Thomas Jensen 5c957f0350 Removed all occurrences of OFFSET specs (obsolete).
Added some new designs
Added some test/debugging designs
1999-04-09 13:28:13 +00:00

1151 lines
29 KiB

# File: boxes-config
# Date created: March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:02h)
# Author: Thomas Jensen
# Version: $Id: boxes-config,v 1.2 1999/03/30 15:36:03 tsjensen Exp tsjensen $
# Format: ASCII Text
# World Wide Web:
# Purpose: Example configuration file for the boxes program
# Remarks: ---
# Revision History:
# $Log: boxes-config,v $
# Revision 1.2 1999/03/30 15:36:03 tsjensen
# Added some more designs
# Incorporated some changes to the still evolving format
# Revision 1.1 1999/03/18 15:08:57 tsjensen
# Initial revision
BOX parchment
author "Test Person <>"
created "March 12, 1999 (Friday, 17:05h)"
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 12, 1999 (Friday, 17:05h)"
#escaped "aaa\"bbb\\\"ccc#" # der String aaa"bbb\"ccc#
#escaped2 "aaa\\"bbb" # unterminated
sample {
/\\ \\
\\_| |
| |
| |
| ____________________|_
} # double all backslashes in sample
shapes {
nw (" __")
nnw ()
wnw ("/\\ ", "\\_|")
w (" |")
n ("_")
ne (" ")
ene ("\\ ")
e ("| ")
se ("|_ ","__/")
s ("_","_")
ssw (" ", "\\_/")
sw (" |"," ")
ese ()
elastic (n,e,s,w)
END parchment
# ============================================================================
BOX columns2
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 29, 1999 (Monday, 18:19h)"
created "March 29, 1999 (Monday, 18:19h)"
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
sample {
__^__ __^__
( ___ )---------------( ___ )
| / | | \\ |
| / | | \\ |
/| / |\\ /| \\ |\\
\\| / |/ \\| \\ |/
| / | | \\ |
|___| |___|
shapes {
nw (" __^__ ", "( ___ )")
nnw (" ","-")
ne (" __^__ ", "( ___ )")
ene (" | \\ | ")
e ("/| \\ |\\", "\\| \\ |/")
ese (" | \\ | ")
wnw (" | / | ")
w ("/| / |\\", "\\| / |/")
wsw (" | / | ")
sw (" |___| ", "(_____)")
s (" ","-")
se (" |___| ","(_____)")
elastic (nnw, ene, ese, wsw, wnw, s)
END columns2
# ============================================================================
BOX columns
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 15:27h)"
created "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 15:27h)"
sample {
__^__ __^__
( ___ )---------------( ___ )
| / | | \\ |
| / | | \\ |
| / | | \\ |
|___| |___|
shapes {
nw (" __^__ ", "( ___ )")
nnw (" ","-")
ne (" __^__ ", "( ___ )")
e (" | / | ")
w (" | \\ | ")
wsw (" |___| ")
ese (" |___| ")
sw ("(_____)")
s ("-")
se ("(_____)")
elastic (nnw, e, w, s)
END columns
# ============================================================================
BOX whirly
created "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 15:40h)"
revdate "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 15:40h)"
revision "1.0"
sample {
( )
) (
( )
shapes {
nw (" .")
wnw ("( ")
w (" )", "( ")
sw (" \"")
n ("+\"+.")
ne (". ")
ene (" )")
e ("( ", " )")
s ("+.+\"")
nne ("+\"+")
sse ("+.+")
se ("\" ")
elastic (n, w, s, e)
END whirly
# ============================================================================
BOX scroll
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:04h)"
created "March 17, 1999 (Wednesday, 17:04h)"
sample {
/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\
| / ~ \\ / ~ \\ |
|\\ \\ | | / /|
| \\ /| |\\ / |
| ~~ | | ~~ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
\\ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| /
\\ / \\ /
~~ ~~
shapes {
nw (" / ~~~~~~~")
n ("~")
ne ("~~~~~~~ \\ ")
ene (" / ~ \\ |", "| / /|", "|\\ / |", "| ~~ |")
wnw ("| / ~ \\ ", "|\\ \\ |", "| \\ /|", "| ~~ |")
e ("| |")
se ("| / ", " \\ / ", " ~~ ")
s ("~"," "," ")
sw (" \\ |", " \\ / ", " ~~ ")
w ("| |")
eLAStic (n, s, e, w)
END scroll
# ============================================================================
BOX simple
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:24h)"
created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:24h)"
sample {
* *
* *
shapes { nw ("*") ne ("*") sw ("*") se ("*")
n ("*") e ("*") s ("*") w ("*")
elastic (n,e,s,W)
END simple
# ============================================================================
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:25h)"
created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:25h)"
sample {
/* */
/* */
shapes {
nw ("/*") n ("*") ne ("*/")
w ("/*") e ("*/")
sw ("/*") s ("*") se ("*/")
replace "\\*/" with "\\\\*\\\\/" # quote closing comment tags
elastic (n,e,s,w)
# ============================================================================
BOX html
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:26h)"
created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:26h)"
sample {
<!-- ------------------- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ------------------- -->
shapes {
nw ("<!-- ") n ("-") ne (" -->")
w ("<!-- ") e (" -->")
sw ("<!-- ") s ("-") se (" -->")
elastic (n,e,s,w)
END html
# ============================================================================
BOX shell
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:27h)"
created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:27h)"
sample {
# #
# #
shapes {
nw ("#") n ("#")
se ("#") e ("#")
sw ("#") s ("#")
ne ("#") w ("#")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END shell
# ============================================================================
BOX nuke
author "Joan G. Stark <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 15:55h)"
created "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 15:55h)"
sample {
_ ._ _ , _ ._
(_ ' ( ` )_ .__)
( ( ( ) `) ) _)
(__ (_ (_ . _) _) ,__)
`~~`\\ ' . /`~~`
,::: ; ; :::,
_________________jgs______/_ __ \\________________________
| |
| BAD, BAD, BUG HERE :-) |
shapes {
nw (" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","|")
ne (" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","|")
nnw (" "," "," "," "," "," "," ","_"," ")
nne (" "," "," "," "," "," "," ","_"," ")
n (" _ ._ _ , _ ._ ",
" (_ ' ( ` )_ .__) ",
" ( ( ( ) `) ) _) ",
" (__ (_ (_ . _) _) ,__)",
" `~~`\\ ' . /`~~` ",
" ,::: ; ; :::, ",
" ':::::::::::::::' ",
"jgs______/_ __ \\_________",
" ")
w ("|") e ("|")
sw ("|") s ("_") se ("|")
elastic (nne,nnw, s, e, w)
END nuke
# ============================================================================
BOX diamonds
author "Joan G. Stark <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 15:59h)"
created "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 15:59h)"
sample {
/\\ /\\ /\\ /\\
/\\//\\\\/\\ /\\//\\\\/\\ /\\//\\\\/\\ /\\//\\\\/\\
\\\\//\\/ \\/\\\\//
\\/ joan stark \\/
/\\ /\\
//\\\\/\\ /\\//\\\\
\\/\\\\//\\/ \\/\\\\//\\/ \\/\\\\//\\/ \\/\\\\//\\/
\\/ \\/ \\/ \\/
shapes {
nw (" ", " /\\", " /\\//\\", "//\\\\\\/")
nnw (" /\\ ", "//\\\\/\\ ", "\\\\///\\\\/", "/\\/\\\\///")
n (" /\\ ", " /\\//\\\\/\\ ", "\\//\\\\\\///\\\\/",
nne (" /\\ ", " /\\//\\\\", "\\//\\\\\\//", "\\\\\\//\\/\\")
ne (" ", "/\\ ", "/\\\\/\\ ", "\\///\\\\")
ene ("\\/\\\\//", " \\/ ")
e (" /\\ ", " //\\\\", " \\\\//", " \\/ ")
ese (" /\\ ", "/\\//\\\\")
wnw ("\\\\//\\/", " \\/ ")
w (" /\\ ", "//\\\\ ", "\\\\// ", " \\/ ")
wsw (" /\\ ", "//\\\\/\\")
sw ("\\\\///\\", " \\/\\\\/", " \\/", " ")
ssw ("\\/\\//\\\\\\", "//\\\\\\//\\", "\\\\//\\/ ", " \\/ ")
s ("///\\\\/\\//\\\\\\", "/\\\\///\\\\\\//\\", " \\/\\\\//\\/ ",
" \\/ ")
sse ("///\\\\/\\/", "/\\\\///\\\\", " \\/\\\\//", " \\/ ")
se ("/\\\\\\//", "\\//\\/ ", "\\/ ", " ")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END diamonds
# ============================================================================
BOX mouse
author "Joan G. Stark <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:27h)"
created "March 18, 1999 (Thursday, 15:27h)"
sample {
.--, .--,
( ( \\.---./ ) )
'.__/o o\\__.'
\{= ^ =\}
> - <
/ \\
\\ o joan stark O /
/ \\
\\ ascii art gallery /
/ \\
___)( )(___
(((__) (__)))
shapes {
nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ")
nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ")
ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\")
nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "/")
sw ("\\", " ", " ")
se ("/", " ", " ")
e ("/","\\")
w ("\\","/")
n (" .--, .--, ",
"( ( \\.---./ ) )",
" '.__/o o\\__.' ",
" \{= ^ =\} ",
" > - < ",
" ")
s ("_____________",
" ___)( )(___ ",
"(((__) (__)))")
ssw ("_"," "," ")
sse ("_"," "," ")
elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w)
END mouse
# ============================================================================
BOX sunset
author "Joan G. Stark <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 17:10h)"
created "March 30, 1999 (Tuesday, 17:10h)"
sample {
. | .
\\ | /
'. \\ ' / .'
'. .'```'. .'
<>: ., .., . . . . . . . . . . joan stark :<>
<>: :, :.' : : :`.: :.' `: `: `: `: spunk1111 :<>
<>: ,.; : `.' : `: : `. : : : : :<>
~you can't hurt your eyesight by looking on the bright side~
~but you can hurt them by looking at bad ascii art!~
shapes {
e (":<>")
w ("<>:")
sw ("<>:", "<><")
se (":<>", "><>")
s ("..", "><")
nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "<>.")
ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".<>")
nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".")
nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ".")
n (" . ",
" . | . ",
" \\ | / ",
" '. \\ ' / .' ",
" '. .'```'. .' ",
elastic (nne,nnw, s, e, w)
END sunset
# ============================================================================
BOX boy
author "Joan G. Stark <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 15:02h)"
created "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 15:02h)"
sample {
/ .===. \\
\\/ 6 6 \\/
( \\___/ )
/ \\
| joan stark |
| |
\\_______________________ooo_________/ jgs
| | |
|_ | _|
| | |
(__/ \\__)
shapes {
e (" |")
w ("| ")
sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ")
se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ")
ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ")
sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ")
nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " /")
nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ")
nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ")
ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\ ")
n (" .-\"\"\"-. ",
" / .===. \\ ",
" \\/ 6 6 \\/ ",
" ( \\___/ ) ",
" ")
s ("______________ooo",
" | | | ",
" |_ | _| ",
" | | | ",
" |__|__| ",
" /-'Y'-\\ ",
" (__/ \\__) ")
#elastic (n,s,e, w) # then I'd have to call this "boys"
elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w)
END boy
# ============================================================================
BOX girl
author "Joan G. Stark <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 19:13h)"
created "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 19:13h)"
sample {
/ .===. \\
/ / a a \\ \\
/ ( \\___/ ) \\
/ \\
| joan stark |
| |
\\________________________ooo________/ jgs
/ \\
| | |
(__/ \\__)
shapes {
n (" .-\"\"\"-. ",
" / .===. \\ ",
" / / a a \\ \\ ",
" / ( \\___/ ) \\ ",
" ")
s ("________________ooo",
" / \\ ",
" /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\\ ",
" | | | ",
" \\==|==/ ",
" /-'Y'-\\ ",
" (__/ \\__) ")
e (" |")
w ("| ")
sw (" \\", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ")
se ("/ ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ")
ssw ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ")
sse ("_", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ")
nw (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " /")
nnw (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ")
nne (" ", " ", " ", " ", "_", " ")
ne (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "\\ ")
elastic (nne,nnw, sse,ssw, e, w)
END girl
# ============================================================================
BOX tjc
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 19:26h)"
created "April 02, 1999 (Friday, 19:26h)"
SAMple {
static size_t expand_tabs_into (const char *input_buffer, const int in_len,
const int tabstop, char **text)
* Expand tab chars in input_buffer and store result in text.
* input_buffer Line of text with tab chars
* in_len length of the string in input_buffer
* tabstop tab stop distance
* text address of the pointer that will take the result
* Memory will be allocated for the result.
* Should only be called for lines of length > 0;
* RETURNS: Success: Length of the result line in characters (> 0)
* Error: 0 (e.g. out of memory)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
static char temp ....
int ii; ....
indent "none" # alternatives: "box", "text"
shapes {
w (" * ")
sw (" * ", "* * ", " */ ")
nw ("/* ")
s (" ", "* ", " ")
se (" ", "*", " ")
ne (" ")
n (" ")
e (" ")
elastic (n, e, s, w)
END tjc
# ============================================================================
# #@&%O:
# #@&%
# #@
# O:#@
# &%O:#@
# @&%O:#
# #@&%O:
# #@&%
# #@
# O:#@
# &%O:#@
# @&%o:#
# #@&%O:
# #@&%
# #@
# O:#@
# &%O:#@
# @&%o:#
# #@&%O:
# #@&%
# #@
# O:#@
# &%O:#@
# jgs @&%O:#
# -=[ designs ]=- 4/97
# \ \/\ \/ /
# \/ /\/ /
# / /\/ /\
# / /\ \/\ \
# / / /\ \ \ \
# ( ( ( () ) ) )
# \ \ \ \/ / /
# \ \/\ \/ /
# \/ /\/ /
# / /\/ /\
# / /\ \/\ \
# / / /\ \ \ \
# ( ( ( () ) ) )
# \ \ \ \/ / /
# \ \/\ \/ /
# \/ /\/ /
# / /\/ /\
# / /\ \/\ \
# / / /\ \ \ \
# ( ( ( () ) ) )
# \ \ \ \/ / /
# \ \/\ \/ /
# \/ /\/ /
# / /\/ /\
# / /\ \/\ \
# \/ /
# / /\
# / /\ \
# ( ( ) )
# \ \/ /
# \/ /
# / /\
# / /\ \
# ( ( ) )
# \ \/ /
# \/ /
# / /\
# / /\ \
# ( ( ) )
# \ \/ /
# \/ /
# / /\
# / /\ \
# ( ( ) )
# \ \/ /
# \/ /
# <\/><\/><\/>
# <\/></\></\></\><\/>
# </\> </\>
# <\/> <\/>
# </\> </\>
# <\/> <\/>
# </\> </\>
# <\/> <\/>
# </\> </\>
# <\/> <\/>
# </\><\/><\/><\/></\>
# jgs </\></\></\>
# .-"```"-.
# /_______; \
# (_________)\|
# / / a a \ \(_)
# / ( \___/ ) \
# ________ooo\__\_____/__/___________
# / \
# | joan stark |
# | |
# jgs \________________________ooo________/
# / \
# /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\
# | | |
# \==|==/
# /-'Y'-\
# (__/ \__)
# --
# .-"``"-.
# /______; \
# {_______}\|
# (/ a a \)(_)
# (.-.).-.)
# _______ooo__( ^ )____________
# / '-.___.-' \
# | joan stark |
# | |
# | |
# jgs \________________________ooo________/
# |_ | _|
# \___|___/
# {___|___}
# |_ | _|
# /-'Y'-\
# (__/ \__)
# /\ /\
# |`\\_,--="=--,_//`|
# \ ." :'. .': ". /
# ==) _ : ' : _ (==
# |>/O\ _ /O\<|
# | \-"~` _ `~"-/ |
# >|`===. \_/ .===`|<
# jgs .-"-. \===' | '===/ .-"-.
# .-----{'. '`}---\, .-'-. ,/---{.'. '}-----.
# ) `"---"` `~-===-~` `"---"` (
# ( joan stark )
# ) < > (
# ) < > (
# '-------------------------------------------'
# __ _,--="=--,_ __
# / \." .-. "./ \
# / ,/ _ : : _ \/` \
# \ `| /o\ :_: /o\ |\__/
# `-'| :="~` _ `~"=: |
# \` (_) `/
# jgs .-"-. \ | / .-"-.
# .-----{ }--| /,.-'-.,\ |--{ }-----.
# ) (_)_)_) \_/`~-===-~`\_/ (_(_(_) (
# ( joan stark )
# ) < > (
# ) < > (
# '-------------------------------------------'
# ,
# /\^/`\ __ \/ __
# | \/ | /o \{}/ o\
# | | | \ () / SPRING IS IN THE AIR!
# \ \ / `> /\ <` _ _
# '\\//' (o/\/\o) _{ ' }_
# || ) ( joan stark { `.!.` }
# || <> ',_/Y\_,'
# || , {_,_}
# |\ || |\ |
# | | || | | ASCII ART GALLERY: (\| /)
# | | || / / <> \| //
# \ \||/ / |//
# jgs `\\//` \\ \./ \\ / // \\./ \\ // \\ |/ /
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# ============================================================================
BOX stark2
author "Joan G. Stark <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "April 05, 1999 (Monday, 21:55h)"
created "April 05, 1999 (Monday, 21:55h)"
sample {
.:-@ ____ (_, _, _, _, _, @-:.
.:-@ (-(__`,_ ,_ |_, | | | | @-:.
.:-@ ____)|_)|_|| || \__, _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ @-:.
.:-@ ( _| |_, @-:.
.:-@ ( ____, ____ (_, @-:.
.:-@ (-| _ _ ,_ (-(__`_|_ _ ,_ |_, @-:.
.:-@ _ |(_)(_|| | ____) | (_|| | \_, @-:.
.:-@ (__/ ( |_, @-:.
.:-@ @-:.
shapes {
nw (".:-@", ".:-@")
n (".:-@", ".:-@")
nne (".:-", ".:-")
ne ("@-:.", "@-:.")
e ("@-:.")
w (".:-@")
sw (".:-@", ".:-@")
s (".:-@", ".:-@")
sse (".:-", ".:-")
se ("@-:.", "@-:.")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END stark2
# ============================================================================
BOX stark1
author "Joan G. Stark <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "April 05, 1999 (Monday, 21:55h)"
created "April 05, 1999 (Monday, 21:55h)"
sample {
^ -, ,-. . . ^
^ | ,-. ,-. ;-. `-, |- ,-. ;-. | ' ^
^ , | | | ,-| | | , ; | ,-| | |`. ^
^ `-' `-' `-^ ' ^ `-' `- `-^ ' ` ` ^
^ ^
^ ,-. . . . . . ^
^ `-, ;-. . . ;-. | ' | | | | ^
^ , ; | | | | | | |`. | | | | ^
^ `-' |-' `-^ ' ^ ` ` ` ` ` ` ^
^ ` ^
shapes {
nw ("=") ne ("=") nne ("-") N ("-=")
e ("^") w ("^")
sw ("=") ssw ("-") s ("=-") se ("=")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END stark1
# ============================================================================
BOX test1
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
sample { test1 }
shapes {
nw ("#")
n ("123")
s ("12345")
se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") w ("#")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END test1
# ============================================================================
BOX test2
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
sample { test2 }
shapes {
nw ("#")
nnw ("--") sse ("---")
n ("123")
s ("12345")
se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") w ("#")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END test2
# ============================================================================
BOX test3
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
sample { test3 }
shapes {
nnw ("123")
nne ("456")
n ("---")
s ("<>")
ssw ("12345")
sse ("67890")
nw ("#") se ("#") e ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#") w ("#")
elastic (nne,nnw,ssw,sse,e, w)
END test3
# ============================================================================
BOX test4
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
sample { test4 }
shapes {
e ("1","2","3")
w ("1","2","3","4","5")
s ("#") n ("#") nw ("#") se ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END test4
# ============================================================================
BOX test5
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
sample { test5 }
shapes {
e ("1","2","3")
w ("1","2","3","4","5")
ene ("|","|")
wsw ("|","|","|")
s ("#") n ("#") nw ("#") se ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#")
elastic (n,s,e, w)
END test5
# ============================================================================
BOX test6
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
sample { test6 }
shapes {
ene ("1","2","3")
ese ("4","5","6")
wnw ("1","2","3","4","5")
wsw ("6","7","8","9","0")
e ("|","|")
w ("|","|","|")
s ("#") n ("#-") nw ("#") se ("#") sw ("#") ne ("#")
elastic (ene,ese,wnw,wsw,n,s)
END test6
# ============================================================================
BOX retest
author "Thomas Jensen <>"
revision "1.0"
revdate "April 04, 1999 (Sunday, 18:00h)"
created "April 04, 1999 (Sunday, 18:00h)"
sample {
regular expression test
use "foo", "bar", and "--" repeatedly in input
shapes { nw ("*") ne ("*") sw ("*") se ("*")
n ("*") e ("*") s ("*") w ("*")
elastic (n,e,s,W)
replace once "bar" with "raba-raba"
replace global "f(o)o" with "fu\\1\\1\\1\\1\\1\\1"
replace "--" with "++++"
END retest
#EOF vim: set ai sw=4: