--- layout: markdown title: Editor Integration --- # Text Editor Integration This section assumes you already have a working binary of *boxes*. Binaries for some platforms can be obtained through the [download page]({{ site.baseurl}}/download.html). Should your platform be missing from the list, you can still download the source distribution and compile your own binary. This sounds harder than it is. Although *boxes* can be useful when used on the command line, the more frequent use case will be as a filter tied to your editor. So, how can *boxes* be tied to your editor? Example config file entries are featured so far for [Vim](https://www.vim.org/), [Jed](https://www.jedsoft.org/jed/), [Emacs](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/), [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com/), and [NotePad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/). If you know how to to this in other editors, please feel free to add that information to this page via GitHub or just let me know in the GitHub issues. ## Integration with Vim To call filters from vim, you need to press `!` in visual mode or `!!` in normal mode. So the easiest way to tie in *boxes* with vim is by adding the following four lines to your *.vimrc*: vmap ,mc !boxes -d c-cmt nmap ,mc !!boxes -d c-cmt vmap ,xc !boxes -d c-cmt -r nmap ,xc !!boxes -d c-cmt -r `` should be there literally; just paste the lines directly from your browser window. This would comment out the current line or the lines you have marked when you press `,mc` (for *make comment*). Comments can be removed in the same way by pressing `,xc`. Should you feel that `,mc` is too long a combination to type, feel free to choose a shorter one. The above example assumes you are using the standard boxes config file, which features the *c-cmt* design. Of course, the same technique works for any other designs. While the above example is nice, it does not offer much convenience when you are editing different languages a lot, because you need to remember the hotkey for each different box design. Fortunately, vim has a feature called *autocommands*. They can be used to automatically change the meaning of a key combination depending on what file you edit (any many other things too, of course). Autocommand syntax is au[tocmd] [group] {event} {pat} [nested] {cmd} We can leave out the group. For `{event}`, we choose `BufEnter`, which is generated every time you enter a new buffer, e.g. when starting vim or when switching between open files. `{pat}` is a file glob, and `{cmd}` is our call to *boxes*. The lines below are from the author's *.vimrc*. They can be pasted directly from your browser window. Their effect is that `,mc` and `,xc` always generate the correct comments for many languages, including C, C++, HTML, Java, lex, yacc, shell scripts, Perl, etc. The default key binding is to generate shell comments using a pound sign (file glob of `*` at the start). autocmd BufEnter * nmap ,mc !!boxes -d pound-cmt autocmd BufEnter * vmap ,mc !boxes -d pound-cmt autocmd BufEnter * nmap ,xc !!boxes -d pound-cmt -r autocmd BufEnter * vmap ,xc !boxes -d pound-cmt -r autocmd BufEnter *.html nmap ,mc !!boxes -d html-cmt autocmd BufEnter *.html vmap ,mc !boxes -d html-cmt autocmd BufEnter *.html nmap ,xc !!boxes -d html-cmt -r autocmd BufEnter *.html vmap ,xc !boxes -d html-cmt -r autocmd BufEnter *.[chly],*.[pc]c nmap ,mc !!boxes -d c-cmt autocmd BufEnter *.[chly],*.[pc]c vmap ,mc !boxes -d c-cmt autocmd BufEnter *.[chly],*.[pc]c nmap ,xc !!boxes -d c-cmt -r autocmd BufEnter *.[chly],*.[pc]c vmap ,xc !boxes -d c-cmt -r autocmd BufEnter *.C,*.cpp,*.java nmap ,mc !!boxes -d java-cmt autocmd BufEnter *.C,*.cpp,*.java vmap ,mc !boxes -d java-cmt autocmd BufEnter *.C,*.cpp,*.java nmap ,xc !!boxes -d java-cmt -r autocmd BufEnter *.C,*.cpp,*.java vmap ,xc !boxes -d java-cmt -r autocmd BufEnter .vimrc*,.exrc nmap ,mc !!boxes -d vim-cmt autocmd BufEnter .vimrc*,.exrc vmap ,mc !boxes -d vim-cmt autocmd BufEnter .vimrc*,.exrc nmap ,xc !!boxes -d vim-cmt -r autocmd BufEnter .vimrc*,.exrc vmap ,xc !boxes -d vim-cmt -r **Syntax Highlighting in Vim** There is a [Vim syntax file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{{ site.github }}/master/boxes.vim) for *boxes* configuration files, which you can install to have the *boxes* config colorized. On Windows, the file must be placed in the directory *VIM_INSTALL_DIR\vimfiles\syntax*. Activate by `set syn=boxes`.   ## Integration with Jed [Andreas Heiduk](https://github.com/asheiduk) kindly provided the following excerpt from his *.jedrc*: %!% Ripped from "pipe.sl" variable Last_Process_Command = Null_String; define do_process_region(cmd) { variable tmp; tmp = make_tmp_file ("/tmp/jedpipe"); cmd = strncat (cmd, " > ", tmp, " 2>&1", 4); !if (dupmark ()) error ("Mark not set."); if (pipe_region (cmd)) { error ("Process returned a non-zero exit status."); } del_region (); () = insert_file (tmp); () = delete_file (tmp); } define process_region () { variable cmd; cmd = read_mini ("Pipe to command:", Last_Process_Command, ""); !if (strlen (cmd)) return; Last_Process_Command = cmd; do_process_region(cmd); } %----------------------------------------------------------------------- if( BATCH == 0 ){ setkey("process_region", "\e|"); % ESC-Pipe :-) add_completion("process_region"); % define some often used filters setkey("do_process_region(\"tal\")", "\et") % tal on esc-t } I think it calls [tal](https://thomasjensen.com/software/tal/) when you press `ESC-t` (second but last line). Thus, you would have to add a similar line to call *boxes*.   ## Integration with Emacs [Jason L. Shiffer](https://github.com/zerotao) kindly submitted the following information on integrating *boxes* with Emacs: The simple interface (only a single box style, but easy): (defun boxes-create () (interactive) (shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) "boxes -d c-cmt2" nil 1 nil)) (defun boxes-remove () (interactive) (shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) "boxes -r -d c-cmt2" nil 1 nil)) Jason also wrote a [*boxes* mode for Emacs](boxes.el). Remember to update its design list when you add new designs to your config file.   ## Integration with Sublime [Marco Andreolli](https://github.com/drazde) found a way to integrate *boxes* with Sublime Text 3 (from [#47](https://github.com/{{ site.github }}/issues/47)): 1. Open Sublime Text 3 1. Install [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation) and restart Sublime. 1. Choose *Tools → Command Palette...* from the main menu and select *Package Control: Install Package*, then choose [FilterPipes](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/FilterPipes). 1. Choose *Tools → Command Palette...* from the main menu and select *FilterPipes: My Custom Filters Plugin* 1. In the following file open dialog, open %APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\​Packages\​MyCustomFilterPipes\​Default.sublime-commands. This is the default on Windows, but if you are on other operating systems, the dialog should already be open in the correct folder. 1. Before the closing `]`, add the following: ``` { /* Boxes stone */ "caption": "FilterPipes: Boxes stone", "command": "filter_pipes_process", "args": { "command": ["boxes", "-d", "stone", "-a", "c", "-s", "80"] } } ``` Be sure to add a comma after the previous entry, so that the list is continued properly. 1. Now you have a new command *Boxes stone* which will create a *stone* styled box of 80 characters in width around the selected text. In may be accessed via the command palette like above, or you might want to define a hotkey or a macro to do it. 1. Add more FilterPipes commands for other designs, or for removing and repairing your ASCII art boxes.   ## Integration with Notepad++ In order to integrate *boxes* with Notepad++, first make sure that *boxes* is on your `PATH`. On Windows, this usually means boxes.exe and boxes.cfg must be located in a directory which is on the `PATH` environment variable. This method of *boxes* integration works only on Windows, because afaik, Notepad++ is available only on Windows. We use the NppExec plugin. Install NppExec via PluginManager: 1. Display PluginManager via the main menu: *Plugin → Plugin Manager → Show Plugin Manager* 1. If NppExec is not on the *Installed* tab already, go to the *Available* tab and select NppExec from the list. 1. Press **Install**. 1. Restart Notepad++
Plugin Manager
Once the NppExec plugin is available, proceed with *boxes* integration: 1. Go to *Plugins → NppExec → Execute ...* 1. Paste the following script into the text area:
cmd.exe /c exit %RANDOM%
set tempfile = $(SYS.TEMP)\NppBoxes_$(EXITCODE).out.txt
set ascfile = $(SYS.TEMP)\NppBoxes_$(EXITCODE).in.txt
sel_saveto $(ascfile) :a
cmd.exe /c boxes -d nuke -s 80 -pt1 -ac "$(ascfile)" > "$(tempfile)"
sel_loadfrom $(tempfile)
cmd.exe /c del /f /q "$(tempfile)" "$(ascfile)"
This script is inspired by a [post by Peter Jones](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/community/topic/16158/2) on the Notepad++ forum. It works via temp files in ANSI format. (That's the `:a` argument to the `sel_saveto` command.) This is compatible with boxes, and also helps avoiding byte order marks at the beginning of the temp file. The green part marks the place where you configure the box. In this case, we'll get a *nuke* box 80 characters wide, with the text centered in it and an extra blank line at the top. 1. Press **Save...** and give it a meaningful name, for example `boxes nuke 80`. 1. Press **Save** on the *Script name* input box.
NppExec Script
1. Go to *Plugins → NppExec → Advanced Options ...* 1. In the *Associated Script* dropdown, select the `boxes nuke 80` script entry created previously, then press **Add/Modify** to add it to the list of *Menu items*. 1. Optionally select *Place to the Macros submenu*, if you want an entry for this in the *Macros* menu. 1. Press **OK**, and if asked, restart Notepad++.
NppExec Advanced Options
1. Go to *Macro → Modify Shortcut/Delete Macro...* to call up the Shortcut mapper. 1. Select the *Plugin commands* tab, and type `boxes` into the filter line at the bottom of the dialog window. 1. Choose our `boxes nuke 80` entry and press **Modify**:
Shortcut mapper
1. Assign a shortcut key, for example Ctrl+Shift+B. 1. Make sure that the Shortcut mapper reports `No shortcut conflicts for this item` in the status area. That's it, finally! Now you can select any piece of text in the Notepad++ editor and draw the `nuke 80` box around it by pressing your assigned shortcut: _ ._ _ , _ ._ (_ ' ( ` )_ .__) ( ( ( ) `) ) _) (__ (_ (_ . _) _) ,__) `~~`\ ' . /`~~` ,::: ; ; :::, ':::::::::::::::' ___________________________jgs______/_ __ \___________________________________ | | | LOOK AT THAT! | |______________________________________________________________________________|