""" .. Jutda Helpdesk - A Django powered ticket tracker for small enterprise. (c) Copyright 2008 Jutda. All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE for details. api.py - Wrapper around API calls, and core functions to provide complete API to third party applications. The API documentation can be accessed by visiting http://helpdesk/api/help/ (obviously, substitute helpdesk for your Jutda Helpdesk URI), or by reading through templates/helpdesk/help_api.html. """ from datetime import datetime from django import forms from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.template import loader, Context from django.utils import simplejson from helpdesk.forms import TicketForm from helpdesk.lib import send_templated_mail from helpdesk.models import Ticket, Queue, FollowUp STATUS_OK = 200 STATUS_ERROR = 400 STATUS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 404 STATUS_ERROR_PERMISSIONS = 403 STATUS_ERROR_BADMETHOD = 405 def api(request, method): """ Regardless of any other paramaters, we provide a help screen to the user if they requested one. If the user isn't looking for help, then we enforce a few conditions: * The request must be sent via HTTP POST * The request must contain a 'user' and 'password' which must be valid users * The method must match one of the public methods of the API class. """ if method == 'help': return render_to_response('helpdesk/help_api.html') if request.method != 'POST': return api_return(STATUS_ERROR_BADMETHOD) # TODO: Move away from having the username & password in every request. request.user = authenticate( username=request.POST.get('user', False), password=request.POST.get('password'), ) if request.user is None: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR_PERMISSIONS) api = API(request) if hasattr(api, 'api_public_%s' % method): return getattr(api, 'api_public_%s' % method)() return api_return(STATUS_ERROR) def api_return(status, text='', json=False): content_type = 'text/plain' if status == STATUS_OK and json: content_type = 'text/json' if text is None: if status == STATUS_ERROR: text = 'Error' elif status == STATUS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: text = 'Resource Not Found' elif status == STATUS_ERROR_PERMISSIONS: text = 'Invalid username or password' elif status == STATUS_ERROR_BADMETHOD: text = 'Invalid request method' elif status == STATUS_OK: text = 'OK' r = HttpResponse(status=status, content=text, content_type=content_type) if status == STATUS_ERROR_BADMETHOD: r.Allow = 'POST' return r class API: def __init__(self, request): self.request = request def api_public_create_ticket(self): form = TicketForm(self.request.POST) form.fields['queue'].choices = [[q.id, q.title] for q in Queue.objects.all()] form.fields['assigned_to'].choices = [[u.id, u.username] for u in User.objects.filter(is_active=True)] if form.is_valid(): ticket = form.save(user=self.request.user) return api_return(STATUS_OK, "%s" % ticket.id) else: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, text=form.errors.as_text()) def api_public_list_queues(self): return api_return(STATUS_OK, simplejson.dumps([{"id": "%s" % q.id, "title": "%s" % q.title} for q in Queue.objects.all()]), json=True) def api_public_find_user(self): username = self.request.POST.get('username', False) try: u = User.objects.get(username=username) return api_return(STATUS_OK, "%s" % u.id) except User.DoesNotExist: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "Invalid username provided") def api_public_delete_ticket(self): if not self.request.POST.get('confirm', False): return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "No confirmation provided") try: ticket = Ticket.objects.get(id=self.request.POST.get('ticket', False)) except Ticket.DoesNotExist: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "Invalid ticket ID") ticket.delete() return api_return(STATUS_OK) def api_public_hold_ticket(self): try: ticket = Ticket.objects.get(id=self.request.POST.get('ticket', False)) except Ticket.DoesNotExist: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "Invalid ticket ID") ticket.on_hold = True ticket.save() return api_return(STATUS_OK) def api_public_unhold_ticket(self): try: ticket = Ticket.objects.get(id=self.request.POST.get('ticket', False)) except Ticket.DoesNotExist: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "Invalid ticket ID") ticket.on_hold = False ticket.save() return api_return(STATUS_OK) def api_public_add_followup(self): try: ticket = Ticket.objects.get(id=self.request.POST.get('ticket', False)) except Ticket.DoesNotExist: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "Invalid ticket ID") message = self.request.POST.get('message', None) public = self.request.POST.get('public', 'n') if public not in ['y', 'n']: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "Invalid 'public' flag") if not message: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "Blank message") f = FollowUp( ticket=ticket, date=datetime.now(), comment=message, user=self.request.user, title='Comment Added', ) if public: f.public = True f.save() context = { 'ticket': ticket, 'queue': ticket.queue, 'comment': f.comment, } if public and ticket.submitter_email: send_templated_mail( 'updated_submitter', context, recipients=ticket.submitter_email, sender=ticket.queue.from_address, fail_silently=True, ) if ticket.queue.updated_ticket_cc: send_templated_mail( 'updated_cc', context, recipients=ticket.queue.updated_ticket_cc, sender=ticket.queue.from_address, fail_silently=True, ) if ticket.assigned_to and self.request.user != ticket.assigned_to and getattr(ticket.assigned_to.usersettings.settings, 'email_on_ticket_apichange', False): send_templated_mail( 'updated_owner', context, recipients=ticket.assigned_to.email, sender=ticket.queue.from_address, fail_silently=True, ) ticket.save() return api_return(STATUS_OK) def api_public_resolve(self): try: ticket = Ticket.objects.get(id=self.request.POST.get('ticket', False)) except Ticket.DoesNotExist: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "Invalid ticket ID") resolution = self.request.POST.get('resolution', None) if not resolution: return api_return(STATUS_ERROR, "Blank resolution") f = FollowUp( ticket=ticket, date=datetime.now(), comment=resolution, user=self.request.user, title='Resolved', public=True, ) f.save() context = { 'ticket': ticket, 'queue': ticket.queue, 'resolution': f.comment, } subject = '%s %s (Resolved)' % (ticket.ticket, ticket.title) if ticket.submitter_email: send_templated_mail( 'resolved_submitter', context, recipients=ticket.submitter_email, sender=ticket.queue.from_address, fail_silently=True, ) if ticket.queue.updated_ticket_cc: send_templated_mail( 'resolved_cc', context, recipients=ticket.queue.updated_ticket_cc, sender=ticket.queue.from_address, fail_silently=True, ) if ticket.assigned_to and self.request.user != ticket.assigned_to and getattr(ticket.assigned_to.usersettings.settings, 'email_on_ticket_apichange', False): send_templated_mail( 'resolved_resolved', context, recipients=ticket.assigned_to.email, sender=ticket.queue.from_address, fail_silently=True, ) ticket.resoltuion = f.comment ticket.status = Ticket.RESOLVED_STATUS ticket.save() return api_return(STATUS_OK)