# Kubernetes Cluster data "civo_size" "xsmall" { # TODO: (optional): change the values according to your desired instance image sizing # --- filter { key = "name" values = ["g4s.kube.xsmall"] match_by = "re" } } resource "civo_kubernetes_cluster" "k8s_demo_1" { name = "k8s_demo_1" applications = "" num_target_nodes = 2 target_nodes_size = element(data.civo_size.xsmall.sizes, 0).name firewall_id = civo_firewall.fw_demo_1.id } resource "civo_firewall" "fw_demo_1" { name = "fw_demo_1" create_default_rules = false } resource "civo_firewall_rule" "kubernetes_http" { firewall_id = civo_firewall.fw_demo_1.id protocol = "tcp" start_port = "80" end_port = "80" cidr = [""] direction = "ingress" action = "allow" label = "kubernetes_http" } resource "civo_firewall_rule" "kubernetes_https" { firewall_id = civo_firewall.fw_demo_1.id protocol = "tcp" start_port = "443" end_port = "443" cidr = [""] direction = "ingress" action = "allow" label = "kubernetes_https" } resource "civo_firewall_rule" "kubernetes_api" { firewall_id = civo_firewall.fw_demo_1.id protocol = "tcp" start_port = "6443" end_port = "6443" cidr = [""] direction = "ingress" action = "allow" label = "kubernetes_api" } resource "time_sleep" "wait_for_kubernetes" { depends_on = [ civo_kubernetes_cluster.k8s_demo_1 ] create_duration = "20s" } data "civo_loadbalancer" "traefik_lb" { depends_on = [ helm_release.traefik ] name = "k8s_demo_1-traefik-traefik" }