2018-10-05 12:43:51 +02:00

127 lines
3.8 KiB

" Vim syntax file
" Language: "boxes" configuration file
" Maintainer: Thomas Jensen <>
" Latest Change: September 12, 1999 (Sunday, 01:14h)
" Vim Version: 5.4
" Filenames: .boxes boxes-config boxes
" URL:
" Problems: - Strings must start and end with double quotes (") and the
" escape character is always backslash (\), which does not
" allow correct colorization of strings following a DELIM.
" + Region ends are matched inside contained strings
" SOLVED! Thanks Dr. Charles E. Campbell!
" Removes any old syntax stuff hanging around
syntax clear
" ignore case
syntax case ignore
" Set the keyword characters
set iskeyword=a-z,A-Z
" Key Words
syntax keyword boxesClassicKeywords contained author designer revision created revdate indent skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=boxesString
syntax keyword boxesBlocks contained elastic replace reverse padding shapes
syntax keyword boxesRegStuff contained with to once global
" Shape Names
syntax keyword boxesShapes contained nw nnw n nne ne ene e ese
syntax keyword boxesShapes contained se sse s ssw sw wsw w wnw
" Padding Areas
syntax keyword boxesPads contained a[ll] l[eft] r[ight] t top
syntax keyword boxesPads contained b[ottom] h[orizontal] v[ertical]
" Delimiter statement
syntax keyword boxesDelim contained delim delimiter skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=boxesDelSpec
" Error - this is matched when the others don't match
syntax match boxesError /\S/
" Main syntax definition part
syntax match boxesComma contained /,/
syntax match boxesBraces contained /[{}]/
syntax match boxesDelSpec contained /[^ \t\r]\+/
syntax match boxesWord contained /[a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜ][a-zA-Z0-9\-_üäöÜÄÖß]*/
syntax match boxesNumber contained /[-+]\=\d\+/
" a list, used inside shape blocks and for the elastic list
syntax region boxesList contained matchgroup=Normal start="(" end=")" contains=boxesString,boxesShapes,boxesComma,boxesError,boxesComment
" Strings
syntax region boxesString contained start=/"/ skip=/\\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/ oneline
" These items may appear inside a BOX..END block
syntax cluster boxesInside contains=boxesComment,boxesWord,boxesElasticList
syntax cluster boxesInside add=boxesError,boxesBlocks,boxesSample,boxesDelim
syntax cluster boxesInside add=boxesClassicKeywords,boxesShapeBlk,boxesPadBlock
syntax cluster boxesInside add=boxesRegStuff,boxesShapes,boxesList
syntax cluster boxesInside add=boxesString,boxesPads,boxesNumber,boxesBraces
" The main box design blocks BOX..END
syntax region boxesDesign matchgroup=boxesBoxStmt start="box" skip="ends" end="end" keepend contains=@boxesInside skipwhite skipempty nextgroup=boxesWord
" The SAMPLE block
syntax region boxesSample contained matchgroup=boxesBlocks start="sample" end=+^[ \t]*ends[ \t\r]*$+ keepend contains=NONE
" Comments may appear anywhere in the file
syntax match boxesComment /#.*$/
" Synchronisation
syntax sync clear
syntax sync match boxesSync grouphere boxesDesign "box"
" Highlighting
if !exists("did_boxes_syntax_inits")
let did_boxes_syntax_inits = 1
hi link boxesBoxStmt Define
hi link boxesNumber Number
hi link boxesString String
hi link boxesDelSpec boxesString
hi link boxesComment Comment
hi link boxesError Error
hi link boxesClassicKeywords Keyword
hi link boxesBlocks Statement
hi link boxesDelim boxesBlocks
hi link boxesRegStuff Label
hi link boxesShapes Type
hi link boxesPads Type
hi clear boxesSample
hi clear boxesWord
hi clear boxesBraces
hi clear boxesComma
" The current buffer now uses "boxes" syntax highlighting
let b:current_syntax = "boxes"
"EOF vim: sw=4