""" django-helpdesk - A Django powered ticket tracker for small enterprise. (c) Copyright 2008 Jutda. All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE for details. forms.py - Definitions of newforms-based forms for creating and maintaining tickets. """ from datetime import datetime from StringIO import StringIO from django import forms from django.forms import extras from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from helpdesk.lib import send_templated_mail, safe_template_context from helpdesk.models import Ticket, Queue, FollowUp, Attachment, IgnoreEmail, TicketCC, CustomField, TicketCustomFieldValue, TicketDependency from helpdesk.settings import HAS_TAG_SUPPORT from helpdesk import settings as helpdesk_settings class EditTicketForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Ticket exclude = ('created', 'modified', 'status', 'on_hold', 'resolution', 'last_escalation', 'assigned_to') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add any custom fields that are defined to the form """ super(EditTicketForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for field in CustomField.objects.all(): try: current_value = TicketCustomFieldValue.objects.get(ticket=self.instance, field=field) initial_value = current_value.value except TicketCustomFieldValue.DoesNotExist: initial_value = None instanceargs = { 'label': field.label, 'help_text': field.help_text, 'required': field.required, 'initial': initial_value, } if field.data_type == 'varchar': fieldclass = forms.CharField instanceargs['max_length'] = field.max_length elif field.data_type == 'text': fieldclass = forms.CharField instanceargs['widget'] = forms.Textarea instanceargs['max_length'] = field.max_length elif field.data_type == 'integer': fieldclass = forms.IntegerField elif field.data_type == 'decimal': fieldclass = forms.DecimalField instanceargs['decimal_places'] = field.decimal_places instanceargs['max_digits'] = field.max_length elif field.data_type == 'list': fieldclass = forms.ChoiceField choices = field.choices_as_array if field.empty_selection_list: choices.insert(0, ('','---------' ) ) instanceargs['choices'] = choices elif field.data_type == 'boolean': fieldclass = forms.BooleanField elif field.data_type == 'date': fieldclass = forms.DateField elif field.data_type == 'time': fieldclass = forms.TimeField elif field.data_type == 'datetime': fieldclass = forms.DateTimeField elif field.data_type == 'email': fieldclass = forms.EmailField elif field.data_type == 'url': fieldclass = forms.URLField elif field.data_type == 'ipaddress': fieldclass = forms.IPAddressField elif field.data_type == 'slug': fieldclass = forms.SlugField self.fields['custom_%s' % field.name] = fieldclass(**instanceargs) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): for field, value in self.cleaned_data.items(): if field.startswith('custom_'): field_name = field.replace('custom_', '') customfield = CustomField.objects.get(name=field_name) try: cfv = TicketCustomFieldValue.objects.get(ticket=self.instance, field=customfield) except: cfv = TicketCustomFieldValue(ticket=self.instance, field=customfield) cfv.value = value cfv.save() return super(EditTicketForm, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class EditFollowUpForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): "Filter not openned tickets here." super(EditFollowUpForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["ticket"].queryset = Ticket.objects.filter(status__in=(Ticket.OPEN_STATUS, Ticket.REOPENED_STATUS)) class Meta: model = FollowUp exclude = ('date', 'user',) class TicketForm(forms.Form): queue = forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Queue'), required=True, choices=() ) title = forms.CharField( max_length=100, required=True, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'60'}), label=_('Summary of the problem'), ) submitter_email = forms.EmailField( required=False, label=_('Submitter E-Mail Address'), widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size':'60'}), help_text=_('This e-mail address will receive copies of all public ' 'updates to this ticket.'), ) body = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols': 47, 'rows': 15}), label=_('Description of Issue'), required=True, ) assigned_to = forms.ChoiceField( choices=(), required=False, label=_('Case owner'), help_text=_('If you select an owner other than yourself, they\'ll be ' 'e-mailed details of this ticket immediately.'), ) priority = forms.ChoiceField( choices=Ticket.PRIORITY_CHOICES, required=False, initial='3', label=_('Priority'), help_text=_('Please select a priority carefully. If unsure, leave it ' 'as \'3\'.'), ) attachment = forms.FileField( required=False, label=_('Attach File'), help_text=_('You can attach a file such as a document or screenshot to this ticket.'), ) if HAS_TAG_SUPPORT: tags = forms.CharField( max_length=255, required=False, widget=forms.TextInput(), label=_('Tags'), help_text=_('Words, separated by spaces, or phrases separated by commas. ' 'These should communicate significant characteristics of this ' 'ticket'), ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add any custom fields that are defined to the form """ super(TicketForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for field in CustomField.objects.all(): instanceargs = { 'label': field.label, 'help_text': field.help_text, 'required': field.required, } if field.data_type == 'varchar': fieldclass = forms.CharField instanceargs['max_length'] = field.max_length elif field.data_type == 'text': fieldclass = forms.CharField instanceargs['widget'] = forms.Textarea instanceargs['max_length'] = field.max_length elif field.data_type == 'integer': fieldclass = forms.IntegerField elif field.data_type == 'decimal': fieldclass = forms.DecimalField instanceargs['decimal_places'] = field.decimal_places instanceargs['max_digits'] = field.max_length elif field.data_type == 'list': fieldclass = forms.ChoiceField choices = field.choices_as_array if field.empty_selection_list: choices.insert(0, ('','---------' ) ) instanceargs['choices'] = choices elif field.data_type == 'boolean': fieldclass = forms.BooleanField elif field.data_type == 'date': fieldclass = forms.DateField instanceargs['widget'] = extras.SelectDateWidget elif field.data_type == 'time': fieldclass = forms.TimeField elif field.data_type == 'datetime': fieldclass = forms.DateTimeField elif field.data_type == 'email': fieldclass = forms.EmailField elif field.data_type == 'url': fieldclass = forms.URLField elif field.data_type == 'ipaddress': fieldclass = forms.IPAddressField elif field.data_type == 'slug': fieldclass = forms.SlugField self.fields['custom_%s' % field.name] = fieldclass(**instanceargs) def save(self, user): """ Writes and returns a Ticket() object """ q = Queue.objects.get(id=int(self.cleaned_data['queue'])) t = Ticket( title = self.cleaned_data['title'], submitter_email = self.cleaned_data['submitter_email'], created = datetime.now(), status = Ticket.OPEN_STATUS, queue = q, description = self.cleaned_data['body'], priority = self.cleaned_data['priority'], ) if HAS_TAG_SUPPORT: t.tags = self.cleaned_data['tags'] if self.cleaned_data['assigned_to']: try: u = User.objects.get(id=self.cleaned_data['assigned_to']) t.assigned_to = u except User.DoesNotExist: t.assigned_to = None t.save() for field, value in self.cleaned_data.items(): if field.startswith('custom_'): field_name = field.replace('custom_', '') customfield = CustomField.objects.get(name=field_name) cfv = TicketCustomFieldValue(ticket=t, field=customfield, value=value) cfv.save() f = FollowUp( ticket = t, title = _('Ticket Opened'), date = datetime.now(), public = True, comment = self.cleaned_data['body'], user = user, ) if self.cleaned_data['assigned_to']: f.title = _('Ticket Opened & Assigned to %(name)s') % { 'name': t.get_assigned_to } f.save() files = [] if self.cleaned_data['attachment']: import mimetypes file = self.cleaned_data['attachment'] filename = file.name.replace(' ', '_') a = Attachment( followup=f, filename=filename, mime_type=mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream', size=file.size, ) a.file.save(file.name, file, save=False) a.save() if file.size < getattr(settings, 'MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE', 512000): # Only files smaller than 512kb (or as defined in # settings.MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE) are sent via email. files.append(a.file.path) context = safe_template_context(t) context['comment'] = f.comment messages_sent_to = [] if t.submitter_email: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_submitter', context, recipients=t.submitter_email, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) messages_sent_to.append(t.submitter_email) if t.assigned_to and t.assigned_to != user and getattr(t.assigned_to.usersettings.settings, 'email_on_ticket_assign', False) and t.assigned_to.email and t.assigned_to.email not in messages_sent_to: send_templated_mail( 'assigned_owner', context, recipients=t.assigned_to.email, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) messages_sent_to.append(t.assigned_to.email) if q.new_ticket_cc and q.new_ticket_cc not in messages_sent_to: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_cc', context, recipients=q.new_ticket_cc, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) messages_sent_to.append(q.new_ticket_cc) if q.updated_ticket_cc and q.updated_ticket_cc != q.new_ticket_cc and q.updated_ticket_cc not in messages_sent_to: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_cc', context, recipients=q.updated_ticket_cc, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) return t class PublicTicketForm(forms.Form): queue = forms.ChoiceField( label=_('Queue'), required=True, choices=() ) title = forms.CharField( max_length=100, required=True, widget=forms.TextInput(), label=_('Summary of your query'), ) submitter_email = forms.EmailField( required=True, label=_('Your E-Mail Address'), help_text=_('We will e-mail you when your ticket is updated.'), ) body = forms.CharField( widget=forms.Textarea(), label=_('Description of your issue'), required=True, help_text=_('Please be as descriptive as possible, including any ' 'details we may need to address your query.'), ) priority = forms.ChoiceField( choices=Ticket.PRIORITY_CHOICES, required=True, initial='3', label=_('Urgency'), help_text=_('Please select a priority carefully.'), ) attachment = forms.FileField( required=False, label=_('Attach File'), help_text=_('You can attach a file such as a document or screenshot to this ticket.'), ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add any custom fields that are defined to the form """ super(PublicTicketForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for field in CustomField.objects.filter(staff_only=False): instanceargs = { 'label': field.label, 'help_text': field.help_text, 'required': field.required, } if field.data_type == 'varchar': fieldclass = forms.CharField instanceargs['max_length'] = field.max_length elif field.data_type == 'text': fieldclass = forms.CharField instanceargs['widget'] = forms.Textarea instanceargs['max_length'] = field.max_length elif field.data_type == 'integer': fieldclass = forms.IntegerField elif field.data_type == 'decimal': fieldclass = forms.DecimalField instanceargs['decimal_places'] = field.decimal_places instanceargs['max_digits'] = field.max_length elif field.data_type == 'list': fieldclass = forms.ChoiceField choices = field.choices_as_array if field.empty_selection_list: choices.insert(0, ('','---------' ) ) instanceargs['choices'] = choices elif field.data_type == 'boolean': fieldclass = forms.BooleanField elif field.data_type == 'date': fieldclass = forms.DateField elif field.data_type == 'time': fieldclass = forms.TimeField elif field.data_type == 'datetime': fieldclass = forms.DateTimeField elif field.data_type == 'email': fieldclass = forms.EmailField elif field.data_type == 'url': fieldclass = forms.URLField elif field.data_type == 'ipaddress': fieldclass = forms.IPAddressField elif field.data_type == 'slug': fieldclass = forms.SlugField self.fields['custom_%s' % field.name] = fieldclass(**instanceargs) def save(self): """ Writes and returns a Ticket() object """ q = Queue.objects.get(id=int(self.cleaned_data['queue'])) t = Ticket( title = self.cleaned_data['title'], submitter_email = self.cleaned_data['submitter_email'], created = datetime.now(), status = Ticket.OPEN_STATUS, queue = q, description = self.cleaned_data['body'], priority = self.cleaned_data['priority'], ) t.save() for field, value in self.cleaned_data.items(): if field.startswith('custom_'): field_name = field.replace('custom_', '') customfield = CustomField.objects.get(name=field_name) cfv = TicketCustomFieldValue(ticket=t, field=customfield, value=value) cfv.save() f = FollowUp( ticket = t, title = _('Ticket Opened Via Web'), date = datetime.now(), public = True, comment = self.cleaned_data['body'], ) f.save() files = [] if self.cleaned_data['attachment']: import mimetypes file = self.cleaned_data['attachment'] filename = file.name.replace(' ', '_') a = Attachment( followup=f, filename=filename, mime_type=mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream', size=file.size, ) a.file.save(file.name, file, save=False) a.save() if file.size < getattr(settings, 'MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE', 512000): # Only files smaller than 512kb (or as defined in # settings.MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE) are sent via email. files.append(a.file.path) context = safe_template_context(t) messages_sent_to = [] send_templated_mail( 'newticket_submitter', context, recipients=t.submitter_email, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) messages_sent_to.append(t.submitter_email) if q.new_ticket_cc and q.new_ticket_cc not in messages_sent_to: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_cc', context, recipients=q.new_ticket_cc, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) messages_sent_to.append(q.new_ticket_cc) if q.updated_ticket_cc and q.updated_ticket_cc != q.new_ticket_cc and q.updated_ticket_cc not in messages_sent_to: send_templated_mail( 'newticket_cc', context, recipients=q.updated_ticket_cc, sender=q.from_address, fail_silently=True, files=files, ) return t class UserSettingsForm(forms.Form): login_view_ticketlist = forms.BooleanField( label=_('Show Ticket List on Login?'), help_text=_('Display the ticket list upon login? Otherwise, the dashboard is shown.'), required=False, ) email_on_ticket_change = forms.BooleanField( label=_('E-mail me on ticket change?'), help_text=_('If you\'re the ticket owner and the ticket is changed via the web by somebody else, do you want to receive an e-mail?'), required=False, ) email_on_ticket_assign = forms.BooleanField( label=_('E-mail me when assigned a ticket?'), help_text=_('If you are assigned a ticket via the web, do you want to receive an e-mail?'), required=False, ) email_on_ticket_apichange = forms.BooleanField( label=_('E-mail me when a ticket is changed via the API?'), help_text=_('If a ticket is altered by the API, do you want to receive an e-mail?'), required=False, ) tickets_per_page = forms.IntegerField( label=_('Number of tickets to show per page'), help_text=_('How many tickets do you want to see on the Ticket List page?'), required=False, min_value=1, max_value=1000, ) use_email_as_submitter = forms.BooleanField( label=_('Use my e-mail address when submitting tickets?'), help_text=_('When you submit a ticket, do you want to automatically use your e-mail address as the submitter address? You can type a different e-mail address when entering the ticket if needed, this option only changes the default.'), required=False, ) class EmailIgnoreForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = IgnoreEmail class TicketCCForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TicketCCForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if helpdesk_settings.HELPDESK_STAFF_ONLY_TICKET_CC: users = User.objects.filter(is_active=True, is_staff=True).order_by('username') else: users = User.objects.filter(is_active=True).order_by('username') self.fields['user'].queryset = users class Meta: model = TicketCC exclude = ('ticket',) class TicketDependencyForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = TicketDependency exclude = ('ticket',)