--- layout: markdown title: Downloads --- # Download *Boxes* *Boxes* is free software under the [GNU General Public License](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html#TOC1){:target="_blank"} (GNU GPL), version 2. The current release is **version {{ site.currentVersion }}**. For older revisions, feel free to browse the [release history]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/releases.html). ## Sources The *boxes* sources are now all on GitHub, including previous releases: [https://github.com/{{ site.github }}](https://github.com/{{ site.github }}){:target="_blank"} ## Binaries The author currently creates binaries for intel/win32 only. *Boxes* has originally been developed on Unix, is made of highly portable code, and it being run on a very wide variety of platforms. For older releases, some of the binaries created are available via the [release history]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/releases.html). If you have new binaries for different and/or new platforms, please send them in to be added there. Binaries available for download: [https://github.com/{{ site.github }}/releases](https://github.com/{{ site.github }}/releases){:target="_blank"} **MacOS X**\\ According to *boxes* user *Michel*, *boxes* can be installed on MacOS X by simply typing `brew install boxes`. (Information of October 3, 2012) **Debian** and debian-based, such as **Ubuntu**, including **Windows 10 Ubuntu Subsystem**\\ Just type `apt-get install boxes` ## Miscellaneous - The current [list of available box designs]({{ site.baseurl }}/box-designs.txt). Want to see your design in the official config file? Submit it as a [pull request](https://github.com/{{ site.github }}/pulls){:target="_blank"} on GitHub. If this seems too complicated, or you are not an IT person, feel free to send email, too. Emails take much longer to be processed, though. - A [vim syntax file](https://github.com/{{ site.github }}/issues/4){:target="_blank"} to enable the vim editor to use syntax highlighting with *boxes* config files (beta state).