# # File: boxes-config # Date created: March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:02h) # Author: Thomas Jensen # tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de # Version: $Id: boxes-config,v 1.13 1999/08/16 16:24:32 tsjensen Exp tsjensen $ # Format: ASCII Text # World Wide Web: http://home.pages.de/~jensen/boxes/ # Purpose: Example configuration file for the boxes program # Remarks: --- #____________________________________________________________________________ #============================================================================ BOX c author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:25h)" created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:25h)" sample /*************/ /* */ /* */ /*************/ ends shapes { nw ("/*") n ("*") ne ("*/") w ("/*") e ("*/") sw ("/*") s ("*") se ("*/") } delim ?" replace "\*/" with "*\/" # quote closing comment tags reverse "\*\\/" to "*/" padding { horiz 1 # alternatives: all, vert, lef, rig, bottom, top } # can be combined, e.g. all 3 top 1 elastic (n,e,s,w) END c # ============================================================================ BOX parchment created "March 12, 1999 (Friday, 17:05h)" revision "1.0" revdate "March 12, 1999 (Friday, 17:05h)" escaped "aaa\"bbb\\\"ccc#" # the string aaa"bbb\"ccc# #escaped2 "aaa\\"bbb" # unterminated sample ________________________ /\ \ \_| | | | | | | ____________________|_ \_/_____________________/ ends shapes { nw (" __") nnw () wnw ("/\\ ", "\\_|") w (" |") n ("_") ne (" ") ene ("\\ ") e ("| ") se ("|_ ","__/") s ("_","_") ssw (" ", "\\_/") sw (" |"," ") ese () } padding { top 1 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END parchment # ============================================================================ BOX columns revision "1.1" revdate "July 20, 1999 (Tuesday, 21:06h)" created "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 15:27h)" sample __^__ __^__ ( ___ )---------------( ___ ) | / | | \ | | / | | \ | | / | | \ | |___| |___| (_____)---------------(_____) ends shapes { nw (" __^__", "( ___ ") nnw (" ",")") n (" ","-") nne (" ","(") ne ("__^__ ", " ___ )") w (" | / |") wsw (" |___|") e ("| \\ | ") ese ("|___| ") sw ("(_____") ssw (")") s ("-") sse ("(") se ("_____)") } elastic (n, e, w, s) padding { horiz 1 } END columns # ============================================================================ BOX whirly created "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 15:40h)" revdate "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 15:40h)" revision "1.0" sample .+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+. ( ) ) ( ( ) "+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+"+.+" ends shapes { nw (" .") wnw ("( ") w (" )", "( ") sw (" \"") n ("+\"+.") ne (". ") ene (" )") e ("( ", " )") s ("+.+\"") nne ("+\"+") sse ("+.+") se ("\" ") } elastic (n, w, s, e) END whirly # ============================================================================ BOX scroll revision "1.2" revdate "August 18, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:00h)" created "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:04h)" SAMPLE / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ | /~~\ /~~\ | |\ \ | | / /| | \ /| |\ / | | ~~ | | ~~ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| / \ / \ / ~~~ ~~~ ENDS delimiter ?" shapes { ne ("~~~~~ \ ") ene (" /~~\ |", "| / /|", "|\ / |", "| ~~ |") e ("| |") se ("| / ", " \ / ", " ~~~ ") nw (" / ~~~~~") wnw ("| /~~\ ", "|\ \ |", "| \ /|", "| ~~ |") w ("| |") sw (" \ |", " \ / ", " ~~~ ") n ("~") s ("~"," "," ") } eLAStic (n, s, e, w) padding { h 2 v 1 } END scroll # ============================================================================ BOX simple author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:24h)" created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:24h)" sample ************* * * * * ************* ends shapes { nw ("*") ne ("*") sw ("*") se ("*") n ("*") e ("*") s ("*") w ("*") } elastic (n,e,s,W) END simple # ============================================================================ BOX c-cmt author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" created "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" sample /* */ /* regular C language */ /* comments */ /* */ ends shapes { w ("/*") e ("*/") } replace "\\*/" with "*\\/" # quote closing comment tags reverse "\\*\\\\/" to "*/" Padding { h 1 } elastic (e, w) END c-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX c-cmt2 author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.1" revdate "August 18, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:01h)" created "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" sample /* * regular C language * comments */ ends shapes { nw ("/*") w (" *") sw (" *") ssw ("/") s (" ") # note that S must be defined! } padding { left 2 } delimiter ?" replace "\*/" with "*\/" # quote closing comment tags reverse "\*\\/" to "*/" elastic (s, w) END c-cmt2 # ============================================================================ BOX html author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:26h)" created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:26h)" sample <!-- ------------------- --> <!-- --> <!-- --> <!-- --> <!-- ------------------- --> ends shapes { nw ("<!-- ") n ("-") ne (" -->") w ("<!-- ") e (" -->") sw ("<!-- ") s ("-") se (" -->") } replace "-->" with "-\\-\\>" elastic (n,e,s,w) END html # ============================================================================ BOX shell author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:27h)" created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:27h)" sample ############# # # # # ############# ends shapes { nw ("#") n ("#") se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") s ("#") ne ("#") w ("#") } elastic (n,s,e, w) END shell # ============================================================================ BOX nuke author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 15:55h)" created "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 15:55h)" sample _ ._ _ , _ ._ (_ ' ( ` )_ .__) ( ( ( ) `) ) _) (__ (_ (_ . _) _) ,__) `~~`\ ' . /`~~` ,::: ; ; :::, ':::::::::::::::' _________________jgs______/_ __ \________________________ | | | BAD, BAD, BUG HERE :-) | |_________________________________________________________| ends shapes { nw (" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","|") ne (" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","|") nnw (" "," "," "," "," "," "," ","_"," ") nne (" "," "," "," "," "," "," ","_"," ") n (" _ ._ _ , _ ._ ", " (_ ' ( ` )_ .__) ", " ( ( ( ) `) ) _) ", " (__ (_ (_ . _) _) ,__)", " `~~`\\ ' . /`~~` ", " ,::: ; ; :::, ", " ':::::::::::::::' ", "jgs______/_ __ \\_________", " ") w ("|") e ("|") sw ("|") s ("_") se ("|") } elastic (nne,nnw, s, e, w) END nuke # ============================================================================ BOX diamonds author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.1" revdate "August 18, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:02h)" created "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 15:59h)" Sample /\ /\ /\ /\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\ //\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\ \\//\/ \/\\// \/ \/ /\ /\ //\\ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com //\\ \\// http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ \\// \/ \/ /\ /\ //\\/\ /\//\\ \\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\// \/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Ends delimiter ?: shapes { nw (: :, : /\:, : /\//\:, ://\\\/:) nnw (: /\ :, ://\\/\ :, :\\///\\/:, :/\/\\///:) n (: /\ :, : /\//\\/\ :, :\//\\\///\\/:, :\\\//\/\\///:) nne (: /\ :, : /\//\\:, :\//\\\//:, :\\\//\/\:) ne (: :, :/\ :, :/\\/\ :, :\///\\:) ene (:\/\\//:, : \/ :) e (: /\ :, : //\\:, : \\//:, : \/ :) ese (: /\ :, :/\//\\:) wnw (:\\//\/:, : \/ :) w (: /\ :, ://\\ :, :\\// :, : \/ :) wsw (: /\ :, ://\\/\:) sw (:\\///\:, : \/\\/:, : \/:, : :) ssw (:\/\//\\\:, ://\\\//\:, :\\//\/ :, : \/ :) s (:///\\/\//\\\:, :/\\///\\\//\:, : \/\\//\/ :, : \/ :) sse (:///\\/\/:, :/\\///\\:, : \/\\//:, : \/ :) se (:/\\\//:, :\//\/ :, :\/ :, : :) } elastic (n,s,e, w) END diamonds # ============================================================================ BOX mouse author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:27h)" created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:27h)" sample .--, .--, ( ( \.---./ ) ) '.__/o o\__.' {= ^ =} > - < ___________.""`-------`"".____________ / \ \ o joan stark O / / spunk1111@juno.com \ \ ascii art gallery / / http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ \ \______________________________________/ ___)( )(___ (((__) (__))) ends shapes { nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "/") sw ("\\", " ", " ") se ("/", " ", " ") e ("/","\\") w ("\\","/") n (" .--, .--, ", "( ( \\.---./ ) )", " '.__/o o\\__.' ", " {= ^ =} ", " > - < ", "_.\"\"`-------`\"\"._", " ") s ("_____________", " ___)( )(___ ", "(((__) (__)))") ssw ("_"," "," ") sse ("_"," "," ") } elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) END mouse # ============================================================================ BOX sunset author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 17:10h)" created "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 17:10h)" sample . . | . \ | / '. \ ' / .' '. .'```'. .' <>.............:::::::`.......`:::::::................<> <>: ., .., . . . . . . . . . . joan stark :<> <>: :, :.' : : :`.: :.' `: `: `: `: spunk1111 :<> <>: ,.; : `.' : `: : `. : : : : @juno.com :<> <>:..................................................:<> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ~you can't hurt your eyesight by looking on the bright side~ ~but you can hurt them by looking at bad ascii art!~ ends shapes { e (":<>") w ("<>:") sw ("<>:", "<><") se (":<>", "><>") s ("..", "><") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "<>.") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".<>") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".") n (" . ", " . | . ", " \\ | / ", " '. \\ ' / .' ", " '. .'```'. .' ", ":::::::`.......`:::::::") } elastic (nne,nnw, s, e, w) END sunset # ============================================================================ BOX boy author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 15:02h)" created "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 15:02h)" sample .-"""-. / .===. \ \/ 6 6 \/ ( \___/ ) _________ooo__\_____/______________ / \ | joan stark spunk1111@juno.com | | VISIT MY ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ | \_______________________ooo_________/ jgs | | | |_ | _| | | | |__|__| /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) ends shapes { e (" |") w ("| ") sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " /") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\ ") n (" .-\"\"\"-. ", " / .===. \\ ", " \\/ 6 6 \\/ ", " ( \\___/ ) ", "ooo__\\_____/_____", " ") s ("______________ooo", " | | | ", " |_ | _| ", " | | | ", " |__|__| ", " /-'Y'-\\ ", " (__/ \\__) ") } #elastic (n,s,e, w) # then I'd have to call this "boys" elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) END boy # ============================================================================ BOX girl author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 19:13h)" created "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 19:13h)" sample .-"""-. / .===. \ / / a a \ \ / ( \___/ ) \ ________ooo\__\_____/__/___________ / \ | joan stark spunk1111@juno.com | | VISIT MY ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ | \________________________ooo________/ jgs / \ /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\ | | | \==|==/ /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) ends shapes { n (" .-\"\"\"-. ", " / .===. \\ ", " / / a a \\ \\ ", " / ( \\___/ ) \\ ", "ooo\\__\\_____/__/___", " ") s ("________________ooo", " / \\ ", " /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\\ ", " | | | ", " \\==|==/ ", " /-'Y'-\\ ", " (__/ \\__) ") e (" |") w ("| ") sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " /") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\ ") } elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) END girl # ============================================================================ BOX tjc author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.1" revdate "July 16, 1999 (Friday, 18:55h)" created "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 19:26h)" SAmple static char *foo (const int a, const int b) /* * Do the foo on the bar and around again. * * a number of doodlefrobs * b barfoo mode (0 == off) * * Memory will be allocated for the result. * Should only be called for lines of length > 0; * * RETURNS: Success: Pointer to result line * Error: 0 (e.g. out of memory) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ { static char temp .... int ii; .... ends indent "none" # alternatives: "box", "text" replace "\\*/" with "*\\/" # quote closing comment tags reverse "\\*\\\\/" to "*/" shapes { wnw ("/*") w (" *") sw ("* ", " *") ssw ("*", "/") s (" *", " ") } elastic (n, s, w) padding { left 2 vertical 1 } END tjc # ============================================================================ BOX netdata author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:06h)" created "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:06h)" sample %{-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | IBM Net.Data Macro Sample - Perl and SQL Backends | | Thomas Jensen, February 17, 1998 (Tuesday, 16:40h) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------%} ends shapes { nw ("%{") ne ("+ ") sw (" +") se ("%}") e ("| ") w (" |") n ("-") s ("-") } replace "%}" with "%\\}" reverse "%\\\\}" to "%}" padding { horizontal 1 } elastic (n, e, s, w) END netdata # ============================================================================ BOX xes author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.1" revdate "August 18, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:04h)" created "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 20:05h)" sample <\/><\/><\/> <\/></\></\></\><\/> </\> </\> <\/> <\/> </\> </\> <\/> <\/> </\> </\> <\/> <\/> </\> </\> <\/> <\/> </\><\/><\/><\/></\> jgs </\></\></\> ends delim ?" shapes { nw (" ", " <", " <") nnw (" ", "\/>", "/\>") n ("<\/>", "</\>", " ") nne (" ", "<\/", "</\") ne (" ", "> ", "> ") wnw (" <\/>", " </\>") w ("<\/> ", "</\> ") wsw (" <\/>", " </\>") sw (" <", " <", " ") ssw ("\/>", "/\>", " ") s (" ", "<\/>", "</\>") sse ("<\/", "</\", " ") se ("> ", "> ", " ") ese ("<\/> ", "</\> ") e (" <\/>", " </\>") ene ("<\/> ", "</\> ") } elastic (n, e, s, w) END xes # ============================================================================ BOX dog author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:45h)" created "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:45h)" sample __ _,--="=--,_ __ / \." .-. "./ \ / ,/ _ : : _ \/` \ \ `| /o\ :_: /o\ |\__/ `-'| :="~` _ `~"=: | \` (_) `/ jgs .-"-. \ | / .-"-. .-----{ }--| /,.-'-.,\ |--{ }-----. ) (_)_)_) \_/`~-===-~`\_/ (_(_(_) ( ( joan stark ) ) < spunk1111@juno.com > ( ( ASCII ART GALLERY: ) ) < http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ > ( '-------------------------------------------' ends shapes { nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".--", " ) ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "--.", " ( ") w ("( ", " ) ") e (" )", " ( ") sw ("'--") se ("--'") s ("-") n (" __ _,--=\"=--,_ __ ", " / \\.\" .-. \"./ \\ ", " / ,/ _ : : _ \\/` \\ ", " \\ `| /o\\ :_: /o\\ |\\__/ ", " `-'| :=\"~` _ `~\"=: | ", " \\` (_) `/ ", " .-\"-. \\ | / .-\"-. ", "{ }--| /,.-'-.,\\ |--{ }", "(_)_)_) \\_/`~-===-~`\\_/ (_(_(_)") } elastic (nnw, nne,e,s,w) END dog # ============================================================================ BOX cat author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:45h)" created "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:45h)" sample /\ /\ |`\\_,--="=--,_//`| \ ." :'. .': ". / ==) _ : ' : _ (== |>/O\ _ /O\<| | \-"~` _ `~"-/ | >|`===. \_/ .===`|< jgs .-"-. \===' | '===/ .-"-. .-----{'. '`}---\, .-'-. ,/---{.'. '}-----. ) `"---"` `~-===-~` `"---"` ( ( joan stark ) ) < spunk1111@juno.com > ( ( ASCII ART GALLERY: ) ) < http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ > ( '-------------------------------------------' ends shapes { nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "-", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".--", " ) ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "--.", " ( ") w ("( ", " ) ") e (" )", " ( ") sw ("'--") se ("--'") s ("-") n (" /\\ /\\ ", " |`\\\\_,--=\"=--,_//`| ", " \\ .\" :'. .': \". / ", " ==) _ : ' : _ (== ", " |>/O\\ _ /O\\<| ", " | \\-\"~` _ `~\"-/ | ", " >|`===. \\_/ .===`|< ", " .-\"-. \\===' | '===/ .-\"-. ", "{'. '`}---\\, .-'-. ,/---{.'. '}", "`\"---\"` `~-===-~` `\"---\"`") } elastic (nnw, nne,e,s,w) END cat # ============================================================================ BOX capgirl author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:24h)" created "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:24h)" sample .-"```"-. /_______; \ (_________)\| / / a a \ \(_) / ( \___/ ) \ ________ooo\__\_____/__/___________ / \ | joan stark spunk1111@juno.com | | VISIT MY ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.ascii-art.com | \________________________ooo________/ / \ jgs /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\ | | | \==|==/ /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) ends shapes { n (" .-\"```\"-. ", " /_______; \\ ", " (_________)\\| ", " / / a a \\ \\(_) ", " / ( \\___/ ) \\ ", "ooo\\__\\_____/__/___", " ") s ("________________ooo", " / \\ ", " /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\\ ", " | | | ", " \\==|==/ ", " /-'Y'-\\ ", " (__/ \\__) ") e (" |") w ("| ") sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " /") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\ ") } elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) END capgirl # ============================================================================ BOX santa author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:24h)" created "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 19:24h)" sample .-"``"-. /______; \ {_______}\| (/ a a \)(_) (.-.).-.) _______ooo__( ^ )____________ / '-.___.-' \ | joan stark | | spunk1111@juno.com | | ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.ascii-art.com | \________________________ooo________/ |_ | _| jgs \___|___/ {___|___} |_ | _| /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) ends shapes { n (" .-\"``\"-. ", " /______; \\ ", " {_______}\\| ", " (/ a a \\)(_) ", " (.-.).-.) ", "ooo__( ^ )____", " '-.___.-' ") s ("_________________ooo", " |_ | _| jgs", " \\___|___/ ", " {___|___} ", " |_ | _| ", " /-'Y'-\\ ", " (__/ \\__) ") e (" |") w ("| ") sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ") nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " /") nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ") ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\ ") } elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w) END santa # ============================================================================ BOX spring author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.1" revdate "August 18, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:05h)" created "April 09, 1999 (Friday, 15:53h)" sample , /\^/`\ | \/ | | | | SPRING IS IN THE AIR! jgs \ \ / _ _ '\\//' _{ ' }_ || joan stark { `.!.` } || <spunk1111@juno.com> ',_/Y\_,' || , {_,_} |\ || |\ | | | || | | ASCII ART GALLERY: (\| /) | | || / / <http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/> \| // \ \||/ / |// `\\//` \\ \./ \\ / // \\./ \\ // \\ |/ / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ends delim ?" shapes { nw (" , ") wnw (" /\^/`\ ", " | \/ | ", " | | | ", " \ \ / ", " '\\//' ") w (" || ") wsw (" || , ", "|\ || |\ ", "| | || | |", "| | || / / ", " \ \||/ / ") sw (" `\\//` ", " ^^^^^^^^^^") ene (" ", " ", " jgs ", " _ _ ", " _{ ' }_ ", "{ `.!.` }", "',_/Y\_,'", " {_,_} ") e (" | ") ese (" (\| /)", " \| // ", " |// ") se (" \\ |/ / ", "^^^^^^^^^") s ("\ \./ \", "^^^^^^^^^^^^") } elastic (s,e,w) END spring # ============================================================================ BOX stark2 author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "April 05, 1999 (Monday, 21:55h)" created "April 05, 1999 (Monday, 21:55h)" sample .:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@-:. .:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@-:. .:-@ ____ (_, _, _, _, _, @-:. .:-@ (-(__`,_ ,_ |_, | | | | Spunk1111@juno.com @-:. .:-@ ____)|_)|_|| || \__, _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ @-:. .:-@ ( _| |_, @-:. .:-@ ( ____, ____ (_, @-:. .:-@ (-| _ _ ,_ (-(__`_|_ _ ,_ |_, @-:. .:-@ _ |(_)(_|| | ____) | (_|| | \_, @-:. .:-@ (__/ ( |_, @-:. .:-@ @-:. .:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@-:. .:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@.:-@-:. ends shapes { nw (".:-@", ".:-@") n (".:-@", ".:-@") nne (".:-", ".:-") ne ("@-:.", "@-:.") e ("@-:.") w (".:-@") sw (".:-@", ".:-@") s (".:-@", ".:-@") sse (".:-", ".:-") se ("@-:.", "@-:.") } elastic (n,s,e, w) END stark2 # ============================================================================ BOX stark1 author "Joan G. Stark <spunk1111@juno.com>" revision "1.0" revdate "April 05, 1999 (Monday, 21:55h)" created "April 05, 1999 (Monday, 21:55h)" sample =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^ -, ,-. . . ^ ^ | ,-. ,-. ;-. `-, |- ,-. ;-. | ' ^ ^ , | | | ,-| | | , ; | ,-| | |`. ^ ^ `-' `-' `-^ ' ^ `-' `- `-^ ' ` ` ^ ^ Spunk1111@juno.com ^ ^ ,-. . . . . . ^ ^ `-, ;-. . . ;-. | ' | | | | ^ ^ , ; | | | | | | |`. | | | | ^ ^ `-' |-' `-^ ' ^ ` ` ` ` ` ` ^ ^ ` ^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ends shapes { nw ("=") ne ("=") nne ("-") N ("-=") e ("^") w ("^") sw ("=") ssw ("-") s ("=-") se ("=") } elastic (n,s,e, w) END stark1 # ============================================================================ BOX peek revision "1.0" revdate "April 12, 1999 (Monday, 12:52h)" created "April 12, 1999 (Monday, 12:52h)" sample /* _\|/_ (o o) +----oOO-{_}-OOo---------------------+ | | | C function headers? | | | | | +-----------------------------------*/ ends shapes { nw ("/*", " ", " +") nnw (" _\\|/_ ", " (o o) ", "----oOO-{_}-OOo") n (" ", " ", "-") ne (" ", " ", "+") e ("|") w (" |") sw (" +") s ("-") sse ("*") se ("/") } replace "\\*/" with "*\\/" # quote closing comment tags elastic (n,e,s,w) END peek # ============================================================================ BOX java-cmt author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" created "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" sample // // regular Java // comments // ends shapes { w ("//") } padding {lef 1} elastic (w) END java-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX pound-cmt author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" created "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" sample # # regular comments used in Perl, Shell scripts, etc. # ends shapes { w ("#") } padding { left 1} elastic (w) END pound-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX html-cmt author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" created "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" sample <!-- --> <!-- regular comments used in HTML files --> <!-- --> ends shapes { w ("<!-- ") e (" -->") } elastic (e,w) END html-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX vim-cmt author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" created "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" sample " " comments used in the vim editor's config file (.vimrc) " ends shapes { w ("\"") } padding { left 1 } elastic ( w ) END vim-cmt # ============================================================================ BOX right author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" created "June 17, 1999 (Thursday, 19:59h)" sample This can be used for marking code changes with your initials (I don't like it, but some people work this way): for (j=0; j<blank_count; ++j) /*@TJ@*/ fprintf (opt.outfile, "\n"); /*@TJ@*/ blank_count = 0; /*@TJ@*/ ends shapes { e ("/*@TJ@*/") } padding { right 4 } elastic ( e ) END right # ============================================================================ BOX test1 author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" sample test1 ends shapes { nw ("#") n ("123") s ("12345") se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") w ("#") } elastic (n,s,e, w) END test1 # ============================================================================ BOX test2 author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" sample test2 ends shapes { nw ("#") nnw ("--") sse ("---") n ("123") s ("12345") se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") w ("#") } elastic (n,s,e, w) END test2 # ============================================================================ BOX test3 author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" sample test3 ends shapes { nnw ("123") nne ("456") n ("---") s ("<>") ssw ("12345") sse ("67890") nw ("#") se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") w ("#") } elastic (nne,nnw,ssw,sse,e, w) END test3 # ============================================================================ BOX test4 author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" sample test4 ends shapes { e ("1","2","3") w ("1","2","3","4","5") s ("#") n ("#") nw ("#") se ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") } elastic (n,s,e, w) END test4 # ============================================================================ BOX test5 author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" sample test5 ends shapes { e ("1","2","3") w ("1","2","3","4","5") ene ("|","|") wsw ("|","|","|") s ("#") n ("#") nw ("#") se ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") } elastic (n,s,e, w) END test5 # ============================================================================ BOX test6 author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" sample test6 ends shapes { ene ("1","2","3") ese ("4","5","6") wnw ("1","2","3","4","5") wsw ("6","7","8","9","0") e ("|","|") w ("|","|","|") s ("#") n ("#-") nw ("#") se ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") } elastic (ene,ese,wnw,wsw,n,s) END test6 # ============================================================================ BOX retest author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.1" revdate "August 18, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:07h)" created "April 04, 1999 (Sunday, 18:00h)" sample regular expression test use "foo", "bar", and "--" repeatedly in input ends delimiter ?" shapes { nw ("*") ne ("*") sw ("*") se ("*") n ("*") e ("*") s ("*") w ("*") } elastic (n,e,s,W) replace once "bar" with "raba-raba" replace global "f(o)o" with "fu\1\1\1\1\1\1" replace "--" with "++++" END retest # ============================================================================ BOX headline author "Thomas Jensen <tsjensen@stud.informatik.uni-erlangen.de>" revision "1.0" revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:25h)" created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:25h)" sample /*************/ /* */ /* */ /*************/ ends shapes { nw ("/*") n ("*") ne ("*/") w ("/*") e ("*/") sw ("/*") s ("*") se ("*/") } replace "(.)" with "\\1 " reverse "(.) " to "\\1" padding { left 2 right 1 } elastic (n,e,s,w) END headline #EOF vim: set ai sw=4: