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# Some designs intended for testing.
# Currently unused.
BOX test1
author "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
designer "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
sample test1
shapes {
nw ("#")
n ("123")
s ("12345")
se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") w ("#")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END test1
# ============================================================================
BOX test2
author "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
designer "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
sample test2
shapes {
nw ("#")
nnw ("--") sse ("---")
n ("123")
s ("12345")
se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") w ("#")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END test2
# ============================================================================
BOX test3
author "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
designer "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
sample test3
shapes {
nnw ("123")
nne ("456")
n ("---")
s ("<>")
ssw ("12345")
sse ("67890")
nw ("#") se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") w ("#")
elastic (nne,nnw,ssw,sse,e, w)
END test3
# ============================================================================
BOX test4
author "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
designer "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
sample test4
shapes {
e ("1","2","3")
w ("1","2","3","4","5")
s ("#") n ("#") nw ("#") se ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END test4
# ============================================================================
BOX test5
author "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
designer "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
sample test5
shapes {
e ("1","2","3")
w ("1","2","3","4","5")
ene ("|","|")
wsw ("|","|","|")
s ("#") n ("#") nw ("#") se ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END test5
# ============================================================================
BOX test6
author "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
designer "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
sample test6
shapes {
ene ("1","2","3")
ese ("4","5","6")
wnw ("1","2","3","4","5")
wsw ("6","7","8","9","0")
e ("|","|")
w ("|","|","|")
s ("#") n ("#-") nw ("#") se ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#")
elastic (ene,ese,wnw,wsw,n,s)
END test6
# ============================================================================
BOX retest
author "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
designer "Thomas Jensen <boxes(at)thomasjensen(dot)com>"
revision "1.1"
revdate "August 18, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:07h)"
created "April 04, 1999 (Sunday, 18:00h)"
regular expression test
use "foo", "bar", and "--" repeatedly in input
delimiter ?"
shapes { nw ("*") ne ("*") sw ("*") se ("*")
n ("*") e ("*") s ("*") w ("*")
elastic (n,e,s,W)
replace once "bar" with "raba-raba"
replace global "f(o)o" with "fu\1\1\1\1\1\1"
replace "--" with "++++"
END retest
# ============================================================================
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