Thomas Jensen
Minor change to make boxes compile on DEC/OSF, too (S_ISDIR)
2000-03-21 14:26:31 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Incremented version number to 1.0.1
Renamed snapshot file name to boxes-SNAP-latest
Added README.Win32.txt to snapshot generation commands
2000-03-17 23:52:29 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added Makefile.Win32 and misc/* to snap generation commands
2000-03-17 23:51:43 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Port to Win32 platform based on patches by Ron Aaron
Changes only affect Win32 version. Win32 behavior differs from the UNIX
platforms in the way the config file is searched and the config file
name (boxes.cfg).
2000-03-17 23:44:26 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added vim autocommand to set syntax highlighting to C
2000-03-17 23:43:13 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added hint to online docs to top of file
Added javadoc design by Ted Berg
Added ada-cmt and ada-box designs by Neil Bird
Changed string delimiter of diamonds design back to quotes
2000-03-17 23:39:34 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Moved config.h into ORIG_HDRCL group, so it appears in the change log Web
1999-11-08 10:55:13 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Bugfix: For non-empty left box sides, spaces belonging to "empty" shape
lines were not properly removed in some cases
1999-11-08 10:51:41 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Bugfix: Horizontal box parts were not correctly detected if the west box
side was empty (reported: Tobias Buchal)
Bugfix: boxes could hang in detect_horiz() due to goeast/west confusion
1999-11-07 17:46:26 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Eliminated use of PATH_MAX in order to ease porting
Restructured infile/outfile code to eliminate need for access() function
and improve readability
Added file type check before reading config file. boxes used to generate
a weird error message if the config file is a directory
1999-09-10 19:21:05 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Renamed current snapshot archive file to boxes-SNAP-latest.tar.gz
Added "milestones": Draw horizontal ruler at particular times (v1 out etc.)
1999-09-10 17:33:32 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added concat_strings() function prototype from Joe Zbiciak's patches
1999-08-31 15:38:42 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Applied Joe Zbiciak's patches to remove all snprintf()s and variants
Replaced snprintf() calls with calls to concat_strings() in the process
1999-08-31 15:37:01 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Applied Joe Zbiciak's patches to remove all snprintf()s and variants
Added concat_strings() function and changed yyerror() in the process
1999-08-31 15:35:13 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Bugfix: Changed empty #elif to #else (thanks Tommy Williams)
Port to i386/FreeBSD by Tommy Williams
1999-08-25 13:38:37 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added comment to guide user to GLOBALCONF definition line
1999-08-22 11:43:55 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added some more REVERSE statements where only REPLACE statements were so far
Replaced some hardcoded padding values with padding statements
Added padding to some more box designs
Changed headline design regexp rules to not bother indentation when
indentmode is "text"
1999-08-22 11:37:27 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Removed const from 2nd parameter of justify_line() function
1999-08-22 11:36:45 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Bugfix: no-input-check must take place before indentation computation
1999-08-22 11:34:46 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Renamed file from boxes.1 to
Version number and name of global config file are now put in automatically
Updates for version 1.0
1999-08-21 23:41:25 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added GLOBALCONF and BVERSION macros whose values are put into boxes.h and
Added locsnap target for generation of archives without posting to the Web
Added README file
Added rules to generate boxes.h and boxes.1 from and
1999-08-21 23:39:01 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Renamed file from boxes.h to
VERSION and GLOBALCONF values are now put in by top level Makefile
1999-08-21 23:37:23 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
boxes.h is now generated from by top level Makefile
Added -Wall -W to CFLAGS and removed .c.o rule
1999-08-21 23:35:44 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added usage of system-wide config file (GLOBALCONF from boxes.h)
Moved config file selection code into it own function (get_config_file())
1999-08-21 23:33:03 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Removed case insensitivity option (-i) from flex call. Now done in lexer.l.
1999-08-21 16:10:41 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Removed newline check from empty_line() function
1999-08-21 16:09:33 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Bugfix: justify_line() still didn't work right. It should now. (This time I
discovered that indentmode=="text" was confusing it. Arghh!)
1999-08-21 16:04:24 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Bugfix: When matching vertical side shape lines, ignore empty shape lines
1999-08-21 16:03:31 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Updated usage information
Updated quickinfo (-l -d) with killblank default value
Made indentation computation into a function of its own (get_indent())
Bugfix: REVERSION code may change indentation -> recompute if necessary
1999-08-21 15:55:42 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Removed check for empty sample block, which is also done in lexer.l
1999-08-21 15:53:58 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Moved contents of YY_USER_INIT definition into a separate function which
is now called by YY_USER_INIT (better readability)
1999-08-20 19:51:12 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added info for -k and the quickinfo mode
1999-08-18 19:14:08 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added HTML conversions for '&' and eacute
Removing path from file name
Changed introductory text
1999-08-18 18:41:41 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Declared yyerrcnt to be static
Added YY_USER_INIT macro to set the input buffer size to the config file
size (plus a bit). This is supposed to be a workaround for the REJECT
1999-08-18 18:23:41 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added Linux defines. Now compiles nicely on (my) Linux.
1999-08-18 18:23:06 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added LEX_SDELIM macro (valid string delimiter characters)
Added prototype for chg_strdelims()
1999-08-18 15:42:46 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added %options never-interactive and caseless
Added code for DELIMITER statements
Rewrote string rules to deal with delimiter statements
1999-08-18 15:40:10 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added new tokens YCHGDEL and YDELWORD
Added code for DELIMITER statements
1999-08-18 15:38:44 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Bugfix: justify_line() still didn't work right. It should now. (Man, I got
a strong sense of déja vu! Weird ...)
1999-08-18 15:37:09 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added shapes W and E to diamonds sample block (sample was too small)
Added DELIMITER statements to dramatically reduce number of backslashes
1999-08-18 15:34:38 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Bugfix: justify_line() still didn't work right. It should now.
1999-08-16 18:30:32 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added output of total number of designs for -l
1999-08-16 18:29:39 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Changed SAMPLE block syntax to get rid of all the quoting sh*t in SAMPLE
blocks. Samples now look authentic even in the config file. Very simple now.
Added new token YENDSAMPLE in the process.
1999-08-16 16:29:25 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Implemented new SAMPLE block syntax
Replaced states SAMPLE1 and SAMPLE2 with new state SAMPLE - this is now
much simpler code
1999-08-16 16:28:03 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Removed revision history from file (does not really interest the users)
Polished scroll design
Upgraded to new SAMPLE block syntax. It looks good.
1999-08-16 16:24:32 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Incremented beta version number to 5
Added maxshapeheight member to design_t struct
1999-08-14 19:31:23 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added GNU GPL disclaimer
1999-08-14 19:30:01 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added anz_shapespec variable to count non-deepempty user-specified shapes
(must at least be 1)
Moved yylex declaration to lexer.h, where it belongs
Bugfix: bison and yacc seem to differ in the way action code is treated
which is associated with an error token. Since bison calls the action
routine whenever a token is skipped while recovering, added skipping
variable to ensure that only one "skipping to next design" message is
printed. That was not necessary before. %-/
Removed existence check from corner_check() routine (obsolete).
Added code to generate required shapes which were not specified by the user
Clean-up in shape_def rule (use freeshape() and some more)
1999-08-14 19:19:25 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added findshape(), genshape(), freeshape(), and isdeepempty() functions
Added on_side() back in with a few changes
Changed empty_side() to use isdeepempty() -> much simpler code
1999-08-14 19:11:53 +00:00
Thomas Jensen
Added genshape(), freeshape(), and findshape() prototypes
Added on_side() prototype back again
Added isdeepempty() prototype
Changed first parameter of empty_side() prototype
1999-08-14 19:08:34 +00:00