#include #include #include "src/utils.h" #include "src/preview.h" #include "gen/prev/scripts.h" /* * This file is supposed to be included in src/ctpv.c */ #define PNAME(n) prev_scr_##n##_sh #define PP(e, t, s, n, o) { #n, e, t, s, PNAME(n), o, 0, LEN(PNAME(n)) } #define PR(e, t, s, n) PP(e, t, s, n, 0) Preview b_previews[] = { PP(NULL, NULL, NULL, wrapper, INT_MAX), PR(NULL, "text", NULL, bat), PR(NULL, "text", NULL, highlight), PR(NULL, "text", NULL, source_highlight), PR(NULL, "text", NULL, cat), PR(NULL, NULL, NULL, any), PR("md", NULL, NULL, markdown), PR(NULL, "application", "json", json), PR(NULL, "image", NULL, image), PR(NULL, "video", NULL, video), PR(NULL, "application", "pdf", pdf), }; /* vim: set nowrap: */