* Added 'UserSettings' model to provide a user profile system independent of existing Django user profiles, for two reasons: 1) Avoids users having to update settings.py and 2) Allows jutda-helpdesk to integrate with websites who already use a User Profile
* Settings added in this revision allow a user to control e-mail alerts, and to determine whether they see the dashboard or ticket list at login.
* New 'Settings' link in page footer for signed-in users
* Logout now takes you to the Helpdesk homepage
* Fixed file attachment bug in management/commands/get_email.py which seemed to have been un-done (fixes issue # 4.
Jutda-helpdesk is now compatible with Django 1.0!
( see /help/context/; also linked from comment form)
* Refactor API help page to share template with context help
* Allow a limited number of Ticket & Queue model fields to be
accessible in comments, as per 'Help' page.
* New function in lib.py to build a dict of 'safe' fields from
ticket & queue, to prevent the power of the Django model API
from exposing things like passwords (imagine if a user typed
a comment containing {{ ticket.queue.email_box_password }} !!!!
* When accessing the ticket list with no filter params (eg by
clicking on the "Tickets" button in the menu), the default
search is for tickets that aren't closed, rather than showing
all tickets.
* Updated English locale with changed message strings.
* Updated jQuery to 1.2.6
* Add jQuery UI 1.6b for interface effects as needed
* 'Smoothness' theme from ThemeRoller.com added.
* Clean up 'Filter' dialog on Ticket List, long way to go still.
* Uses tabs to save a query or load a saved query
* Lots of misuse of space here, can be cleaned up somewhat still.
* Add ability for users to save filters/queries
* Saved queries can be shared, so other users can use them
* Users can run saved queries instead of re-filtering
* Filter mechanism in Ticket List had to be reworked significantly
* Merged 3rd party licenses into LICENSE.3RDPARTY
* Updated messages files for EN locale
To update, ensure you run './manage.py syncdb' to add the SavedSearch
of lines; Increase line-wrapping of commands to limit code to 80 columns
wherever possible
* Re-built 'en' locale to match some new strings
* Clean up import statements somewhat
* Added ability for public to submit a ticket via the web if they aren't logged in
* Added ability for public to view ticket via web using ticket ID & e-mail address
* Added public ticket URL to e-mails
* Added manager to FollowUp class to