
246 lines
9.9 KiB

<div class="w-full h-20 md:h-10 relative">
<div class="flex md:hidden h-10 items-center">
<nuxt-link :to="`/library/${currentLibraryId}`" class="flex-grow h-full flex justify-center items-center" :class="homePage ? 'bg-primary bg-opacity-80' : 'bg-primary bg-opacity-40'">
<nuxt-link :to="`/library/${currentLibraryId}/bookshelf`" class="flex-grow h-full flex justify-center items-center" :class="showLibrary ? 'bg-primary bg-opacity-80' : 'bg-primary bg-opacity-40'">
<nuxt-link :to="`/library/${currentLibraryId}/bookshelf/series`" class="flex-grow h-full flex justify-center items-center" :class="paramId === 'series' ? 'bg-primary bg-opacity-80' : 'bg-primary bg-opacity-40'">
<div id="toolbar" class="absolute top-10 md:top-0 left-0 w-full h-10 md:h-full z-30 flex items-center justify-end md:justify-start px-2 md:px-8">
<template v-if="page !== 'search' && page !== 'podcast-search' && !isHome">
<p v-if="!selectedSeries" class="font-book hidden md:block">{{ numShowing }} {{ entityName }}</p>
<div v-else class="items-center hidden md:flex w-full">
<div @click="seriesBackArrow" class="rounded-full h-9 w-9 flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-white hover:bg-opacity-10 cursor-pointer">
<span class="material-icons text-2xl text-white">west</span>
<p class="pl-4 font-book text-lg">
{{ seriesName }}
<div class="w-6 h-6 rounded-full bg-black bg-opacity-30 flex items-center justify-center ml-3">
<span class="font-mono">{{ numShowing }}</span>
<div class="flex-grow" />
<ui-btn color="primary" small :loading="processingSeries" class="flex items-center" @click="markSeriesFinished">
<div class="h-5 w-5">
<svg v-if="isSeriesFinished" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="rgb(63, 181, 68)">
<path d="M19 1H5c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L3 15.93c0 .69.35 1.3.88 1.66L12 23l8.11-5.41c.53-.36.88-.97.88-1.66L21 3c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-9 15l-5-5 1.41-1.41L10 13.17l7.59-7.59L19 7l-9 9z" />
<svg v-else xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M19 1H5c-1.1 0-1.99.9-1.99 2L3 15.93c0 .69.35 1.3.88 1.66L12 23l8.11-5.41c.53-.36.88-.97.88-1.66L21 3c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2zm-7 19.6l-7-4.66V3h14v12.93l-7 4.67zm-2.01-7.42l-2.58-2.59L6 12l4 4 8-8-1.42-1.42z" />
<span class="pl-2"> Mark Series {{ isSeriesFinished ? 'Not Finished' : 'Finished' }}</span></ui-btn
<div class="flex-grow hidden sm:inline-block" />
<ui-checkbox v-show="showSortFilters && !isPodcast" v-model="settings.collapseSeries" label="Collapse Series" checkbox-bg="bg" check-color="white" small class="mr-2" @input="updateCollapseSeries" />
<controls-filter-select v-show="showSortFilters" v-model="settings.filterBy" class="w-36 sm:w-44 md:w-48 h-7.5 ml-1 sm:ml-4" @change="updateFilter" />
<controls-order-select v-show="showSortFilters" v-model="settings.orderBy" :descending.sync="settings.orderDesc" class="w-36 sm:w-44 md:w-48 h-7.5 ml-1 sm:ml-4" @change="updateOrder" />
<!-- <div v-show="showSortFilters" class="h-7 ml-4 flex border border-white border-opacity-25 rounded-md">
<div class="h-full px-2 text-white flex items-center rounded-l-md hover:bg-primary hover:bg-opacity-75 cursor-pointer" :class="isGridMode ? 'bg-primary' : 'text-opacity-70'" @click="$emit('update:viewMode', 'grid')">
<span class="material-icons" style="font-size: 1.4rem">view_module</span>
<div class="h-full px-2 text-white flex items-center rounded-r-md hover:bg-primary hover:bg-opacity-75 cursor-pointer" :class="!isGridMode ? 'bg-primary' : 'text-opacity-70'" @click="$emit('update:viewMode', 'list')">
<span class="material-icons" style="font-size: 1.4rem">view_list</span>
</div> -->
<ui-btn v-if="isIssuesFilter && userCanDelete" :loading="processingIssues" color="error" small class="ml-4" @click="removeAllIssues">Remove All {{ numShowing }} {{ entityName }}</ui-btn>
<template v-else-if="page === 'search'">
<div @click="searchBackArrow" class="rounded-full h-10 w-10 flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-white hover:bg-opacity-10 cursor-pointer">
<span class="material-icons text-3xl text-white">west</span>
<div class="flex-grow" />
<p>Search results for "{{ searchQuery }}"</p>
<div class="flex-grow" />
export default {
props: {
page: String,
isHome: Boolean,
selectedSeries: {
type: Object,
default: () => null
searchQuery: String,
viewMode: String
data() {
return {
settings: {},
hasInit: false,
totalEntities: 0,
keywordFilter: null,
keywordTimeout: null,
processingSeries: false,
processingIssues: false
computed: {
userCanDelete() {
return this.$store.getters['user/getUserCanDelete']
isPodcast() {
return this.$store.getters['libraries/getCurrentLibraryMediaType'] == 'podcast'
isGridMode() {
return this.viewMode === 'grid'
showSortFilters() {
return === ''
numShowing() {
return this.totalEntities
entityName() {
if (this.isPodcast) return 'Podcasts'
if (! return 'Books'
if ( === 'series') return 'Series'
if ( === 'collections') return 'Collections'
return ''
paramId() {
return this.$route.params ? this.$ || '' : ''
currentLibraryId() {
return this.$store.state.libraries.currentLibraryId
homePage() {
return this.$ === 'library-library'
libraryBookshelfPage() {
return this.$ === 'library-library-bookshelf-id'
showLibrary() {
return this.libraryBookshelfPage && this.paramId === '' && !this.showingIssues
seriesName() {
return this.selectedSeries ? : null
seriesProgress() {
return this.selectedSeries ? this.selectedSeries.progress : null
seriesLibraryItemIds() {
if (!this.seriesProgress) return []
return this.seriesProgress.libraryItemIds || []
isSeriesFinished() {
return this.seriesProgress && !!this.seriesProgress.isFinished
filterBy() {
return this.$store.getters['user/getUserSetting']('filterBy')
isIssuesFilter() {
return this.filterBy === 'issues'
methods: {
removeAllIssues() {
if (confirm(`Are you sure you want to remove all library items with issues?\n\nNote: This will not delete any files`)) {
this.processingIssues = true
.then(() => {
this.$toast.success('Removed library items with issues')
this.processingIssues = false
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to remove library items with issues', error)
this.$toast.error('Failed to remove library items with issues')
this.processingIssues = false
markSeriesFinished() {
var newIsFinished = !this.isSeriesFinished
this.processingSeries = true
var updateProgressPayloads = => {
return {
id: lid,
isFinished: newIsFinished
console.log('Progress payloads', updateProgressPayloads)
.patch(`/api/me/progress/batch/update`, updateProgressPayloads)
.then(() => {
this.$toast.success('Series update success')
this.selectedSeries.progress.isFinished = newIsFinished
this.processingSeries = false
.catch((error) => {
this.$toast.error('Series update failed')
console.error('Failed to batch update read/not read', error)
this.processingSeries = false
searchBackArrow() {
seriesBackArrow() {
updateOrder() {
updateFilter() {
updateCollapseSeries() {
saveSettings() {
this.$store.dispatch('user/updateUserSettings', this.settings)
init() {
this.settings = { ...this.$store.state.user.settings }
settingsUpdated(settings) {
for (const key in settings) {
this.settings[key] = settings[key]
setBookshelfTotalEntities(totalEntities) {
this.totalEntities = totalEntities
keywordFilterInput() {
this.keywordTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
keywordUpdated() {
this.$eventBus.$emit('bookshelf-keyword-filter', this.keywordFilter)
mounted() {
this.$store.commit('user/addSettingsListener', { id: 'bookshelftoolbar', meth: this.settingsUpdated })
this.$eventBus.$on('bookshelf-total-entities', this.setBookshelfTotalEntities)
beforeDestroy() {
this.$store.commit('user/removeSettingsListener', 'bookshelftoolbar')
this.$eventBus.$off('bookshelf-total-entities', this.setBookshelfTotalEntities)
#toolbar {
box-shadow: 0px 8px 6px #111111aa;