mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 10:16:42 +01:00
229 lines
6.8 KiB
229 lines
6.8 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2021 GraphQL Contributors.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import React from 'react';
import MD from 'markdown-it';
import StyledWrapper from './StyledWrapper';
import onHasCompletion from './onHasCompletion';
let CodeMirror;
const SERVER_RENDERED = typeof navigator === 'undefined' || global['PREVENT_CODEMIRROR_RENDER'] === true;
CodeMirror = require('codemirror');
const md = new MD();
const AUTO_COMPLETE_AFTER_KEY = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_@(]$/;
export default class QueryEditor extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Keep a cached version of the value, this cache will be updated when the
// editor is updated, which can later be used to protect the editor from
// unnecessary updates during the update lifecycle.
this.cachedValue = props.value || '';
componentDidMount() {
const editor = (this.editor = CodeMirror(this._node, {
value: this.props.value || '',
lineNumbers: true,
tabSize: 2,
mode: 'graphql',
theme: this.props.editorTheme || 'graphiql',
keyMap: 'sublime',
autoCloseBrackets: true,
matchBrackets: true,
showCursorWhenSelecting: true,
readOnly: this.props.readOnly ? 'nocursor' : false,
foldGutter: {
minFoldSize: 4,
lint: {
schema: this.props.schema,
validationRules: this.props.validationRules ?? null,
// linting accepts string or FragmentDefinitionNode[]
externalFragments: this.props?.externalFragments,
hintOptions: {
schema: this.props.schema,
closeOnUnfocus: false,
completeSingle: false,
container: this._node,
externalFragments: this.props?.externalFragments,
info: {
schema: this.props.schema,
renderDescription: (text) => md.render(text),
onClick: (reference) =>
this.props.onClickReference && this.props.onClickReference(reference),
jump: {
schema: this.props.schema,
onClick: (reference) =>
this.props.onClickReference && this.props.onClickReference(reference)
gutters: ['CodeMirror-linenumbers', 'CodeMirror-foldgutter'],
extraKeys: {
'Cmd-Space': () =>
editor.showHint({ completeSingle: true, container: this._node }),
'Ctrl-Space': () =>
editor.showHint({ completeSingle: true, container: this._node }),
'Alt-Space': () =>
editor.showHint({ completeSingle: true, container: this._node }),
'Shift-Space': () =>
editor.showHint({ completeSingle: true, container: this._node }),
'Shift-Alt-Space': () =>
editor.showHint({ completeSingle: true, container: this._node }),
'Cmd-Enter': () => {
if (this.props.onRunQuery) {
'Ctrl-Enter': () => {
if (this.props.onRunQuery) {
'Shift-Ctrl-C': () => {
if (this.props.onCopyQuery) {
'Shift-Ctrl-P': () => {
if (this.props.onPrettifyQuery) {
/* Shift-Ctrl-P is hard coded in Firefox for private browsing so adding an alternative to Pretiffy */
'Shift-Ctrl-F': () => {
if (this.props.onPrettifyQuery) {
'Shift-Ctrl-M': () => {
if (this.props.onMergeQuery) {
'Cmd-S': () => {
if (this.props.onRunQuery) {
// empty
'Ctrl-S': () => {
if (this.props.onRunQuery) {
// empty
if (editor) {
editor.on('change', this._onEdit);
editor.on('keyup', this._onKeyUp);
editor.on('hasCompletion', this._onHasCompletion);
editor.on('beforeChange', this._onBeforeChange);
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
// Ensure the changes caused by this update are not interpretted as
// user-input changes which could otherwise result in an infinite
// event loop.
this.ignoreChangeEvent = true;
if (this.props.schema !== prevProps.schema && this.editor) {
this.editor.options.lint.schema = this.props.schema;
this.editor.options.hintOptions.schema = this.props.schema;
this.editor.options.info.schema = this.props.schema;
this.editor.options.jump.schema = this.props.schema;
CodeMirror.signal(this.editor, 'change', this.editor);
if (
this.props.value !== prevProps.value &&
this.props.value !== this.cachedValue &&
) {
this.cachedValue = this.props.value;
this.ignoreChangeEvent = false;
componentWillUnmount() {
if (this.editor) {
this.editor.off('change', this._onEdit);
this.editor.off('keyup', this._onKeyUp);
this.editor.off('hasCompletion', this._onHasCompletion);
this.editor = null;
render() {
return (
aria-label="Query Editor"
ref={node => {
this._node = node;
_onKeyUp = (_cm, event) => {
if (AUTO_COMPLETE_AFTER_KEY.test(event.key) && this.editor) {
_onEdit = () => {
if (!this.ignoreChangeEvent && this.editor) {
this.cachedValue = this.editor.getValue();
if (this.props.onEdit) {
* Render a custom UI for CodeMirror's hint which includes additional info
* about the type and description for the selected context.
_onHasCompletion = (cm, data) => {
onHasCompletion(cm, data, this.props.onHintInformationRender);
_onBeforeChange(_instance, change) {
const normalizeWhitespace = (line) => {
// Unicode whitespace characters that break the interface.
const invalidCharacters = Array.from({ length: 11 }, (_, i) => {
// \u2000 -> \u200a
return String.fromCharCode(0x2000 + i);
}).concat(['\u2028', '\u2029', '\u202f', '\u00a0']);
const sanitizeRegex = new RegExp('[' + invalidCharacters.join('') + ']', 'g');
return line.replace(sanitizeRegex, ' ');
// The update function is only present on non-redo, non-undo events.
if (change.origin === 'paste') {
const text = change.text.map(normalizeWhitespace);
change.update(change.from, change.to, text);