# # boxes - Command line filter to draw/remove ASCII boxes around text # Copyright (c) 1999-2023 Thomas Jensen and the boxes contributors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. # If not, see . # # ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # # Character Encoding: UTF-8 # Syntax of this file: https://boxes.thomasjensen.com/config-syntax.html # #==================================================================================================================== BOX c author "Thomas Jensen" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "box") sample /*************/ /* */ /* */ /*************/ ends shapes { nw ("/*") n ("*") ne ("*/") w ("/*") e ("*/") sw ("/*") s ("*") se ("*/") } delim ?" replace "\*/" with "*\\/" # escape closing comment tags reverse "\*\\/" to "*/" padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END c # ============================================================================ BOX parchment author "Thomas Jensen" tags ("artwork", "box", "scroll") sample ________________________ /\ \ \_| | | | | | | ____________________|_ \_/_____________________/ ends shapes { nw (" __") nnw () wnw ("/\\ ", "\\_|") w (" |") n ("_") ne (" ") ene ("\\ ") e ("| ") se ("|_ ","__/") s ("_","_") ssw (" ", "\\_/") sw (" |"," ") ese () } padding { top 1 h 1 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END parchment # ============================================================================ BOX columns author "Thomas Jensen" tags ("artwork", "box") sample __^__ __^__ ( ___ )---------------( ___ ) | / | | \ | | / | | \ | | / | | \ | |___| |___| (_____)---------------(_____) ends shapes { nw (" __^__", "( ___ ") nnw (" ",")") n (" ","-") nne (" ","(") ne ("__^__ ", " ___ )") w (" | / |") wsw (" |___|") e ("| \\ | ") ese ("|___| ") sw ("(_____") ssw (")") s ("-") sse ("(") se ("_____)") } elastic (n, e, w, s) padding { horiz 1 } END columns # ============================================================================ BOX whirly author "Thomas Jensen" tags ("artwork", "box") sample .+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+. ( ) ) ( ( ) "+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+" ends shapes { nw (" .") wnw ("( ") w (" )", "( ") sw (" \"") n ("+\"+.") ne (". ") ene (" )") e ("( ", " )") s ("+.+\"") nne ("+\"+") sse ("+.+") se ("\" ") } padding { horizontal 2 vertical 1 } elastic (n, w, s, e) END whirly # ============================================================================ BOX scroll author "Thomas Jensen" tags ("artwork", "box", "scroll", "large") SAMPLE / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ | /~~\ /~~\ | |\ \ | | / /| | \ /| |\ / | | ~~ | | ~~ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| / \ / \ / ~~~ ~~~ ENDS delimiter ?" shapes { ne ("~~~~~ \ ") ene (" /~~\ |", "| / /|", "|\ / |", "| ~~ |") e ("| |") se ("| / ", " \ / ", " ~~~ ") nw (" / ~~~~~") wnw ("| /~~\ ", "|\ \ |", "| \ /|", "| ~~ |") w ("| |") sw (" \ |", " \ / ", " ~~~ ") n ("~") s ("~"," "," ") } eLAStic (n, s, e, w) padding { h 2 v 1 } END scroll # ============================================================================ BOX simple author "Thomas Jensen" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "box") sample ************* * * * * ************* ends shapes { nw ("*") ne ("*") sw ("*") se ("*") n ("*") e ("*") s ("*") w ("*") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,W) END simple # ============================================================================ BOX c-cmt author "Thomas Jensen" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample /* */ /* regular C language */ /* comments */ /* */ ends shapes { w ("/*") e ("*/") } replace "\\*\\/" with "*\\\\/" # quote closing comment tags reverse "\\*\\\\/" to "*\\/" Padding { h 1 } elastic (e, w) END c-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX c-cmt2 author "Thomas Jensen" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample /* * regular C language * comments */ ends shapes { nw ("/*") w (" *") sw (" *") ssw ("/") s (" ") # note that S must be defined! } padding { left 2 } delimiter ?" replace "\*\/" with "*\\/" # quote closing comment tags reverse "\*\\/" to "*\/" elastic (s, w) END c-cmt2 # ============================================================================ BOX javadoc author "Ted Berg " designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample /** * Javadoc Comments * */ ends shapes { nw ("/*") nnw ("*") n (" ") w (" *") sw (" *") ssw ("/") s (" ") } padding { left 1 } delimiter ?" replace "\*\/" with "*\\/" # quote closing comment tags reverse "\*\\/" to "*\/" elastic (s, w, n) END javadoc # ============================================================================ BOX html author "Thomas Jensen" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "box") sample ends shapes { nw ("") w ("") sw ("") } padding { h 1 } delim ?" replace "-->" with "-\\-\\>" reverse "-\\-\\>" to "-->" elastic (n,e,s,w) END html # ============================================================================ BOX html-cmt author "Thomas Jensen" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample ends shapes { w ("") } elastic (e, w) padding { h 1 } delim ?" replace "-->" with "-\\-\\>" reverse "-\\-\\>" to "-->" END html-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX shell author "Thomas Jensen" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "box") sample ############# # # # # ############# ends shapes { nw ("#") n ("#") se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") s ("#") ne ("#") w ("#") } padding { h 1 } elastic (n,s,e, w) END shell # ============================================================================ BOX nuke author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box") sample _ ._ _ , _ ._ (_ ' ( ` )_ .__) ( ( ( ) `) ) _) (__ (_ (_ . _) _) ,__) `~~`\ ' . /`~~` ,::: ; ; :::, ':::::::::::::::' _________________jgs______/_ __ \________________________ | | | BAD, BAD, BUG HERE :-) | |_________________________________________________________| ends shapes { nw (" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ") ne (" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ") nnw (" "," "," "," "," "," "," ","_") nne (" "," "," "," "," "," "," ","_") n (" _ ._ _ , _ ._ ", " (_ ' ( ` )_ .__) ", " ( ( ( ) `) ) _) ", " (__ (_ (_ . _) _) ,__)", " `~~`\\ ' . /`~~` ", " ,::: ; ; :::, ", " ':::::::::::::::' ", "jgs______/_ __ \\_________") w ("|") e ("|") sw ("|") s ("_") se ("|") } padding { all 1 bottom 0 } elastic (nne,nnw, s, e, w) END nuke # ============================================================================ BOX diamonds author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box") Sample /\ /\ /\ /\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\ //\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\ \\//\/ \/\\// \/ \/ /\ /\ //\\ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com //\\ \\// http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ \\// \/ \/ /\ /\ //\\/\ /\//\\ \\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\// \/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/ \/ \/ jgs \/ Ends delimiter ?" shapes { nw (" ", " /\", " /\//\", "//\\\/") nnw (" /\ ", "//\\/\ ", "\\///\\/", "/\/\\///") n (" /\ ", " /\//\\/\ ", "\//\\\///\\/", "\\\//\/\\///") nne (" /\ ", " /\//\\", "\//\\\//", "\\\//\/\") ne (" ", "/\ ", "/\\/\ ", "\///\\") ene ("\/\\//", " \/ ") e (" /\ ", " //\\", " \\//", " \/ ") ese (" /\ ", "/\//\\") wnw ("\\//\/", " \/ ") w (" /\ ", "//\\ ", "\\// ", " \/ ") wsw (" /\ ", "//\\/\") sw ("\\///\", " \/\\/", " \/", " ") ssw ("\/\//\\\", "//\\\//\", "\\//\/ ", " \/ ") s ("///\\/\//\\\", "/\\///\\\//\", " \/\\//\/ ", " \/ ") sse ("///\\/\/", "/\\///\\", " \/\\//", "jgs \/ ") se ("/\\\//", "\//\/ ", "\/ ", " ") } elastic (n,s,e, w) END diamonds # ============================================================================ BOX mouse author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box", "sign") sample .--, .--, ( ( \.---./ ) ) '.__/o o\__.' {= ^ =} > - < ___________.""`-------`"".____________ / \ \ o joan stark O / / spunk1111@juno.com \ \ ascii art gallery / / http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ \ \______________________________________/ ___)( )(___ jgs (((__) (__))) ends shapes { nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sw ("\\", " ", " ") se ("/", " ", " ") ene ("\\") wnw ("/") e ("/","\\") w ("\\","/") n (" .--, .--, ", "( ( \\.---./ ) )", " '.__/o o\\__.' ", " {= ^ =} ", " > - < ", "_.\"\"`-------`\"\"._") s ("_____________________", " ___)( )(___ jgs", " (((__) (__))) ") ssw ("_"," "," ") sse ("_"," "," ") } elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) padding { top 1 horiz 1 } END mouse # ============================================================================ BOX sunset author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box") sample . . | . \ | / '. \ ' / .' '. .'```'. .' <>.............:::::::`.......`:::::::................<> <>: ., .., . . . . . . . . . . joan stark :<> <>: :, :.' : : :`.: :.' `: `: `: `: spunk1111 :<> <>: ,.; : `.' : `: : `. : : : : @juno.com :<> <>:..................................................:<> jgs <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ends shapes { e (":<> ") w ("<>:") sw ("<>:", "<><") se (":<> jgs", "><> ") s ("..", "><") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "<>.") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".<> ") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".") n (" . ", " . | . ", " \\ | / ", " '. \\ ' / .' ", " '. .'```'. .' ", ":::::::`.......`:::::::") } padding { horizontal 2 vertical 1 } elastic (nne,nnw, s, e, w) END sunset # ============================================================================ BOX boy author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box", "sign") sample .-"""-. / .===. \ \/ 6 6 \/ ( \___/ ) _________ooo__\_____/______________ / \ | joan stark spunk1111@juno.com | | VISIT MY ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ | \_______________________ooo_________/ | | | |_ | _| | | | |__|__| jgs /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) ends shapes { e (" |") w ("| ") sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ene ("\\ ") wnw (" /") n (" .-\"\"\"-. ", " / .===. \\ ", " \\/ 6 6 \\/ ", " ( \\___/ ) ", "ooo__\\_____/_____") s ("______________ooo", " | | | ", " |_ | _| ", " | | | ", " |__|__| jgs", " /-'Y'-\\ ", " (__/ \\__) ") } padding { top 1 } #elastic (n,s,e, w) # then we'd have to call this "boys" elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) END boy # ============================================================================ BOX girl author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box", "sign") sample .-"""-. / .===. \ / / a a \ \ / ( \___/ ) \ ________ooo\__\_____/__/___________ / \ | joan stark spunk1111@juno.com | | VISIT MY ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ | \________________________ooo________/ / \ /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\ | | | \==|==/ jgs /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) ends shapes { n (" .-\"\"\"-. ", " / .===. \\ ", " / / a a \\ \\ ", " / ( \\___/ ) \\ ", "ooo\\__\\_____/__/___", " ") s ("________________ooo", " / \\ ", " /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\\ ", " | | | ", " \\==|==/ jgs ", " /-'Y'-\\ ", " (__/ \\__) ") e (" |") w ("| ") sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " /") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\ ") } elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) END girl # ============================================================================ BOX xes author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box") sample <\/><\/><\/> <\/><\/> <\/> <\/> <\/> <\/> <\/> <\/> <\/> <\/> <\/><\/><\/> jgs ends delim ?" shapes { nw (" ", " <", " <") nnw (" ", "\/>", "/\>") n ("<\/>", "", " ") nne (" ", "<\/", " ", "> ") wnw (" <\/>", " ") w ("<\/> ", " ") wsw (" <\/>", " ") sw (" <", " <", "jgs ") ssw ("\/>", "/\>", " ") s (" ", "<\/>", "") sse ("<\/", " ", "> ", " ") ese ("<\/> ", " ") e (" <\/>", " ") ene ("<\/> ", " ") } padding { horizontal 1 } elastic (n, e, s, w) END xes # ============================================================================ BOX dog author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box", "sign") sample __ _,--="=--,_ __ / \." .-. "./ \ / ,/ _ : : _ \/` \ \ `| /o\ :_: /o\ |\__/ `-'| :="~` _ `~"=: | \` (_) `/ jgs .-"-. \ | / .-"-. .-----{ }--| /,.-'-.,\ |--{ }-----. ) (_)_)_) \_/`~-===-~`\_/ (_(_(_) ( ( joan stark ) ) < spunk1111@juno.com > ( ( ASCII ART GALLERY: ) ) < http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ > ( '-------------------------------------------' ends shapes { nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".--", " ) ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "--.", " ( ") w ("( ", " ) ") e (" )", " ( ") sw ("'--") se ("--'") s ("-") n (" __ _,--=\"=--,_ __ ", " / \\.\" .-. \"./ \\ ", " / ,/ _ : : _ \\/` \\ ", " \\ `| /o\\ :_: /o\\ |\\__/ ", " `-'| :=\"~` _ `~\"=: | ", " \\` (_) `/ jgs ", " .-\"-. \\ | / .-\"-. ", "{ }--| /,.-'-.,\\ |--{ }", "(_)_)_) \\_/`~-===-~`\\_/ (_(_(_)") } elastic (nnw, nne,e,s,w) END dog # ============================================================================ BOX cat author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box", "sign") sample /\ /\ |`\\_,--="=--,_//`| \ ." :'. .': ". / ==) _ : ' : _ (== |>/O\ _ /O\<| | \-"~` _ `~"-/ | jgs >|`===. \_/ .===`|< .-"-. \===' | '===/ .-"-. .-----{'. '`}---\, .-'-. ,/---{.'. '}-----. ) `"---"` `~-===-~` `"---"` ( ( joan stark ) ) < spunk1111@juno.com > ( ( ASCII ART GALLERY: ) ) < http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ > ( '-------------------------------------------' ends shapes { nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".--", " ) ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "--.", " ( ") w ("( ", " ) ") e (" )", " ( ") sw ("'--") se ("--'") s ("-") n (" /\\ /\\ ", " |`\\\\_,--=\"=--,_//`| ", " \\ .\" :'. .': \". / ", " ==) _ : ' : _ (== ", " |>/O\\ _ /O\\<| ", " | \\-\"~` _ `~\"-/ | jgs ", " >|`===. \\_/ .===`|< ", " .-\"-. \\===' | '===/ .-\"-. ", "{'. '`}---\\, .-'-. ,/---{.'. '}", "`\"---\"` `~-===-~` `\"---\"`") } elastic (nnw, nne,e,s,w) END cat # ============================================================================ BOX capgirl author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box", "sign") sample .-"```"-. /_______; \ (_________)\| / / a a \ \(_) / ( \___/ ) \ ________ooo\__\_____/__/___________ / \ | joan stark spunk1111@juno.com | | VISIT MY ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.ascii-art.com | \________________________ooo________/ / \ /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\ | | | \==|==/ jgs /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) ends shapes { n (" .-\"```\"-. ", " /_______; \\ ", " (_________)\\| ", " / / a a \\ \\(_) ", " / ( \\___/ ) \\ ", "ooo\\__\\_____/__/___", " ") s ("________________ooo", " / \\ ", " /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\\ ", " | | | ", " \\==|==/ jgs ", " /-'Y'-\\ ", " (__/ \\__) ") e (" |") w ("| ") sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " /") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\ ") } elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) END capgirl # ============================================================================ BOX santa author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box", "sign") sample .-"``"-. /______; \ {_______}\| (/ a a \)(_) (.-.).-.) _______ooo__( ^ )____________ / '-.___.-' \ | joan stark | | spunk1111@juno.com | | ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.ascii-art.com | \________________________ooo________/ |_ | _| jgs \___|___/ {___|___} |_ | _| /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) ends shapes { n (" .-\"``\"-. ", " /______; \\ ", " {_______}\\| ", " (/ a a \\)(_) ", " (.-.).-.) ", "ooo__( ^ )____", " '-.___.-' ") s ("_________________ooo", " |_ | _| jgs", " \\___|___/ ", " {___|___} ", " |_ | _| ", " /-'Y'-\\ ", " (__/ \\__) ") e (" |") w ("| ") sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " /") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\ ") } elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) END santa # ============================================================================ BOX spring author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork") sample , /\^/`\ | \/ | | | | SPRING IS IN THE AIR! jgs \ \ / _ _ '\\//' _{ ' }_ || joan stark { `.!.` } || ',_/Y\_,' || , {_,_} |\ || |\ | | | || | | ASCII ART GALLERY: (\| /) | | || / / \| // \ \||/ / |// `\\//` \\ \./ \\ / // \\./ \\ // \\ |/ / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ends delim ?" shapes { nw (" , ") wnw (" /\^/`\ ", " | \/ | ", " | | | ", " \ \ / ", " '\\//' ") w (" || ") wsw (" || , ", "|\ || |\ ", "| | || | |", "| | || / / ", " \ \||/ / ") sw (" `\\//` ", " ^^^^^^^^^^") ene (" ", " ", " jgs ", " _ _ ", " _{ ' }_ ", "{ `.!.` }", "',_/Y\_,'", " {_,_} ") e (" | ") ese (" (\| /)", " \| // ", " |// ") se (" \\ |/ / ", "^^^^^^^^^") s ("\ \./ \", "^^^^^^^^^^^^") } elastic (s,e,w) END spring # ============================================================================ BOX stark2 author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box") sample .:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@-:. .:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@-:. .:-@ ____ (_, _, _, _, _, @-:. .:-@ (-(__`,_ ,_ |_, | | | | Spunk1111@juno.com @-:. .:-@ ____)|_)|_|| || \__, _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ @-:. .:-@ ( _| |_, @-:. .:-@ ( ____, ____ (_, @-:. .:-@ (-| _ _ ,_ (-(__`_|_ _ ,_ |_, @-:. .:-@ _ |(_)(_|| | ____) | (_|| | \_, @-:. .:-@ (__/ ( |_, @-:. .:-@ @-:. .:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@-:. jgs .:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@-:. ends shapes { nw (".:-@", ".:-@") n (".:-@", ".:-@") nne (".:-", ".:-") ne ("@-:. ", "@-:. ") e ("@-:. ") w (".:-@") sw (".:-@", ".:-@") s (".:-@", ".:-@") sse (".:-", ".:-") se ("@-:. jgs", "@-:. ") } padding { horizontal 2 vertical 1 } elastic (n,s,e, w) END stark2 # ============================================================================ BOX stark1 author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Joan G. Stark " tags ("artwork", "box") sample =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^ -, ,-. . . ^ ^ | ,-. ,-. ;-. `-, |- ,-. ;-. | ' ^ ^ , | | | ,-| | | , ; | ,-| | |`. ^ ^ `-' `-' `-^ ' ^ `-' `- `-^ ' ` ` ^ ^ Spunk1111@juno.com ^ ^ ,-. . . . . . ^ ^ `-, ;-. . . ;-. | ' | | | | ^ ^ , ; | | | | | | |`. | | | | ^ ^ `-' |-' `-^ ' ^ ` ` ` ` ` ` ^ ^ ` ^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= jgs ends shapes { nw ("=") N ("-=") nne ("-") ne ("= ") w ("^") e ("^ ") sw ("=") ssw ("-") s ("=-") se ("= jgs") } padding {h 1} elastic (n,s,e, w) END stark1 # ============================================================================ BOX peek author "Thomas Jensen" tags ("programming", "box") sample /* _\|/_ (o o) +----oOO-{_}-OOo---------------------+ | | | C function headers? | | | | | +-----------------------------------*/ ends shapes { nw ("/*", " ", " +") nnw (" _\\|/_ ", " (o o) ", "----oOO-{_}-OOo") n (" ", " ", "-") ne (" ", " ", "+") e ("|") w (" |") sw (" +") s ("-") sse ("*") se ("/") } replace "\\*\\/" with "*\\\\/" # quote closing comment tags reverse "\\*\\\\/" to "*\\/" padding {h 1} elastic (n,e,s,w) END peek # ============================================================================ BOX java-cmt author "Thomas Jensen" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample // // regular Java // comments // ends shapes { w ("//") } padding {lef 1} elastic (w) END java-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX pound-cmt author "Thomas Jensen" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample # # regular comments used in Perl, Shell scripts, etc. # ends shapes { w ("#") } padding { left 1} elastic (w) END pound-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX vim-cmt author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Bram Moolenaar" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample " " comments used in the vim editor's config file (.vimrc) " ends shapes { w ("\"") } padding { left 1 } elastic ( w ) END vim-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX right author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Thomas Jensen" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample This can be used for marking code changes with your initials (I don't like it, but some people work this way): for (j=0; j" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample -- -- regular Ada -- comments -- ends shapes { w ("--") } padding {lef 1} elastic (w) END ada-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX ada-box, lua-box, sql-box author "Neil Bird " designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "box") sample --------------- -- -- -- -- --------------- ends shapes { nw ("--") n ("-") ne ("--") w ("--") e ("--") sw ("--") s ("-") se ("--") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END ada-box # ============================================================================ BOX tex-cmt author "Nic H" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample % % regular TeX/LaTeX % comments % ends shapes { w ("%") } padding {lef 1} elastic (w) END tex-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX tex-box author "Nic H" designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "box") sample %=============% % TeX is love % % Tex is life % %=============% ends shapes { nw ("%") n ("=") ne ("%") w ("%") e ("%") sw ("%") s ("=") se ("%") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END tex-box # ============================================================================ BOX boxquote author "Christian Molls " designer "Christian Molls " tags ("simple", "artwork") sample ,----[ mp3-wav ] | #!/bin/sh | # konvertiert im aktuellen Verzeichnis .mp3 in .wav | for i in *.mp3; do | mpg123 -v --stereo --rate 44100 -w "`basename "$i" .mp3`".wav "$i" | done `---- ends shapes { nw (",") nnw ("---- [ ]") n (" ") w ("|") sw ("`") ssw ("---- ") s (" ") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (w,n,s) END boxquote # ============================================================================ BOX cc author "Bas van Gils " designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "box") sample /**************** * * * * ****************/ ends shapes { nw ("/*") n ("*") ne ("* ") w (" *") e ("* ") sw (" *") s ("*") se ("*/") } delim ?" replace "\*\/" with "*\\/" # quote closing comment tags reverse "\*\\/" to "*\/" padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END cc # ============================================================================ BOX stone author "Fredrik Steen " designer "Fredrik Steen " tags ("simple", "artwork", "box") sample +-------------+ | stone | +-------------+ ends shapes { nw ("+") n ("-") ne ("+") w ("|") e ("|") sw ("+") s ("-") se ("+") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END stone # ============================================================================ BOX headline author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Thomas Jensen" tags ("programming", "box") sample /*************/ /* */ /* */ /*************/ ends shapes { nw ("/*") n ("*") ne ("*/") w ("/*") e ("*/") sw ("/*") s ("*") se ("*/") } delim ~" replace "((?:\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)+(?!\x1b).(?!$))|((?:\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)+$)|([^\x1b](?!$))" with "$0 " reverse "^ " to " " reverse "^ " to " " reverse "^ " to " " reverse "^ " to " " reverse "((?:\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)*(?!\x1b).) " to "$1" padding { horizontal 2 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END headline # ============================================================================ BOX lisp-cmt author "Vijay Lakshminarayanan " designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample ;; ;; regular comments used in Lisp ;; ends shapes { w (";;") } padding { left 1 } elastic (w) END lisp-cmt #============================================================================ BOX underline author "Elmar Loos " designer "Elmar Loos " tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample // Bla, foo bar! // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ends shapes { w ("// ") sw ("// ") s ("~") } elastic (s,w) END underline #============================================================================ BOX ian_jones author "Karl E. Jorgensen " tags ("artwork", "box", "sign") sample \\\/// / _ _ \ (| (.)(.) |) .----------------------.OOOo--()--oOOO.-----------------. | | | Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Tex | | Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Tex | | Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Tex | | Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Text Here Your Tex | | | '--------------------.oooO------------------------------' ( ) Oooo. \ ( ( ) \_) ) / (_/ ends shapes { nw(" ", " ", " ", ".") w ("|") sw("'", " ", " ", " ", " ") nnw(" ", " ", " ", "-") n (" \\\\\\/// ", " / _ _ \\ ", " (| (.)(.) |) ", ".OOOo--()--oOOO.") nne(" ", " ", " ", "-") ne (" ", " ", " ", ".") e ("|") se ("'", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw("-", " ", " ", " ", " ") s (".oooO-----------", " ( ) Oooo. ", " \\ ( ( ) ", " \\_) ) / ", " (_/ ") sse("-", " ", " ", " ", " ") } elastic (w,e,nnw,nne,ssw,sse) padding { all 1 } END ian_jones # ============================================================================ BOX unicornthink author "Mike Meyer " tags ("artwork", "speech") sample _________________________________ / \ | E L E C T R O L Y T E S | \______________________________ '\ () \\ O \\ . o |\\/| / " '\ . . . / ) | ' _.' | '-'/ \ ends shapes { nw (" ") wnw ("/") w ("|") sw ("\\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") n ("_") s ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ne (" ") ene ("\\ ") e ("| ") se (" ", "\\ ", "\\\\ . ", "|\\\\/| ", "/ \" '\\ ", ". . .", " ) |", " _.' |", "'/ \\") sse ("____ '\\", "() \\", " O ", " o ", " ", " ", " /", " ' ", " '-") } elastic (n, s, e, w) padding { horiz 2 top 1 } END unicornthink # ============================================================================ BOX unicornsay author "Mike Meyer " tags ("artwork", "speech") sample _________________________________ / \ | E L E C T R O L Y T E S | \___________________________ __'\ |/ \\ \ \\ . |\\/| / " '\ . . . / ) | ' _.' | '-'/ \ ends shapes { nw (" ", "/") n ("_", " ") ne ("__ ", " \\ ") sw ("\\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") s ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") w ("|") e (" | ") se ("'\\ ", " \\\\ ", " \\\\ . ", " |\\\\/| ", " / \" '\\ ", " . . . ", " / ) | ", "' _.' | ", "'-'/ \\ ") sse ("_ __", " |/ ", " \\ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") } elastic (n, s, e, w) padding { left 2 } END unicornsay # ============================================================================ BOX caml author "Michael Tiernan " designer "Michael Tiernan " tags ("simple", "artwork", "box") sample (*************) (* *) (* *) (*************) ends shapes { nw ("(*") n ("*") ne ("*)") w ("(*") e ("*)") sw ("(*") s ("*") se ("*)") } elastic (n,e,s,w) padding { horiz 1 } replace "\\(\\*" with "(+*" replace "\\*\\)" with "*+)" reverse "\\(\\+\\*" to "(*" reverse "\\*\\+\\)" to "*)" END caml # ============================================================================ BOX twisted author "Tristano Ajmone " designer "Michael Naylor " tags ("artwork", "box", "large") sample ._____. ._____. .________________________________________. ._____. ._____. | ._. | | ._. | | .____________________________________. | | ._. | | ._. | | !_| |_|_|_! | | !____________________________________! | | !_| |_|_|_! | !___| |_______! !________________________________________! !___| |_______! .___|_|_| |____________________________________________________|_|_| |___. | ._____| |________________________________________________________| |_. | | !_! | | | | | ! !_! | !_____! | | * * * * * * * * * * * TWISTED * * * * * * * * * * | | !_____! ._____. | | -----------------------|------------------------- | | ._____. | ._. | | | Just another cool ascii frame, brought to you by: | | | ._. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -~{ Tristano Ajmone }~- | | | | | | | !_! | | | -----------------------|------------------------- | | ! !_! | !_____! | | Derived from an ascii frame originally created by: | | !_____! ._____. | | | | ._____. | ._. | | | -~{ Michael Naylor }~ | | | ._. | | !_| |_|_|____________________________________________________| |_|_|_! | !___| |________________________________________________________| |_______! .___|_|_| |___. .________________________________________. .___|_|_| |___. | ._____| |_. | | .____________________________________. | | ._____| |_. | | !_! | | !_! | | !____________________________________! | | !_! | | !_! | !_____! !_____! !________________________________________! !_____! !_____! ends shapes { NW ("._____. .__", "| ._. | | .", "| !_| |_|_|", "!___| |____", ".___|_|_| |", "| ._____| |") WNW ("| !_! | | |", "!_____! | |", "._____. | |", "| ._. | | |") W ("| | | | | |") WSW ("| !_! | | |", "!_____! | |", "._____. | |", "| ._. | | |") SW ("| !_| |_|_|", "!___| |____", ".___|_|_| |", "| ._____| |", "| !_! | | !", "!_____! !__") NNW ("___. .___", "_. | | ._", "_! | | !_", "___! !___", "_________", "_________") N ("_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_") NNE ("___. .___", "_. | | ._", "_! | | !_", "___! !___", "_________", "_________") NE ("__. ._____.", ". | | ._. |", "| |_|_|_! |", "| |_______!", "|_|_| |___.", "____| |_. |") ENE ("| | ! !_! |", "| | !_____!", "| | ._____.", "| | | ._. |") E ("| | | | | |") ESE ("| | ! !_! |", "| | !_____!", "| | ._____.", "| | | ._. |") SE ("| |_|_|_! |", "| |_______!", "|_|_| |___.", "____| |_. |", "! | | !_! |", "__! !_____!") S ("_", "_", "_", "_", "_", "_") SSE ("________", "________", "__. .___", ". | | ._", "! | | !_", "__! !___") SSW ("_________", "_________", "___. .___", "_. | | ._", "_! | | !_", "___! !___") } padding { all 1 bottom 0 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END twisted # ============================================================================ BOX scroll-akn author "Tristano Ajmone " designer "akn" tags ("artwork", "box", "scroll") sample /"\/\_..---------------------------------._/\/"\ ( _|| ||| Scroll-AKN... ||| ||_ ) \_/\/ || ------------------------------ || \/\_/ || Original Design by "akn" (???) || || Implemented in boxes by: || || -~{ Tristano Ajmone }~- || /"\/\_|----------------------------------|_/\/"\ ( _| |_ ) \_/\/ `----------------------------------' \/\_/ ends shapes { NW (" /\"\\/\\_..") WNW ("( _||", " \\_/\\/ ||") W (" ||") SW (" /\"\\/\\_|-", "( _| ", " \\_/\\/ `-") N ("-") S ("-", " ", "-") NE ("-._/\\/\"\\ ") ENE ("||_ )", "|| \\/\\_/ ") E ("|| ") SE ("-|_/\\/\"\\ ", " |_ )", "-' \\/\\_/ ") } elastic (W,E,N,S) padding { horizontal 1 vertical 0 } END scroll-akn # ============================================================================ BOX face author "Dmitry Bolshakov " designer "Dmitry Bolshakov " tags ("artwork", "box", "large") sample .--(0) (0)--. ( \/ ) ( \____/ ) ( ) ( face face face ) ( face face face ) '--------------' ends shapes { nw (" .", "( ", "( ") nnw ("-", " ", " ") n ( "(0) (0)", " \\/ ", " \\____/ " ) nne ("-", " ", " ") ne (". ", " )", " )") e (" )") se ("' ") s ("-") sw (" '") w ("( ") } padding { top 1 } elastic (nnw, nne, e, s, w) END face # ============================================================================ BOX fence designer "Dmitry Bolshakov " author "Dmitry Bolshakov " tags ("artwork", "box") sample /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ |__|__|__|__|__| | | | | | | | | fence | | |__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__| ends delim @" shapes { nw ( " /\ /" , "|__|_" , "| | " ) w ( "| | " ) sw ( "|__|_" , "|__|_" ) ne ( "\ /\ " , "_|__|" , " | |" ) e ( " | |" ) se ( "_|__|" , "_|__|" ) n ( "\ /" , "_|_" , " | " ) s ( "_|_" , "_|_" ) } elastic (n, e, s, w) END fence # ============================================================================ BOX important designer "Dmitry Bolshakov " author "Dmitry Bolshakov " tags ("artwork", "box") sample /\ !!!!!!!!!!! /\ |! | |! | |! | important |! | |__| |__| (__)!!!!!!!!!!!(__) ends delim @" shapes { nw (" /\ ") w ("|! |") sw ("|__|", "(__)") ne (" /\ ") e ("|! |") se ("|__|", "(__)") n ("!") s (" ", "!") } padding { left 1 top 1 right 1 } elastic (n, e, s, w) END important # ============================================================================ BOX important2 designer "Dmitry Bolshakov " author "Dmitry Bolshakov " tags ("artwork", "box") sample /\ /\ !!!!!!!!!!!! /\ /\ |! ||! |!!!!!!!!!!!!|! ||! | |! ||! | |! ||! | |! ||! | important2 |! ||! | |! ||! | |! ||! | |__||__|!!!!!!!!!!!!|__||__| (__)(__)!!!!!!!!!!!!(__)(__) ends delim @" shapes { nw (" /\ /\ ", "|! ||! |") w ("|! ||! |") sw ("|__||__|", "(__)(__)") ne (" /\ /\ ", "|! ||! |") e ("|! ||! |") se ("|__||__|", "(__)(__)") n ("!", "!") s ("!", "!") } padding { all 1 } elastic (n, e, s, w) END important2 # ============================================================================ BOX important3 designer "Dmitry Bolshakov " author "Dmitry Bolshakov " tags ("artwork", "box") sample /\ /\ /\ !!!!!!!!!!!! /\ /\ /\ |! ||! ||! |!!!!!!!!!!!!|! ||! ||! | |! ||! ||! |!!!!!!!!!!!!|! ||! ||! | |! ||! ||! | |! ||! ||! | |! ||! ||! | important3 |! ||! ||! | |! ||! ||! | |! ||! ||! | |! ||! ||! |!!!!!!!!!!!!|! ||! ||! | |__||__||__|!!!!!!!!!!!!|__||__||__| (__)(__)(__)!!!!!!!!!!!!(__)(__)(__) ends delim @" shapes { nw (" /\ /\ /\ ", "|! ||! ||! |", "|! ||! ||! |") w ("|! ||! ||! |") sw ("|! ||! ||! |", "|__||__||__|", "(__)(__)(__)") ne (" /\ /\ /\ ", "|! ||! ||! |", "|! ||! ||! |") e ("|! ||! ||! |") se ("|! ||! ||! |", "|__||__||__|", "(__)(__)(__)") n ("!", "!", "!") s ("!", "!", "!") } padding { all 1 } elastic (n, e, s, w) END important3 # ============================================================================ BOX f90-box author "Matt Thompson " designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "box") sample !!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!! ends shapes { nw ("!") n ("!") se ("!") e ("!") sw ("!") s ("!") ne ("!") w ("!") } padding { h 1 } elastic (n, s, e, w) END f90-box # ============================================================================ BOX f90-cmt author "Matt Thompson " designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "comment") sample ! ! regular comments used in Fortran 90+ ! ends shapes { w ("!") } padding { left 1 } elastic (w) END f90-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX bear designer "Hayley Jane Wakenshaw" author "Thomas Jensen" tags ("artwork", "box", "sign", "large") sample ,---. ,---. / /"`.\.--"""--./,'"\ \ \ \ _ _ / / `./ / __ __ \ \,' / /_O)_(_O\ \ | .-' ___ `-. | .--| \_/ |--. ,' \ \ | / / `. / `. `--^--' ,' \ .-"""""-. `--.___.--' .-"""""-. .-----------/ \------------------/ \--------------. | .---------\ /------------------\ /------------. | | | `-`--`--' `--'--'-' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____________________________________________________________| | |_________________________________________________________________| )__________|__|__________( | || | |____________||____________| ),-----.( ),-----.( hjw ,' ==. \ / .== `. / ) ( \ `===========' `===========' ends shapes { nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".--", "| .", "| |") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", "-", " ") n (" ,---. ,---. ", " / /\"`.\\.--\"\"\"--./,'\"\\ \\ ", " \\ \\ _ _ / / ", " `./ / __ __ \\ \\,' ", " / /_O)_(_O\\ \\ ", " | .-' ___ `-. | ", " .--| \\_/ |--. ", " ,' \\ \\ | / / `. ", " / `. `--^--' ,' \\ ", " .-\"\"\"\"\"-. `--.___.--' .-\"\"\"\"\"-. ", "/ \\------------------/ \\", "\\ /------------------\\ /", " `-`--`--' `--'--'-' ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", "-", " ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "--.", ". |", "| |") w ("| |") e ("| |") sw ("| |", "|__", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw ("_", "_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") s ("__________________________________", "__________________________________", " )__________|__|__________( ", " | || | ", " |____________||____________| ", " ),-----.( ),-----.( hjw", " ,' ==. \\ / .== `. ", " / ) ( \\ ", " `===========' `===========' ") sse ("_", "_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") se ("| |", "__|", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") } elastic (nne, nnw, e, w, sse, ssw) padding { horiz 1 } END bear # ============================================================================ BOX jstone author "Ed Schaller" designer "schallee_@_darkmist.net" tags ("simple", "programming", "box") sample /*----------------+ | toast is yummy | +----------------*/ ends shapes { nw ("/*") n ("-") ne ("+ ") w (" |") e ("| ") sw (" +") s ("-") se ("*/") } elastic (n, e, s, w) delim ?" replace "\*\/" with "*\\/" reverse "\*\\/" to "*\/" padding { horiz 1 } END jstone # ============================================================================ BOX vim-box author "Ricky Anderson " designer "(public domain)" tags ("simple", "programming", "box") sample """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Header seperator on your vim config's file (.vimrc) " """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ends delim \' shapes { nw ('"') n ('"') ne ('"') w ('"') e ('"') sw ('"') s ('"') se ('"') } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n, e, s, w) END vim-box # ============================================================================ BOX weave author "Thomas Jensen" designer "dc" tags ("artwork", "box", "large") sample _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .-"-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-,_,-'_`-,. ( ,-'_,-<.>-'_,-<.>-'_,-<.>-'_,-<.>-'_,-<.>-'_,-<.>-'_,-<.>-'_,-<.>-'_,-<.>-'_,-<.>-'_,-~-} ;. \ \.'_>-._`-<_>-._`-<_>-._`-<_>-._`-<_>-._`-<_>-._`-<_>-._`-<_>-._`-<_>-._`-<_>-._`-._~--. \ . /\ \/ ,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._`./ \ \ . dc(`/ / `/ /.) ) . \ \ / \ / / \ / . \ \') ) ( (,\ \ . / \ / / Thank you for visiting https://asciiart.website/ \ / \ \ . ( (`/ / This ASCII pic can be found at / /.) ) . \ \ / \ https://asciiart.website/index.php?art=art%20and%20design/borders / / \ / . \ \') ) ( (,\ \ . / \ / / \ / \ \ . ( (`/ / / /.) ) . \ \ / \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / / \ /. \ `.\ `-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_`-._,-'_/,\ \ . ( `. `,~-._`-<,>-._`-<,>-._`-<,>-._`-<,>-._`-<,>-._`-<,>-._`-<,>-._`-<,>-._`-<,>-._`-=,' ,\ \ . `. `'_,-<_>-'_,-<_>-'_,-<_>-'_,-<_>-'_,-<_>-'_,-<_>-'_,-<_>-'_,-<_>-'_,-<_>-'_,-<_>-'_,"-' ; . `-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-._,-' `-.-' . ends delim |" shapes { nw (" ", " .-|"-._,-", "( ,-'_,-", " \ \.'_>-", " /\ \/ ,-") wnw ("dc(`/ / ") w (" \ \ / \ ", " \ \') )", " / \ / / ", "( (`/ / ") sw (" \ \ / \ ", " \ `.\ `", " ( `. `,~", " `. `'_,", " `-' `") nnw (" _ ", "'_`-.", "<.>-'", "._`-<", "' `-.") n (" _ ", "_,-'_`-,", "_,-<.>-'", "_>-._`-.", "_,-' `-.") ne (" _ ", "_,-'_`-,. ", "_,-~-} ;. ", "_~--. \ . ", "_`./ \ \ . ") ene (" `/ /.) ) .") e (" / / \ / . ", "( (,\ \ . ", " \ / \ \ . ", " / /.) ) .") se (" / / \ /. ", "'_/,\ \ . ", "=,' ,\ \ . ", "'_,|"-' ; . ", "' `-.-' . ") ssw (" ", "-._,-", "-._`-", "-<_>-", "-._,-") s (" _ ", "'_`-._,-", "<,>-._`-", "'_,-<_>-", "' `-._,-") } padding { top 2 bottom 1 horizontal 4 } elastic (n, e, s, w) END weave # ============================================================================ BOX normand author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Normand Veilleux" tags ("artwork", "box", "large") sample __,:,__ __,:,__ __,:,__ Normand __,:,__ ,ad88P`Y88ba, ,ad88P`Y88ba, ,ad88P`Y88ba, ,ad88P`Y88ba, ad88888' `88888ba ad88888' `88888ba ad88888' `88888ba ad88888' `88888ba ,d88888P' `Y88888b, ,d88888P' `Y88888b, ,d88888P' `Y88888b, ,d88888P' `Y88888b, ,d888P"' `"Y888b,d888P"' `"Y888b,d888P"' `"Y888b,d888P"' `"Y888b, :([" ``":"'' ``":"'' ``":"'' "]): `Y88ba, ,ad88P' `88888ba ad88888' `Y88888b, ,d88888P' `"Y888b, Thank you for visiting https://asciiart.website/ ,d888P"' "]): This ASCII pic can be found at :([" ,ad88P' https://asciiart.website/?art=art%20and%20design/borders `Y88ba, ad88888' `88888ba ,d88888P' `Y88888b, ,d888P"' `"Y888b, :([" __,:,__ __,:,__ __,:,__ "]): `Y88ba, ,ad88P`Y88ba, ,ad88P`Y88ba, ,ad88P`Y88ba, ,ad88P' `88888ba ad88888' `88888ba ad88888' `88888ba ad88888' `88888ba ad88888' `Y88888b, ,d88888P' `Y88888b, ,d88888P' `Y88888b, ,d88888P' `Y88888b, ,d88888P' `"Y888b,d888P"' `"Y888b,d888P"' `"Y888b,d888P"' `"Y888b,d888P"' ``":"'' ``":"'' ``":"'' Veilleux ``":"'' ends shapes { nw (" __,:", " ,ad88P`", " ad88888' ", " ,d88888P' ", ",d888P\"' ", ":([\" ") w ("`Y88ba, ", " `88888ba ", " `Y88888b, ", " `\"Y888b,", " \"]):", " ,ad88P'", " ad88888' ", " ,d88888P' ", ",d888P\"' ") sw (":([\" ", "`Y88ba, ", " `88888ba ", " `Y88888b, ", " `\"Y888b,", " ``\":") n (",__ __,:", "Y88ba, ,ad88P`", "`88888ba ad88888' ", " `Y88888b, ,d88888P' ", " `\"Y888b,d888P\"' ", " ``\":\"'' ") nne (",__ Normand __,", "Y88ba, ,ad88P", "`88888ba ad88888'", " `Y88888b, ,d88888P' ", " `\"Y888b,d888P\"' ", " ``\":\"'' ") ne (":,__ ", "`Y88ba, ", " `88888ba ", " `Y88888b, ", " `\"Y888b,", " \"]):") e (" ,ad88P'", " ad88888' ", " ,d88888P' ", ",d888P\"' ", ":([\" ", "`Y88ba, ", " `88888ba ", " `Y88888b, ", " `\"Y888b,") se (" \"]):", " ,ad88P'", " ad88888' ", " ,d88888P' ", ",d888P\"' ", ":\"'' ") s (" __,:,__ ", " ,ad88P`Y88ba, ", " ad88888' `88888ba ", ",d88888P' `Y88888b, ", "d888P\"' `\"Y888b,", "\"'' ``\":") sse (" __,:,__ ", " ,ad88P`Y88ba, ", " ad88888' `88888ba ", ",d88888P' `Y88888b,", "d888P\"' `\"Y888b", "\"'' Veilleux ``\"") } padding { vertical 1 horizontal 3 } elastic (n, e, s, w) END normand # ============================================================================ BOX cowsay author "David Yang " designer "Tony Monroe" tags ("artwork", "speech") sample _____________________________ / \ | Boxes can have the cow too | \ / ----------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ends shapes { ssw (" ", "-----------------------", " \\ ^__^ ", " \\ (oo)\\_______ ", " (__)\\ )\\/\\", " ||----w | ", " || || ") n ("_", " ") s (" ", "-", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse (" ", "-", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", "/") sw ("\\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ne (" ", "\\") se ("/", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") w ("|") e ("|") } elastic (n, s, e, w) padding { left 2 right 1 } END cowsay # ============================================================================ BOX tux author "David Yang " designer "Tony Monroe" tags ("artwork", "speech") sample _________________ / \ | Tux talks too | \ / ----------------- \ \ .--. |o_o | |:_/ | // \ \ (| | ) /'\_ _/`\ \___)=(___/ ends shapes { ssw (" ", "---------------", " \\ ", " \\ ", " .--. ", " |o_o | ", " |:_/ | ", " // \\ \\ ", " (| | )", " /'\\_ _/`\\", " \\___)=(___/") n ("_", " ") s (" ", "-", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse (" ", "-", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", "/") sw ("\\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ne (" ", "\\") se ("/", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") w ("|") e ("|") } elastic (n, s, e, w) padding { left 2 right 1 } END tux # ============================================================================ BOX info author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Thomas Jensen" tags ("box", "color", "simple", "unicode") sample ▄▄ INFO ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █ █ █ This is an informational message. █ █ Don't worry about it. █ █ █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ends # Monochrome sample: # ▄▄ INFO ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ # █ █ # █ This is an informational message. █ # █ Don't worry about it. █ # █ █ # ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ shapes { nw ("▄") nnw ("▄ INFO ") n ("▄") ne ("▄") w ("█") e ("█") sw ("▀") s ("▀") se ("▀") } elastic (n, s, e, w) padding { horizontal 2 vertical 1 } END info # ============================================================================ BOX warning author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Thomas Jensen" tags ("box", "color", "simple", "unicode") sample ▄▄ WARNING ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █ █ █ Sub-zero temperatures expected. █ █ Please drive carefully. █ █ █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ends # Monochrome sample: # ▄▄ WARNING ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ # █ █ # █ Sub-zero temperatures expected. █ # █ Please drive carefully. █ # █ █ # ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ shapes { nw ("▄") nnw ("▄ WARNING ") n ("▄") ne ("▄") w ("█") e ("█") sw ("▀") s ("▀") se ("▀") } elastic (n, s, e, w) padding { horizontal 2 vertical 1 } END warning # ============================================================================ BOX critical author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Thomas Jensen" tags ("box", "color", "simple", "unicode") sample ▄▄ CRITICAL ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █ █ █ Coolant levels below minimum. █ █ Disengage main drive and stop for repairs. █ █ █ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ends # Monochrome sample: # ▄▄ CRITICAL ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ # █ █ # █ Coolant levels below minimum. █ # █ Disengage main drive and stop for repairs. █ # █ █ # ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ shapes { nw ("▄") nnw ("▄ CRITICAL ") n ("▄") ne ("▄") w ("█") e ("█") sw ("▀") s ("▀") se ("▀") } elastic (n, s, e, w) padding { horizontal 2 vertical 1 } END critical # ============================================================================ BOX ansi author "chorpler" designer "(public domain)" tags ("box", "simple", "unicode") sample ┌──────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └──────────────────────┘ ends shapes { nw ("┌") n ("─") ne ("┐") e ("│") se ("┘") s ("─") sw ("└") w ("│") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,W) END ansi # ============================================================================ BOX ansi-rounded author "chorpler" designer "(public domain)" tags ("box", "simple", "unicode") sample ╭──────────────────────╮ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ╰──────────────────────╯ ends shapes { nw ("╭") n ("─") ne ("╮") e ("│") se ("╯") s ("─") sw ("╰") w ("│") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,W) END ansi-rounded # ============================================================================ BOX ansi-double author "chorpler" designer "(public domain)" tags ("box", "simple", "unicode") sample ╔══════════════════════╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╚══════════════════════╝ ends shapes { nw ("╔") n ("═") ne ("╗") e ("║") se ("╝") s ("═") sw ("╚") w ("║") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,W) END ansi-double # ============================================================================ BOX ansi-heavy author "chorpler" designer "(public domain)" tags ("box", "simple", "unicode") sample ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ends shapes { nw ("┏") n ("━") ne ("┓") e ("┃") se ("┛") s ("━") sw ("┗") w ("┃") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,W) END ansi-heavy # ============================================================================ BOX ansi-heavy-dashed author "chorpler" designer "(public domain)" tags ("box", "simple", "unicode") sample ┏╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍┓ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┋ ┗╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍╍┛ ends shapes { nw ("┏") n ("╍") ne ("┓") e ("┋") se ("┛") s ("╍") sw ("┗") w ("┋") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,W) END ansi-heavy-dashed # ============================================================================ BOX ansi-dashed author "chorpler" designer "(public domain)" tags ("box", "simple", "unicode") sample ┌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┐ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ └╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌┘ ends shapes { nw ("┌") n ("╌") ne ("┐") e ("┊") se ("┘") s ("╌") sw ("└") w ("┊") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,W) END ansi-dashed # ============================================================================ BOX ansi-rounded-dashed author "chorpler" designer "(public domain)" tags ("box", "simple", "unicode") sample ╭╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╮ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ╰╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╌╯ ends shapes { nw ("╭") n ("╌") ne ("╮") e ("┊") se ("╯") s ("╌") sw ("╰") w ("┊") } padding { horiz 1 } elastic (n,e,s,W) END ansi-rounded-dashed # ============================================================================ BOX dragon author "Thomas Jensen" designer "Glory Py Yip (Glory Moon)" tags ("artwork") sample , . , ._/), .(\/), ii// )/) ,-=-. ,-=-. ,-=-. ,-=-. (\/|/) ,^=-9 ,//) )=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="/ }/) ""_,),,/ " ,-=-. ,-=-. ,-=-. ,-=-. ,/`~ """ )))\))=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="' '"=-=" << << << << ((( >((( > ((( > ((( > HERE BE DRAGONS , . , ._/), .(\/), ii// )/) ,-=-. ,-=-. ,-=-. ,-=-. (\/|/) ,^=-9 ,//) )=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="/ }/) ""_,),,/ " ,-=-. ,-=-. ,-=-. ,-=-. ,/`~ """ )))\))=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="' '"=-="' '"=-=" << << << << gpyy ((( >((( > ((( > ((( > ends delim !~ shapes { nnw (~ , ~, ~ ._/), ~, ~ ii// )/) ,-=-. ~, ~,^=-9 ,//) )=-="' '"=~, ~ ""_,),,/ " ,-=-. ~, ~ """ )))\))=-="' '"=~, ~ << << ~, ~ ((( >((( > ~) n (~ ~, ~ ~, ~ ,-=-. ~, ~-="' '"=~, ~ ,-=-. ~, ~-="' '"=~, ~ ~, ~ ~) nne (~ . , ~, ~ .(\/), ~, ~ ,-=-. ,-=-. (\/|/)~, ~-="' '"=-="' '"=-="/ }/)~, ~ ,-=-. ,-=-. ,/`!~ ~, ~-="' '"=-="' '"=-=" ~, ~ << << ~, ~ ((( > ((( > ~) ssw (~ , ~, ~ ._/), ~, ~ ii// )/) ,-=-. ~, ~,^=-9 ,//) )=-="' '"=~, ~ ""_,),,/ " ,-=-. ~, ~ """ )))\))=-="' '"=~, ~ << << ~, ~ gpyy ((( >((( > ~) s (~ ~, ~ ~, ~ ,-=-. ~, ~-="' '"=~, ~ ,-=-. ~, ~-="' '"=~, ~ ~, ~ ~) sse (~ . , ~, ~ .(\/), ~, ~ ,-=-. ,-=-. (\/|/)~, ~-="' '"=-="' '"=-="/ }/)~, ~ ,-=-. ,-=-. ,/`!~ ~, ~-="' '"=-="' '"=-=" ~, ~ << << ~, ~ ((( > ((( > ~) } padding { top 1 horizontal 5 } elastic (n, s, e, w) END dragon # ============================================================================ #EOF vim: set ai sw=4 expandtab syn=boxes: