const _ = require('lodash'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const chokidar = require('chokidar'); const { hasJsonExtension, hasBruExtension, writeFile } = require('../utils/filesystem'); const { bruToJson, jsonToBru, bruToEnvJson, envJsonToBru, } = require('@usebruno/bruno-lang'); const { itemSchema } = require('@usebruno/schema'); const { generateUidBasedOnHash, uuid } = require('../utils/common'); const isJsonEnvironmentConfig = (pathname, collectionPath) => { const dirname = path.dirname(pathname); const basename = path.basename(pathname); return dirname === collectionPath && basename === 'environments.json'; }; const isBruEnvironmentConfig = (pathname, collectionPath) => { const dirname = path.dirname(pathname); const envDirectory = path.join(collectionPath, 'environments'); const basename = path.basename(pathname); return dirname === envDirectory && hasBruExtension(basename); }; const hydrateRequestWithUuid = (request, pathname) => { request.uid = generateUidBasedOnHash(pathname); const params = _.get(request, 'request.params', []); const headers = _.get(request, 'request.headers', []); const bodyFormUrlEncoded = _.get(request, 'request.body.formUrlEncoded', []); const bodyMultipartForm = _.get(request, 'request.body.multipartForm', []); params.forEach((param) => param.uid = uuid()); headers.forEach((header) => header.uid = uuid()); bodyFormUrlEncoded.forEach((param) => param.uid = uuid()); bodyMultipartForm.forEach((param) => param.uid = uuid()); return request; } const addEnvironmentFile = async (win, pathname, collectionUid) => { try { const basename = path.basename(pathname); const file = { meta: { collectionUid, pathname, name: basename }, }; const bruContent = fs.readFileSync(pathname, 'utf8'); = bruToEnvJson(bruContent); = basename.substring(0, basename.length - 4); = generateUidBasedOnHash(pathname); _.each(_.get(file, 'data.variables', []), (variable) => variable.uid = uuid()); win.webContents.send('main:collection-tree-updated', 'addEnvironmentFile', file); } catch (err) { console.error(err) } }; const changeEnvironmentFile = async (win, pathname, collectionUid) => { try { const basename = path.basename(pathname); const file = { meta: { collectionUid, pathname, name: basename } }; const bruContent = fs.readFileSync(pathname, 'utf8'); = bruToEnvJson(bruContent); = basename.substring(0, basename.length - 4); = generateUidBasedOnHash(pathname); _.each(_.get(file, 'data.variables', []), (variable) => variable.uid = uuid()); // we are reusing the addEnvironmentFile event itself // this is because the uid of the pathname remains the same // and the collection tree will be able to update the existing environment win.webContents.send('main:collection-tree-updated', 'addEnvironmentFile', file); } catch (err) { console.error(err) } }; const unlinkEnvironmentFile = async (win, pathname, collectionUid) => { try { const file = { meta: { collectionUid, pathname, name: path.basename(pathname), }, data: { uid: generateUidBasedOnHash(pathname), name: path.basename(pathname).substring(0, path.basename(pathname).length - 4), } }; win.webContents.send('main:collection-tree-updated', 'unlinkEnvironmentFile', file); } catch (err) { console.error(err) } }; const add = async (win, pathname, collectionUid, collectionPath) => { console.log(`watcher add: ${pathname}`); if(isJsonEnvironmentConfig(pathname, collectionPath)) { // migrate old env json to bru file try { const dirname = path.dirname(pathname); const jsonStr = fs.readFileSync(pathname, 'utf8'); const jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonStr); const envDirectory = path.join(dirname, 'environments'); if (!fs.existsSync(envDirectory)) { fs.mkdirSync(envDirectory); } for(const env of jsonData) { const bruEnvFilename = path.join(envDirectory, `${}.bru`); const bruContent = envJsonToBru(env); await writeFile(bruEnvFilename, bruContent); } await fs.unlinkSync(pathname); } catch (err) { // do nothing } return; } if(isBruEnvironmentConfig(pathname, collectionPath)) { return addEnvironmentFile(win, pathname, collectionUid); } // migrate old json files to bru if(hasJsonExtension(pathname)) { try { const json = fs.readFileSync(pathname, 'utf8'); const jsonData = JSON.parse(json); await itemSchema.validate(jsonData); const content = jsonToBru(jsonData); const re = /(.*)\.json$/; const subst = `$1.bru`; const bruFilename = pathname.replace(re, subst); await writeFile(bruFilename, content); await fs.unlinkSync(pathname); } catch (err) { // do nothing } } if(hasBruExtension(pathname)) { const file = { meta: { collectionUid, pathname, name: path.basename(pathname), } } try { const bru = fs.readFileSync(pathname, 'utf8'); = bruToJson(bru); hydrateRequestWithUuid(, pathname); win.webContents.send('main:collection-tree-updated', 'addFile', file); } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } }; const addDirectory = (win, pathname, collectionUid, collectionPath) => { const dirname = path.dirname(pathname); const envDirectory = path.join(collectionPath, 'environments'); if(dirname === envDirectory) { return; } const directory = { meta: { collectionUid, pathname, name: path.basename(pathname), } }; win.webContents.send('main:collection-tree-updated', 'addDir', directory); }; const change = async (win, pathname, collectionUid, collectionPath) => { if(isBruEnvironmentConfig(pathname, collectionPath)) { return changeEnvironmentFile(win, pathname, collectionUid); } if(hasBruExtension(pathname)) { try { const file = { meta: { collectionUid, pathname, name: path.basename(pathname), } }; const bru = fs.readFileSync(pathname, 'utf8'); = bruToJson(bru); hydrateRequestWithUuid(, pathname); win.webContents.send('main:collection-tree-updated', 'change', file); } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } }; const unlink = (win, pathname, collectionUid, collectionPath) => { if(isBruEnvironmentConfig(pathname, collectionPath)) { return unlinkEnvironmentFile(win, pathname, collectionUid); } if(hasBruExtension(pathname)) { const file = { meta: { collectionUid, pathname, name: path.basename(pathname) } }; win.webContents.send('main:collection-tree-updated', 'unlink', file); } } const unlinkDir = (win, pathname, collectionUid, collectionPath) => { const dirname = path.dirname(pathname); const envDirectory = path.join(collectionPath, 'environments'); if(dirname === envDirectory) { return; } const directory = { meta: { collectionUid, pathname, name: path.basename(pathname) } }; win.webContents.send('main:collection-tree-updated', 'unlinkDir', directory); } class Watcher { constructor () { this.watchers = {}; } addWatcher (win, watchPath, collectionUid) { if(this.watchers[watchPath]) { this.watchers[watchPath].close(); } // todo // enable this in a future release // once we can confirm all older json based files have been auto migrated to .bru format // watchPath = path.join(watchPath, '**/*.bru'); const self = this; setTimeout(() => { const watcher =, { ignoreInitial: false, usePolling: false, ignored: path => ["node_modules", ".git", "bruno.json"].some(s => path.includes(s)), persistent: true, ignorePermissionErrors: true, awaitWriteFinish: { stabilityThreshold: 80, pollInterval: 10 }, depth: 20 }); watcher .on('add', pathname => add(win, pathname, collectionUid, watchPath)) .on('addDir', pathname => addDirectory(win, pathname, collectionUid, watchPath)) .on('change', pathname => change(win, pathname, collectionUid, watchPath)) .on('unlink', pathname => unlink(win, pathname, collectionUid, watchPath)) .on('unlinkDir', pathname => unlinkDir(win, pathname, collectionUid, watchPath)) self.watchers[watchPath] = watcher; }, 100); } hasWatcher (watchPath) { return this.watchers[watchPath]; } removeWatcher (watchPath, win) { if(this.watchers[watchPath]) { this.watchers[watchPath].close(); this.watchers[watchPath] = null; } } }; module.exports = Watcher;