const { flattenDataForDotNotation } = require('../../src/utils/common'); describe('utils: flattenDataForDotNotation', () => { test('Flatten a simple object with dot notation', () => { const input = { person: { name: 'John', age: 30, }, }; const expectedOutput = { '': 'John', 'person.age': 30, }; expect(flattenDataForDotNotation(input)).toEqual(expectedOutput); }); test('Flatten an object with nested arrays', () => { const input = { users: [ { name: 'Alice', age: 25 }, { name: 'Bob', age: 28 }, ], }; const expectedOutput = { 'users[0].name': 'Alice', 'users[0].age': 25, 'users[1].name': 'Bob', 'users[1].age': 28, }; expect(flattenDataForDotNotation(input)).toEqual(expectedOutput); }); test('Flatten an empty object', () => { const input = {}; const expectedOutput = {}; expect(flattenDataForDotNotation(input)).toEqual(expectedOutput); }); test('Flatten an object with nested objects', () => { const input = { person: { name: 'Alice', address: { city: 'New York', zipcode: '10001', }, }, }; const expectedOutput = { '': 'Alice', '': 'New York', 'person.address.zipcode': '10001', }; expect(flattenDataForDotNotation(input)).toEqual(expectedOutput); }); test('Flatten an object with arrays of objects', () => { const input = { teams: [ { name: 'Team A', members: ['Alice', 'Bob'] }, { name: 'Team B', members: ['Charlie', 'David'] }, ], }; const expectedOutput = { 'teams[0].name': 'Team A', 'teams[0].members[0]': 'Alice', 'teams[0].members[1]': 'Bob', 'teams[1].name': 'Team B', 'teams[1].members[0]': 'Charlie', 'teams[1].members[1]': 'David', }; expect(flattenDataForDotNotation(input)).toEqual(expectedOutput); }); });