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synced 2025-03-14 23:08:20 +01:00
Now added the ability to import and export js and json values. changes made in item schema. (#2296)
* Now added the ability to import and export js values. changes made in item schema. * Improvements upon review * Fixes. * refactor: removed the copyRequest function and wrote the logic directly inside the copyItems function. * refactor: Update getBrunoJsonConfig function to remove unnecessary parameter * refactor: Update getBrunoJsonConfig function to remove unnecessary parameter and handle auth object dynamically * refactor: Update OAuth2 grantType handling in transformCollectionToSaveToExportAsFile function * refactor: Update getBrunoJsonConfig function to remove unnecessary async
This commit is contained in:
@ -267,6 +267,10 @@ export const transformCollectionToSaveToExportAsFile = (collection, options = {}
const copyItems = (sourceItems, destItems) => {
each(sourceItems, (si) => {
if (!isItemAFolder(si) && !isItemARequest(si) && si.type !== 'js') {
const di = {
uid: si.uid,
type: si.type,
@ -274,80 +278,109 @@ export const transformCollectionToSaveToExportAsFile = (collection, options = {}
seq: si.seq
// if items is draft, then take data from draft to save
// The condition "!options.ignoreDraft" may appear confusing
// When saving a collection, this option allows the caller to specify to ignore any draft changes while still saving rest of the collection.
// This is useful for performing rename request/collections while still leaving changes in draft not making its way into the indexeddb
if (si.draft && !options.ignoreDraft) {
if (si.draft.request) {
di.request = {
url: si.draft.request.url,
method: si.draft.request.method,
headers: copyHeaders(si.draft.request.headers),
params: copyQueryParams(si.draft.request.params),
body: {
mode: si.draft.request.body.mode,
json: si.draft.request.body.json,
text: si.draft.request.body.text,
xml: si.draft.request.body.xml,
graphql: si.draft.request.body.graphql,
sparql: si.draft.request.body.sparql,
formUrlEncoded: copyFormUrlEncodedParams(si.draft.request.body.formUrlEncoded),
multipartForm: copyMultipartFormParams(si.draft.request.body.multipartForm)
auth: {
mode: get(si.draft.request, 'auth.mode', 'none'),
basic: {
username: get(si.draft.request, 'auth.basic.username', ''),
password: get(si.draft.request, 'auth.basic.password', '')
bearer: {
token: get(si.draft.request, 'auth.bearer.token', '')
script: si.draft.request.script,
vars: si.draft.request.vars,
assertions: si.draft.request.assertions,
tests: si.draft.request.tests
} else {
if (si.request) {
di.request = {
url: si.request.url,
method: si.request.method,
headers: copyHeaders(si.request.headers),
params: copyQueryParams(si.request.params),
body: {
mode: si.request.body.mode,
json: si.request.body.json,
text: si.request.body.text,
xml: si.request.body.xml,
graphql: si.request.body.graphql,
sparql: si.request.body.sparql,
formUrlEncoded: copyFormUrlEncodedParams(si.request.body.formUrlEncoded),
multipartForm: copyMultipartFormParams(si.request.body.multipartForm)
auth: {
mode: get(si.request, 'auth.mode', 'none'),
basic: {
username: get(si.request, 'auth.basic.username', ''),
password: get(si.request, 'auth.basic.password', '')
bearer: {
token: get(si.request, 'auth.bearer.token', '')
script: si.request.script,
vars: si.request.vars,
assertions: si.request.assertions,
tests: si.request.tests
if (si.request) {
di.request = {
url: si.request.url,
method: si.request.method,
headers: copyHeaders(si.request.headers),
params: copyQueryParams(si.request.params),
body: {
mode: si.request.body.mode,
json: si.request.body.json,
text: si.request.body.text,
xml: si.request.body.xml,
graphql: si.request.body.graphql,
sparql: si.request.body.sparql,
formUrlEncoded: copyFormUrlEncodedParams(si.request.body.formUrlEncoded),
multipartForm: copyMultipartFormParams(si.request.body.multipartForm)
script: si.request.script,
vars: si.request.vars,
assertions: si.request.assertions,
tests: si.request.tests
if (di.request && di.request.body.mode === 'json') {
di.request.body.json = replaceTabsWithSpaces(di.request.body.json);
// Handle auth object dynamically
di.request.auth = {
mode: get(si.request, 'auth.mode', 'none')
switch (di.request.auth.mode) {
case 'awsv4':
di.request.auth.awsv4 = {
accessKeyId: get(si.request, 'auth.awsv4.accessKeyId', ''),
secretAccessKey: get(si.request, 'auth.awsv4.secretAccessKey', ''),
sessionToken: get(si.request, 'auth.awsv4.sessionToken', ''),
service: get(si.request, 'auth.awsv4.service', ''),
region: get(si.request, 'auth.awsv4.region', ''),
profileName: get(si.request, 'auth.awsv4.profileName', '')
case 'basic':
di.request.auth.basic = {
username: get(si.request, 'auth.basic.username', ''),
password: get(si.request, 'auth.basic.password', '')
case 'bearer':
di.request.auth.bearer = {
token: get(si.request, 'auth.bearer.token', '')
case 'digest':
di.request.auth.digest = {
username: get(si.request, 'auth.digest.username', ''),
password: get(si.request, 'auth.digest.password', '')
case 'oauth2':
let grantType = get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.grantType', '');
switch (grantType) {
case 'password':
di.request.auth.oauth2 = {
grantType: grantType,
accessTokenUrl: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.accessTokenUrl', ''),
username: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.username', ''),
password: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.password', ''),
clientId: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.clientId', ''),
clientSecret: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.clientSecret', ''),
scope: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.scope', '')
case 'authorization_code':
di.request.auth.oauth2 = {
grantType: grantType,
callbackUrl: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.callbackUrl', ''),
authorizationUrl: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.authorizationUrl', ''),
accessTokenUrl: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.accessTokenUrl', ''),
clientId: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.clientId', ''),
clientSecret: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.clientSecret', ''),
scope: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.scope', ''),
pkce: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.pkce', false)
case 'client_credentials':
di.request.auth.oauth2 = {
grantType: grantType,
accessTokenUrl: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.accessTokenUrl', ''),
clientId: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.clientId', ''),
clientSecret: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.clientSecret', ''),
scope: get(si.request, 'auth.oauth2.scope', '')
if (si.type === 'js') {
di.fileContent = si.raw;
if (di.request.body.mode === 'json') {
di.request.body.json = replaceTabsWithSpaces(di.request.body.json);
@ -369,8 +402,14 @@ export const transformCollectionToSaveToExportAsFile = (collection, options = {}
collectionToSave.activeEnvironmentUid = collection.activeEnvironmentUid;
collectionToSave.environments = collection.environments || [];
copyItems(collection.items, collectionToSave.items);
collectionToSave.brunoConfig = cloneDeep(collection?.brunoConfig);
// delete proxy password if present
if (collectionToSave?.brunoConfig?.proxy?.auth?.password) {
delete collectionToSave.brunoConfig.proxy.auth.password;
copyItems(collection.items, collectionToSave.items);
return collectionToSave;
@ -428,6 +428,11 @@ const registerRendererEventHandlers = (mainWindow, watcher, lastOpenedCollection
parseCollectionItems(item.items, folderPath);
// Handle items of type 'js'
if (item.type === 'js') {
const filePath = path.join(currentPath, `${item.name}.js`);
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, item.raw);
@ -444,17 +449,29 @@ const registerRendererEventHandlers = (mainWindow, watcher, lastOpenedCollection
const getBrunoJsonConfig = (collection) => {
let brunoConfig = collection.brunoConfig;
if (!brunoConfig) {
brunoConfig = {
version: '1',
name: collection.name,
type: 'collection',
ignore: ['node_modules', '.git']
return brunoConfig;
await createDirectory(collectionPath);
const uid = generateUidBasedOnHash(collectionPath);
const brunoConfig = {
version: '1',
name: collectionName,
type: 'collection',
ignore: ['node_modules', '.git']
const content = await stringifyJson(brunoConfig);
await writeFile(path.join(collectionPath, 'bruno.json'), content);
const brunoConfig = getBrunoJsonConfig(collection);
const stringifiedBrunoConfig = await stringifyJson(brunoConfig);
// Write the Bruno configuration to a file
await writeFile(path.join(collectionPath, 'bruno.json'), stringifiedBrunoConfig);
mainWindow.webContents.send('main:collection-opened', collectionPath, uid, brunoConfig);
ipcMain.emit('main:collection-opened', mainWindow, collectionPath, uid, brunoConfig);
@ -217,13 +217,21 @@ const requestSchema = Yup.object({
const itemSchema = Yup.object({
uid: uidSchema,
type: Yup.string().oneOf(['http-request', 'graphql-request', 'folder']).required('type is required'),
type: Yup.string().oneOf(['http-request', 'graphql-request', 'folder', 'js']).required('type is required'),
seq: Yup.number().min(1),
name: Yup.string().min(1, 'name must be at least 1 character').required('name is required'),
request: requestSchema.when('type', {
is: (type) => ['http-request', 'graphql-request'].includes(type),
then: (schema) => schema.required('request is required when item-type is request')
fileContent: Yup.string().when('type', {
// If the type is 'js', the fileContent field is expected to be a string.
// This can include an empty string, indicating that the JS file may not have any content.
is: 'js',
then: Yup.string(),
// For all other types, the fileContent field is not required and can be null.
otherwise: Yup.string().nullable()
items: Yup.lazy(() => Yup.array().of(itemSchema)),
filename: Yup.string().nullable(),
pathname: Yup.string().nullable()
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