name Send Bulk SMS method GET url type http-request body-mode json seq 1 params 1 apiKey secret 1 numbers 998877665 1 message hello /params headers 1 content-type application/json 1 accept-language en-US,en;q=0.9,hi;q=0.8 0 transaction-id {{transactionId}} /headers body(type=json) { "apikey": "secret", "numbers": "+91998877665" } /body body(type=graphql) { launchesPast { launch_success } } /body body(type=text) Hello, there. You must be from the past /body body(type=xml) back to the ice age /body body(type=form-urlencoded) 1 username john 0 password {{password}} /body body(type=multipart-form) 1 username nash 0 password governingdynamics /body script const foo='bar'; /script tests bruno.test('200 ok', () => {}); /tests