const { describe, it, expect } = require('@jest/globals'); const TestRuntime = require('../src/runtime/test-runtime'); const ScriptRuntime = require('../src/runtime/script-runtime'); describe('runtime', () => { describe('test-runtime', () => { const baseRequest = { method: 'GET', url: 'http://localhost:3000/', headers: {}, data: undefined }; const baseResponse = { status: 200, statusText: 'OK', data: [ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 } ] }; it('should wait async tests', async () => { const testFile = ` await test('async test', ()=> { return new Promise((resolve)=> { setTimeout(()=> {resolve()},200) }) }) `; const runtime = new TestRuntime(); const result = await runtime.runTests( testFile, { ...baseRequest }, { ...baseResponse }, {}, {}, '.', null, process.env ); expect( => ({ description: el.description, status: el.status }))).toEqual([ { description: 'async test', status: 'pass' } ]); }); it('should have ajv and ajv-formats dependencies available', async () => { const testFile = ` const Ajv = require('ajv'); const addFormats = require("ajv-formats"); const ajv = new Ajv(); addFormats(ajv); const schema = { type: 'string', format: 'date-time' }; const validate = ajv.compile(schema) test('format valid', () => { const valid = validate(new Date().toISOString()) expect(valid); }) `; const runtime = new TestRuntime(); const result = await runtime.runTests( testFile, { ...baseRequest }, { ...baseResponse }, {}, {}, '.', null, process.env ); expect( => ({ description: el.description, status: el.status }))).toEqual([ { description: 'format valid', status: 'pass' } ]); }); }); describe('script-runtime', () => { describe('run-request-script', () => { const baseRequest = { method: 'GET', url: 'http://localhost:3000/', headers: {}, data: undefined }; it('should have ajv and ajv-formats dependencies available', async () => { const script = ` const Ajv = require('ajv'); const addFormats = require("ajv-formats"); const ajv = new Ajv(); addFormats(ajv); const schema = { type: 'string', format: 'date-time' }; const validate = ajv.compile(schema) bru.setVar('validation', validate(new Date().toISOString())) `; const runtime = new ScriptRuntime(); const result = await runtime.runRequestScript(script, { ...baseRequest }, {}, {}, '.', null, process.env); expect(result.collectionVariables.validation).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('run-response-script', () => { const baseRequest = { method: 'GET', url: 'http://localhost:3000/', headers: {}, data: undefined }; const baseResponse = { status: 200, statusText: 'OK', data: [ { id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 } ] }; it('should have ajv and ajv-formats dependencies available', async () => { const script = ` const Ajv = require('ajv'); const addFormats = require("ajv-formats"); const ajv = new Ajv(); addFormats(ajv); const schema = { type: 'string', format: 'date-time' }; const validate = ajv.compile(schema) bru.setVar('validation', validate(new Date().toISOString())) `; const runtime = new ScriptRuntime(); const result = await runtime.runResponseScript( script, { ...baseRequest }, { ...baseResponse }, {}, {}, '.', null, process.env ); expect(result.collectionVariables.validation).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); });