const path = require('path'); const isDev = require('electron-is-dev'); const { format } = require('url'); const { BrowserWindow, app, Menu, ipcMain } = require('electron'); const { setContentSecurityPolicy } = require('electron-util'); const menuTemplate = require('./app/menu-template'); const { openCollection } = require('./app/collections'); const LastOpenedCollections = require('./store/last-opened-collections'); const registerNetworkIpc = require('./ipc/network'); const registerCollectionsIpc = require('./ipc/collection'); const registerPreferencesIpc = require('./ipc/preferences'); const Watcher = require('./app/watcher'); const { loadWindowState, saveBounds, saveMaximized } = require('./utils/window'); const registerNotificationsIpc = require('./ipc/notifications'); const lastOpenedCollections = new LastOpenedCollections(); // Reference: const contentSecurityPolicy = [ "default-src 'self'", "script-src * 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'", "connect-src * 'unsafe-inline'", "font-src 'self' https:", // this has been commented out to make oauth2 work // "form-action 'none'", "img-src 'self' blob: data: https:", "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https:" ]; setContentSecurityPolicy(contentSecurityPolicy.join(';') + ';'); const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuTemplate); let mainWindow; let watcher; // Prepare the renderer once the app is ready app.on('ready', async () => { Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); const { maximized, x, y, width, height } = loadWindowState(); mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ x, y, width, height, minWidth: 1000, minHeight: 640, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, contextIsolation: true, preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'), webviewTag: true }, title: 'Bruno', icon: path.join(__dirname, 'about/256x256.png') // we will bring this back // see // autoHideMenuBar: true }); if (maximized) { mainWindow.maximize(); } const url = isDev ? 'http://localhost:3000' : format({ pathname: path.join(__dirname, '../web/index.html'), protocol: 'file:', slashes: true }); mainWindow.loadURL(url).catch((reason) => { console.error(`Error: Failed to load URL: "${url}" (Electron shows a blank screen because of this).`); console.error('Original message:', reason); if (isDev) { console.error( 'Could not connect to Next.Js dev server, is it running?' + ' Start the dev server using "npm run dev:web" and restart electron' ); } else { console.error( 'If you are using an official production build: the above error is most likely a bug! ' + ' Please report this under:' ); } }); watcher = new Watcher(); const handleBoundsChange = () => { if (!mainWindow.isMaximized()) { saveBounds(mainWindow); } }; mainWindow.on('resize', handleBoundsChange); mainWindow.on('move', handleBoundsChange); mainWindow.on('maximize', () => saveMaximized(true)); mainWindow.on('unmaximize', () => saveMaximized(false)); mainWindow.on('close', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); ipcMain.emit('main:start-quit-flow'); }); mainWindow.webContents.on('will-redirect', (event, url) => { event.preventDefault(); if (/^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)/.test(url)) { require('electron').shell.openExternal(url); } }); mainWindow.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler((details) => { require('electron').shell.openExternal(details.url); return { action: 'deny' }; }); // register all ipc handlers registerNetworkIpc(mainWindow); registerCollectionsIpc(mainWindow, watcher, lastOpenedCollections); registerPreferencesIpc(mainWindow, watcher, lastOpenedCollections); registerNotificationsIpc(mainWindow, watcher); }); // Quit the app once all windows are closed app.on('window-all-closed', app.quit); // Open collection from Recent menu (#1521) app.on('open-file', (event, path) => { openCollection(mainWindow, watcher, path); });