diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index dcd9a58e..91a88711 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -49,3 +49,15 @@ [submodule "assets/themes/zenburn"] path = assets/themes/zenburn url = https://github.com/colinta/zenburn.git +[submodule "assets/syntaxes/Kotlin"] + path = assets/syntaxes/Kotlin + url = https://github.com/vkostyukov/kotlin-sublime-package +[submodule "assets/syntaxes/Elm"] + path = assets/syntaxes/Elm + url = https://github.com/elm-community/SublimeElmLanguageSupport +[submodule "assets/syntaxes/TypeScript"] + path = assets/syntaxes/TypeScript + url = https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin +[submodule "assets/syntaxes/Puppet"] + path = assets/syntaxes/Puppet + url = https://github.com/russCloak/SublimePuppet diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/Elm b/assets/syntaxes/Elm new file mode 160000 index 00000000..dfbb8bdc --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/syntaxes/Elm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit dfbb8bdc9a8403092c884d3eb893a270538cfa72 diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/Kotlin b/assets/syntaxes/Kotlin new file mode 160000 index 00000000..aeeed278 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/syntaxes/Kotlin @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit aeeed2780b04aea3d293c547c24cae27cafef0c5 diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/Kotlin.sublime-syntax b/assets/syntaxes/Kotlin.sublime-syntax new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eab59192 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/syntaxes/Kotlin.sublime-syntax @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +%YAML 1.2 +--- +# http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/syntax.html +name: Kotlin +file_extensions: + - kt + - kts +scope: source.Kotlin +contexts: + main: + - include: comments + - match: '^\s*(package)\b(?:\s*([^ ;$]+)\s*)?' + captures: + 1: keyword.other.kotlin + 2: entity.name.package.kotlin + - include: imports + - include: statements + classes: + - match: (?" + pop: true + - include: generics + - match: \( + push: + - match: \) + pop: true + - include: parameters + - match: (:) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.declaration.kotlin + push: + - match: "(?={|$)" + pop: true + - match: \w+ + scope: entity.other.inherited-class.kotlin + - match: \( + push: + - match: \) + pop: true + - include: expressions + - match: '\{' + push: + - match: '\}' + pop: true + - include: statements + comments: + - match: /\* + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.comment.kotlin + push: + - meta_scope: comment.block.kotlin + - match: \*/ + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.comment.kotlin + pop: true + - match: \s*((//).*$\n?) + captures: + 1: comment.line.double-slash.kotlin + 2: punctuation.definition.comment.kotlin + constants: + - match: \b(true|false|null|this|super)\b + scope: constant.language.kotlin + - match: '\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)|(\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)([LlFf])?\b' + scope: constant.numeric.kotlin + - match: '\b([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+)\b' + scope: constant.other.kotlin + expressions: + - match: \( + push: + - match: \) + pop: true + - include: expressions + - include: types + - include: strings + - include: constants + - include: comments + - include: keywords + functions: + - match: (?=\s*\b(?:fun)\b) + push: + - match: '(?=$|\})' + pop: true + - match: \b(fun)\b + captures: + 1: keyword.other.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=\() + pop: true + - match: < + push: + - match: ">" + pop: true + - include: generics + - match: '([\.<\?>\w]+\.)?(\w+)' + captures: + 2: entity.name.function.kotlin + - match: \( + push: + - match: \) + pop: true + - include: parameters + - match: (:) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.declaration.kotlin + push: + - match: "(?={|=|$)" + pop: true + - include: types + - match: '\{' + push: + - match: '(?=\})' + pop: true + - include: statements + - match: (=) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.assignment.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=$) + pop: true + - include: expressions + generics: + - match: (:) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.declaration.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=,|>) + pop: true + - include: types + - include: keywords + - match: \w+ + scope: storage.type.generic.kotlin + getters-and-setters: + - match: \b(get)\b\s*\(\s*\) + captures: + 1: entity.name.function.kotlin + push: + - match: '\}|(?=\bset\b)|$' + pop: true + - match: (=) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.assignment.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=$|\bset\b) + pop: true + - include: expressions + - match: '\{' + push: + - match: '\}' + pop: true + - include: expressions + - match: \b(set)\b\s*(?=\() + captures: + 1: entity.name.function.kotlin + push: + - match: '\}|(?=\bget\b)|$' + pop: true + - match: \( + push: + - match: \) + pop: true + - include: parameters + - match: (=) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.assignment.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=$|\bset\b) + pop: true + - include: expressions + - match: '\{' + push: + - match: '\}' + pop: true + - include: expressions + imports: + - match: '^\s*(import)\s+[^ $]+\s+(as)?' + captures: + 1: keyword.other.kotlin + 2: keyword.other.kotlin + keywords: + - match: \b(var|val|public|private|protected|abstract|final|sealed|enum|open|attribute|annotation|override|inline|vararg|in|out|internal|data|tailrec|operator|infix|const|yield|typealias|typeof|reified|suspend)\b + scope: storage.modifier.kotlin + - match: \b(try|catch|finally|throw)\b + scope: keyword.control.catch-exception.kotlin + - match: \b(if|else|while|for|do|return|when|where|break|continue)\b + scope: keyword.control.kotlin + - match: \b(in|is|!in|!is|as|as\?|assert)\b + scope: keyword.operator.kotlin + - match: (==|!=|===|!==|<=|>=|<|>) + scope: keyword.operator.comparison.kotlin + - match: (=) + scope: keyword.operator.assignment.kotlin + - match: (::) + scope: keyword.operator.kotlin + - match: (:) + scope: keyword.operator.declaration.kotlin + - match: \b(by)\b + scope: keyword.other.by.kotlin + - match: (\?\.) + scope: keyword.operator.safenav.kotlin + - match: (\.) + scope: keyword.operator.dot.kotlin + - match: (\?:) + scope: keyword.operator.elvis.kotlin + - match: (\-\-|\+\+) + scope: keyword.operator.increment-decrement.kotlin + - match: (\+=|\-=|\*=|\/=) + scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.assign.kotlin + - match: (\.\.) + scope: keyword.operator.range.kotlin + - match: (\-|\+|\*|\/|%) + scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.kotlin + - match: (!|&&|\|\|) + scope: keyword.operator.logical.kotlin + - match: (;) + scope: punctuation.terminator.kotlin + namespaces: + - match: \b(namespace)\b + scope: keyword.other.kotlin + - match: '\{' + push: + - match: '\}' + pop: true + - include: statements + parameters: + - match: (:) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.declaration.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=,|\)|=) + pop: true + - include: types + - match: (=) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.declaration.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=,|\)) + pop: true + - include: expressions + - include: keywords + - match: \w+ + scope: variable.parameter.function.kotlin + statements: + - include: namespaces + - include: typedefs + - include: classes + - include: functions + - include: variables + - include: getters-and-setters + - include: expressions + strings: + - match: '"""' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.string.begin.kotlin + push: + - meta_scope: string.quoted.third.kotlin + - match: '"""' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.string.end.kotlin + pop: true + - match: '(\$\w+|\$\{[^\}]+\})' + scope: variable.parameter.template.kotlin + - match: \\. + scope: constant.character.escape.kotlin + - match: '"' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.string.begin.kotlin + push: + - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.kotlin + - match: '"' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.string.end.kotlin + pop: true + - match: '(\$\w+|\$\{[^\}]+\})' + scope: variable.parameter.template.kotlin + - match: \\. + scope: constant.character.escape.kotlin + - match: "'" + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.string.begin.kotlin + push: + - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.kotlin + - match: "'" + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.string.end.kotlin + pop: true + - match: \\. + scope: constant.character.escape.kotlin + - match: "`" + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.string.begin.kotlin + push: + - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.kotlin + - match: "`" + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.string.end.kotlin + pop: true + typedefs: + - match: (?=\s*(?:type)) + push: + - match: (?=$) + pop: true + - match: \b(type)\b + scope: keyword.other.kotlin + - match: < + push: + - match: ">" + pop: true + - include: generics + - include: expressions + types: + - match: \b(Nothing|Any|Unit|String|CharSequence|Int|Boolean|Char|Long|Double|Float|Short|Byte|dynamic)\b + scope: storage.type.buildin.kotlin + - match: \b(IntArray|BooleanArray|CharArray|LongArray|DoubleArray|FloatArray|ShortArray|ByteArray)\b + scope: storage.type.buildin.array.kotlin + - match: \b(Array|Collection|List|Map|Set|MutableList|MutableMap|MutableSet|Sequence)<\b + captures: + 1: storage.type.buildin.collection.kotlin + push: + - match: ">" + pop: true + - include: types + - include: keywords + - match: \w+< + push: + - match: ">" + pop: true + - include: types + - include: keywords + - match: '\{' + push: + - match: '\}' + pop: true + - include: statements + - match: \( + push: + - match: \) + pop: true + - include: types + - match: (->) + scope: keyword.operator.declaration.kotlin + variables: + - match: (?=\s*\b(?:var|val)\b) + push: + - match: (?=:|=|(\b(by)\b)|$) + pop: true + - match: \b(var|val)\b + captures: + 1: keyword.other.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=:|=|(\b(by)\b)|$) + pop: true + - match: < + push: + - match: ">" + pop: true + - include: generics + - match: '([\.<\?>\w]+\.)?(\w+)' + captures: + 2: entity.name.variable.kotlin + - match: (:) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.declaration.kotlin + push: + - match: (?==|$) + pop: true + - include: types + - include: getters-and-setters + - match: \b(by)\b + captures: + 1: keyword.other.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=$) + pop: true + - include: expressions + - match: (=) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.assignment.kotlin + push: + - match: (?=$) + pop: true + - include: expressions + - include: getters-and-setters diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/Puppet b/assets/syntaxes/Puppet new file mode 160000 index 00000000..2a224343 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/syntaxes/Puppet @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 2a224343d2151b2896b6d9c48343919c06d1e695 diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/TypeScript b/assets/syntaxes/TypeScript new file mode 160000 index 00000000..19a599ad --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/syntaxes/TypeScript @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 19a599ad0e2edfb13c107db4305cf07b82cdc023 diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/TypeScript.sublime-syntax b/assets/syntaxes/TypeScript.sublime-syntax new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75a6c2a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/syntaxes/TypeScript.sublime-syntax @@ -0,0 +1,3027 @@ +%YAML 1.2 +--- +# http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/syntax.html +name: TypeScript +file_extensions: + - ts +scope: source.ts +contexts: + main: + - include: directives + - include: statements + - match: \A(#!).*(?=$) + scope: comment.line.shebang.ts + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.comment.ts + comment: + - match: /\*\*(?!/) + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.comment.ts + push: + - meta_scope: comment.block.documentation.ts + - match: \*/ + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.comment.ts + pop: true + - include: docblock + - match: (/\*)(?:\s*((@)internal)(?=\s|(\*/)))? + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.comment.ts + 2: storage.type.internaldeclaration.ts + 3: punctuation.decorator.internaldeclaration.ts + push: + - meta_scope: comment.block.ts + - match: \*/ + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.comment.ts + pop: true + - match: '(^[ \t]+)?((//)(?:\s*((@)internal)(?=\s|$))?)' + captures: + 1: punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.ts + 2: comment.line.double-slash.ts + 3: punctuation.definition.comment.ts + 4: storage.type.internaldeclaration.ts + 5: punctuation.decorator.internaldeclaration.ts + push: + - meta_content_scope: comment.line.double-slash.ts + - match: (?=^) + pop: true + access-modifier: + - match: '(?]|^await|[^\._$[:alnum:]]await|^return|[^\._$[:alnum:]]return|^yield|[^\._$[:alnum:]]yield|^throw|[^\._$[:alnum:]]throw|^in|[^\._$[:alnum:]]in|^of|[^\._$[:alnum:]]of|^typeof|[^\._$[:alnum:]]typeof|&&|\|\||\*)\s*(\{)' + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.block.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.objectliteral.ts + - match: '\}' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.block.ts + pop: true + - include: object-member + array-binding-pattern: + - match: '(?:(\.\.\.)\s*)?(\[)' + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.rest.ts + 2: punctuation.definition.binding-pattern.array.ts + push: + - match: '\]' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.binding-pattern.array.ts + pop: true + - include: binding-element + - include: punctuation-comma + array-binding-pattern-const: + - match: '(?:(\.\.\.)\s*)?(\[)' + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.rest.ts + 2: punctuation.definition.binding-pattern.array.ts + push: + - match: '\]' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.binding-pattern.array.ts + pop: true + - include: binding-element-const + - include: punctuation-comma + array-literal: + - match: '\s*(\[)' + captures: + 1: meta.brace.square.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.array.literal.ts + - match: '\]' + captures: + 0: meta.brace.square.ts + pop: true + - include: expression + - include: punctuation-comma + arrow-function: + - match: '(?:(?)' + scope: meta.arrow.ts + captures: + 1: storage.modifier.async.ts + 2: variable.parameter.ts + - match: |- + (?x) (?: + (? is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + ) + ) + captures: + 1: storage.modifier.async.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.arrow.ts + - match: '(?==>|\{|(^\s*(export|function|class|interface|let|var|const|import|enum|namespace|module|type|abstract|declare)\s+))' + pop: true + - include: comment + - include: type-parameters + - include: function-parameters + - include: arrow-return-type + - match: "=>" + captures: + 0: storage.type.function.arrow.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.arrow.ts + - match: '(?<=\}|\S)(?)|((?!\{)(?=\S))' + pop: true + - include: decl-block + - include: expression + arrow-return-type: + - match: (?<=\))\s*(:) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.type.annotation.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.return.type.arrow.ts + - match: '(?==>|\{|(^\s*(export|function|class|interface|let|var|const|import|enum|namespace|module|type|abstract|declare)\s+))' + pop: true + - include: arrow-return-type-body + arrow-return-type-body: + - match: '(?<=[:])(?=\s*\{)' + push: + - match: '(?<=\})' + pop: true + - include: type-object + - include: type-predicate-operator + - include: type + async-modifier: + - match: '(?*?\&\|\^]|[^_$[:alnum:]](?:\+\+|\-\-)|[^\+]\+|[^\-]\-))\s*(<)(?!)\s* + captures: + 1: meta.brace.angle.ts + pop: true + - include: type + - match: '(?:(?<=^))\s*(<)(?=[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*>)' + captures: + 1: meta.brace.angle.ts + push: + - meta_scope: cast.expr.ts + - match: (\>)\s* + captures: + 1: meta.brace.angle.ts + pop: true + - include: type + class-declaration: + - match: '(?\s*$)' + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.comment.ts + push: + - meta_scope: comment.line.triple-slash.directive.ts + - match: (?=^) + pop: true + - match: (<)(reference|amd-dependency|amd-module) + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.tag.directive.ts + 2: entity.name.tag.directive.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.tag.ts + - match: /> + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.tag.directive.ts + pop: true + - match: path|types|no-default-lib|lib|name + scope: entity.other.attribute-name.directive.ts + - match: "=" + scope: keyword.operator.assignment.ts + - include: string + docblock: + - match: |- + (?x) + ((@)(?:access|api)) + \s+ + (private|protected|public) + \b + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: constant.language.access-type.jsdoc + - match: |- + (?x) + ((@)author) + \s+ + ( + [^@\s<>*/] + (?:[^@<>*/]|\*[^/])* + ) + (?: + \s* + (<) + ([^>\s]+) + (>) + )? + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: entity.name.type.instance.jsdoc + 4: punctuation.definition.bracket.angle.begin.jsdoc + 5: constant.other.email.link.underline.jsdoc + 6: punctuation.definition.bracket.angle.end.jsdoc + - match: |- + (?x) + ((@)borrows) \s+ + ((?:[^@\s*/]|\*[^/])+) # + \s+ (as) \s+ # as + ((?:[^@\s*/]|\*[^/])+) # + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: entity.name.type.instance.jsdoc + 4: keyword.operator.control.jsdoc + 5: entity.name.type.instance.jsdoc + - match: ((@)example)\s+ + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + push: + - meta_scope: meta.example.jsdoc + - match: (?=@|\*/) + pop: true + - match: ^\s\*\s+ + - match: \G(<)caption(>) + captures: + 0: entity.name.tag.inline.jsdoc + 1: punctuation.definition.bracket.angle.begin.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.bracket.angle.end.jsdoc + push: + - meta_content_scope: constant.other.description.jsdoc + - match: ()|(?=\*/) + captures: + 0: entity.name.tag.inline.jsdoc + 1: punctuation.definition.bracket.angle.begin.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.bracket.angle.end.jsdoc + pop: true + - match: '[^\s@*](?:[^*]|\*[^/])*' + captures: + 0: source.embedded.ts + - match: (?x) ((@)kind) \s+ (class|constant|event|external|file|function|member|mixin|module|namespace|typedef) \b + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: constant.language.symbol-type.jsdoc + - match: |- + (?x) + ((@)see) + \s+ + (?: + # URL + ( + (?=https?://) + (?:[^\s*]|\*[^/])+ + ) + | + # JSDoc namepath + ( + (?! + # Avoid matching bare URIs (also acceptable as links) + https?:// + | + # Avoid matching {@inline tags}; we match those below + (?:\[[^\[\]]*\])? # Possible description [preceding]{@tag} + {@(?:link|linkcode|linkplain|tutorial)\b + ) + # Matched namepath + (?:[^@\s*/]|\*[^/])+ + ) + ) + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: variable.other.link.underline.jsdoc + 4: entity.name.type.instance.jsdoc + - match: |- + (?x) + ((@)template) + \s+ + # One or more valid identifiers + ( + [A-Za-z_$] # First character: non-numeric word character + [\w$.\[\]]* # Rest of identifier + (?: # Possible list of additional identifiers + \s* , \s* + [A-Za-z_$] + [\w$.\[\]]* + )* + ) + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: variable.other.jsdoc + - match: |- + (?x) + ( + (@) + (?:arg|argument|const|constant|member|namespace|param|var) + ) + \s+ + ( + [A-Za-z_$] + [\w$.\[\]]* + ) + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: variable.other.jsdoc + - match: '((@)typedef)\s+(?={)' + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + push: + - match: '(?=\s|\*/|[^{}\[\]A-Za-z_$])' + pop: true + - include: jsdoctype + - match: '(?:[^@\s*/]|\*[^/])+' + scope: entity.name.type.instance.jsdoc + - match: '((@)(?:arg|argument|const|constant|member|namespace|param|prop|property|var))\s+(?={)' + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + push: + - match: '(?=\s|\*/|[^{}\[\]A-Za-z_$])' + pop: true + - include: jsdoctype + - match: '([A-Za-z_$][\w$.\[\]]*)' + scope: variable.other.jsdoc + - match: |- + (?x) + (\[)\s* + [\w$]+ + (?: + (?:\[\])? # Foo[ ].bar properties within an array + \. # Foo.Bar namespaced parameter + [\w$]+ + )* + (?: + \s* + (=) # [foo=bar] Default parameter value + \s* + ( + # The inner regexes are to stop the match early at */ and to not stop at escaped quotes + (?> + "(?:(?:\*(?!/))|(?:\\(?!"))|[^*\\])*?" | # [foo="bar"] Double-quoted + '(?:(?:\*(?!/))|(?:\\(?!'))|[^*\\])*?' | # [foo='bar'] Single-quoted + \[ (?:(?:\*(?!/))|[^*])*? \] | # [foo=[1,2]] Array literal + (?:(?:\*(?!/))|\s(?!\s*\])|\[.*?(?:\]|(?=\*/))|[^*\s\[\]])* # Everything else + )* + ) + )? + \s*(?:(\])((?:[^*\s]|\*[^\s/])+)?|(?=\*/)) + scope: variable.other.jsdoc + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.optional-value.begin.bracket.square.jsdoc + 2: keyword.operator.assignment.jsdoc + 3: source.embedded.ts + 4: punctuation.definition.optional-value.end.bracket.square.jsdoc + 5: invalid.illegal.syntax.jsdoc + - match: |- + (?x) + ( + (@) + (?:define|enum|exception|export|extends|lends|implements|modifies + |namespace|private|protected|returns?|suppress|this|throws|type + |yields?) + ) + \s+(?={) + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + push: + - match: '(?=\s|\*/|[^{}\[\]A-Za-z_$])' + pop: true + - include: jsdoctype + - match: |- + (?x) + ( + (@) + (?:alias|augments|callback|constructs|emits|event|fires|exports? + |extends|external|function|func|host|lends|listens|interface|memberof!? + |method|module|mixes|mixin|name|requires|see|this|typedef|uses) + ) + \s+ + ( + (?: + [^{}@\s*] | \*[^/] + )+ + ) + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: entity.name.type.instance.jsdoc + - match: '((@)(?:default(?:value)?|license|version))\s+(([''''"]))' + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: variable.other.jsdoc + 4: punctuation.definition.string.begin.jsdoc + push: + - meta_content_scope: variable.other.jsdoc + - match: (\3)|(?=$|\*/) + captures: + 0: variable.other.jsdoc + 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.jsdoc + pop: true + - match: '((@)(?:default(?:value)?|license|tutorial|variation|version))\s+([^\s*]+)' + captures: + 1: storage.type.class.jsdoc + 2: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + 3: variable.other.jsdoc + - match: '(?x) (@) (?:abstract|access|alias|api|arg|argument|async|attribute|augments|author|beta|borrows|bubbles |callback|chainable|class|classdesc|code|config|const|constant|constructor|constructs|copyright |default|defaultvalue|define|deprecated|desc|description|dict|emits|enum|event|example|exception |exports?|extends|extension(?:_?for)?|external|externs|file|fileoverview|final|fires|for|func |function|generator|global|hideconstructor|host|ignore|implements|implicitCast|inherit[Dd]oc |inner|instance|interface|internal|kind|lends|license|listens|main|member|memberof!?|method |mixes|mixins?|modifies|module|name|namespace|noalias|nocollapse|nocompile|nosideeffects |override|overview|package|param|polymer(?:Behavior)?|preserve|private|prop|property|protected |public|read[Oo]nly|record|require[ds]|returns?|see|since|static|struct|submodule|summary |suppress|template|this|throws|todo|tutorial|type|typedef|unrestricted|uses|var|variation |version|virtual|writeOnce|yields?) \b' + scope: storage.type.class.jsdoc + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.block.tag.jsdoc + - include: inline-tags + enum-declaration: + - match: '(?>=|>>>=|\|= + scope: keyword.operator.assignment.compound.bitwise.ts + - match: "<<|>>>|>>" + scope: keyword.operator.bitwise.shift.ts + - match: "===|!==|==|!=" + scope: keyword.operator.comparison.ts + - match: <=|>=|<>|<|> + scope: keyword.operator.relational.ts + - match: \!|&&|\|\| + scope: keyword.operator.logical.ts + - match: \&|~|\^|\| + scope: keyword.operator.bitwise.ts + - match: \= + scope: keyword.operator.assignment.ts + - match: "--" + scope: keyword.operator.decrement.ts + - match: \+\+ + scope: keyword.operator.increment.ts + - match: '%|\*|/|-|\+' + scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.ts + - match: '(?<=[_$[:alnum:])\]])\s*(/)(?![/*])' + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.arithmetic.ts + expressionPunctuations: + - include: punctuation-comma + - include: punctuation-accessor + expressionWithoutIdentifiers: + - include: string + - include: regex + - include: template + - include: comment + - include: function-expression + - include: class-expression + - include: arrow-function + - include: paren-expression-possibly-arrow + - include: cast + - include: ternary-expression + - include: new-expr + - include: instanceof-expr + - include: object-literal + - include: expression-operators + - include: function-call + - include: literal + - include: support-objects + - include: paren-expression + field-declaration: + - match: |- + (?x)(?) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + )) | + # typeannotation is fn type: < | () | (... | (param: | (param, | (param? | (param= | (param) => + (:\s*( + (<) | + ([(]\s*( + ([)]) | + (\.\.\.) | + ([_$[:alnum:]]+\s*( + ([:,?=])| + ([)]\s*=>) + )) + )) + )) | + (:\s*((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$))) | + (:\s*(=>|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(<[^<>]*>)|[^<>(),=])+=\s*( + ((async\s+)?( + (function\s*[(<*]) | + (function\s+) | + ([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*=>) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + ))) + captures: + 1: meta.definition.property.ts entity.name.function.ts + 2: keyword.operator.optional.ts + - match: "[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*" + scope: meta.definition.property.ts variable.object.property.ts + - match: \? + scope: keyword.operator.optional.ts + for-loop: + - match: '(?\,\.\[=]|&(?!&)|\|(?!\|)))))([^<>\(]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(?<==)\>|\<\s*(((keyof|infer)\s+)|(([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\''[^\'']*\'')|(\"[^\"]*\")|(\`[^\`]*\`))(?=\s*([\<\>\,\.\[=]|&(?!&)|\|(?!\|)))))([^<>\(]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(?<==)\>)*(?!=)\>)*(?!=)>\s*)?\()' + push: + - match: '(?<=\))(?!(([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*\??\.\s*)*|(\??\.\s*)?)([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*)\s*(\?\.\s*)?(<\s*(((keyof|infer)\s+)|(([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\''[^\'']*\'')|(\"[^\"]*\")|(\`[^\`]*\`))(?=\s*([\<\>\,\.\[=]|&(?!&)|\|(?!\|)))))([^<>\(]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(?<==)\>|\<\s*(((keyof|infer)\s+)|(([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\''[^\'']*\'')|(\"[^\"]*\")|(\`[^\`]*\`))(?=\s*([\<\>\,\.\[=]|&(?!&)|\|(?!\|)))))([^<>\(]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(?<==)\>)*(?!=)\>)*(?!=)>\s*)?\()' + pop: true + - match: '(?=(([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*\??\.\s*)*|(\??\.\s*)?)([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*))' + push: + - meta_scope: meta.function-call.ts + - match: '(?=\s*(\?\.\s*)?(<\s*(((keyof|infer)\s+)|(([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\''[^\'']*\'')|(\"[^\"]*\")|(\`[^\`]*\`))(?=\s*([\<\>\,\.\[=]|&(?!&)|\|(?!\|)))))([^<>\(]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(?<==)\>|\<\s*(((keyof|infer)\s+)|(([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\''[^\'']*\'')|(\"[^\"]*\")|(\`[^\`]*\`))(?=\s*([\<\>\,\.\[=]|&(?!&)|\|(?!\|)))))([^<>\(]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(?<==)\>)*(?!=)\>)*(?!=)>\s*)?\()' + pop: true + - include: literal + - include: support-objects + - include: object-identifiers + - include: punctuation-accessor + - match: '(?:(?) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + )) + captures: + 1: punctuation.accessor.ts + 2: punctuation.accessor.optional.ts + 3: entity.name.function.ts + - match: '(?:(\.)|(\?\.(?!\s*[[:digit:]])))\s*([[:upper:]][_$[:digit:][:upper:]]*)(?![_$[:alnum:]])' + captures: + 1: punctuation.accessor.ts + 2: punctuation.accessor.optional.ts + 3: variable.other.constant.property.ts + - match: '(?:(\.)|(\?\.(?!\s*[[:digit:]])))\s*([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*)' + captures: + 1: punctuation.accessor.ts + 2: punctuation.accessor.optional.ts + 3: variable.other.property.ts + - match: "([[:upper:]][_$[:digit:][:upper:]]*)(?![_$[:alnum:]])" + scope: variable.other.constant.ts + - match: "[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*" + scope: variable.other.readwrite.ts + import-declaration: + - match: '(?) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + ))) + scope: meta.object.member.ts + captures: + 0: meta.object-literal.key.ts + 1: entity.name.function.ts + - match: '(?:[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*)\s*(?=:)' + scope: meta.object.member.ts + captures: + 0: meta.object-literal.key.ts + - match: \.\.\. + captures: + 0: keyword.operator.spread.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.object.member.ts + - match: '(?=,|\})' + pop: true + - include: expression + - match: '([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*)\s*(?=,|\}|$)' + scope: meta.object.member.ts + captures: + 1: variable.other.readwrite.ts + - match: '(?=[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*=)' + push: + - meta_scope: meta.object.member.ts + - match: '(?=,|\}|$)' + pop: true + - include: expression + - match: ":" + captures: + 0: meta.object-literal.key.ts punctuation.separator.key-value.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.object.member.ts + - match: '(?=,|\})' + pop: true + - match: '(?<=:)\s*(async)?(?=\s*(<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)\(\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)' + captures: + 1: storage.modifier.async.ts + push: + - match: (?<=\)) + pop: true + - include: type-parameters + - match: \( + captures: + 0: meta.brace.round.ts + push: + - match: \) + captures: + 0: meta.brace.round.ts + pop: true + - include: expression-inside-possibly-arrow-parens + - match: '(?<=:)\s*(async)?\s*(\()(?=\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)' + captures: + 1: storage.modifier.async.ts + 2: meta.brace.round.ts + push: + - match: \) + captures: + 0: meta.brace.round.ts + pop: true + - include: expression-inside-possibly-arrow-parens + - include: expression + - include: punctuation-comma + parameter-array-binding-pattern: + - match: '(?:(\.\.\.)\s*)?(\[)' + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.rest.ts + 2: punctuation.definition.binding-pattern.array.ts + push: + - match: '\]' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.binding-pattern.array.ts + pop: true + - include: parameter-binding-element + - include: punctuation-comma + parameter-binding-element: + - include: comment + - include: string + - include: parameter-object-binding-pattern + - include: parameter-array-binding-pattern + - include: destructuring-parameter-rest + - include: variable-initializer + parameter-name: + - match: '(?) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + )) | + # typeannotation is fn type: < | () | (... | (param: | (param, | (param? | (param= | (param) => + (:\s*( + (<) | + ([(]\s*( + ([)]) | + (\.\.\.) | + ([_$[:alnum:]]+\s*( + ([:,?=])| + ([)]\s*=>) + )) + )) + )) | + (:\s*((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$))) | + (:\s*(=>|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(<[^<>]*>)|[^<>(),=])+=\s*( + ((async\s+)?( + (function\s*[(<*]) | + (function\s+) | + ([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*=>) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + ))) + captures: + 1: storage.modifier.ts + 2: keyword.operator.rest.ts + 3: entity.name.function.ts variable.language.this.ts + 4: entity.name.function.ts + 5: keyword.operator.optional.ts + - match: '(?x)(?:(?]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*))?\(\s*[\{\[]\s*$)' + captures: + 1: storage.modifier.async.ts + push: + - match: (?<=\)) + pop: true + - include: paren-expression-possibly-arrow-with-typeparameters + - match: '(?<=[(=,]|=>)\s*(async)?(?=\s*((((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*))?\()|(<))\s*$)' + captures: + 1: storage.modifier.async.ts + push: + - match: (?<=\)) + pop: true + - include: paren-expression-possibly-arrow-with-typeparameters + - include: possibly-arrow-return-type + paren-expression-possibly-arrow-with-typeparameters: + - include: type-parameters + - match: \( + captures: + 0: meta.brace.round.ts + push: + - match: \) + captures: + 0: meta.brace.round.ts + pop: true + - include: expression-inside-possibly-arrow-parens + possibly-arrow-return-type: + - match: '(?<=\))\s*(:)(?=\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+\s*=>)' + captures: + 1: meta.arrow.ts meta.return.type.arrow.ts keyword.operator.type.annotation.ts + push: + - meta_content_scope: meta.arrow.ts meta.return.type.arrow.ts + - match: '(?==>|\{|(^\s*(export|function|class|interface|let|var|const|import|enum|namespace|module|type|abstract|declare)\s+))' + pop: true + - include: arrow-return-type-body + property-accessor: + - match: '(?|&&|\|\||\*\/)\s*(\/)(?![\/*])(?=(?:[^\/\\\[]|\\.|\[([^\]\\]|\\.)+\])+\/[gimsuy]*(?!\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_$]))' + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.string.begin.ts + push: + - meta_scope: string.regexp.ts + - match: "(/)([gimsuy]*)" + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.string.end.ts + 2: keyword.other.ts + pop: true + - include: regexp + - match: '(?' + captures: + 0: keyword.other.back-reference.regexp + 1: variable.other.regexp + - match: '[?+*]|\{(\d+,\d+|\d+,|,\d+|\d+)\}\??' + scope: keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp + - match: \| + scope: keyword.operator.or.regexp + - match: (\()((\?=)|(\?!)|(\?<=)|(\?))?' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.group.regexp + 1: punctuation.definition.group.no-capture.regexp + 2: variable.other.regexp + push: + - meta_scope: meta.group.regexp + - match: \) + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.group.regexp + pop: true + - include: regexp + - match: '(\[)(\^)?' + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp + 2: keyword.operator.negation.regexp + push: + - meta_scope: constant.other.character-class.set.regexp + - match: '(\])' + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.character-class.regexp + pop: true + - match: '(?:.|(\\(?:[0-7]{3}|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}))|(\\c[A-Z])|(\\.))\-(?:[^\]\\]|(\\(?:[0-7]{3}|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}))|(\\c[A-Z])|(\\.))' + scope: constant.other.character-class.range.regexp + captures: + 1: constant.character.numeric.regexp + 2: constant.character.control.regexp + 3: constant.character.escape.backslash.regexp + 4: constant.character.numeric.regexp + 5: constant.character.control.regexp + 6: constant.character.escape.backslash.regexp + - include: regex-character-class + - include: regex-character-class + return-type: + - match: (?<=\))\s*(:)(?=\s*\S) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.type.annotation.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.return.type.ts + - match: "(?]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?\() + captures: + 1: punctuation.accessor.ts + 2: punctuation.accessor.optional.ts + 3: support.constant.dom.ts + 4: support.variable.property.dom.ts + - match: |- + (?x)(?\,\.\[=]|&(?!&)|\|(?!\|)))))([^<>\(]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(?<==)\>|\<\s*(((keyof|infer)\s+)|(([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\''[^\'']*\'')|(\"[^\"]*\")|(\`[^\`]*\`))(?=\s*([\<\>\,\.\[=]|&(?!&)|\|(?!\|)))))([^<>\(]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(?<==)\>)*(?!=)\>)*(?!=)>\s*)`)' + captures: + 1: entity.name.function.tagged-template.ts + push: + - meta_scope: string.template.ts + - match: (?=`) + pop: true + - include: type-arguments + - match: "([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*)?(`)" + captures: + 1: entity.name.function.tagged-template.ts + 2: punctuation.definition.string.template.begin.ts + push: + - meta_scope: string.template.ts + - match: "`" + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.string.template.end.ts + pop: true + - include: template-substitution-element + - include: string-character-escape + template-substitution-element: + - match: '\$\{' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.template-expression.begin.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.template.expression.ts + - meta_content_scope: meta.embedded.line.ts + - match: '\}' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.template-expression.end.ts + pop: true + - include: expression + ternary-expression: + - match: '(?!\?\.\s*[^[:digit:]])(\?)' + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.ternary.ts + push: + - match: \s*(:) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.ternary.ts + pop: true + - include: expression + this-literal: + - match: '(?])|((?<=[\}>\]\)]|[_$[:alpha:]])\s*(?=\{)))' + pop: true + - include: type + - match: (:) + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.type.annotation.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.type.annotation.ts + - match: '(?])|(?=^\s*$)|((?<=\S)(?=\s*$))|((?<=[\}>\]\)]|[_$[:alpha:]])\s*(?=\{)))' + pop: true + - include: type + type-arguments: + - match: \< + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.typeparameters.begin.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.type.parameters.ts + - match: \> + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.typeparameters.end.ts + pop: true + - include: type + - include: punctuation-comma + type-builtin-literals: + - match: '(?) + )) + ) + ) + ) + push: + - meta_scope: meta.type.function.ts + - match: (?<=\)) + pop: true + - include: function-parameters + type-function-return-type: + - match: (=>)(?=\s*\S) + captures: + 1: storage.type.function.arrow.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.type.function.return.ts + - match: '(?)(?:\?]|//|$)' + pop: true + - include: type-function-return-type-core + - match: "=>" + captures: + 0: storage.type.function.arrow.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.type.function.return.ts + - match: '(?)(?]|//|^\s*$)|((?<=\S)(?=\s*$)))' + pop: true + - include: type-function-return-type-core + type-function-return-type-core: + - include: comment + - match: '(?<==>)(?=\s*\{)' + push: + - match: '(?<=\})' + pop: true + - include: type-object + - include: type-predicate-operator + - include: type + type-name: + - match: '([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*)\s*(?:(\.)|(\?\.(?!\s*[[:digit:]])))' + captures: + 1: entity.name.type.module.ts + 2: punctuation.accessor.ts + 3: punctuation.accessor.optional.ts + - match: "[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*" + scope: entity.name.type.ts + type-object: + - match: '\{' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.block.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.object.type.ts + - match: '\}' + captures: + 0: punctuation.definition.block.ts + pop: true + - include: comment + - include: method-declaration + - include: indexer-declaration + - include: indexer-mapped-type-declaration + - include: field-declaration + - include: type-annotation + - match: \.\.\. + captures: + 0: keyword.operator.spread.ts + push: + - match: '(?=\}|;|,|$)|(?<=\})' + pop: true + - include: type + - include: punctuation-comma + - include: punctuation-semicolon + - include: type + type-operators: + - include: typeof-operator + - match: '(?:([&|])|(=(?!>)))(?=\s*\{)' + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.type.ts + 2: keyword.operator.assignment.ts + push: + - match: '(?<=\})' + pop: true + - include: type-object + - match: "([&|])|(=(?!>))" + captures: + 1: keyword.operator.type.ts + 2: keyword.operator.assignment.ts + push: + - match: (?=\S) + pop: true + - match: '(?) + captures: + 1: punctuation.definition.typeparameters.end.ts + pop: true + - include: comment + - match: '(?) + )) + )) + )) | + (:\s*((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)))) + captures: + 1: storage.modifier.ts + 2: keyword.operator.rest.ts + 3: entity.name.function.ts variable.language.this.ts + 4: entity.name.function.ts + 5: keyword.operator.optional.ts + - match: '(?x)(?:(?) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + )) | + # typeannotation is fn type: < | () | (... | (param: | (param, | (param? | (param= | (param) => + (:\s*( + (<) | + ([(]\s*( + ([)]) | + (\.\.\.) | + ([_$[:alnum:]]+\s*( + ([:,?=])| + ([)]\s*=>) + )) + )) + )) | + (:\s*((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$))) | + (:\s*(=>|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(<[^<>]*>)|[^<>(),=])+=\s*( + ((async\s+)?( + (function\s*[(<*]) | + (function\s+) | + ([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*=>) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + ))) + captures: + 1: meta.definition.variable.ts variable.other.constant.ts entity.name.function.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.var-single-variable.expr.ts + - match: '(?=$|^|[;,=}]|(\s+(of|in)\s+))' + pop: true + - include: var-single-variable-type-annotation + - match: "([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*)" + captures: + 1: meta.definition.variable.ts variable.other.constant.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.var-single-variable.expr.ts + - match: '(?=$|^|[;,=}]|(\s+(of|in)\s+))' + pop: true + - include: var-single-variable-type-annotation + var-single-variable: + - match: |- + (?x)([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*)(?=\s* + # function assignment | + (=\s*( + ((async\s+)?( + (function\s*[(<*]) | + (function\s+) | + ([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*=>) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + )) | + # typeannotation is fn type: < | () | (... | (param: | (param, | (param? | (param= | (param) => + (:\s*( + (<) | + ([(]\s*( + ([)]) | + (\.\.\.) | + ([_$[:alnum:]]+\s*( + ([:,?=])| + ([)]\s*=>) + )) + )) + )) | + (:\s*((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$))) | + (:\s*(=>|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(<[^<>]*>)|[^<>(),=])+=\s*( + ((async\s+)?( + (function\s*[(<*]) | + (function\s+) | + ([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*=>) + )) | + ((async\s*)?( + ((<\s*$)|((<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)?[\(]\s*([\{\[]\s*)?$)) | + # sure shot arrow functions even if => is on new line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? + [(]\s* + ( + ([)]\s*:) | # (): + ((\.\.\.\s*)?[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s*:) # [(]param: | [(]...param: + ) + ) | + ( + [<]\s*[_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*\s+extends\s*[^=>] # < typeparam extends + ) | + # arrow function possible to detect only with => on same line + ( + (<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<]|\<\s*([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\))|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\]))([^=<>]|=[^<])*\>)*>\s*)? # typeparameters + \(\s*(([_$[:alpha:]]|(\{([^\{\}]|(\{[^\{\}]*\}))*\})|(\[([^\[\]]|(\[[^\[\]]*\]))*\])|(\.\.\.\s*[_$[:alpha:]]))([^()]|(\(([^\(\)]|(\([^\(\)]*\)))*\)))*)?\) # parameters + (\s*:\s*([^<>\(\)]|\<[^<>]+\>|\([^\(\)]+\))+)? # return type + \s*=> # arrow operator + ) + )) + ))) + captures: + 1: meta.definition.variable.ts entity.name.function.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.var-single-variable.expr.ts + - match: '(?=$|^|[;,=}]|(\s+(of|in)\s+))' + pop: true + - include: var-single-variable-type-annotation + - match: "([[:upper:]][_$[:digit:][:upper:]]*)(?![_$[:alnum:]])" + captures: + 1: meta.definition.variable.ts variable.other.constant.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.var-single-variable.expr.ts + - match: '(?=$|^|[;,=}]|(\s+(of|in)\s+))' + pop: true + - include: var-single-variable-type-annotation + - match: "([_$[:alpha:]][_$[:alnum:]]*)" + captures: + 1: meta.definition.variable.ts variable.other.readwrite.ts + push: + - meta_scope: meta.var-single-variable.expr.ts + - match: '(?=$|^|[;,=}]|(\s+(of|in)\s+))' + pop: true + - include: var-single-variable-type-annotation + var-single-variable-type-annotation: + - include: type-annotation + - include: string + - include: comment + variable-initializer: + - match: (?