If you would rather have *faster*, self-contained scripts that you can place and run anywhere, you can use the `build.sh` script to create (and optionally install) them.
This will combine and preprocess each script under the `src` directory, and create corresponding self-contained scripts in the `bin` folder. Any library scripts that are sourced using `source "${LIB}/[NAME].sh"` will be embedded automatically.
You can also specify `--install` and `--prefix=PATH` to have the build script automatically install the scripts for all users on the system. You may need to run the build script as root.
Depending on the distribution, bat may have been renamed to avoid package conflicts.
If you wish to use these scripts on a distribution where this is the case, there is an `--alternate-executable=NAME` option which will build the scripts to use an alternate executable name.
The build script will attempt to verify the correctness of the "bin" scripts by comparing their output with their source counterparts. It is recommended to let it do this, but you can disable verification with the `--no-verify` option.
If you would like to contribute to `bat-extras`, please feel free to [open an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/eth-p/bat-extras/issues), or make a pull request. If you do the latter, please keep our [contributing guidelines](./CONTRIBUTING.md) in mind.