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synced 2025-03-24 13:27:06 +01:00
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232 lines
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const { createNewSortInstance } = require('../libs/fastSort')
const Database = require('../Database')
const { getTitlePrefixAtEnd, isNullOrNaN, getTitleIgnorePrefix } = require('../utils/index')
const naturalSort = createNewSortInstance({
comparer: new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare
module.exports = {
getSeriesFromBooks(books, filterSeries, hideSingleBookSeries) {
const _series = {}
const seriesToFilterOut = {}
books.forEach((libraryItem) => {
// get all book series for item that is not already filtered out
const bookSeries = (libraryItem.media.metadata.series || []).filter(se => !seriesToFilterOut[se.id])
if (!bookSeries.length) return
bookSeries.forEach((bookSeriesObj) => {
// const series = allSeries.find(se => se.id === bookSeriesObj.id)
const abJson = libraryItem.toJSONMinified()
abJson.sequence = bookSeriesObj.sequence
if (filterSeries) {
abJson.filterSeriesSequence = libraryItem.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries).sequence
if (!_series[bookSeriesObj.id]) {
_series[bookSeriesObj.id] = {
id: bookSeriesObj.id,
name: bookSeriesObj.name,
nameIgnorePrefix: getTitlePrefixAtEnd(bookSeriesObj.name),
nameIgnorePrefixSort: getTitleIgnorePrefix(bookSeriesObj.name),
type: 'series',
books: [abJson],
totalDuration: isNullOrNaN(abJson.media.duration) ? 0 : Number(abJson.media.duration)
} else {
_series[bookSeriesObj.id].totalDuration += isNullOrNaN(abJson.media.duration) ? 0 : Number(abJson.media.duration)
let seriesItems = Object.values(_series)
// Library setting to hide series with only 1 book
if (hideSingleBookSeries) {
seriesItems = seriesItems.filter(se => se.books.length > 1)
return seriesItems.map((series) => {
series.books = naturalSort(series.books).asc(li => li.sequence)
return series
collapseBookSeries(libraryItems, filterSeries, hideSingleBookSeries) {
// Get series from the library items. If this list is being collapsed after filtering for a series,
// don't collapse that series, only books that are in other series.
const seriesObjects = this
.getSeriesFromBooks(libraryItems, filterSeries, hideSingleBookSeries)
.filter(s => s.id != filterSeries)
const filteredLibraryItems = []
libraryItems.forEach((li) => {
if (li.mediaType != 'book') return
// Handle when this is the first book in a series
seriesObjects.filter(s => s.books[0].id == li.id).forEach(series => {
// Clone the library item as we need to attach data to it, but don't
// want to change the global copy of the library item
li, { collapsedSeries: series }))
// Only included books not contained in series
if (!seriesObjects.some(s => s.books.some(b => b.id == li.id)))
return filteredLibraryItems
async handleCollapseSubseries(payload, seriesId, user, library) {
const seriesWithBooks = await Database.seriesModel.findByPk(seriesId, {
include: {
model: Database.bookModel,
through: {
attributes: ['sequence']
include: [
model: Database.libraryItemModel
model: Database.authorModel,
through: {
attributes: []
model: Database.seriesModel,
through: {
attributes: ['sequence']
if (!seriesWithBooks) {
payload.total = 0
return []
const books = seriesWithBooks.books
payload.total = books.length
let libraryItems = books.map((book) => {
const libraryItem = book.libraryItem
libraryItem.media = book
return Database.libraryItemModel.getOldLibraryItem(libraryItem)
}).filter(li => {
return user.checkCanAccessLibraryItem(li)
const collapsedItems = this.collapseBookSeries(libraryItems, seriesId, library.settings.hideSingleBookSeries)
if (!(collapsedItems.length == 1 && collapsedItems[0].collapsedSeries)) {
libraryItems = collapsedItems
payload.total = libraryItems.length
const sortingIgnorePrefix = Database.serverSettings.sortingIgnorePrefix
let sortArray = []
const direction = payload.sortDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc'
if (!payload.sortBy || payload.sortBy === 'sequence') {
sortArray = [
[direction]: (li) => li.media.metadata.getSeries(seriesId).sequence
{ // If no series sequence then fallback to sorting by title (or collapsed series name for sub-series)
[direction]: (li) => {
if (sortingIgnorePrefix) {
return li.collapsedSeries?.nameIgnorePrefix || li.media.metadata.titleIgnorePrefix
} else {
return li.collapsedSeries?.name || li.media.metadata.title
} else {
// If series are collapsed and not sorting by title or sequence,
// sort all collapsed series to the end in alphabetical order
if (payload.sortBy !== 'media.metadata.title') {
asc: (li) => {
if (li.collapsedSeries) {
return sortingIgnorePrefix ? li.collapsedSeries.nameIgnorePrefix : li.collapsedSeries.name
} else {
return ''
[direction]: (li) => {
if (payload.sortBy === 'media.metadata.title') {
if (sortingIgnorePrefix) {
return li.collapsedSeries?.nameIgnorePrefix || li.media.metadata.titleIgnorePrefix
} else {
return li.collapsedSeries?.name || li.media.metadata.title
} else {
return payload.sortBy.split('.').reduce((a, b) => a[b], li)
libraryItems = naturalSort(libraryItems).by(sortArray)
if (payload.limit) {
const startIndex = payload.page * payload.limit
libraryItems = libraryItems.slice(startIndex, startIndex + payload.limit)
return Promise.all(libraryItems.map(async li => {
const filteredSeries = li.media.metadata.getSeries(seriesId)
const json = li.toJSONMinified()
json.media.metadata.series = {
id: filteredSeries.id,
name: filteredSeries.name,
sequence: filteredSeries.sequence
if (li.collapsedSeries) {
json.collapsedSeries = {
id: li.collapsedSeries.id,
name: li.collapsedSeries.name,
nameIgnorePrefix: li.collapsedSeries.nameIgnorePrefix,
libraryItemIds: li.collapsedSeries.books.map(b => b.id),
numBooks: li.collapsedSeries.books.length
// If collapsing by series and filtering by a series, generate the list of sequences the collapsed
// series represents in the filtered series
json.collapsedSeries.seriesSequenceList =
naturalSort(li.collapsedSeries.books.filter(b => b.filterSeriesSequence).map(b => b.filterSeriesSequence)).asc()
.reduce((ranges, currentSequence) => {
let lastRange = ranges.at(-1)
let isNumber = /^(\d+|\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)$/.test(currentSequence)
if (isNumber) currentSequence = parseFloat(currentSequence)
if (lastRange && isNumber && lastRange.isNumber && ((lastRange.end + 1) == currentSequence)) {
lastRange.end = currentSequence
else {
ranges.push({ start: currentSequence, end: currentSequence, isNumber: isNumber })
return ranges
}, [])
.map(r => r.start == r.end ? r.start : `${r.start}-${r.end}`)
.join(', ')
return json