash, this.auth) res.sendStatus(200) } /** * Remove user media progress for items that no longer exist & remove seriesHideFrom that no longer exist */ async cleanUserData() { // Get all media progress without an associated media item const mediaProgressToRemove = await Database.mediaProgressModel.findAll({ where: { '$$': null, '$$': null }, attributes: ['id'], include: [ { model: Database.bookModel, attributes: ['id'] }, { model: Database.podcastEpisodeModel, attributes: ['id'] } ] }) if (mediaProgressToRemove.length) { // Remove media progress const mediaProgressRemoved = await Database.mediaProgressModel.destroy({ where: { id: { []: => } } }) if (mediaProgressRemoved) {`[Server] Removed ${mediaProgressRemoved} media progress for media items that no longer exist in db`) } } // Remove series from hide from continue listening that no longer exist const users = await Database.userModel.getOldUsers() for (const _user of users) { let hasUpdated = false if (_user.seriesHideFromContinueListening.length) { const seriesHiding = ( await Database.seriesModel.findAll({ where: { id: _user.seriesHideFromContinueListening }, attributes: ['id'], raw: true }) ).map((se) => _user.seriesHideFromContinueListening = _user.seriesHideFromContinueListening.filter((seriesId) => { if (!seriesHiding.includes(seriesId)) { // Series removed hasUpdated = true return false } return true }) } if (hasUpdated) { await Database.updateUser(_user) } } } /** * Gracefully stop server * Stops watcher and socket server */ async stop() {'=== Stopping Server ===') await this.watcher.close()'Watcher Closed') return new Promise((resolve) => { SocketAuthority.close((err) => { if (err) { Logger.error('Failed to close server', err) } else {'Server successfully closed') } resolve() }) }) } } module.exports = Server