# Jekyll configuration name: boxes description: Command line ASCII boxes unlimited! # enable emoticons gems: - jemoji # url is currently only used only for the RSS feed in feed.xml url: http://ascii-boxes.github.io # baseurl will often be '', but for a project page on gh-pages, it needs to # be the project name. # *** IMPORTANT: If your local "jekyll serve" throws errors change this to '' or # run it like so: jekyll serve --baseurl='' #baseurl: /boxes baseurl: '' # This can be '' to hide the Github nav button github: 'ascii-boxes/boxes' # Set this to your UA-# value, or '' to disable the block completely gaaccount: 'UA-23698164-5' # Set this to your disqus shortname to enable comments. Note that the 'comments' # setting below must also be true. Individual posts can override 'comments' to # disable on a post-by-post basis disqus: '' comments: false permalink: /:year/:month/:title paginate: 10 highlighter: rouge #markdown: redcarpet #redcarpet: # extensions: ["no_intra_emphasis", "fenced_code_blocks", "autolink", "tables", "with_toc_data"] markdown: kramdown kramdown: input: GFM exclude: ['README.md', 'LICENSE'] # boxes custom variables defaults: - scope: path: "" # everywhere values: bxemail: '<boxes(at)thomasjensen.com>' sitehost: 'boxes.thomasjensen.com'