
3 lines
30 KiB

/*! Sortable 1.8.4 - MIT | git:// */
!function (t) { "use strict"; "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : "undefined" != typeof module && void 0 !== module.exports ? module.exports = t() : window.Sortable = t() }(function () { "use strict"; if ("undefined" == typeof window || !window.document) return function () { throw new Error("Sortable.js requires a window with a document") }; var U, V, f, u, q, G, h, X, Y, A, K, n, Z, Q, l, s, c, p, k, J, $, tt, et, ot, g, nt, I = [], B = !1, v = !1, it = !1, d = [], rt = !1, at = !1, m = [], i = /\s+/g, lt = "Sortable" + (new Date).getTime(), b = window, st = b.document, w = b.parseInt, ct = b.setTimeout, e = b.jQuery || b.Zepto, o = b.Polymer, r = { capture: !1, passive: !1 }, dt = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/(?:Trident.*rv[ :]?11\.|msie|iemobile)/i), _ = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge/i), y = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i), D = !(!navigator.userAgent.match(/safari/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/chrome/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)), S = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/iP(ad|od|hone)/i), T = _ || dt ? "cssFloat" : "float", a = "draggable" in st.createElement("div"), C = function () { if (dt) return !1; var t = st.createElement("x"); return = "pointer-events:auto", "auto" === }(), ht = !1, E = !1, ut = Math.abs, x = Math.min, N = Math.max, M = [], P = function (t, e) { var o = Dt(t), n = w(o.width) - w(o.paddingLeft) - w(o.paddingRight) - w(o.borderLeftWidth) - w(o.borderRightWidth), i = Mt(t, 0, e), r = Mt(t, 1, e), a = i && Dt(i), l = r && Dt(r), s = a && w(a.marginLeft) + w(a.marginRight) + Lt(i).width, c = l && w(l.marginLeft) + w(l.marginRight) + Lt(r).width; if ("flex" === o.display) return "column" === o.flexDirection || "column-reverse" === o.flexDirection ? "vertical" : "horizontal"; if ("grid" === o.display) return o.gridTemplateColumns.split(" ").length <= 1 ? "vertical" : "horizontal"; if (i && "none" !== a.float) { var d = "left" === a.float ? "left" : "right"; return !r || "both" !== l.clear && l.clear !== d ? "horizontal" : "vertical" } return i && ("block" === a.display || "flex" === a.display || "table" === a.display || "grid" === a.display || n <= s && "none" === o[T] || r && "none" === o[T] && n < s + c) ? "vertical" : "horizontal" }, O = function (t, e) { if (!t || !t.getBoundingClientRect) return H(); var o = t, n = !1; do { if (o.clientWidth < o.scrollWidth || o.clientHeight < o.scrollHeight) { var i = Dt(o); if (o.clientWidth < o.scrollWidth && ("auto" == i.overflowX || "scroll" == i.overflowX) || o.clientHeight < o.scrollHeight && ("auto" == i.overflowY || "scroll" == i.overflowY)) { if (!o || !o.getBoundingClientRect || o === st.body) return H(); if (n || e) return o; n = !0 } } } while (o = o.parentNode); return H() }, H = function () { return dt ? st.documentElement : st.scrollingElement }, ft = function (t, e, o) { t.scrollLeft += e, t.scrollTop += o }, R = It(function (o, t, e, n) { if (t.scroll) { var i = e ? e[lt] : window, r = t.scrollSensitivity, a = t.scrollSpeed, l = o.clientX, s = o.clientY, c = H(), d = !1; Y !== e && (L(), X = t.scroll, A = t.scrollFn, !0 === X && (X = O(e, !0), Y = X)); var h = 0, u = X; do { var f, p, g, v, m, b, w, _, y, D = u, S = Lt(D), T =, C = S.bottom, E = S.left, x = S.right, N = S.width, M = S.height; if (f = D.scrollWidth, p = D.scrollHeight, g = Dt(D), _ = D.scrollLeft, y = D.scrollTop, w = D === c ? (b = N < f && ("auto" === g.overflowX || "scroll" === g.overflowX || "visible" === g.overflowX), M < p && ("auto" === g.overflowY || "scroll" === g.overflowY || "visible" === g.overflowY)) : (b = N < f && ("auto" === g.overflowX || "scroll" === g.overflowX), M < p && ("auto" === g.overflowY || "scroll" === g.overflowY)), v = b && (ut(x - l) <= r && _ + N < f) - (ut(E - l) <= r && !!_), m = w && (ut(C - s) <= r && y + M < p) - (ut(T - s) <= r && !!y), !I[h]) for (var P = 0; P <= h; P++)I[P] || (I[P] = {}); I[h].vx == v && I[h].vy == m && I[h].el === D || (I[h].el = D, I[h].vx = v, I[h].vy = m, clearInterval(I[h].pid), !D || 0 == v && 0 == m || (d = !0, I[h].pid = setInterval(function () { n && 0 === this.layer && (!0),, !0)); var t = I[this.layer].vy ? I[this.layer].vy * a : 0, e = I[this.layer].vx ? I[this.layer].vx * a : 0; "function" == typeof A && "continue" !==, e, t, o, k, I[this.layer].el) || ft(I[this.layer].el, e, t) }.bind({ layer: h }), 24))), h++ } while (t.bubbleScroll && u !== c && (u = O(u, !1))); B = d } }, 30), L = function () { I.forEach(function (t) { clearInterval( }), I = [] }, W = function (t) { function s(a, l) { return function (t, e, o, n) { var i = && && ===; if (null == a && (l || i)) return !0; if (null == a || !1 === a) return !1; if (l && "clone" === a) return a; if ("function" == typeof a) return s(a(t, e, o, n), l)(t, e, o, n); var r = (l ? t : e); return !0 === a || "string" == typeof a && a === r || a.join && -1 < a.indexOf(r) } } var e = {}, o =; o && "object" == typeof o || (o = { name: o }), =, e.checkPull = s(o.pull, !0), e.checkPut = s(o.put), e.revertClone = o.revertClone, = e }, F = function (t) { U && U.parentNode && U.parentNode[lt] && U.parentNode[lt]._computeIsAligned(t) }, pt = function (t, e) { for (var o = e; !o[lt];)o = o.parentNode; return t === o }, gt = function (t, e, o) { for (var n = t.parentNode; n && !n[lt];)n = n.parentNode; n && n[lt][o](Bt(e, { artificialBubble: !0 })) }, z = function () { !C && f && Dt(f, "display", "none") }, j = function () { !C && f && Dt(f, "display", "") }; st.addEventListener("click", function (t) { if (it) return t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation && t.stopPropagation(), t.stopImmediatePropagation && t.stopImmediatePropagation(), it = !1 }, !0); var vt, t = function (t) { if (t = t.touches ? t.touches[0] : t, U) { var e = function (t, e) { for (var o = 0; o < d.length; o++)if (!Pt(d[o])) { var n = Lt(d[o]), i = d[o][lt].options.emptyInsertThreshold, r = t >= n.left - i && t <= n.right + i, a = e >= - i && e <= n.bottom + i; if (r && a) return d[o] } }(t.clientX, t.clientY); e && e[lt]._onDragOver({ clientX: t.clientX, clientY: t.clientY, target: e, rootEl: e }) } }; function mt(t, e) { if (!t || !t.nodeType || 1 !== t.nodeType) throw "Sortable: `el` must be HTMLElement, not " + {}; this.el = t, this.options = e = Bt({}, e), t[lt] = this; var o = { group: null, sort: !0, disabled: !1, store: null, handle: null, scroll: !0, scrollSensitivity: 30, scrollSpeed: 10, bubbleScroll: !0, draggable: /[uo]l/i.test(t.nodeName) ? ">li" : ">*", swapThreshold: 1, invertSwap: !1, invertedSwapThreshold: null, removeCloneOnHide: !0, direction: function () { return P(t, this.options) }, ghostClass: "sortable-ghost", chosenClass: "sortable-chosen", dragClass: "sortable-drag", ignore: "a, img", filter: null, preventOnFilter: !0, animation: 0, easing: null, setData: function (t, e) { t.setData("Text", e.textContent) }, dropBubble: !1, dragoverBubble: !1, dataIdAttr: "data-id", delay: 0, touchStartThreshold: w(window.devicePixelRatio, 10) || 1, forceFallback: !1, fallbackClass: "sortable-fallback", fallbackOnBody: !1, fallbackTolerance: 0, fallbackOffset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, supportPointer: !1 !== mt.supportPointer && ("PointerEvent" in window || window.navigator && "msPointerEnabled" in window.navigator), emptyInsertThreshold: 5 }; for (var n in o) !(n in e) && (e[n] = o[n]); for (var i in W(e), this) "_" === i.charAt(0) && "function" == typeof this[i] && (this[i] = this[i].bind(this)); this.nativeDraggable = !e.forceFallback && a, this.nativeDraggable && (this.options.touchStartThreshold = 1), e.supportPointer ? wt(t, "pointerdown", this._onTapStart) : (wt(t, "mousedown", this._onTapStart), wt(t, "touchstart", this._onTapStart)), this.nativeDraggable && (wt(t, "dragover", this), wt(t, "dragenter", this)), d.push(this.el), && && this.sort( || []) } function bt(t, e, o, n) { if (t) { o = o || st; do { if (null != e && (">" === e[0] && t.parentNode === o && kt(t, e.substring(1)) || kt(t, e)) || n && t === o) return t; if (t === o) break } while (t = (i = t).host && i !== st && ? : i.parentNode) } var i; return null } function wt(t, e, o) { t.addEventListener(e, o, r) } function _t(t, e, o) { t.removeEventListener(e, o, r) } function yt(t, e, o) { if (t && e) if (t.classList) t.classList[o ? "add" : "remove"](e); else { var n = (" " + t.className + " ").replace(i, " ").replace(" " + e + " ", " "); t.className = (n + (o ? " " + e : "")).replace(i, " ") } } function Dt(t, e, o) { var n = t &&; if (n) { if (void 0 === o) return st.defaultView && st.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? o = st.defaultView.getComputedStyle(t, "") : t.currentStyle && (o = t.currentStyle), void 0 === e ? o : o[e]; e in n || -1 !== e.indexOf("webkit") || (e = "-webkit-" + e), n[e] = o + ("string" == typeof o ? "" : "px") } } function St(t) { var e = ""; do { var o = Dt(t, "transform"); o && "none" !== o && (e = o + " " + e) } while (t = t.parentNode); return window.DOMMatrix ? new DOMMatrix(e) : window.WebKitCSSMatrix ? new WebKitCSSMatrix(e) : window.CSSMatrix ? new CSSMatrix(e) : void 0 } function Tt(t, e, o) { if (t) { var n = t.getElementsByTagName(e), i = 0, r = n.length; if (o) for (; i < r; i++)o(n[i], i); return n } return [] } function Ct(t, e, o, n, i, r, a, l, s) { var c, d = (t = t || e[lt]).options, h = "on" + o.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + o.substr(1); !window.CustomEvent || dt || _ ? (c = st.createEvent("Event")).initEvent(o, !0, !0) : c = new CustomEvent(o, { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0 }), = i || e, c.from = r || e, c.item = n || e, c.clone = u, c.oldIndex = a, c.newIndex = l, c.originalEvent = s, c.pullMode = Q ? Q.lastPutMode : void 0, e && e.dispatchEvent(c), d[h] && d[h].call(t, c) } function Et(t, e, o, n, i, r, a, l) { var s, c, d = t[lt], h = d.options.onMove; return !window.CustomEvent || dt || _ ? (s = st.createEvent("Event")).initEvent("move", !0, !0) : s = new CustomEvent("move", { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0 }), = e, s.from = t, s.dragged = o, s.draggedRect = n, s.related = i || e, s.relatedRect = r || Lt(e), s.willInsertAfter = l, s.originalEvent = a, t.dispatchEvent(s), h && (c =, s, a)), c } function xt(t) { t.draggable = !1 } function Nt() { ht = !1 } function Mt(t, e, o) { for (var n = 0, i = 0, r = t.children; i < r.length;) { if ("none" !== r[i].style.display && r[i] !== f && r[i] !== U && bt(r[i], o.draggable, t, !1)) { if (n === e) return r[i]; n++ } i++ } return null } function Pt(t) { for (var e = t.lastElementChild; e && (e === f || "none" ===;)e = e.previousElementSibling; return e || null } function Xt(t) { return At(U) < At(t) ? 1 : -1 } function Yt(t) { for (var e = t.tagName + t.className + t.src + t.href + t.textContent, o = e.length, n = 0; o--;)n += e.charCodeAt(o); return n.toString(36) } function At(t, e) { var o = 0; if (!t || !t.parentNode) return -1; for (; t && (t = t.previousElementSibling);)"TEMPLATE" !== t.nodeName.toUpperCase() && t !== u && o++; return o } function kt(t, e) { if (t) try { if (t.matches) return t.matches(e); if (t.msMatchesSelector) return t.msMatchesSelector(e); if (t.webkitMatchesSelector) return t.webkitMatchesSelector(e) } catch (t) { return !1 } return !1 } function It(o, n) { return function () { if (!vt) { var t = arguments, e = this; vt = ct(function () { 1 === t.length ?, t[0]) : o.apply(e, t), vt = void 0 }, n) } } } function Bt(t, e) { if (t && e) for (var o in e) e.hasOwnProperty(o) && (t[o] = e[o]); return t } function Ot(t) { return o && o.dom ? o.dom(t).cloneNode(!0) : e ? e(t).clone(!0)[0] : t.cloneNode(!0) } function Ht(t) { return ct(t, 0) } function Rt(t) { return clearTimeout(t) } function Lt(t, e, o, n) { if (t.getBoundingClientRect || t === b) { var i, r, a, l, s, c, d; if (d = t !== b && t !== H() ? (r = (i = t.getBoundingClientRect()).top, a = i.left, l = i.bottom, s = i.right, c = i.height, i.width) : (a = r = 0, l = window.innerHeight, s = window.innerWidth, c = window.innerHeight, window.innerWidth), n && t !== b && (o = o || t.parentNode, !dt)) do { if (o && o.getBoundingClientRect && "none" !== Dt(o, "transform")) { var h = o.getBoundingClientRect(); r -= + w(Dt(o, "border-top-width")), a -= h.left + w(Dt(o, "border-left-width")), l = r + i.height, s = a + i.width; break } } while (o = o.parentNode); if (e && t !== b) { var u = St(o || t), f = u && u.a, p = u && u.d; u && (l = (r /= p) + (c /= p), s = (a /= f) + (d /= f)) } return { top: r, left: a, bottom: l, right: s, width: d, height: c } } } function Wt(t, e) { for (var o = O(t, !0), n = Lt(t)[e]; o;) { var i = Lt(o)[e]; if (!("top" === e || "left" === e ? i <= n : n <= i)) return o; if (o === H()) break; o = O(o, !1) } return !1 } function Ft(t) { var e = 0, o = 0, n = H(); if (t) do { var i = St(t), r = i.a, a = i.d; e += t.scrollLeft * r, o += t.scrollTop * a } while (t !== n && (t = t.parentNode)); return [e, o] } return wt(st, "dragover", t), wt(st, "mousemove", t), wt(st, "touchmove", t), mt.prototype = { constructor: mt, _computeIsAligned: function (t) { var e; if (f && !C ? (z(), e = st.elementFromPoint(t.clientX, t.clientY), j()) : e =, e = bt(e, this.options.draggable, this.el, !1), !E && U && U.parentNode === this.el) { for (var o, n, i, r, a, l, s, c, d = this.el.children, h = 0; h < d.length; h++)bt(d[h], this.options.draggable, this.el, !1) && d[h] !== e && (d[h].sortableMouseAligned = (o = t.clientX, n = t.clientY, i = d[h], r = this._getDirection(t, null), this.options, void 0, a = Lt(i), l = "vertical" === r ? a.left :, s = "vertical" === r ? a.right : a.bottom, l < (c = "vertical" === r ? o : n) && c < s)); bt(e, this.options.draggable, this.el, !0) || ($ = null), E = !0, ct(function () { E = !1 }, 30) } }, _getDirection: function (t, e) { return "function" == typeof this.options.direction ?, t, e, U) : this.options.direction }, _onTapStart: function (t) { if (t.cancelable) { var e, o = this, n = this.el, i = this.options, r = i.preventOnFilter, a = t.type, l = t.touches && t.touches[0], s = (l || t).target, c = && (t.path && t.path[0] || t.composedPath && t.composedPath()[0]) || s, d = i.filter; if (function (t) { M.length = 0; var e = t.getElementsByTagName("input"), o = e.length; for (; o--;) { var n = e[o]; n.checked && M.push(n) } }(n), (!dt || t.artificialBubble || pt(n, s)) && !U && !(/mousedown|pointerdown/.test(a) && 0 !== t.button || i.disabled || c.isContentEditable)) if (s = bt(s, i.draggable, n, !1)) { if (h !== s) { if (e = At(s, i.draggable), "function" == typeof d) { if (, t, s, this)) return Ct(o, c, "filter", s, n, n, e), void (r && t.cancelable && t.preventDefault()) } else if (d && (d = d.split(",").some(function (t) { if (t = bt(c, t.trim(), n, !1)) return Ct(o, t, "filter", s, n, n, e), !0 }))) return void (r && t.cancelable && t.preventDefault()); i.handle && !bt(c, i.handle, n, !1) || this._prepareDragStart(t, l, s, e) } } else dt && gt(n, t, "_onTapStart") } }, _handleAutoScroll: function (e, o) { if (U && this.options.scroll) { var n = e.clientX, i = e.clientY, t = st.elementFromPoint(n, i), r = this; if (o || _ || dt || D) { R(e, r.options, t, o); var a = O(t, !0); !B || l && n === s && i === c || (l && clearInterval(l), l = setInterval(function () { if (U) { var t = O(st.elementFromPoint(n, i), !0); t !== a && (a = t, L(), R(e, r.options, a, o)) } }, 10), s = n, c = i) } else { if (!r.options.bubbleScroll || O(t, !0) === H()) return void L(); R(e, r.options, O(t, !1), !1) } } }, _prepareDragStart: function (t, e, o, n) { var i, r = this, a = r.el, l = r.options, s = a.ownerDocument; o && !U && o.parentNode === a && (q = a, V = (U = o).parentNode, G = U.nextSibling, h = o, Z =, K = n, p = { target: U, clientX: (e || t).clientX, clientY: (e || t).clientY }, this._lastX = (e || t).clientX, this._lastY = (e || t).clientY,["will-change"] = "all", = "", = "", i = function () { r._disableDelayedDragEvents(), !y && r.nativeDraggable && (U.draggable = !0), r._triggerDragStart(t, e), Ct(r, q, "choose", U, q, q, K), yt(U, l.chosenClass, !0) }, l.ignore.split(",").forEach(function (t) { Tt(U, t.trim(), xt) }), l.supportPointer ? wt(s, "pointerup", r._onDrop) : (wt(s, "mouseup", r._onDrop), wt(s, "touchend", r._onDrop), wt(s, "touchcancel", r._onDrop)), y && this.nativeDraggable && (this.options.touchStartThreshold = 4, U.draggable = !0), !l.delay || this.nativeDraggable && (_ || dt) ? i() : (wt(s, "mouseup", r._disableDelayedDrag), wt(s, "touchend", r._disableDelayedDrag), wt(s, "touchcancel", r._disableDelayedDrag), wt(s, "mousemove", r._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler), wt(s, "touchmove", r._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler), l.supportPointer && wt(s, "pointermove", r._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler), r._dragStartTimer = ct(i, l.delay))) }, _delayedDragTouchMoveHandler: function (t) { var e = t.touches ? t.touches[0] : t; N(ut(e.clientX - this._lastX), ut(e.clientY - this._lastY)) >= Math.floor(this.options.touchStartThreshold / (this.nativeDraggable && window.devicePixelRatio || 1)) && this._disableDelayedDrag() }, _disableDelayedDrag: function () { U && xt(U), clearTimeout(this._dragStartTimer), this._disableDelayedDragEvents() }, _disableDelayedDragEvents: function () { var t = this.el.ownerDocument; _t(t, "mouseup", this._disableDelayedDrag), _t(t, "touchend", this._disableDelayedDrag), _t(t, "touchcancel", this._disableDelayedDrag), _t(t, "mousemove", this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler), _t(t, "touchmove", this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler), _t(t, "pointermove", this._delayedDragTouchMoveHandler) }, _triggerDragStart: function (t, e) { e = e || ("touch" == t.pointerType ? t : null), !this.nativeDraggable || e ? this.options.supportPointer ? wt(st, "pointermove", this._onTouchMove) : wt(st, e ? "touchmove" : "mousemove", this._onTouchMove) : (wt(U, "dragend", this), wt(q, "dragstart", this._onDragStart)); try { st.selection ? Ht(function () { st.selection.empty() }) : window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() } catch (t) { } }, _dragStarted: function (t, e) { if (v = !1, q && U) { this.nativeDraggable && (wt(st, "dragover", this._handleAutoScroll), wt(st, "dragover", F)); var o = this.options; !t && yt(U, o.dragClass, !1), yt(U, o.ghostClass, !0), Dt(U, "transform", ""), = this, t && this._appendGhost(), Ct(this, q, "start", U, q, q, K, void 0, e) } else this._nulling() }, _emulateDragOver: function (t) { if (k) { if (this._lastX === k.clientX && this._lastY === k.clientY && !t) return; this._lastX = k.clientX, this._lastY = k.clientY, z(); for (var e = st.elementFromPoint(k.clientX, k.clientY), o = e; e && e.shadowRoot;)o = e = e.shadowRoot.elementFromPoint(k.clientX, k.clientY); if (o) do { if (o[lt]) if (o[lt]._onDragOver({ clientX: k.clientX, clientY: k.clientY, target: e, rootEl: o }) && !this.options.dragoverBubble) break; e = o } while (o = o.parentNode); U.parentNode[lt]._computeIsAligned(k), j() } }, _onTouchMove: function (t, e) { if (p) { var o = this.options, n = o.fallbackTolerance, i = o.fallbackOffset, r = t.touches ? t.touches[0] : t, a = f && St(f), l = f && a && a.a, s = f && a && a.d, c = S && g && Ft(g), d = (r.clientX - p.clientX + i.x) / (l || 1) + (c ? c[0] - m[0] : 0) / (l || 1), h = (r.clientY - p.clientY + i.y) / (s || 1) + (c ? c[1] - m[1] : 0) / (s || 1), u = t.touches ? "translate3d(" + d + "px," + h + "px,0)" : "translate(" + d + "px," + h + "px)"; if (! && !v) { if (n && x(ut(r.clientX - this._lastX), ut(r.clientY - this._lastY)) < n) return; this._onDragStart(t, !0) } !e && this._handleAutoScroll(r, !0), J = !0, k = r, Dt(f, "webkitTransform", u), Dt(f, "mozTransform", u), Dt(f, "msTransform", u), Dt(f, "transform", u), t.cancelable && t.preventDefault() } }, _appendGhost: function () { if (!f) { var t = this.options.fallbackOnBody ? st.body : q, e = Lt(U, !0, t, !S), o = (Dt(U), this.options); if (S) { for (g = t; "static" === Dt(g, "position") && "none" === Dt(g, "transform") && g !== st;)g = g.parentNode; if (g !== st) { var n = Lt(g, !0); -=, e.left -= n.left } g !== st.body && g !== st.documentElement ? (g === st && (g = H()), += g.scrollTop, e.left += g.scrollLeft) : g = H(), m = Ft(g) } yt(f = U.cloneNode(!0), o.ghostClass, !1), yt(f, o.fallbackClass, !0), yt(f, o.dragClass, !0), Dt(f, "box-sizing", "border-box"), Dt(f, "margin", 0), Dt(f, "top",, Dt(f, "left", e.left), Dt(f, "width", e.width), Dt(f, "height", e.height), Dt(f, "opacity", "0.8"), Dt(f, "position", S ? "absolute" : "fixed"), Dt(f, "zIndex", "100000"), Dt(f, "pointerEvents", "none"), t.appendChild(f) } }, _onDragStart: function (t, e) { var o = this, n = t.dataTransfer, i = o.options; (u = Ot(U)).draggable = !1,["will-change"] = "", this._hideClone(), yt(u, o.options.chosenClass, !1), o._cloneId = Ht(function () { o.options.removeCloneOnHide || q.insertBefore(u, U), Ct(o, q, "clone", U) }), !e && yt(U, i.dragClass, !0), e ? (it = !0, o._loopId = setInterval(o._emulateDragOver, 50)) : (_t(st, "mouseup", o._onDrop), _t(st, "touchend", o._onDrop), _t(st, "touchcancel", o._onDrop), n && (n.effectAllowed = "move", i.setData &&, n, U)), wt(st, "drop", o), Dt(U, "transform", "translateZ(0)")), v = !0, o._dragStartId = Ht(o._dragStarted.bind(o, e, t)), wt(st, "selectstart", o), D && Dt(st.body, "user-select", "none") }, _onDragOver: function (e) { var o, n, t, i = this.el, r =, a = this.options, l =, s =, c = Z === l, d = a.sort, h = this; if (!ht && (!dt || e.rootEl || e.artificialBubble || pt(i, r))) { if (void 0 !== e.preventDefault && e.cancelable && e.preventDefault(), J = !0, r = bt(r, a.draggable, i, !0), bt(, null, U, !0) || r.animated) return z(!1); if (r !== U && (it = !1), s && !a.disabled && (c ? d || (t = !q.contains(U)) : Q === this || (this.lastPutMode = Z.checkPull(this, s, U, e)) && l.checkPut(this, s, U, e))) { var u = this._getDirection(e, r); if (o = Lt(U), t) return this._hideClone(), V = q, G ? q.insertBefore(U, G) : q.appendChild(U), z(!0); var f = Pt(i); if (f && (I = e, B = u, O = Lt(Pt(i)), H = "vertical" === B ? I.clientY : I.clientX, R = "vertical" === B ? I.clientX : I.clientY, L = "vertical" === B ? O.bottom : O.right, W = "vertical" === B ? O.left :, F = "vertical" === B ? O.right : O.bottom, !("vertical" === B ? F + 10 < R || R <= F && L < H && W <= R : L < H && W < R || H <= L && F + 10 < R) || f.animated)) { if (r && r !== U && r.parentNode === i) { var p, g = 0, v = r.sortableMouseAligned, m = U.parentNode !== i, b = "vertical" === u ? "top" : "left", w = Wt(r, "top") || Wt(U, "top"), _ = w ? w.scrollTop : void 0; if ($ !== r && (et = null, p = Lt(r)[b], rt = !1), C = r, E = u, x = (T = U) === U && nt || Lt(T), N = C === U && nt || Lt(C), M = "vertical" === E ? x.left :, P = "vertical" === E ? x.right : x.bottom, X = "vertical" === E ? x.width : x.height, Y = "vertical" === E ? N.left :, A = "vertical" === E ? N.right : N.bottom, k = "vertical" === E ? N.width : N.height, et = (M === Y || P === A || M + X / 2 === Y + k / 2) && v || m || w || a.invertSwap || "insert" === et || "swap" === et ? ("swap" !== et && (at = a.invertSwap || m), g = function (t, e, o, n, i, r, a) { var l = Lt(e), s = "vertical" === o ? t.clientY : t.clientX, c = "vertical" === o ? l.height : l.width, d = "vertical" === o ? : l.left, h = "vertical" === o ? l.bottom : l.right, u = Lt(U), f = !1; if (!r) if (a && ot < c * n) if (!rt && (1 === tt ? d + c * i / 2 < s : s < h - c * i / 2) && (rt = !0), rt) f = !0; else { "vertical" === o ? : u.left, "vertical" === o ? u.bottom : u.right; if (1 === tt ? s < d + ot : h - ot < s) return -1 * tt } else if (d + c * (1 - n) / 2 < s && s < h - c * (1 - n) / 2) return Xt(e); if ((f = f || r) && (s < d + c * i / 2 || h - c * i / 2 < s)) return d + c / 2 < s ? 1 : -1; return 0 }(e, r, u, a.swapThreshold, null == a.invertedSwapThreshold ? a.swapThreshold : a.invertedSwapThreshold, at, $ === r), "swap") : (g = Xt(r), "insert"), 0 === g) return z(!1); nt = null, tt = g, n = Lt($ = r); var y = r.nextElementSibling, D = !1, S = Et(q, i, U, o, r, n, e, D = 1 === g); if (!1 !== S) return 1 !== S && -1 !== S || (D = 1 === S), ht = !0, ct(Nt, 30), c ? s._hideClone() : s._showClone(this), D && !y ? i.appendChild(U) : r.parentNode.insertBefore(U, D ? y : r), w && ft(w, 0, _ - w.scrollTop), V = U.parentNode, void 0 === p || at || (ot = ut(p - Lt(r)[b])), j(), z(!0) } } else if (f && i === && (r = f), r && (n = Lt(r)), c ? s._hideClone() : s._showClone(this), !1 !== Et(q, i, U, o, r, n, e, !!r)) return i.appendChild(U), V = i, nt = null, j(), z(!0); if (i.contains(U)) return z(!1) } var T, C, E, x, N, M, P, X, Y, A, k, I, B, O, H, R, L, W, F; return dt && !e.rootEl && gt(i, e, "_onDragOver"), !1 } function z(t) { return t && (c ? s._hideClone() : s._showClone(h), s && (yt(U, Q ? Q.options.ghostClass : s.options.ghostClass, !1), yt(U, a.ghostClass, !0)), Q !== h && h !== ? Q = h : h === && (Q = null), o && h._animate(o, U), r && n && h._animate(n, r)), (r === U && !U.animated || r === i && !r.animated) && ($ = null), a.dragoverBubble || e.rootEl || r === st || (h._handleAutoScroll(e), U.parentNode[lt]._computeIsAligned(e)), !a.dragoverBubble && e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation(), !0 } function j() { Ct(h, q, "change", r, i, q, K, At(U, a.draggable), e) } }, _animate: function (t, e) { var o = this.options.animation; if (o) { var n = Lt(e); if (e === U && (nt = n), 1 === t.nodeType && (t = Lt(t)), t.left + t.width / 2 !== n.left + n.width / 2 || + t.height / 2 !== + n.height / 2) { var i = St(this.el), r = i && i.a, a = i && i.d; Dt(e, "transition", "none"), Dt(e, "transform", "translate3d(" + (t.left - n.left) / (r || 1) + "px," + ( - / (a || 1) + "px,0)"), e.offsetWidth, Dt(e, "transition", "transform " + o + "ms" + (this.options.easing ? " " + this.options.easing : "")), Dt(e, "transform", "translate3d(0,0,0)") } "number" == typeof e.animated && clearTimeout(e.animated), e.animated = ct(function () { Dt(e, "transition", ""), Dt(e, "transform", ""), e.animated = !1 }, o) } }, _offUpEvents: function () { var t = this.el.ownerDocument; _t(st, "touchmove", this._onTouchMove), _t(st, "pointermove", this._onTouchMove), _t(t, "mouseup", this._onDrop), _t(t, "touchend", this._onDrop), _t(t, "pointerup", this._onDrop), _t(t, "touchcancel", this._onDrop), _t(st, "selectstart", this) }, _onDrop: function (t) { var e = this.el, o = this.options; rt = at = B = v = !1, clearInterval(this._loopId), clearInterval(l), L(), clearTimeout(vt), vt = void 0, clearTimeout(this._dragStartTimer), Rt(this._cloneId), Rt(this._dragStartId), _t(st, "mousemove", this._onTouchMove), this.nativeDraggable && (_t(st, "drop", this), _t(e, "dragstart", this._onDragStart), _t(st, "dragover", this._handleAutoScroll), _t(st, "dragover", F)), D && Dt(st.body, "user-select", ""), this._offUpEvents(), t && (J && (t.cancelable && t.preventDefault(), !o.dropBubble && t.stopPropagation()), f && f.parentNode && f.parentNode.removeChild(f), (q === V || Q && "clone" !== Q.lastPutMode) && u && u.parentNode && u.parentNode.removeChild(u), U && (this.nativeDraggable && _t(U, "dragend", this), xt(U),["will-change"] = "", yt(U, Q ? Q.options.ghostClass : this.options.ghostClass, !1), yt(U, this.options.chosenClass, !1), Ct(this, q, "unchoose", U, V, q, K, null, t), q !== V ? (0 <= (n = At(U, o.draggable)) && (Ct(null, V, "add", U, V, q, K, n, t), Ct(this, q, "remove", U, V, q, K, n, t), Ct(null, V, "sort", U, V, q, K, n, t), Ct(this, q, "sort", U, V, q, K, n, t)), Q && : U.nextSibling !== G && 0 <= (n = At(U, o.draggable)) && (Ct(this, q, "update", U, V, q, K, n, t), Ct(this, q, "sort", U, V, q, K, n, t)), && (null != n && -1 !== n || (n = K), Ct(this, q, "end", U, V, q, K, n, t),, this._nulling() }, _nulling: function () { q = U = V = f = G = u = h = X = Y = I.length = l = s = c = p = k = J = n = K = $ = tt = nt = Q = Z = = null, M.forEach(function (t) { t.checked = !0 }), M.length = 0 }, handleEvent: function (t) { switch (t.type) { case "drop": case "dragend": this._onDrop(t); break; case "dragenter": case "dragover": U && (this._onDragOver(t), function (t) { t.dataTransfer && (t.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "move"); t.cancelable && t.preventDefault() }(t)); break; case "selectstart": t.preventDefault() } }, toArray: function () { for (var t, e = [], o = this.el.children, n = 0, i = o.length, r = this.options; n < i; n++)bt(t = o[n], r.draggable, this.el, !1) && e.push(t.getAttribute(r.dataIdAttr) || Yt(t)); return e }, sort: function (t) { var n = {}, i = this.el; this.toArray().forEach(function (t, e) { var o = i.children[e]; bt(o, this.options.draggable, i, !1) && (n[t] = o) }, this), t.forEach(function (t) { n[t] && (i.removeChild(n[t]), i.appendChild(n[t])) }) }, save: function () { var t =; t && t.set && t.set(this) }, closest: function (t, e) { return bt(t, e || this.options.draggable, this.el, !1) }, option: function (t, e) { var o = this.options; if (void 0 === e) return o[t]; o[t] = e, "group" === t && W(o) }, destroy: function () { var t = this.el; t[lt] = null, _t(t, "mousedown", this._onTapStart), _t(t, "touchstart", this._onTapStart), _t(t, "pointerdown", this._onTapStart), this.nativeDraggable && (_t(t, "dragover", this), _t(t, "dragenter", this)),"[draggable]"), function (t) { t.removeAttribute("draggable") }), this._onDrop(), d.splice(d.indexOf(this.el), 1), this.el = t = null }, _hideClone: function () { u.cloneHidden || (Dt(u, "display", "none"), u.cloneHidden = !0, u.parentNode && this.options.removeCloneOnHide && u.parentNode.removeChild(u)) }, _showClone: function (t) { "clone" === t.lastPutMode ? u.cloneHidden && (q.contains(U) && ! ? q.insertBefore(u, U) : G ? q.insertBefore(u, G) : q.appendChild(u), && this._animate(U, u), Dt(u, "display", ""), u.cloneHidden = !1) : this._hideClone() } }, wt(st, "touchmove", function (t) { ( || v) && t.cancelable && t.preventDefault() }), mt.utils = { on: wt, off: _t, css: Dt, find: Tt, is: function (t, e) { return !!bt(t, e, t, !1) }, extend: Bt, throttle: It, closest: bt, toggleClass: yt, clone: Ot, index: At, nextTick: Ht, cancelNextTick: Rt, detectDirection: P, getChild: Mt }, mt.create = function (t, e) { return new mt(t, e) }, mt.version = "1.8.4", mt });