mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 20:21:11 +01:00
410 lines
14 KiB
410 lines
14 KiB
const Path = require('path')
const fs = require('../libs/fsExtra')
const njodb = require('../libs/njodb')
const { SupportedEbookTypes } = require('./globals')
const { PlayMethod } = require('./constants')
const { getId } = require('./index')
const { filePathToPOSIX } = require('./fileUtils')
const Logger = require('../Logger')
const Library = require('../objects/Library')
const LibraryItem = require('../objects/LibraryItem')
const Book = require('../objects/mediaTypes/Book')
const BookMetadata = require('../objects/metadata/BookMetadata')
const FileMetadata = require('../objects/metadata/FileMetadata')
const AudioFile = require('../objects/files/AudioFile')
const EBookFile = require('../objects/files/EBookFile')
const LibraryFile = require('../objects/files/LibraryFile')
const AudioMetaTags = require('../objects/metadata/AudioMetaTags')
const Author = require('../objects/entities/Author')
const Series = require('../objects/entities/Series')
const MediaProgress = require('../objects/user/MediaProgress')
const PlaybackSession = require('../objects/PlaybackSession')
const { isObject } = require('.')
const User = require('../objects/user/User')
var authorsToAdd = []
var existingDbAuthors = []
var seriesToAdd = []
var existingDbSeries = []
// Load old audiobooks
async function loadAudiobooks() {
var audiobookPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'audiobooks')
Logger.debug(`[dbMigration] loadAudiobooks path ${audiobookPath}`)
var pathExists = await fs.pathExists(audiobookPath)
if (!pathExists) {
Logger.debug(`[dbMigration] loadAudiobooks path does not exist ${audiobookPath}`)
return []
var audiobooksDb = new njodb.Database(audiobookPath)
return audiobooksDb.select(() => true).then((results) => {
Logger.debug(`[dbMigration] loadAudiobooks select results ${results.data.length}`)
return results.data
function makeAuthorsFromOldAb(authorsList) {
return authorsList.filter(a => !!a).map(authorName => {
var existingAuthor = authorsToAdd.find(a => a.name.toLowerCase() === authorName.toLowerCase())
if (existingAuthor) {
return existingAuthor.toJSONMinimal()
var existingDbAuthor = existingDbAuthors.find(a => a.name.toLowerCase() === authorName.toLowerCase())
if (existingDbAuthor) {
return existingDbAuthor.toJSONMinimal()
var newAuthor = new Author()
newAuthor.setData({ name: authorName })
// Logger.debug(`>>> Created new author named "${authorName}"`)
return newAuthor.toJSONMinimal()
function makeSeriesFromOldAb({ series, volumeNumber }) {
var existingSeries = seriesToAdd.find(s => s.name.toLowerCase() === series.toLowerCase())
if (existingSeries) {
return [existingSeries.toJSONMinimal(volumeNumber)]
var existingDbSeriesItem = existingDbSeries.find(s => s.name.toLowerCase() === series.toLowerCase())
if (existingDbSeriesItem) {
return [existingDbSeriesItem.toJSONMinimal(volumeNumber)]
var newSeries = new Series()
newSeries.setData({ name: series })
Logger.info(`>>> Created new series named "${series}"`)
return [newSeries.toJSONMinimal(volumeNumber)]
function getRelativePath(srcPath, basePath) {
srcPath = filePathToPOSIX(srcPath)
basePath = filePathToPOSIX(basePath)
return srcPath.replace(basePath, '')
function makeFilesFromOldAb(audiobook) {
var libraryFiles = []
var ebookFiles = []
var _audioFiles = audiobook.audioFiles || []
var audioFiles = _audioFiles.map((af) => {
var fileMetadata = new FileMetadata(af)
fileMetadata.path = af.fullPath
fileMetadata.relPath = getRelativePath(af.fullPath, audiobook.fullPath)
var newLibraryFile = new LibraryFile()
newLibraryFile.ino = af.ino
newLibraryFile.metadata = fileMetadata.clone()
newLibraryFile.addedAt = af.addedAt
newLibraryFile.updatedAt = Date.now()
var audioMetaTags = new AudioMetaTags(af.metadata || {}) // Old metaTags was named metadata
delete af.metadata
var newAudioFile = new AudioFile(af)
newAudioFile.metadata = fileMetadata
newAudioFile.metaTags = audioMetaTags
newAudioFile.updatedAt = Date.now()
return newAudioFile
var _otherFiles = audiobook.otherFiles || []
_otherFiles.forEach((file) => {
var fileMetadata = new FileMetadata(file)
fileMetadata.path = file.fullPath
fileMetadata.relPath = getRelativePath(file.fullPath, audiobook.fullPath)
var newLibraryFile = new LibraryFile()
newLibraryFile.ino = file.ino
newLibraryFile.metadata = fileMetadata.clone()
newLibraryFile.addedAt = file.addedAt
newLibraryFile.updatedAt = Date.now()
var formatExt = (file.ext || '').slice(1)
if (SupportedEbookTypes.includes(formatExt)) {
var newEBookFile = new EBookFile()
newEBookFile.ino = file.ino
newEBookFile.metadata = fileMetadata
newEBookFile.ebookFormat = formatExt
newEBookFile.addedAt = file.addedAt
newEBookFile.updatedAt = Date.now()
return {
// Metadata path was changed to /metadata/items make sure cover is using new path
function cleanOldCoverPath(coverPath) {
if (!coverPath) return null
var oldMetadataPath = Path.posix.join(global.MetadataPath, 'books')
if (coverPath.startsWith(oldMetadataPath)) {
const newMetadataPath = Path.posix.join(global.MetadataPath, 'items')
return coverPath.replace(oldMetadataPath, newMetadataPath)
return coverPath
function makeLibraryItemFromOldAb(audiobook) {
var libraryItem = new LibraryItem()
libraryItem.id = audiobook.id
libraryItem.ino = audiobook.ino
libraryItem.libraryId = audiobook.libraryId
libraryItem.folderId = audiobook.folderId
libraryItem.path = audiobook.fullPath
libraryItem.relPath = audiobook.path
libraryItem.mtimeMs = audiobook.mtimeMs || 0
libraryItem.ctimeMs = audiobook.ctimeMs || 0
libraryItem.birthtimeMs = audiobook.birthtimeMs || 0
libraryItem.addedAt = audiobook.addedAt
libraryItem.updatedAt = audiobook.lastUpdate
libraryItem.lastScan = audiobook.lastScan
libraryItem.scanVersion = audiobook.scanVersion
libraryItem.isMissing = audiobook.isMissing
libraryItem.mediaType = 'book'
var bookEntity = new Book()
var bookMetadata = new BookMetadata(audiobook.book)
bookMetadata.publishedYear = audiobook.book.publishYear || null
if (audiobook.book.narrator) {
bookMetadata.narrators = (audiobook.book.narrator || '').split(', ')
// Returns array of json minimal authors
bookMetadata.authors = makeAuthorsFromOldAb((audiobook.book.authorFL || '').split(', '))
// Returns array of json minimal series
if (audiobook.book.series) {
bookMetadata.series = makeSeriesFromOldAb(audiobook.book)
bookEntity.libraryItemId = libraryItem.id
bookEntity.metadata = bookMetadata
bookEntity.coverPath = cleanOldCoverPath(audiobook.book.coverFullPath)
bookEntity.tags = [...audiobook.tags]
var payload = makeFilesFromOldAb(audiobook)
bookEntity.audioFiles = payload.audioFiles
bookEntity.chapters = []
if (audiobook.chapters && audiobook.chapters.length) {
bookEntity.chapters = audiobook.chapters.map(c => ({ ...c }))
bookEntity.missingParts = audiobook.missingParts || []
if (payload.ebookFiles.length) {
bookEntity.ebookFile = payload.ebookFiles[0]
libraryItem.media = bookEntity
libraryItem.libraryFiles = payload.libraryFiles
return libraryItem
async function migrateLibraryItems(db) {
Logger.info(`==== Starting Library Item migration ====`)
var audiobooks = await loadAudiobooks()
if (!audiobooks.length) {
Logger.info(`>>> No audiobooks in db, no migration necessary`)
Logger.info(`>>> Loaded old audiobook data with ${audiobooks.length} records`)
if (db.libraryItems.length) {
Logger.info(`>>> Some library items already loaded ${db.libraryItems.length} items | ${db.series.length} series | ${db.authors.length} authors`)
if (db.authors && db.authors.length) {
existingDbAuthors = db.authors
if (db.series && db.series.length) {
existingDbSeries = db.series
var libraryItems = audiobooks.map((ab) => makeLibraryItemFromOldAb(ab))
Logger.info(`>>> ${libraryItems.length} Library Items made`)
await db.bulkInsertEntities('libraryItem', libraryItems)
if (authorsToAdd.length) {
Logger.info(`>>> ${authorsToAdd.length} Authors made`)
await db.bulkInsertEntities('author', authorsToAdd)
if (seriesToAdd.length) {
Logger.info(`>>> ${seriesToAdd.length} Series made`)
await db.insertEntities('series', seriesToAdd)
existingDbSeries = []
existingDbAuthors = []
authorsToAdd = []
seriesToAdd = []
Logger.info(`==== Library Item migration complete ====`)
function cleanUserObject(db, userObj) {
var cleanedUserPayload = {
mediaProgress: [],
bookmarks: []
// UserAudiobookData is now MediaProgress and AudioBookmarks separated
if (userObj.audiobooks) {
for (const audiobookId in userObj.audiobooks) {
if (isObject(userObj.audiobooks[audiobookId])) {
// Bookmarks now live on User.js object instead of inside UserAudiobookData
if (userObj.audiobooks[audiobookId].bookmarks) {
const cleanedBookmarks = userObj.audiobooks[audiobookId].bookmarks.map((bm) => {
bm.libraryItemId = audiobookId
return bm
cleanedUserPayload.bookmarks = cleanedUserPayload.bookmarks.concat(cleanedBookmarks)
var userAudiobookData = userObj.audiobooks[audiobookId]
var liProgress = new MediaProgress() // New Progress Object
liProgress.id = userAudiobookData.audiobookId
liProgress.libraryItemId = userAudiobookData.audiobookId
liProgress.duration = userAudiobookData.totalDuration
liProgress.isFinished = !!userAudiobookData.isRead
Object.keys(liProgress.toJSON()).forEach((key) => {
if (userAudiobookData[key] !== undefined) {
liProgress[key] = userAudiobookData[key]
const user = new User(cleanedUserPayload)
return db.usersDb.update((record) => record.id === user.id, () => user).then((results) => {
Logger.debug(`[dbMigration] Updated User: ${results.updated} | Selected: ${results.selected}`)
return true
}).catch((error) => {
Logger.error(`[dbMigration] Update User Failed: ${error}`)
return false
function cleanSessionObj(db, userListeningSession) {
var newPlaybackSession = new PlaybackSession(userListeningSession)
newPlaybackSession.id = getId('play')
newPlaybackSession.mediaType = 'book'
newPlaybackSession.updatedAt = userListeningSession.lastUpdate
newPlaybackSession.libraryItemId = userListeningSession.audiobookId
newPlaybackSession.playMethod = PlayMethod.TRANSCODE
// We only have title to transfer over nicely
var bookMetadata = new BookMetadata()
bookMetadata.title = userListeningSession.audiobookTitle || ''
newPlaybackSession.mediaMetadata = bookMetadata
return db.sessionsDb.update((record) => record.id === userListeningSession.id, () => newPlaybackSession).then((results) => true).catch((error) => {
Logger.error(`[dbMigration] Update Session Failed: ${error}`)
return false
async function migrateUserData(db) {
Logger.info(`==== Starting User migration ====`)
// Libraries with previous mediaType of "podcast" moved to "book"
// because migrating those items to podcast objects will be a nightmare
// users will need to create a new library for podcasts
var availableIcons = ['database', 'audiobook', 'book', 'comic', 'podcast']
const libraries = await db.librariesDb.select((result) => (result.mediaType != 'book' || !availableIcons.includes(result.icon)))
.then((results) => results.data.map(lib => new Library(lib)))
if (!libraries.length) {
Logger.info('[dbMigration] No libraries found needing migration')
} else {
for (const library of libraries) {
Logger.info(`>> Migrating library "${library.name}" with media type "${library.mediaType}"`)
await db.librariesDb.update((record) => record.id === library.id, () => library).then(() => true).catch((error) => {
Logger.error(`[dbMigration] Update library failed: ${error}`)
return false
const userObjects = await db.usersDb.select((result) => result.audiobooks != undefined).then((results) => results.data)
if (!userObjects.length) {
Logger.warn('[dbMigration] No users found needing migration')
var userCount = 0
for (const userObj of userObjects) {
Logger.info(`[dbMigration] Migrating User "${userObj.username}"`)
var success = await cleanUserObject(db, userObj)
if (!success) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500))
Logger.warn(`[dbMigration] Second attempt Migrating User "${userObj.username}"`)
success = await cleanUserObject(db, userObj)
if (!success) {
throw new Error('Db migration failed migrating users')
var sessionCount = 0
const userListeningSessions = await db.sessionsDb.select((result) => result.audiobookId != undefined).then((results) => results.data)
if (userListeningSessions.length) {
for (const session of userListeningSessions) {
var success = await cleanSessionObj(db, session)
if (!success) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500))
Logger.warn(`[dbMigration] Second attempt Migrating Session "${session.id}"`)
success = await cleanSessionObj(db, session)
if (!success) {
Logger.error(`[dbMigration] Failed to migrate session "${session.id}"`)
if (success) sessionCount++
Logger.info(`==== User migration complete (${userCount} Users, ${sessionCount} Sessions) ====`)
async function checkUpdateMetadataPath() {
var bookMetadataPath = Path.posix.join(global.MetadataPath, 'books') // OLD
if (!(await fs.pathExists(bookMetadataPath))) {
Logger.debug(`[dbMigration] No need to update books metadata path`)
var itemsMetadataPath = Path.posix.join(global.MetadataPath, 'items')
await fs.rename(bookMetadataPath, itemsMetadataPath)
Logger.info(`>>> Renamed metadata dir from /metadata/books to /metadata/items`)
module.exports.migrate = async (db) => {
await checkUpdateMetadataPath()
// Before DB Load clean data
await migrateUserData(db)
await db.init()
// After DB Load
await migrateLibraryItems(db)
// TODO: Eventually remove audiobooks db when stable
} |