meta { name: Send Bulk SMS type: http seq: 1 } get { url: body: json auth: bearer } query { apiKey: secret numbers: 998877665 ~message: hello } headers { content-type: application/json Authorization: Bearer 123 ~transaction-id: {{transactionId}} } auth:awsv4 { accessKeyId: A12345678 secretAccessKey: thisisasecret sessionToken: thisisafakesessiontoken service: execute-api region: us-east-1 profileName: test_profile } auth:basic { username: john password: secret } auth:bearer { token: 123 } auth:digest { username: john password: secret } auth:oauth2 { grant_type: authorization_code callback_url: http://localhost:8080/api/auth/oauth2/ac/callback authorization_url: http://localhost:8080/api/auth/oauth2/ac/authorize access_token_url: http://localhost:8080/api/auth/oauth2/ac/token client_id: client_id_1 client_secret: client_secret_1 scope: read write } body:json { { "hello": "world" } } body:text { This is a text body } body:xml { John 30 } body:sparql { SELECT * WHERE { ?subject ?predicate ?object . } LIMIT 10 } body:form-urlencoded { apikey: secret numbers: +91998877665 ~message: hello } body:multipart-form { apikey: secret numbers: +91998877665 ~message: hello } body:graphql { { launchesPast { launch_site { site_name } launch_success } } } body:graphql:vars { { "limit": 5 } } vars:pre-request { departingDate: 2020-01-01 ~returningDate: 2020-01-02 } vars:post-response { token: $res.body.token @orderNumber: $res.body.orderNumber ~petId: $ ~@transactionId: $res.body.transactionId } assert { $res.status: 200 ~$res.body.message: success } script:pre-request { const foo = 'bar'; } tests { function onResponse(request, response) { expect(response.status).to.equal(200); } } docs { This request needs auth token to be set in the headers. }