Standalone Installation ======================================= You can find standalone docker images at `djangohelpdesk/standalone:latest `_. You will also find an alternative `standalone-extras `_ image with extra libraries needed to use the standalone image on cloud platforms such as AWS. You can find a full list of extra packages included in the extra's image `here `_. Installation using docker-compose ------------ 1. Clone the django-helpdesk repository: .. code-block:: bash git clone 2. Go to the standalone helpdesk installation directory: .. code-block:: bash cd django-helpdesk/standalone 3. Execute the installation script: .. code-block:: bash ./ 4. Start the services: .. code-block:: bash docker-compose up Creating an Admin User ---------------------- 1. List the running containers: .. code-block:: bash docker ps 2. Execute into the `standalone-django-helpdesk-1` container: .. code-block:: bash docker exec -it standalone-django-helpdesk-1 bash 3. Change directory to the application's root: .. code-block:: bash cd /opt/django-helpdesk/standalone 4. Create a superuser: .. code-block:: bash python3 createsuperuser 5. Visit `localhost:80` in your browser to access the server. Navigate to the `/admin` URL to set up new users. Ensure to configure the "Site" in the admin section for ticket email URLs to function correctly. Configuration for Production Use -------------------------------- 1. Update the `Caddyfile` to replace the `localhost` URL with your desired production URL. 2. For custom configurations, bindmount a `` into `/opt/django-helpdesk/standalone/config/`. 3. To customize the logo in the top-left corner of the helpdesk: .. code-block:: html # Environment Variables Reference ## Database Configuration | Variable | Default | Description | |----------|---------|-------------| | ```POSTGRES_DB``` | ```postgres``` | Database name | | ```POSTGRES_USER``` | ```postgres``` | Database user | | ```POSTGRES_PASSWORD``` | ```postgres``` | Database password | | ```POSTGRES_HOST``` | ```postgres``` | Database host | | ```POSTGRES_PORT``` | ```5432``` | Database port | ## Email Configuration | Variable | Default | Description | |----------|---------|-------------| | ```DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL``` | `````` | Default sender email address | | ```SERVER_EMAIL``` | `````` | Server email address | | ```EMAIL_HOST``` | *Required* | SMTP server host | | ```EMAIL_PORT``` | *Required* | SMTP server port | ## Static Files | Variable | Default | Description | |----------|---------|-------------| | ```DJANGO_HELPDESK_STATIC_ROOT``` | ```./static``` | Static files root directory | | ```DJANGO_HELPDESK_STATIC_URL``` | ```/static/``` | Static files URL prefix | ## Security Settings | Variable | Default | Description | |----------|---------|-------------| | ```DJANGO_HELPDESK_SECRET_KEY``` | *Required* | Django secret key | | ```DJANGO_HELPDESK_ALLOWED_HOSTS``` | ```*, localhost,``` | Comma-separated list of allowed hosts | ## Helpdesk Core Settings | Variable | Default | Description | |----------|---------|-------------| | ```HELPDESK_USE_EMAIL_AS_SUBMITTER``` | ```True``` | Use email as ticket submitter | | ```HELPDESK_EMAIL_ON_TICKET_ASSIGN``` | ```True``` | Send email on ticket assignment | | ```HELPDESK_EMAIL_ON_TICKET_CHANGE``` | ```True``` | Send email on ticket changes | | ```HELPDESK_LOGIN_VIEW_TICKETLIST``` | ```True``` | Show ticket list after login | | ```HELPDESK_PRESET_REPLIES``` | ```True``` | Enable preset replies | | ```HELPDESK_TICKETS_PER_PAGE``` | ```25``` | Number of tickets per page | ## Public Portal Settings | Variable | Default | Description | |----------|---------|-------------| | ```HELPDESK_PUBLIC_ENABLED``` | ```True``` | Enable public web portal | | ```HELPDESK_VIEW_A_TICKET_PUBLIC``` | ```True``` | Allow public ticket viewing | | ```HELPDESK_SUBMIT_A_TICKET_PUBLIC``` | ```True``` | Allow public ticket submission | | ```HELPDESK_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN_BY_DEFAULT``` | ```False``` | Redirect to login instead of public portal | ## Feature Toggles | Variable | Default | Description | |----------|---------|-------------| | ```HELPDESK_KB_ENABLED``` | ```True``` | Enable knowledge base | | ```HELPDESK_TICKETS_TIMELINE_ENABLED``` | ```True``` | Enable ticket timeline | | ```HELPDESK_SHOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD``` | ```True``` | Allow users to change passwords | AWS SES Email Configuration --------------------------- You will need to use the standalone-extras image for SES support. An example `local_settings` configuration for utilizing AWS SES for email: .. code-block:: python from .settings import * import os DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "" SERVER_EMAIL = "" AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") EMAIL_BACKEND = "django_ses.SESBackend" AWS_SES_REGION_NAME = "eu-west-1" AWS_SES_REGION_ENDPOINT = "" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") Make sure you update the `docker.env` file with the necessary secrets. S3 base attachment support --------------------------- You will need to use the standalone-extras image for S3 support. Working from the previous SES example we add the following to `local_settings`: .. code-block:: python AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = os.environ.get("AWS_S3_REGION_NAME", "eu-central-1") AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = os.environ.get("AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME", "bitswan-helpdesk-attachments") AWS_QUERYSTRING_AUTH = os.environ.get("AWS_QUERYSTRING_AUTH", True) AWS_QUERYSTRING_EXPIRE = os.environ.get( "AWS_QUERYSTRING_EXPIRE", 60 * 60 ) AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = "private" DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage"