Settings ======== First, django-helpdesk needs ``django.core.context_processors.request`` activated, so in your ```` add:: from django.conf import global_settings TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( global_settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS + ('django.core.context_processors.request',) ) The following settings can be changed in your ```` file to help change the way django-helpdesk operates. There are quite a few settings available to toggle functionality within django-helpdesk. HELPDESK_DEFAULT_SETTINGS ------------------------- django-helpdesk has a built in ``UserSettings`` entity with per-user options that they will want to configure themselves. When you create a new user, a set of options is automatically created for them which they can then change themselves. If you want to override the default settings for your users, create ``HELPDESK_DEFAULT_SETTINGS`` as a dictionary in ````. The default is below:: HELPDESK_DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { 'use_email_as_submitter': True, 'email_on_ticket_assign': True, 'email_on_ticket_change': True, 'login_view_ticketlist': True, 'email_on_ticket_apichange': True, 'tickets_per_page': 25 } Generic Options --------------- These changes are visible throughout django-helpdesk - **HELPDESK_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN_BY_DEFAULT** When a user visits "/", should we redirect to the login page instead of the default homepage? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_REDIRECT_TO_LOGIN_BY_DEFAULT = False`` - **HELPDESK_KB_ENABLED** show knowledgebase links? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_KB_ENABLED = True`` - **HELPDESK_NAVIGATION_ENABLED** Show extended navigation by default, to all users, irrespective of staff status? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_NAVIGATION_ENABLED = False`` - **HELPDESK_TRANSLATE_TICKET_COMMENTS** Show dropdown list of languages that ticket comments can be translated into via Google Translate? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_TRANSLATE_TICKET_COMMENTS = False`` - **HELPDESK_TRANSLATE_TICKET_COMMENTS_LANG** List of languages to offer. If set to false, all default google translate languages will be shown. **Default:** ``HELPDESK_TRANSLATE_TICKET_COMMENTS_LANG = ["en", "de", "fr", "it", "ru"]`` - **HELPDESK_SHOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD** Show link to 'change password' on 'User Settings' page? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_SHOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD = False`` - **HELPDESK_FOLLOWUP_MOD** Allow user to override default layout for 'followups' (work in progress) **Default:** ``HELPDESK_FOLLOWUP_MOD = False`` - **HELPDESK_AUTO_SUBSCRIBE_ON_TICKET_RESPONSE** Auto-subscribe user to ticket as a 'CC' if (s)he responds to a ticket? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_AUTO_SUBSCRIBE_ON_TICKET_RESPONSE = False`` - **HELPDESK_EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE** Subject template for templated emails. ``%(subject)s`` represents the subject wording from the email template (e.g. "(Closed)"). **Default:** ``HELPDESK_EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE = "{{ ticket.ticket }} {{ ticket.title|safe }} %(subject)s"`` Options shown on public pages ----------------------------- These options only change display of items on public-facing pages, not staff pages. - **HELPDESK_VIEW_A_TICKET_PUBLIC** Show 'View a Ticket' section on public page? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_VIEW_A_TICKET_PUBLIC = True`` - **HELPDESK_SUBMIT_A_TICKET_PUBLIC** Show 'submit a ticket' section & form on public page? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_SUBMIT_A_TICKET_PUBLIC = True`` Options that change ticket updates ---------------------------------- - **HELPDESK_ALLOW_NON_STAFF_TICKET_UPDATE** Allow non-staff users to interact with tickets? This will also change how 'staff_member_required' in will be defined. **Default:** ``HELPDESK_ALLOW_NON_STAFF_TICKET_UPDATE = False`` - **HELPDESK_SHOW_EDIT_BUTTON_FOLLOW_UP** Show edit buttons in ticket follow ups? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_SHOW_EDIT_BUTTON_FOLLOW_UP = True`` - **HELPDESK_SHOW_DELETE_BUTTON_SUPERUSER_FOLLOW_UP** Show delete buttons in ticket follow ups if user is 'superuser'? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_SHOW_DELETE_BUTTON_SUPERUSER_FOLLOW_UP = False`` - **HELPDESK_UPDATE_PUBLIC_DEFAULT** Make all updates public by default? This will hide the 'is this update public' checkbox. **Default:** ``HELPDESK_UPDATE_PUBLIC_DEFAULT = False`` - **HELPDESK_STAFF_ONLY_TICKET_OWNERS** Only show staff users in ticket owner drop-downs? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_STAFF_ONLY_TICKET_OWNERS = False`` - **HELPDESK_STAFF_ONLY_TICKET_CC** Only show staff users in ticket cc drop-down? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_STAFF_ONLY_TICKET_CC = False`` Staff Ticket Creation Settings ------------------------------ - **HELPDESK_CREATE_TICKET_HIDE_ASSIGNED_TO** Hide the 'assigned to' / 'Case owner' field from the 'create_ticket' view? It'll still show on the ticket detail/edit form. **Default:** ``HELPDESK_CREATE_TICKET_HIDE_ASSIGNED_TO = False`` Dashboard Settings ------------------ These will change the way the *dashboard* is displayed to staff users when they login. - **HELPDESK_DASHBOARD_SHOW_DELETE_UNASSIGNED** Show delete button next to unassigned tickets? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_DASHBOARD_SHOW_DELETE_UNASSIGNED = True`` - **HELPDESK_DASHBOARD_HIDE_EMPTY_QUEUES** Hide empty queues in dashboard overview? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_DASHBOARD_HIDE_EMPTY_QUEUES = True`` - **HELPDESK_DASHBOARD_BASIC_TICKET_STATS** Show basic ticket stats on dashboard? This may have performance implications for busy helpdesks. **Default:** ``HELPDESK_DASHBOARD_BASIC_TICKET_STATS = False`` Footer Display Settings ----------------------- - **HELPDESK_FOOTER_SHOW_API_LINK** Show link to API documentation at bottom of page? **Default:** ``HELPDESK_FOOTER_SHOW_API_LINK = True`` - **HELPDESK_FOOTER_SHOW_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_LINK** Show the 'change language' link at bottom of page? Useful if you have a multilingual helpdesk. **Default:** ``HELPDESK_FOOTER_SHOW_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_LINK = False`` Default E-Mail Settings ----------------------- The following settings default to ``None`` but can be set as defaults, rather than setting them per-queue. - ``QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_TYPE`` - ``QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_SSL`` - ``QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_HOST```` - ``QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_USER`` - ``QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_PASSWORD`` Discontinued Settings --------------------- The following settings were defined in previous versions and are no longer supported. - **HELPDESK_CUSTOM_WELCOME** - **HELDPESK_KB_ENABLED_STAFF** Now always True - **HELPDESK_NAVIGATION_STATS_ENABLED** Now always True - **HELPDESK_PREPEND_ORG_NAME** Please customise your local `helpdesk/base.html` template if needed - **HELPDESK_SHOW_DELETE_BUTTON_TICKET_TOP** Button is always shown - **HELPDESK_SHOW_EDIT_BUTTON_TICKET_TOP** Button is always shown - **HELPDESK_SHOW_HOLD_BUTTON_TICKET_TOP** Button is always shown - **HELPDESK_SHOW_KB_ON_HOMEPAGE** KB categories are always shown on the homepage - **HELPDESK_SUPPORT_PERSON** Please customise your local `helpdesk/attribution.html` template if needed