if &compatible set nocompatible endif if has('win32') || has ('win64') let $VIMHOME = $HOME . "/vimfiles" elseif v:false && v:true echo "Can't get here" else let $VIMHOME = $HOME . "/.vim" endif " show existing tab with 2 spaces width set tabstop=2 " when indenting with '>', use 2 spaces width set shiftwidth=2 " always set autoindenting on set autoindent autocmd VimEnter * echo "Hello Vim" " Allow :W and :Wq to save too command! Wq :wq command! W :w augroup vimrc autocmd! autocmd FileType * echo "New filetype" augroup END function! s:echo(what) return a:what endfunction function! HelloWorld(name) let l:function_local = "function_local_var" let l:parts = split(l:function_local, "_") let l:greeting = "Hello " . a:name return s:echo(l:greeting) endfunction function! source#Hello() return "Hello from namespace" endfunction function! EchoFunc(...) for s in a:000 echon ' ' . s endfor endfunction imap <C-h> <C-r>=HelloWorld("World")<CR> command! -nargs=? Echo :call EchoFunc(<args>) " TODO test stuff let g:global = "global var" let s:script_var = "script var" let w:window_var = "window war" let b:buffer_var = "buffer war" let t:tab_var = "tab war" echo v:false 3 + 5 echo "Hello" ==# "Hello2" echo "Hello" ==? "Hello2" echo "Hello" == "Hello2" echo "Hello" is "Hello2" echo "Hello" isnot "Hello2" echo "Hello" =~ 'xx*' echo "Hello" !~ "Hello2" echo "Hello" !~ "Hello2" echo "/This/should/not/be/a/regex" " Error case from issue #1604 (https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/issues/1064) set runtimepath=~/foo/bar silent g/Aap/p let g:dict = {} let g:dict.item = ['l1', 'l2'] let g:dict2 = {'dict_item': ['l1', 'l2'], 'di2': 'x'} silent g/regex/ silent v/regex/ silent %s/regex/not_regex/ filetype plugin indent on syntax enable