2024-03-27 21:53:45 +01:00
2024-03-22 21:36:57 +01:00
import pickle_operations
from yaml_loader import DecimalSafeLoader
from device_types import DeviceType , ModuleType , verify_filename , validate_components
import decimal
import glob
import json
import os
import tempfile
import psutil
from urllib . request import urlopen
import pytest
import yaml
2024-03-27 21:53:45 +01:00
from referencing import Registry , Resource
from jsonschema import Draft202012Validator
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from jsonschema . exceptions import ValidationError
from git import Repo
def _get_definition_files ( ) :
Return a list of all definition files within the specified path .
file_list = [ ]
for path , schema in SCHEMAS :
# Initialize the schema
with open ( f " schema/ { schema } " ) as schema_file :
schema = json . loads ( schema_file . read ( ) , parse_float = decimal . Decimal )
# Validate that the schema exists
assert schema , f " Schema definition for { path } is empty! "
# Map each definition file to its schema as a tuple (file, schema)
for file in sorted ( glob . glob ( f " { path } /*/* " , recursive = True ) ) :
file_list . append ( ( file , schema , ' skip ' ) )
return file_list
2024-03-27 21:53:45 +01:00
def _generate_schema_registry ( ) :
Return a list of all definition files within the specified path .
registry = Registry ( )
for schema_f in os . listdir ( SCHEMAS_BASEPATH ) :
# Initialize the schema
with open ( f " schema/ { schema_f } " ) as schema_file :
resource = Resource . from_contents ( json . loads ( schema_file . read ( ) , parse_float = decimal . Decimal ) )
registry = resource @ registry
return registry
2024-03-22 21:36:57 +01:00
def _get_diff_from_upstream ( ) :
file_list = [ ]
repo = Repo ( f " { os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) } /../ " )
commits_list = list ( repo . iter_commits ( ) )
if " upstream " not in repo . remotes :
repo . create_remote ( " upstream " , NETBOX_DT_LIBRARY_URL )
upstream = repo . remotes . upstream
upstream . fetch ( )
changes = upstream . refs . master . commit . diff ( repo . head )
changes = changes + repo . index . diff ( " HEAD " )
for path , schema in SCHEMAS :
# Initialize the schema
with open ( f " schema/ { schema } " ) as schema_file :
schema = json . loads ( schema_file . read ( ) , parse_float = decimal . Decimal )
# Validate that the schema exists
assert schema , f " Schema definition for { path } is empty! "
# Ensure files are either added, renamed, modified or type changed (do not get deleted files)
CHANGE_TYPE_LIST = [ ' A ' , ' R ' , ' M ' , ' T ' ]
# Iterate through changed files
for file in changes :
# Ensure the files are modified or added, this will disclude deleted files
if file . change_type in CHANGE_TYPE_LIST :
# If the file is renamed, ensure we are picking the right schema
if ' R ' in file . change_type and path in file . rename_to :
file_list . append ( ( file . rename_to , schema , file . change_type ) )
elif path in file . a_path :
file_list . append ( ( file . a_path , schema , file . change_type ) )
elif path in file . b_path :
file_list . append ( ( file . b_path , schema , file . change_type ) )
return file_list
def _get_image_files ( ) :
Return a list of all image files within the specified path and manufacturer .
file_list = [ ]
# Map each image file to its manufacturer
for file in sorted ( glob . glob ( f " elevation-images { os . path . sep } * { os . path . sep } * " , recursive = True ) ) :
# Validate that the file extension is valid
assert file . split ( os . path . sep ) [ 2 ] . split ( ' . ' ) [ - 1 ] in IMAGE_FILETYPES , f " Invalid file extension: { file } "
# Map each image file to its manufacturer as a tuple (manufacturer, file)
file_list . append ( ( file . split ( os . path . sep ) [ 1 ] , file ) )
return file_list
def _decimal_file_handler ( uri ) :
Handler to work with floating decimals that fail normal validation .
with urlopen ( uri ) as url :
result = json . loads ( url . read ( ) . decode ( " utf-8 " ) , parse_float = decimal . Decimal )
return result
def test_environment ( ) :
Run basic sanity checks on the environment to ensure tests are running correctly .
# Validate that definition files exist
if definition_files :
pytest . skip ( " No changes to definition files found. " )
if any ( x in PRECOMMIT_ALL_SWITCHES for x in psutil . Process ( os . getppid ( ) ) . cmdline ( ) ) :
definition_files = _get_diff_from_upstream ( )
else :
definition_files = _get_definition_files ( )
image_files = _get_image_files ( )
KNOWN_SLUGS = pickle_operations . read_pickle_data ( f ' { ROOT_DIR } /tests/known-slugs.pickle ' )
KNOWN_MODULES = pickle_operations . read_pickle_data ( f ' { ROOT_DIR } /tests/known-modules.pickle ' )
else :
temp_dir = tempfile . TemporaryDirectory ( )
repo = Repo . clone_from ( url = NETBOX_DT_LIBRARY_URL , to_path = temp_dir . name )
KNOWN_SLUGS = pickle_operations . read_pickle_data ( f ' { temp_dir . name } /tests/known-slugs.pickle ' )
KNOWN_MODULES = pickle_operations . read_pickle_data ( f ' { temp_dir . name } /tests/known-modules.pickle ' )
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SCHEMA_REGISTRY = _generate_schema_registry ( )
2024-03-22 21:36:57 +01:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize ( ( ' file_path ' , ' schema ' , ' change_type ' ) , definition_files )
def test_definitions ( file_path , schema , change_type ) :
Validate each definition file using the provided JSON schema and check for duplicate entries .
# Check file extension. Only .yml or .yaml files are supported.
assert file_path . split ( ' . ' ) [ - 1 ] in ( ' yaml ' , ' yml ' ) , f " Invalid file extension: { file_path } "
# Read file
with open ( file_path ) as definition_file :
content = definition_file . read ( )
# Check for trailing newline. YAML files must end with an emtpy newline.
assert content . endswith ( ' \n ' ) , " Missing trailing newline "
# Load YAML data from file
definition = yaml . load ( content , Loader = DecimalSafeLoader )
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2024-11-15 22:51:42 +01:00
# Check for non-ASCII characters
non_ascii_chars = [ char for char in content if ord ( char ) > 127 ]
if non_ascii_chars :
pytest . fail (
f " { file_path } contains non-ASCII characters: { ' , ' . join ( set ( non_ascii_chars ) ) } " ,
pytrace = False
2024-03-22 21:36:57 +01:00
# Validate YAML definition against the supplied schema
try :
# Validate definition against schema
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validator = Draft202012Validator ( schema , registry = SCHEMA_REGISTRY )
validator . validate ( definition )
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except ValidationError as e :
# Schema validation failure. Ensure you are following the proper format.
pytest . fail ( f " { file_path } failed validation: { e } " , False )
# Identify if the definition is for a Device or Module
if " device-types " in file_path :
# A device
this_device = DeviceType ( definition , file_path , change_type )
else :
# A module
this_device = ModuleType ( definition , file_path , change_type )
# Verify the slug is valid, only if the definition type is a Device
if this_device . isDevice :
assert this_device . verify_slug ( KNOWN_SLUGS ) , pytest . fail ( this_device . failureMessage , False )
# Verify the filename is valid. Must either be the model or part_number.
assert verify_filename ( this_device , ( KNOWN_MODULES if not this_device . isDevice else None ) ) , pytest . fail ( this_device . failureMessage , False )
# Check for duplicate components within the definition
assert validate_components ( COMPONENT_TYPES , this_device ) , pytest . fail ( this_device . failureMessage , False )
# Check for empty quotes and fail if found
def iterdict ( var ) :
for dict_value in var . values ( ) :
if isinstance ( dict_value , dict ) :
iterdict ( dict_value )
if isinstance ( dict_value , list ) :
iterlist ( dict_value )
else :
if ( isinstance ( dict_value , str ) and not dict_value ) :
pytest . fail ( f ' { file_path } has empty quotes ' , False )
def iterlist ( var ) :
for list_value in var :
if isinstance ( list_value , dict ) :
iterdict ( list_value )
elif isinstance ( list_value , list ) :
iterlist ( list_value )
# Check for valid power definitions
if this_device . isDevice :
assert this_device . validate_power ( ) , pytest . fail ( this_device . failureMessage , False )
2024-04-04 03:02:47 +02:00
assert this_device . ensure_no_vga ( ) , pytest . fail ( this_device . failureMessage , False )
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# Check for images if front_image or rear_image is True
if ( definition . get ( ' front_image ' ) or definition . get ( ' rear_image ' ) ) :
# Find images for given manufacturer, with matching device slug (exact match including case)
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manufacturer_images = [ image [ 1 ] for image in image_files if image [ 0 ] == file_path . split ( os . path . sep ) [ 1 ] and os . path . basename ( image [ 1 ] ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ] == this_device . get_slug ( ) ]
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if not manufacturer_images :
pytest . fail ( f ' { file_path } has Front or Rear Image set to True but no images found for manufacturer/device (slug= { this_device . get_slug ( ) } ) ' , False )
elif len ( manufacturer_images ) > 2 :
pytest . fail ( f ' More than 2 images found for device with slug { this_device . get_slug ( ) } : { manufacturer_images } ' , False )
# If front_image is True, verify that a front image exists
if ( definition . get ( ' front_image ' ) ) :
front_image = [ image_path . split ( ' / ' ) [ 2 ] for image_path in manufacturer_images if os . path . basename ( image_path ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 1 ] == ' front ' ]
if not front_image :
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pytest . fail ( f ' { file_path } has front_image set to True but no matching image found (looking for \' elevation-images { os . path . sep } { file_path . split ( os . path . sep ) [ 1 ] } { os . path . sep } { this_device . get_slug ( ) } .front.ext \' but only found { manufacturer_images } ) ' , False )
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2024-12-26 18:31:24 +01:00
# If rear_image is True, verify that a rear image exists
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if ( definition . get ( ' rear_image ' ) ) :
rear_image = [ image_path . split ( ' / ' ) [ 2 ] for image_path in manufacturer_images if os . path . basename ( image_path ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 1 ] == ' rear ' ]
if not rear_image :
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pytest . fail ( f ' { file_path } has rear_image set to True but no matching image found (looking for \' elevation-images { os . path . sep } { file_path . split ( os . path . sep ) [ 1 ] } { os . path . sep } { this_device . get_slug ( ) } .rear.ext \' but only found { manufacturer_images } ) ' , False )
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iterdict ( definition )