2009-09-09 r138 Issue #104 Add a CHANGELOG file 2009-09-09 r139 Issue #102 Add Ticket CC's Add rudimentary CC: functionality on tickets, controlled by staff users. CC's can be e-mail addresses or users, who will receive copies of all emails sent to the Submitter. This is a work in progress. 2009-09-09 r140 Issue #13 Add Tags to tickets Patch courtesy of david@zettazebra.com, adds the ability to add tags to tickets if django-tagging is installed and in use. If django-tagging isn't being used, no change is visible to the user. 2009-10-13 r141 Issue #118 Incorrect locale handling on email templates Patch courtesy of hgeerts. Corrects the handling of locale on email templaets, defaulting to English if no locale is provided. 2009-10-13 r142 Issue #117 Incorrect I18N usage in a few spots Patch thanks to hgeerts.