manufacturer: Ubiquiti
model: airFiber 60
slug: airfiber-60
part_number: AF-60
comments: |
  ubond0 is setup to use ieee802.11ax as LTE currently doesn't allow wireless
  parameters to be specified despite the fact that the airFiber is a LTE-U

  The eth0 and ubond0 are permanently bridged as this is a L2 bridge device.
u_height: 0
is_full_depth: false
  - name: br0
    type: bridge
    mgmt_only: true
  - name: eth0
    label: Ethernet
    type: 1000base-t
    mgmt_only: false
  - name: ubond0
    label: Wireless
    type: ieee802.11ax
    mgmt_only: false