If you're planning on editing the code or just want to get whatever is the latest and greatest, you can clone the official Git repository with ``git clone git://github.com/rossp/django-helpdesk.git``
Copy the ``helpdesk`` folder into your ``PYTHONPATH``.
I just want a .tar.gz!
You can download the latest PyPi package from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-helpdesk/
Download, extract, and drop ``helpdesk`` into your ``PYTHONPATH``
Adding To Your Django Project
1. Edit your ``settings.py`` file and add ``helpdesk`` to the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting. You also need ``django.contrib.admin`` in ``INSTALLED_APPS`` if you haven't already added it. eg::
'django.contrib.admin', # Required for helpdesk admin/maintenance
'django.contrib.markup', # Required for text display
'helpdesk', # This is new!
2. Make sure django-helpdesk is accessible via ``urls.py``. Add the following line to ``urls.py``::
(r'helpdesk/', include('helpdesk.urls')),
3. Create the required database tables. I'd suggest using *South*, however the following will work::
4. Inside your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` folder, create a new folder called ``helpdesk`` and copy the contents of ``helpdesk/htdocs`` into it. Alternatively, create a symlink::
5. Inside your ``MEDIA_ROOT`` folder, inside the ``helpdesk`` folder, is a folder called ``attachments``. Ensure your web server software can write to this folder - something like this should do the trick::
6. Ensure that your ``attachments`` folder has directory listings turned off, to ensure users don't download files that they are not specifically linked to from their tickets.