HAS_RIPGREP=false setup() { use_shim 'batgrep' unset BAT_STYLE if command -v rg &>/dev/null; then HAS_RIPGREP=true fi } require_rg() { if ! "$HAS_RIPGREP"; then skip "Ripgrep (rg) is not installed." fi } test:version() { description "Test 'batgrep --version'" snapshot stdout snapshot stderr batgrep --version | awk 'FNR <= 1 { print $1 }' batgrep --version | awk 'p{print} /^$/ { p=1 }' } test:regular_file() { description "Search for a pattern in a regular file." snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg batgrep "ca" file.txt } test:symlink_file() { description "Search for a pattern in a symlinked file." snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg batgrep "ca" link.txt } test:output_with_color() { description "Snapshot test for colored output." snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg batgrep "ca" file.txt --color=always } test:output_without_color() { description "Snapshot test for colored output." snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg batgrep "ca" file.txt --color=never } test:search_regex() { description "Search for a regex pattern." snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg batgrep "^[cb]" file.txt } test:search_fixed() { description "Search for fixed strings." snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg batgrep --fixed-strings '$' file.txt } test:option_context() { description "Search and use the context option." snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg batgrep -C 0 '\$' file.txt } test:search_from_stdin() { description "Should be able to search through stdin." snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg cat file.txt | batgrep "^ca" } test:respects_bat_style() { description "Should respect the BAT_STYLE variable." snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg BAT_STYLE="grid" batgrep "ca" file.txt --color=always } test:output_without_separator() { description "Snapshot test for output without separator" snapshot stdout snapshot stderr require_rg batgrep "ca" file.txt --no-separator --color=always }