This changes the output color of the grid and the line numbers to use
the "gutter" foreground color defined in the Sublime `.tmTheme` files.
Sublime Text does the same.
Note: we could go one step further and also extract the "GitGutter"
colors from the themes. These could be used instead of red/green/yellow
to signify Git modifications. The problem is that they are quite a bit
harder to extract from the syntect `Theme` object.
The `--style` parameter now accepts a comma-separated list of strings,
where every element defines either a single output component (`changes`,
`grid`, `header`, `numbers`) or a predefined style (`full`,
`line-numbers`, `plain`).
If available, bat picks the first predefined style in the user-supplied
style-list and ignores everything else. If no predefined style was
requested, the other parameters that are simple output components will
be used.
--style changes,full,numbers
Will internally be reduced to only the predefined style `full`.
--style plain,full
Will internally be reduced to only the predefined style `plain`.
--style changes,numbers
Will not be reduced, because the list does not contain any predefined
(Note: if `grid` is requested but no other parameters, bat still creates
the left-most column with a width of `PANEL_WIDTH`. I didn't want to
introduce further logic in this PR that drops or adapts the width of the
left column.)
* Adds separator.length() to calculation for desired width.
* Replaces use of term_width with options.term_width.
* Adds the comma and space separator to calculation for line-wrapping.