Quickly search through and highlight files using [ripgrep](https://github.com/burntsushi/ripgrep).
Search through files or directories looking for matching regular expressions (or fixed strings with `-F`), and print the output using `bat` for an easy and syntax-highlighted experience.
| `-i` | `--ignore-case` | Use case insensitive searching. |
| `-s` | `--case-sensitive` | Use case sensitive searching. |
| `-S` | `--smart-case` | Use smart case searching. |
| `-A` | `--after-context=[LINES]` | Display the next *n* lines after a matched line. |
| `-B` | `--before-context=[LINES]` | Display the previous `n` lines before a matched line. |
| `-C` | `--context=[LINES]` | A combination of `--after-context` and `--before-context`. |
| `-p` | `--search-pattern` | Tell pager to search for `PATTERN`. Currently supported pagers: `less`. |
| | `--no-follow` | Do not follow symlinks. |
| | `--no-snip` | Do not show the `snip` decoration.<br/><br/>This is automatically enabled when `--context=0` or when `bat --version` is less than `0.12.x`. |
| | `--no-highlight` | Do not highlight matching lines.<br/><br/>This is automatically enabled when `--context=0`. |