setup() { set - --long-implicit implicit_value \ --long-explicit=explicit_value \ -i implicit \ -x=explicit \ -I1 group_implicit \ -X2=group_explicit \ positional_1 \ positional_2 \ --after-positional source "${LIB}/" source "${LIB}/" } assert_opt_name() { assert [ "$OPT" = "$1" ] } assert_opt_value() { assert [ "$OPT_VAL" = "$1" ] } assert_opt_valueless() { assert [ -z "$OPT_VAL" ] } test:long() { description "Parse long options." while shiftopt; do if [[ "$OPT" = "--long-implicit" ]]; then assert_opt_valueless return fi done fail 'Failed to find option.' } test:long_implicit() { description "Parse long options in '--long value' syntax." while shiftopt; do if [[ "$OPT" = "--long-implicit" ]]; then shiftval assert_opt_value 'implicit_value' return fi done fail 'Failed to find option.' } test:long_explicit() { description "Parse long options in '--long=value' syntax." while shiftopt; do if [[ "$OPT" = "--long-explicit" ]]; then assert_opt_value 'explicit_value' shiftval assert_opt_value 'explicit_value' return fi done fail 'Failed to find option.' } test:short_default() { description "Parse short options in '-k' syntax." while shiftopt; do if [[ "$OPT" = "-i" ]]; then assert_opt_valueless return fi done fail 'Failed to find option.' } test:short() { description "Parse short options in '-k val' syntax." while shiftopt; do if [[ "$OPT" = "-i" ]]; then shiftopt assert_opt_valueless return fi done fail 'Failed to find option.' } test:short_implicit() { description "Parse short options in '-k value' syntax." while shiftopt; do if [[ "$OPT" = "-i" ]]; then shiftval assert_opt_value 'implicit' return fi done fail 'Failed to find option.' } test:short_explicit() { description "Parse short options in '-k=value' syntax." while shiftopt; do if [[ "$OPT" = "-x" ]]; then assert_opt_value 'explicit' shiftval assert_opt_value 'explicit' return fi done fail 'Failed to find option.' } test:short_default_mode() { description "Ensure the default mode for '-abc' is VALUE." assert_equal "$SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS" "VALUE" } test:short_split_none() { description "Parse short options in '-abc' syntax with SPLIT mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="SPLIT" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-I"|"-1") assert_opt_valueless ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 2 } test:short_split_implicit() { description "Parse short options in '-abc val' syntax with SPLIT mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="SPLIT" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-I"|"-1") assert_opt_valueless shiftval assert_opt_value "group_implicit" ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 2 } test:short_split_explicit() { description "Parse short options in '-abc=val' syntax with SPLIT mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="SPLIT" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-X"|"-2") assert_opt_value "group_explicit" ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 2 } test:short_pass_none() { description "Parse short options in '-abc' syntax with PASS mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="PASS" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-I"|"-1") fail "Short group -I1 was split." ;; "-I1") assert_opt_valueless ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 1 } test:short_pass_implicit() { description "Parse short options in '-abc val' syntax with PASS mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="PASS" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-I"|"-1") fail "Short group -I1 was split." ;; "-I1") assert_opt_valueless shiftval assert_opt_value "group_implicit" ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 1 } test:short_pass_explicit() { description "Parse short options in '-abc=val' syntax with PASS mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="PASS" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-X"|"-2") fail "Short group -X2 was split." ;; "-X2") assert_opt_value "group_explicit" ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 1 } test:short_conv_none() { description "Parse short options in '-abc' syntax with CONV mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="CONV" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-I"|"-1") fail "Short group -I1 was split." ;; "-I1") fail "Short group -I1 was not converted." ;; "--I1") assert_opt_valueless ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 1 } test:short_conv_implicit() { description "Parse short options in '-abc val' syntax with CONV mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="CONV" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-I"|"-1") fail "Short group -I1 was split." ;; "-I1") fail "Short group -I1 was not converted." ;; "--I1") assert_opt_valueless shiftval assert_opt_value "group_implicit" ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 1 } test:short_conv_explicit() { description "Parse short options in '-abc=val' syntax with CONV mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="CONV" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-X"|"-2") fail "Short group -X2 was split." ;; "-X2") fail "Short group -X2 was not converted." ;; "--X2") assert_opt_value "group_explicit" ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 1 } test:short_value_none() { description "Parse short options in '-abc' syntax with VALUE mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="VALUE" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-I1") fail "Short group -I1 was not truncated." ;; "-I") assert_opt_value "1" ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 1 } test:short_value_implicit() { description "Parse short options in '-abc val' syntax with VALUE mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="VALUE" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-I1") fail "Short group -I1 was not truncated." ;; "-I") shiftval assert_opt_value "1" ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 1 } test:short_value_explicit() { description "Parse short options in '-abc=val' syntax with VALUE mode." SHIFTOPT_SHORT_OPTIONS="VALUE" local found=0 while shiftopt; do case "$OPT" in "-X2") fail "Short group -X2 was not truncated." ;; "-X") assert_opt_value "2=group_explicit" ((found++)) || true ;; esac done assert_equal "$found" 1 } test:hook() { description "Option hooks." SHIFTOPT_HOOKS=("example_hook") found=false example_hook() { if [[ "$OPT" = "--long-implicit" ]]; then found=true return 0 fi return 1 } while shiftopt; do if [[ "$OPT" = "--long-implicit" ]]; then fail "Option was not filtered by hook." fi done if ! "$found"; then fail "Option was not found by hook." fi } test:fn_setargs() { description "Function setargs." setargs "--setarg=true" shiftopt || true shiftval assert_opt_name "--setarg" assert_opt_value "true" } test:fn_resetargs() { description "Function resetargs." setargs "--setarg=true" resetargs shiftopt || true assert_opt_name "--long-implicit" } # shellcheck disable=SC2154 test:fn_getargs() { description "Function getargs." setargs "--one=two" "three" "--four" shiftopt getargs args assert_equal 2 "${#args[@]}" assert_equal "three" "${args[0]}" assert_equal "--four" "${args[1]}" # Ensure getargs doesn't remove remaining arguments. shiftopt assert_opt_name "three" } test:fn_getargs_append() { description "Function getargs -a." setargs "--two=three" "four" args=(zero one) getargs -a args assert_equal 4 "${#args[@]}" assert_equal "zero" "${args[0]}" assert_equal "one" "${args[1]}" assert_equal "--two=three" "${args[2]}" assert_equal "four" "${args[3]}" }